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Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri's contortions were ineffectual, and she was unable to really gain the leverage she needed to perform a strike. In the meantime, the tentacles seemed to increase their grip upon her, the slimy things reaching inside her stylized armor and rubbing against her sensitive areas, the slime's aphrodisiac coating her flesh and driving lewd and unwanted thoughts into her mind. Then suddenly with a single large tear, the tentacles ripped away her clothes, leaving her naked to its future assaults, as its slippery members began to prod and press against her pussy, rubbing frantically against her tight form.

Vaguely in the back of her addled mind, Sayuri became aware of a few things about her sigil of truth - that it had powers yet to be unlocked, some of which could be used in combat, and some were more utilitarian. The most notable use, which was the only power she had at the beginning level, was a heightened truth sense. She would be able to detect direct lies, unless some magical concealment was used.

Sayuri 1/5, AP 2/10 (-1 to all rolls), (entangled, -2 to attacks)
Tentacles 2/2
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"So much for the tough guy eh? An arrow slowing you down that bad or have you always just been bad at hitting girls?" Lycoris teased as she worked on trying to get him on the floor. She knew she didn't have the greatest stature, so she kept up her assault, hoping to avoid giving him a chance to regain his composure. She hoped Mutsumi would be able to hold off the brute while she dealt with this one, giving her time to transform to help out.

She heard the girl muttering something but whatever it was would have to wait. Being distracted right now wasn't going to help the girl or herself any.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi was a bit surprised at the speed at which the Beastly Thug charged, But quickly accepting this new information, she took thebest shot she could get and dodged it's clawed tree trunk arm as it swung at her...

Mid roll Mutsumi drew another arrow, notches it, and then thrusts her arm out as she twist her torso around to get a decent draw from her low position...

Centering it onto the broad back, Mutsumi sends the next shot...
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Mutsumi and Lyco)

The hulking monster that moments before had simply been a crude, oversized male student twisted in rage as it rounded on Mutsumi.


It was greeted with another impalement, this time squarely in the meat of his chest. He stared down at the shaft embedded in him, dumbstruck. Then once more his anger returned and he swiped wildly at Mutsumi. The Holy Archer jumped back out of his reach, the necessary agility and technique already instilled in Mutsumi by the power of her Rune of Purpose.

Meanwhile Lyco continued to twist and wring about the shaft painfully stuck into her attacker, who was screaming like bloody murder at this point with all the pain he was in. He stumbled to his knees, shaking and clutching at his wound. Then, suddenly, his open palm rose up swiftly, cuffing Lyco under her jaw, snapping her head up and back, forcing her to lose her grip on the shaft.

With a muffled cry, Lyco stumbled back, her lip bleeding from a small cut the strike had caused. The blood dripping from the red eyed girl's mouth would have had a chilling effect on any passerby who saw her.

"Never had a problem hitting girls..." the thug said as he rose unsteadily to his feet, menace in his eyes as well as they stared back at her.

Brute (Altered) 3/5
Thug 1/4
Girl 2/2

Lyco (Student) 2/3
Mutsumi (Heroine) 5/5
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Lyco was getting a little too into careless, thinking she'd gained the upper hand on the thug as she continued to twist the arrow in his wound. The swift smack to the jaw enough to inform her that the thug still had some fight in him. Good, she thought, things would be far more entertaining that way. She was grinning happily as she licked the blood from her lip. This was her kind of combat system, it really seemed to have the potential to be quite brutal.

"Shame you hit like one." She smirked, making a feint for the arrow in his arm before lunging low, trying to elbow him under the ribs. With any luck she'd be able to knock the rest of the fight out of him.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi could hear Lycoris' yelp but coudn't really do anything about it, having to focus on the behemoth in front of her...

Leaping back Mutsumi draws another arrow and notches it...

Hoping Lycoris can just hold out just a bit longer... This... THING can't keep this going forever... Could it?
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri cried out in surprise, her voice going surprisingly high as the tentacles broke through her armor. She looked at her downed friend, hoping she wouldn't notice her violation as the tentacles prodded her entrances. She squirmed frantically, though her body began to grind against the appendages, smearing them with her juices while her body temperature climbed. "ngh, n-not like this." She stammered as she looked down at her ensnared body, trying to pull herself free from the limbs.

Her face grew redder as the tips teased her sensitive parts, forcing trembles and cries of pleasure past her lips. She winced tight, grumbling at her own undeveloped powers as the tentacles over took her. She tensed her naked body for one last struggle to break free, even as her carnal desires started to take over her mind.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Sayuri and Hellen)

The ensnared Sayuri swiveled, pitched and twisted as best she could, fighting desperately against the slimy mass of tentacles that seemed to flay around her on every side. Her muscles tensed instinctively and she resisted the urge to cry out in pleasure, but her body was betraying her mind: her skin flushed, her temperature rose, her nipples hardened and her nether lips moistened and grew slick with anticipation.

Railing against her fate, she threw all of her last strength into ripping her arms and legs free of the tentacles - and she succeeded! Her naked form, coated in many areas with arousing slime, rolled away from the monster. But before she could raise her sword into a ready position once more, the tentacles lashed at her like whips.

*thwap!* *thwap!*

Two tentacles struck her body simultaneously, one halting her in her tracks as it choked the last of her strength from her neck, while the other tripped and took her off her feet, wrapping around her ankle. With a swift jerking motion, the tentacle at her ankle heaved upwards, sending her head over heels, hanging her upside down by one leg in the middle of the hallway.

The motion was too much for her, and Sayuri felt the last of her strength ebb away as another tentacle gripped her free leg and lifted her fully into the air, spreading her legs while her two wrists were bound together by yet one more slimy appendage. Upside down, spread eagled and fully stretched out, Sayuri could only whimper in her high pitched voice as three large tendrils snaked towards her body...

Over by the wall, Hellen was dimly coming back to her senses, but her head ached and her body seemed sapped of all strength. She saw Sayuri hanging like meat on a hook in the middle of the hallway, and as she gasped at the sight, a slimy tendril from the tentacle mass looped its way over her leg and began to drag her towards the central bundle of slimy tentacles.

The click, click of woman's heels came down the hallway, and Hellen noticed the nurse smiling as she calmly walked towards them. She spoke words that seemed harsh and unintelligible, and the tentacles, rather than assaulting her, simply held her down as the nurse put a funny smelling cloth over her mouth and nose. Quickly, the world faded to black.

Sayuri noticed the nurse do this to her friend, but was unable to do much about it. A dripping tentacle was moving towards her mouth while two others darted out of her sight above her - moments later arriving at her bared slit, rubbing along it at both ends, lubricating her with their slime.

Sayuri 0/5 (about to be fucked)
Hellen 0/3 (knocked out, about to be whisked away, doubtless for nefarious purposes)
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri whimpered, trying to fight the carnal sensations that flooded her senses while her body prepared to receive them lustfully. She twisted and jerked, but her sore muscles and beaten flesh left no strength to resist. She heard the nurse coming back, and narrowed her eyes. "I should have known..." She muttered beneath her breath as she glared at the nurse. Watching her approach Hellen, She widened her eyes and cried out as the tentacles threatened to penetrate every orifice. She was left with only her mind.

"W-wait!" She called out, the glare still on her blushing face as her lips parted for deeper cooling breaths to keep her body from boiling over in it's own sexual greed. "I..." She swallows, looking around with embarassment. Damn it, it's kind of the truth...

She looked directly at the nurse. "I'd rather be taken by a woman..." She admits with a flustered look, hoping it could buy her some time to regain her strength, or put the nurse in a more vulnerable position to be assaulted by someone else. Of course, carnal thoughts included both nurse and tentacles, but she tried to sweep them out of her mind as she awaited the nurse's answer.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

The light slowly return again to Hellen she saw how her friend was raped in plain view and she just stay looking to her, she was expecting to be her the first raped but at least the creature start to drag her, Hellen was so tired to move and even if she had the strengh she would had stay there to be raped instead to run away. Then the Nurse come and speak in a weird idiom "i see" the girl think and then the nurse use a cloth filled with something and once again the world get dark for Hellen
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Mutsumi and Lyco)

Mutsumi continued to kite around the larger green beast as it rushed towards her once again. Juking right, she flung herself left and escaped his grasp, the arrow was drawn backwards and released in one fluid motion, and sunk into the creature's ribcage, producing a satisfying crack as the arrowhead came in contact with a rib, breaking it and sending another shuddering howl through the Brute.

The thug squaring off against Lyco glowered angrily at her insult and wound up for a haymaker that never landed. Lyco was quick, and she darted in with her feint towards the arrow, which caused the thug to spin in just the fashion she had desired. Swifly she swung her elbow and twisted from her hips, sending the edge of her arm into the man's diaphragm with crushing force.

"Hurrggh!" The boy's air flew from his mouth, and none could come back in as he crumpled to the ground, scraping and fighting to breath. Defenseless, a quick heel to his skull put him out of the fight.

Nearby the girl seemed to be crying hard, for she was kneeling over with her arms wrapping around herself, while her body was heaving.
Brute (Altered) 2/5
Thug 0/4 (out of the fight)
Girl 2/2

Lyco (Student) 2/3
Mutsumi (Heroine) 5/5
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)


The nurse stood up over the now unconscious Hellen, tilting her head down idly as she looked at the prone, defenseless girl. When Sayuri called out just as the tentacles were poised to take her fully, the nurse turned her head slowly, and a smile crept across her face.

"Now that sounds like the truth," she said with a sinful delight that bespoke her obvious nature. Dimly, in a sudden flash of insight, the nurse's visage blurred, and masked over it Sayuri could see that her face was as red as a flame, with molten yellow eyes with no irises or pupils, and her black haired head was adorned with two curved horns. The insight faded the next moment and once again only the human face of the nurse remained.

"But really... Sayuri," the nurse said as she walked slowly towards the upside down heroine, and then bent over low to look her in the eyes. "You're not exactly in a position to make a demand like that."

The woman gave her a quick smooch on her cheek, and withdrew with a mocking pouty look on her face. The tentacles closed in and at an unspoken signal, entered her from each hole at once, only the excess slime and goop smeared over her crevices preventing any tearing. The pain mingled with pleasure as Sayuri felt herself being stretched and filled, her small frame heated up and taut as the creature began satisfying itself with her.

"I will gladly watch, however," the nurse said, as a hand disappeared down the front of her skirt, her eyes intent upon Sayuri's face. "And maybe if you answer my questions, mmmmm.... I can guarantee you some personal attention later.~"

Her eyes filled with lust as Sayuri's high pitched moans and squeals were muffled by the tentacle inside her mouth and throat. For a minute all three tentacles worked together on her while the nurse watched up close, masturbating at the sight of Sayuri being so violently violated. No one noticed the small form creep up towards Hellen's body and drag it away down the hall.

Finally the one in her mouth bulged and then spewed its contents into her mouth, pulling back after a few spurts to dump the rest onto her lips, chin, and cheeks.

"Hmmm, ahhh....." the nurse gasped and then bit her lower lip as she ground herself towards release.

"N-now... Why don't you tell me with those pretty lips of yours what exactly you are? I can see celestial magic in you, hidden before, but now it's quite obvious. Where did you get that power? Hmm... I promise I'll give you a personal reward later on if you're a good, truthful girl."
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)


"I'm sorry about this... really I am," a whisper came down to Hellen's ears as consciousness slowly returned. She felt a pressure push her forward in a sudden jerk. She smelled processed wood in front of her nose, and opening her eyes a fraction she saw it was a desk. She tried to move her hands, found that she couldn't. They were tied to something - the legs of the desk. She was bent over a desk it seemed.

Another jarring pressure pushed her body forward, now she started to feel something else. Her head was so blurry from being knocked out it had taken her a moment to get settled. Her body was eased backward, then another push. She felt the pressure again, tingling with a small amount of pleasure. Then she noticed the alien fullness within her loins, then the warmth of flesh pressed around her exposed nethers. Understanding dawned. She was being raped!

Her head swiveled to the side as another thrust came from behind and she felt a penis work its way once again inside her, the soft slap of someone's pelvis against the softness of her butt. She was so full... she couldn't move, her wrists and ankles were tied down to the legs of the student's desk!

Around her, to her left, she saw that she wasn't the only one. A classroom filled with girl students tied to the desks, with large males behind them, fucking them, filled her vision. Oddly she noticed a few desks were occupied by captive boys, behind which were a few girls doing various forms of pleasuring... one girl was ominously wearing a strap-on and smiling cruelly down at one of the boys.

"Really...really sorry about this," the whisper came again into her ear. It was a boy's voice and it was coming from whoever it was behind her. He thrust into her again. It wasn't all that hard she realized, not compared to the violent rape that was befalling the other captives in this room. There was a lot of sobbing and crying out going on, but the pain for Hellen wasn't that bad.

"I can't explain just now, but I'm not like them. It'll go better for you if you play along... try to enjoy it."

The fucking continued then, and Hellen felt the firm hands on her hips. She was still more or less dressed as a student, her skirt had just been hiked up and her panties removed, everything else was still in its place. It seemed no one could hear what her mysterious partner was saying to her, either that or they just were too preoccupied to care.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi smirked, and thought to herself,

(Alright! I heard that one connect... Definatly hurt it now... But a bears most dangerous when it's injured...)

And looking up at the repugnant brute she couldn't help but compare it's movements to an enraged bear...

Notching another arrow, Mutsusmi stops hearing the background sounds of battle...

"Hey! Lycoris? You alright back there?"

Mutsumi sends the bolt of light at the monstrosity as she waits a reply from her new friend...
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri stared up at the nurse with a pleading face, hoping to find some ability to escape, then glared as she received the damning kiss. Then cried out as she was impaled by three tentacles, filling her body. She whined and squirmed, thrashing what strength she had to try and escape the girth of the appendages violating her. Gasping for breath around the tentacle thrusting into her throat, tears beaded her eyes from the irritation. The noises of her body taking the abuse echoed in the silent halls, slick squelches and copious fluids splashing against the ground as they dripped down her inverted body.

Her tiny pink tops that hardened on her chest trembled with every shake and quiver as she moaned and whimpered, her mind swamped in the sensation, eyes glossing over as her sore muscles continued to weakly try and resist. When she received the mouth and throat full of juices, she cough and spluttered, coating her face and hair with the spunk. Looking up at the nurse, she glared defiantly, fighting the lust for a kinkier promise.

"G-go back to hell..." She said with a trembling voice, panting for deeper breaths to cool her heated body.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

The Hellen´s senses returned little by little to her. What is happening?...where...im? At the start she was so drowzy that she even forgot that she was inside of the game and that she lose her first battle, she noded to the voice and stay calmed to think about her actual situation, she really was great in her actual state, maybe even she will divage in her school with this event. She then saw the other victims, they were used more hard and she even envy them for a moment until she heard the words of the student that was using her.

She was completely on his control, she wanted more, her young body move her hips trying to feel more of the member and the restrictions even when make her dont be able to move like she want to make this better, at least they had turned her into a helpless victim, maybe the mad students look them as objects or slaves. Hellen make a stop in her throughts and said with a little cute voice that only he can heard and hide her true feelings Ok, i will resist it, please dont contain yourself and do with me all that you want to do
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Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Lyco gave the downed thug another sharp kick, just to make sure he had no intentions of getting up. She turned her eyes over to Mutsumi, trying to gauge how well the girl was doing against her own opponent. She seemed to be handling herself quite well.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." The albino calls out before moving over to check on the girl. She keeps half an eye on Mutsumi, ready to transform if it looks like her friend looses her advantage. Right now though she wants to get the girl out of the way.

"Hey, you don't look like you're doing so well." She inquires, trying to get a good look at the girl.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)


The demon nurse put on a "hurt" expression. "Oh, but Sayuri... I just got here." She patted the cute high-pitched girl on her cheek with her off hand and slowly drew up her other fingers which were wet and dripping from her self-pleasuring. "Don't worry though, you wait just a bit and we'll bring a little bit of Hell right here to Earth! It's not all mindless torture you know... we really do know how to have a 'good' time."

She ran her sticky-sweet fingers along Sayuri's already dirtied cheeks, then stuck out an inhumanly long tongue to lick a bit of herself and the tentacle juices directly off of Sayuri's skin.

Suddenly, she snapped her fingers, and immediately the tentacles stopped their violation, pulling out and hovering near Sayuri's entrances, poised to begin again at any moment.

"I've just had an idea..." she said. "Why don't we head to my office, and we can have a bit more privacy."

The nurse then turned on her heels and walked back towards her office, swaying her hips tantalizingly as she walked. The tentacles moved the helpless Sayuri, forcing her to watch her captor's finely shaped ass sway teasingly in front of her all the way back into the room. A single male student was near the entrance to the office and saw the alien procession without batting an eyelid.

"There's a mess in the main hall that needs cleaning up," the nurse jerked her thumb over her shoulder while addressing the boy. "Get to it."

The boy obeyed without hesitation and Sayuri was deposited back into the nurse's office and onto the analyzing cot, still held down by the tentacles.

"No, not like that. Turn her around and bend her over. Let's see that cute little ass of hers," the nurse laughed softly as the tentacles did as they were told, exposing Sayuri's rear. The young heroine heard the sound of a drawer opening and some shuffling around of objects.

"We haven't had time to bring across very many of our proper interrogation toys... but the mortals did give us enough of a gateway to bring in some small, but effective goodies... You may enjoy this Sayuri. If not now, then eventually... repetition is good for our new recruits..."

Sayuri felt a slimy tentacle rubbing between her ass cheeks, adding more slime into the crease. Then something cold was pushed against the pucker of her anus. It was carefully inserted just a fraction of an inch inside.

"Now now... try not to shake that much," the nurse said, and as she did the tentacles grasped Sayuri's waist and held it absolutely still. Then she felt the nurse alter her grip on the object and then suddenly a warm, tingling liquid made its way up her rear entrance, enough to make her somewhat uncomfortable as the liquid went up her bowels.

"Tilt her up a bit.. that's it," the nurse told the tentacles, before temporarily removing the object, which Sayuri now presumed was some sort of syringe with a rubber nozzle. "This is a serum that has served us well when dealing with hesistant souls who don't want to readily cooperate," the nurse said conversationally as she did something out of Sayuri's sight. Presently, the pressure returned to her anus and the syringe was reinserted.

Alarmingly, another full load of the liquid was pushed up into Sayuri's bowels, causing some minor distention in her belly by the time the second batch was in. The pressure on her insides was very uncomfortable, and she wanted to release the liquid back out, but something at her sphincter blocked any sort of expulsion.

"Tiny little hexed molecules, genetically engineered by our tech imps are floating around in this liquid. Inserted at the proper rate and given enough time to assimilate into your human genetic make-up, it gives us the ability to implant some nice... quirks into our subjects. Things that make them, shall we say, more malleable to our desires."

Sayuri couldn't see it, but knew that a wide mocking smile was plastered across the nurse's face as the rubber nozzle was placed up her ass a third time.

The pressure was immense, and Sayuri now felt the warmth spreading through her body as a strange haze came over her body. It was different to the aphrodisiac slime of the tentacles, not making her horny outright... but she definitely felt more open to suggestion. At last, the nozzle was removed and her belly now swelled in front of her. Her bowels felt full and tingly, as if subtle vibrations coursed up and down her inner linings.

"It's a shame you didn't just feel like cooperating willingly... but this way might be more fun as well..."

Expecting at that point to be turned around to face her captor, Sayuri was alarmed when her already suffering butthole was entered a fourth time. It's too much! She thought, but before she could protest further, the nurse depressed the plunger on the syringe, and another full load was poured into her, massively inflating her to the point where she almost thought she might break.

"And now that should be enough," the nurse giggled as the last drop was inserted, then a sudden larger pressure was pushed into Sayuri's anus, widening the gap with some liquid spilling out for a quick moment before whatever was plugging her was set in place.

The tentacles finally flipped her over to face the nurse. "Now, let's start with a proper introduction. I am called Azabelle. This body I possess was once a pleasant young woman named Molly. She's now just an observer for what I do with her body. She is quite upset about all this, you shouldn't feel any animosity towards her.

"So. Now that we know one another, why don't you tell me about what exactly you are and I won't be forced to mess with your mind to get that information anyway."
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Mutsumi and Lyco)

Mutsumi notched another arrow, glowing with an intense violet aura as she drew it back and aimed her bow at the hulking brute that was visibly slowing as the attrition of the shafts did their work.

"Grr.... yoouuu.... Who are you?!?" The monster yelled as it lurched towards her.


The arrow hurtled through the air and caught the brute in the eye, dropping him to one knee, then his second, then with a final groan, he lurched over and fell to the earth, dead.


Lyco gains Unarmed Combat level 1 (reduced penalty for fighting unarmed from -2 to -1)
Mutsumi gains Bow Expertise level 1 (+1 to attacks when fighting with bow and arrows)


The girl shakes visibly. "I... I can feel her inside of me..." she whispers. "She wants to be let out... I'm scared. I don't want her to control me!"

The whisper becomes dangerously close to a screech.

Mutsumi feels a strange resonance coming from within her, the Rune of Purpose flashing in her mind's eye. Somehow, Mutsumi knows with urgency that they must take the girl back within the building she had come from, take her to the lowest level, two floors down, and find a room with a red door.

The girl gripped Lyco's arms with absolute terror mounting in her eyes. Seeing that panic, Lyco reflexively sensed that she could do something about that - the Rune of Courage flaring crimson within her. She felt the flow of her inner power run down her arms to her hands, transferring into the girl. Her pupils seemed to refocus, her breathing tempered, and though she still seemed to be fighting against some unseen force within her, the girl did so now with a new measure of resolve.

Using Runic Gifts

Lyco is in tune with Courage, she may use the Rune to combat the effects of fear in NPCs.

Mutsumi is in tune with Purpose, drawing upon the Rune's power will give her insight when confronted with enigmas or indecision.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi let out a long sigh after the monster finally fell...

"Ura~! Almost thought you'd never die... OH YEAH!"

Mutsumi turns and runs over to Lycoris, who's still tending to the obviously and rightfully shaken girl...

After watching the girl twitch and listen to her feverish banter about some woman trying to gain controll of her body or something Mutsumi felt a strange warmth rise up within her mind, and ideas seem to bubble to the surface... Only to seem to pop and settle back as fast as they had risen, leaving only flashes within her memory...

"Eh? Ah! Red door? I... Wait!"

Mutsumi grips her head as she tries to make sense of the odd "vision"

"T-that was... Wierd... But... I... I think something or someone was trying to tell me to get her to the basement or something.."

Mutsumi wondered about the "message" how it felt connected to the rune, but with it being so brief and obscure wondered if it was something she just had to get used to... Or an unsecured line... Or even in accordance to defeating the bad guy... Dozens of worrisome things raced around through her head, but the only clear feeling was to "Find the Red Door"...

Taking a deep breath Mutsumi buried the thoughts that her mind wasn't exactly as safe as she had hoped it was and begins calming herself down...