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New York (All parts)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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New York, home to the City that never sleeps, and home to the eighth largest Sanctuary on the planet. Many different styles of life meet here, and many different ethnic backgrounds converge here. Once known as the "place to start over" due to Ellis Island, the state has grown in population, and NYC alone is one of the most populated cities on the planet. It is a decent sized area to cover and there are many places one can hide for extended periods of time.

((Dreana, Bartnum, your both up here. You can move at your own pace, just be sure to list roughly where your character is in the first post, and if they change general locations where they have gone.))
Re: New York (All parts)

*As of late she hadnt been doing anything wrong unlawful or even mischevous...she was surprised at herself really. While in Newyourk Zale had gotten around exploring the city like any tourist would but almost every night she found herself returning to Times Square. And again here she was sneaking to the top of one of the buildings enjoying the sight of all around..the busy streets no matter what time of day it was and when night falls the buzz of the energy in the air and the glowing lights all around. for now this was her personal heaven...at least while in newyork it was.*
Re: New York (All parts)

Tonight had started out promising to be a wonderful, peaceful night. The hum of power was in the air, and Zaleia had plenty of it to relish and marvel over.

That was until suddenly a surge went through the lines, powerful enough for her to notice even if it hadn't been for the fact that for just a brief moment, the lights in the square actually died.

The people far below stopped for a moment, then when the lights came back on seemed to shrug it off as just a minor annoyance, for after all, the city had expended a lot more power than normal due to the severity of the heat the fading summer had brought.

However, for Zaleia, she might feel a bit unsettled by this sudden change. In fact, something might be telling her this had nothing to do with power consumption by humans, but rather something had intentionally messed with the very electrical currents themself. A sudden interruption of power, seemingly confined to the very area she was in couldn't be coincidence. Her mind might drift slightly to about a week ago, when she had felt a strange pull in the current, trying to coax her somewhere, but it had faded too quickly to be traced.

This however, was different. There was a definite disturbance in the air even now, and if she paid close enough attention to it, the feel of it would guide her southwest, towards the water itself, and of course, one of the few dead parts of the city when night came.
Re: New York (All parts)

*her brow furrowing she had been enjoying herself without causing trouble for once...and now it seemed trouble was coming to find her..she rose to her feet and stepped to the edge of the building facing the southwest for a moment she knew she wouldnt see anything but she wanted to look anyways...and then with a shrug of her shoulders she directed herself towards the nearest line of power and in a burst her body was gone. merging witht he current in the lines already and pushing on towards the southwest heading off to investigate*
Re: New York (All parts)

It didn't take long following the currents for Zaleia to find the source of the disturbance. It had come from a small run down building that might have once been a warehouse. Strangely enough though, it wasn't a place that had been on the grid yesterday, so something had changed. So now the question was, go there, or not?
Re: New York (All parts)

*looking at the warehouse made her wary..this was certainly odd..what might be going on here...someone trying to do something illegal...hmm it might be worth checking out..and so she stepped forward looking to the closest door to wedge open enough to be able to peek her head through*
Re: New York (All parts)

Abby, in Hishu form, makes her way through a wood somewhere north of New York City. She hadn't been on the road for too long yet, and wasn't really sure which direction she was going in. As night falls, she hoists herself up into a tree and shifts into Urhan form, finding a comfortable place on a strong, wide branch to settle down on.
Re: New York (All parts)

Zaleia at first couldn't see anything, however as she looked around she suddenly spotted a woman on the floor, trying to fight off someone who certainly appeared to be trying to rape her. As she watched, the person on top drew a fist back and punched her hard enough that the girl stopped fighting, and just lay there. For the moment, the attacker didn't seem to have heard Zaleia open the door, and he resumed trying to remove the other woman's clothes.

Abby hadn't been there for long when she heard a commotion going on about a hundred yards or so from her. From where she was, she couldn't see what was going on, but it sounded ugly, and it sounded like it was moving her way.
Re: New York (All parts)

*swinging the door open loudly she began marching into the warehouse disgusted with what she saw for the moment forgetting about what she was here for.*

"Hey you pig hands off the woman!"
Re: New York (All parts)

The attacker stood suddenly, whipping around with a growl. When it stood, Zaleia could see it for what it was.

The attacker wasn't even human. The thing was ... well, it looked an awful lot like a human sized cyclops, it only had one eye. It bellowed at her, then charged with intense speed.
Re: New York (All parts)

*stopping in her tracks she blinked in disbeleif...she had seen lots of other weird shit before but this was something new..and it was charging her down too...she waiting for it to get closer then dived away from it rolling along the ground to her feet*

"oookay there ugly calm down now....we dont want this to get any uglier...and i'm sure you dont want me to help you try and look prettier either."
Re: New York (All parts)

The creature, it was probably safe to call it a cyclops at this point, whipped back around after slamming into the wall, roaring in anger.

This time it grabbed a hold of a large metallic container, and simply threw it at her, then another. It didn't appear the creature either cared, or could understand her ...

Wait, something caught her eye as it lifted a second container, throwing it at her and likely forcing her more towards the woman and further into the place.

There, around it's neck seemed to be some form of collar that was faintly blinking. When it flashed, the creature would seem to get more agitated, which might lead her to believe that perhaps this creature wasn't acting on it's own free will, but rather someone nearby was controlling it.
Re: New York (All parts)

*frowning it would come back to her that something about this place was weird...and as she jumped away from crate after crate her eyes did a quick sweep once tot he woman and then for the nearest wire..cord...light...something that would look out of place or at least electrical..she also kept eyes alert for cameras. during this she started to draw on the charge within her. she was getting ready to fight back.*
Re: New York (All parts)

Zaleia saw a wire open, but it was dangerously close to the woman. In order to actually grab it, she'd almost certainly end up zapping her in the process.

And that was when every single light in the place suddenly snapped on at once, blinding her for just a second. When her vision cleared, she noted the beast had been joined by several very well armed men in para-military type clothing. Her first natural reaction might have been to shoot a warning to them to watch out, until she saw the man with a control stick move it lightly, and watched the beast lumber a step backwards in instant reply. One of the men who held a weapon on her spoke, and it was with a dry, coarse tone of voice.

"Well, it took long enough. We've been expecting you Ms. Meheaven. Your a difficult girl to get in touch with. Don't look so surprised, we've been tracking you for weeks now. You might ask what I want, and the answer to that is simple. You. Your coming with us, even if I have to blast you and knock you out, carrying you myself. Do yourself a favor, and actually come with us. Oh, and for the record, don't bother trying to escape using the wires. As soon as you entered here, we cut the lines leading out. So what'll it be little girl?"

As he spoke, several large looking guns swung right over to take aim at her, and she would note each person looked quite confident they could take her down.
Re: New York (All parts)

*looking around at them all her arms slowly raised in the air as if surrendering*

"alright now..no need to get pushy..a phone call or a etter might have been easier ya know..wouldnt require so much set up.."

*then with her hands over her head she smiled and closed her eyes as she clapped her hands together. the release of energy as she clapped them together acted like a small lightning bolt streaking from her hands to the ground between them..her aim spot on..the effect the bright flash of light that accompanies most lightning bolts..one of the most bright blinding effects to occur naturally in nature. As soon as the electricity leaves her hands though she springs into motion dodging to the side in case of trigger fingers being a little spasmatic. Eyes opening once more she broke down. her bodies electircal form leaping the distance from hr previous location to the nearest metal gun and then bouncing off it it to try and reach the door. the weapons wielder would get a shock of his life maybe but she didnt care...he threatened her*
Re: New York (All parts)

Much to her surprise, the men didn't appear affected by the flash, however they weren't quite prepared it seemed for her to use their guns against them.

The one man in her way dropped to the floor in pain, the effect seeming somehow amplified. Her aim struck true, she passed through the door into what she assumed would be open real-estate so to speak.

She was wrong.

She could hear the men inside scrambling for the door, to give chase, and as she turned to make a run, a large fist came out of nowhere, leaving her no time to react before it slammed into her head, sending her against the concrete wall of the alley. Before she could recover, the men were upon her again, one blasting her with the gun. It appeared to be some kind of energy blast, but instead of incapacitating her like they probably figured it would, it caused her body to become semi-numb, and a sparks to fly lightly. She couldn't be sure, but it seemed perhaps the device was designed to mess with her ability to work over electricity, a fact that would be readily confirmed if she tried to go energy again, and discovered she couldn't.

The lead man glared at her, before lifting his gun to shoot her again, and that was when things REALLY got interesting. A voice suddenly rang out, even as a somewhat unimposing man stepped into view.

"I do believe the lady explicitly, in not so many words, told you to fuck off and leave her alone. I suggest you pay heed."

The lead man snarled again, turning ever so slightly to face the man, who Zaleia could see perfectly.

"Oh really? And just what the hell do you think your gonna do pip-squeak? I could crush you like a little egg. In fact, I think I will."

To her surprise, the man actually had the balls to challenge him, and speak to her.

"Zaleia, if you would stick around please after the fight is over, I will make it worth your while, I promise you that. As for you jackass, I was really hoping you'd piss me off. Let me tell you the last thing you'll ever hear. You should not have pissed off Nikola Tesla."

Without warning, the unimposing man suddenly became the creature from nightmares, ten inch long claws appearing from his hands, eyes becoming black and teeth baring. Zaleia would have no doubt what the man was, he was clearly a vampire.

The vampire, who called himself Nikola Tesla, suddenly tore off the ONLY damn electrical wire in the area, clean off the side of the building as if it hadn't been bolted into place, exposing the sparking wires. Before any of the men could react, he literally shoved one hand into it, and put out his other hand. What happened next probably would stun even her.

She saw a spark from the wire hit him, as his body became lit with electrical energy. Said energy then arched from his other hand, actually curving all around her and striking both men and beast, literally frying them to a crisp where they stood, save for one late arrival from inside the building, probably the same guy she'd shocked before. With the power dying down as the current was spent, the man came out and tried to take a swing at the back of the vampire's head.

Big mistake. She literally watched him turn for a moment, grinning as he spoke in a demonic tone.

"Big mistake asshole."

He then literally tore the guy in half with a couple of slashes, ending the fight in rather dramatic fashion. Zaleia wouldn't have even had time to blink it was over so damn fast, let alone run.

The man suddenly was back in human form as he took one step towards her, then stopped.

"Are you hurt?"

A sudden flash from earlier that week filled her mind. Traveling along a current when something suddenly inside the current had tried to yank her through towards it. She'd had the impression the source of the yanking wasn't aware of her at the time, though it had been rather ... strange. Now, as she looked the man over and registered his power, she got the distinct impression that she was looking at the source of that slightly unpleasant experience.
Re: New York (All parts)

*would try to rise shakily not enjoying being punched as she had been and the numbing feeling had been unpleasant as well...she needed something to give her that alive feeling*

"any juice left in that thing...i could use something to light the nerves so to speak.."

*she wasnt sure what the hell she just saw it was something out of a nightmare or cheesy movie but her was still standing there acting ever so nice it seemed*

"who were these pricks? and what the hell was that big one eye and what about..OH the woman!"
Re: New York (All parts)

Nikola shook his head.

"Already can tell you she's dead, no sense of heart beat from her at all. Your welcome to check her, but I think you'll confirm it. Afraid there's no more electricity in there, but if that weapon works the way it is supposed to, the effects should wear off shortly. I sort of stole the schematics for it so I knew what I was up against. As for who they were ..."

He trailed off for a moment, glaring at one of the corpses.

"They work for a shadow organization that calls themselves the Cabal. Their single minded goal is to control anyone and anything that had inhuman abilities. In short, power hungry mongrels who don't give a damn about the people behind the unnatural abilities. The one eyed creature was an abnormal they captured I'd say, a cyparean opticus. One eyed creatures, high strength and usually tough to kill. Unless of course you electrocute them. Sorry it took me a moment longer to reach you than I had intended, but I did manage to notice your ... ability to become energy. I don't suppose you were ... in the wires say three days ago over by Soho were you?"
Re: New York (All parts)

"in the wires maybe...around soho..couldnt tell yah..i dont always check for landmarks...was that you getting all grabby? its not nice to touch a woman without asking ya know."
Re: New York (All parts)

Nikola chuckled slightly.

"It was you then. I do apologize for that, at the time I was unaware of anyone with your abilities. It interested me enough to arrange to stay here a bit longer than I had intended, and it seems that paid off. As you might have guessed, I have the ability to control most forms of electrical currents. However, enough of that, I promised if you stayed around I'd make it worth your while, and I don't make a habit of making a promise I don't have any intention of keeping."

Another pause as he considered things carefully.

"As you may have guessed, these people found a way of tracking you, which means ultimately, if you stick around their territories long enough, they will find you again. They'll be better prepared next time too, won't make the same mistakes they did tonight. So, I have a proposal to make here. If I told you I needed you to deliver a message for me somewhere, and that somewhere was also a place you could garner safe haven, and be far from the reach of these people, would you be interested in at least checking it out?"
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