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ACT Unknown/Hiatus [mickmanx] Nightmare Sphere 2

The hardships of life... hope he gets well
Guy could just release what he has until now
We would be missing on gameplay but not on H i'm sure since the H content in NS and NS0 was the same on every damn enemy lol

On a sidenote, i always hoped someone would hack NS0 to be able to save. I've always dreamed of reaching every corner of it to find something new, i played it a long time and son it was long, i didn't finish exploring for a good chunk of hours

I had forgotten about this series. Figured I'd try to play through NS1 again, but the game fails to launch with a Failed to load game data file seems to be corrupt message. Is it not compatible with Win10? Last I played it was probably on Win7.
It works on W10, i have it

Try re-downloading?
I have an old ass version so i don't know if the guy's recent uploads (which moved from his own host to OneDrive right?) has something to do with it

I'll check but right now i can't
It works on W10, i have it

Try re-downloading?
I have an old ass version so i don't know if the guy's recent uploads (which moved from his own host to OneDrive right?) has something to do with it

I'll check but right now i can't

Yeah no luck. NS0 doesn't work either, same error. Weird.
If you don't mind me random ass suggesting (not-so) random stuff, change your locale between english and japanese or whatever other you use frequently, install c++ redistributables, run in compatibility mode, change windows resolutions and try different refresh rates, hmm....stuff like that
If you don't mind me random ass suggesting (not-so) random stuff, change your locale between english and japanese or whatever other you use frequently, install c++ redistributables, run in compatibility mode, change windows resolutions and try different refresh rates, hmm....stuff like that
Always have my machine in japanese locale given how often its a problem. I'm guessing there's some prereq it uses that I don't have installed, just have no idea what it is. Or the stuff on his google drive actually is corrupt.

The exe is only 20MB, but I swear it was closer to 80 a long time back.
Unfortunately, the one linked on his blog is not corrupted (just dled and played for a bit), though in my case it just runs really slowly. It's also ver 1.02 so that might be the issue (could've sworn some of the versions had various issues..)?

EDIT: Forgot to say, I'm on Win 10 as well.
Yeah I've downloaded and played both NS1 and NS0 fairly recently on my win10 machine

Gamemaker had issues running on windows 8 but worked fine on windows 10.
Is your OS install a fresh windows 10 installation, or did you upgrade from 8?
Alright now you got my attention

Where do you see which version is the game?
Mine runs like a charm on W10 with a very few updates past the winter one i believe, needed for i don't remember which streaming software (parsec or dixper or rainway or some shit), past that i don't update because it's a mess and more of a hazzle than it's worth it

I'm gonna download the Drive version too and see what happens

EDIT: The "soft" linked folder of his OneDrive looks empty on my end

EDIT 2: I managed to download the entire folder, and the NSPhere 102 in there works like a charm on my machine as well
Here is the version i had but i don't think it's gonna help you anyways
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Well, can at least confirm it isn't the game. Probably missing some files or something that it needs to run at a normal speed (My current computer is recently bought so dunno if there are any files missing, that aren't neccessary for regular operation, that Nightmare Sphere needs.)

Honestly, I'm not too worried about being able to play it or not, I was just trying to help troubleshoot in my own, limited way.
So I figured it out after finding a similar issue someone had with Hotline Miami where it worked when they disabled the print spooler. Of all things, it was the default Windows 10 Fax printer. After I removed it, the game started working. Thanks for all your help with troubleshooting!
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I wouldn't believe one tiny bit of your arse if it weren't because similar things have happened to me in the past
You Google-fu skills must be on another level though, to have come all the way here to Hotline miami and stuff

Oh right, and i want to suggest a really good Software to other people which is Wine, or DXGL
Those are great for running old ass games in newer systems
Has done wonders for me for FPS improvements and whatnot for some awesome retro games
Not really an update, but it seems the dev's Twitter account has been disabled.

From what I was able to read his last tweets were mainly about his transition progress to being a female.
That's, i wish, good news.
I noticed too.
Didn't want to bump being the bearer of bad news, so i waited to see if something happened.

It would seem there is hope for this not being as bad an omen. I mean, if it is a transition, he could be back just after that.
At least i wish so.
Gamelplay wise, with all the special moves, dodging, and fluidity, Nightmare Sphere has been one of the best the world has ever seen (and not just for H). Actually fuck that. I can't think of a single one that's better.
Well all games nowadays revolve around having tons of nicks nacks like weapons/armors/costumes, of which all seem the same BS to me. But people like that.
This is pure melee badass frenzy. I may like this more as a FG enthusiast.

And this time he was planning for an android release too.

Slow as it was, it seemed steady.

If anyone knows of a game like this, i.e. special moves by command ala fighting game or simpler ok/similar ok, please pm me them names

By the way, what exactly do you mean by transition to being a female?!
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By the way, what exactly do you mean by transition to being a female?!
It's not that, it's that it's been a long time.
I thought there was some update only to be dissapointed.