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ACT Unknown/Hiatus [mickmanx] Nightmare Sphere 2

Fuck off thanks
oh i am sorry for your lack of comedy skills to be able to understand that my reaction was to the image. cant be helped. idiots will be idiots.

We can be both supportive of trans rights and simultaneously have a visceral reaction to a thought of losing our own genitalia provoked by a blunt image. We can also be better than immediately resorting to defensive responses when someone misconstrues something that's said.
right..... so, according to the post no 88, didnt the dev said on his blog that he stopped developing his game? did he ever took that back on twitter or blog before he got deleted?
Last thing I remember them saying, around feb/march, was that they hadn't been working on the game and that transitioning was hard. Go figure, radical surgery isn't a quick solution to deep seated mental health issues.
Last thing I remember them saying, around feb/march, was that they hadn't been working on the game and that transitioning was hard. Go figure, radical surgery isn't a quick solution to deep seated mental health issues.
i hope he transitioned because he wanted it and not because of the mental health issue since in todays time some people do that thinking grass would be greener on the other side. i hope he's okay and we hear some news. his game was great... though i cant say much about their porn part since the game i so good that i spend time playing it as an actual game. which reminds me, i do remember seeing that in the original one, you could get raped and pregnant if you fell though there was only one animation used by a lot (if not all... like i said, at some point i just started to play it like a game.) wasthere other animations or did other games had any difference from the og one?
Hey do anyone know something about "Nightmare Sphere b ero" is it standard vers with out saving, or its finished "nightmare sphere 0"?
Actually, there was a save function in NS0, it just didn't work properly. F5/F6 to save and load.
Someone said they got it to work, but only if they saved in the save rooms. It never worked for me, though. Just threw an error when loading no matter where I saved.
Do you have any more inormation on that?
I would love to try
Actually, i've always wanted to hack this game to enable the save function
I mean, the rooms WERE THERE after all, maybe a quick look into both NS1 and this would give some insight on how it works, and maybe port it or something

Though i could not even reverse engineer not a single one of both games, so no luck there

But what you're saying just sounds so easy and awesome...
Do you have any more inormation on that?
I would love to try
Actually, i've always wanted to hack this game to enable the save function
I mean, the rooms WERE THERE after all, maybe a quick look into both NS1 and this would give some insight on how it works, and maybe port it or something

Though i could not even reverse engineer not a single one of both games, so no luck there

And yeah, both games were made with Game Maker, I believe, but they are encrypted.
Actually, there was a save function in NS0, it just didn't work properly. F5/F6 to save and load.
Someone said they got it to work, but only if they saved in the save rooms. It never worked for me, though. Just threw an error when loading no matter where I saved.
Sorry for the necro, but I just did some testing and have something to report, and I don't want to necro a thread thats been dead since 2014
For NS0, You have to save in the room and load in the room. Then unequip and reequip your weapon. If it errors out before you swap weapons, just hit ignore.

What this looks like in practice, is you hitting new game, playing till past the demo, and hitting f5 in the save room. Make a new game SAME CHARACTER , die to the first 2 enemies, get warped to save room, and hit f6. Then go into pause menu, unequip and requip weapons, though that wont cause a fatal error, just one you can ignore till you do it

Why this happens is that game maker does not really "call" up from memory. It has to be told what to load in by level a certain way, and if not it shits the bed. I found this out trying to mod HOB. So you have to ensure everything asset wise is already loaded in. In theory, I suppose you could do this from any point, but the save room seems to be the most reliable and consistent way.

To anyone reading this who now wants to give the game (NS0) a try, and there is a good bit of content, the game is still available on the devs website. You can't uncensor it. It's nothing but pixels anyway.

EDIT: huh so my game save suddenly stopped working, something about a divide by zero error? I'm going to keep track and see if I can trigger it manually. I had played on for about 30 min. Not sure what changed but I'll see.
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Sorry for the necro, but I just did some testing and have something to report, and I don't want to necro a thread thats been dead since 2014
For NS0, You have to save in the room and load in the room. Then unequip and reequip your weapon. If it errors out before you swap weapons, just hit ignore.

What this looks like in practice, is you hitting new game, playing till past the demo, and hitting f5 in the save room. Make a new game SAME CHARACTER , die to the first 2 enemies, get warped to save room, and hit f6. Then go into pause menu, unequip and requip weapons, though that wont cause a fatal error, just one you can ignore till you do it

Why this happens is that game maker does not really "call" up from memory. It has to be told what to load in by level a certain way, and if not it shits the bed. I found this out trying to mod HOB. So you have to ensure everything asset wise is already loaded in. In theory, I suppose you could do this from any point, but the save room seems to be the most reliable and consistent way.

To anyone reading this who now wants to give the game (NS0) a try, and there is a good bit of content, the game is still available on the devs website. You can't uncensor it. It's nothing but pixels anyway.
Shit, man!
This is so fucking awesome!!!