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Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)


Tentacle Monster
Dec 28, 2014
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Posting here for lack of a proper place at Blue's suggestion, since only one thread is needed.

Already have people lined up for this, so not accepting any more signups at this time. I'd like to just get a character sheet posted from everyone first, and then once we've got everything worked out regarding characters I'll start things off. For reference, some very basic setting information follows:

The starting point for this adventure is the town of Rachdale, a frontier city on the eastern edge of the Empire. To the east are Wildlands, the title given by the Imperials to the untamed lands outside of their borders. Wild beasts and bandits are of course still a threat within the Empire, but beyond their borders, where no regular patrols roam, the dangers are much more varied, and much more deadly. A number of tribal warlords vie for territory. Some of the most powerful Sorcerers—those who managed to attain power without losing themselves in the process—also make their homes in the wildlands, attended by fanatic followers and their own creations, their power great enough to stave off even the barbarian tribes that roam the lands.

In the Empire, magic of all kinds is outlawed, and punished by a swift death. Sorcery, or simply Dark Magic to the common folk is innately dangerous and corrupting, requiring great cost to perform and transforming all it touches with demonic influence. As a result, an Inquisitorial Order was founded by the Empire long ago, dedicated to rooting out the demonic corruption and all who would spread it. Their methods are ruthless however, and entire villages have been burned as a result of a single amateur sorcerer. Sorcery is not the only form of magic in the world, but it is by far the most widespread and powerful. Shamans among the barbarian tribes practice a more benign spirit magic, but few in the Empire would make a distinction.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Azn swordgirl looking for WORTHY OPPONENTS, came here to fight monsters and barbarians for the fun of it, probably from the other side of the empire and thus broke by now. Totes isn't hiding all manner of lewd toys in her backpack. Also totes isn't the sort to resort to working in a gloryhole or betting sex or something. I'll try not to just make them another Isolda though obviously, even though thinking about it further they're... Pretty similar in concept.

Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

We Populous now.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Former noble turned hunter of supernatural beasts, hiding the corruption past injuries at the hands of the beasts have caused in her from the eyes of the inquisition by remaining on the borderlands.

Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Character Sheet for Colette the Thief
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)


Name: Wyndyl
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger


Str 8 (-1)
Dex 15 (+1)
Con 9 (+0)
Int 12 (+0)
Wis 16 (+2)
Cha 13 (+1)

Damage: 1d8
Armor: 1
HP: 17 / 17
Load: 10
Charge: /
Level: 1
XP: 5 / 8


Miraleth owes me for guiding her
Nagan is a friend to nature, so I will be their friend as well
Sable has no respect for nature, so I have no respect for her
Colette does not understand life in the wild, so I shall teach them

Neutral - Help an animal or spirit of the wild

When you undertake a perilous journey through the wilderness whatever job you take you succeed as if you roll a 10+

Load: 7 / 10
0 Coins (0 weight)

Hunter's Bow - (Near, Far, 1 Weight)
Spear - (Reach, 1 Weight)

Bundle of Arrows x2 (6 Ammo, 2 Weight)

Leather Armor (1 Armor, 1 Weight)

Adventuring Gear (1 Weight)
Dungeon Rations (5 uses, 1 Weight)

Starting Moves:

Hunt and Track: Roll wis, if success you can follow a creature. On 10+ gain a useful bit of information and learn why the trail ends.

Called Shot: If you attack a defenseless or surprised enemy at range, you can choose to aim for a limb. If success on head, enemy is stunned. If Arm they drop something. If leg they are hobbled and slow. 10+ you also do damage.

Animal Companion: Wolf
Ferocity: +2 Cunning: +1 1 Armor Instinct +1

Strengths: Fast, Tireless
Training: Travel
Weakness: Frightening

Advanced Moves:
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Not sure this is strictly necessary, but I figure I'll keep track of HP at least, for my own sake.

Mireleth - HP 23/23, No Status
Nagan - HP 19/19, No Status
Sable - HP 21/21, No Status
Colette - HP 20/20, No Status
Wyndyl - HP 17/17, No Status

The almost idyllic scene of the sunrise over Rachdale was harshly broken by the sounds of bells, not the slow, steady ringing of a church bell, but the frantic, cacophonous ringing of an alarm. The remote mining town was no stranger to the dangers of the land, bordering the Wildlands as it did, but even a passing look at the locals who were already up and about this early in the morning would reveal that they seemed uneasy.

Since the somewhat motley group had first arrived in Rachdale, whether together or on their own, the alarm had never been sounded. There had been attacks by wild creatures and the occasional bandit raid, but the guards had always fended them off without incident, and the thick palisade walls surrounding the city kept most beasts from wandering in unnoticed. That the alarm was being sounded meant that whatever was coming, the guards on duty had either engaged it and were losing, or they had spotted something big on the horizon.

Between its mines and the trade it did with the natives, Rachdale was valuable to the Empire, and so a constant garrison of soldiers was stationed to defend it from threats, so any threat that they thought warranted sounding the alarm was not something to be taken lightly. The alarm was meant to rouse the rest of the town guard, alert the militia to prepare and the other citizens to return to their homes. As visitors to the city the group had no such obligations, but any threat to the town was naturally a threat to them as well.

Upon making their way toward the town's main gate, where the alarm was being sounded from, if they chose to do so, the party would be witness to an unusual scene. The road was faintly obscured by the mist still clinging the ground, but the scent of blood was fresh on the air. The alarm bell and the sounds of shouting had been growing louder as they'd approached, only to fall silent before they arrived. Now the only sign of what the cause was came from a few corpses slumped against the walls or sprawled out on the ground, many pierced by arrows.

There was another few corpses, draped in animal skins and one with some sort of headdress crafted around the skull of a beast, giving a good indication of what they were dealing with. The momentarily silence was broken by the sounds of armoured boots and shouting down a side road, then the clashing of weapons. Only moments later a battle cry rang out from their other side, and the two swordswomen at the head of the party would have to act quickly as they found nets being hurled at them, followed by a half dozen men dressed much the same as the corpses they'd seen at the gate. Two, who'd thrown the nets as they charged, seemed to be armed with clubs and whips, while the other four who had overtaken them wielde an even split of blades and spears.


Just some notes on how things are going to work mechanics-wise. In combat, I'm going to let each person post their actions before playing them all out, but there's no need for a turn order or anything like that. In addition, don't worry too much about how many actions you're trying to do. So long as it could all reasonably done in a short time, the system doesn't restrict you to "X actions a turn". The system is very narrative-based, so feel free to just narrate actions and I'll roll what needs to be rolled to do it.

However, if you use any moves that require you to make choices (Such as anything that says "choose 2" on a 10+, "choose 1" on a 7-9, etc.), please make a note of which choices you'd make for each result so that I don't have to delay things by tracking people down to ask them. The same goes for basic hack and slash rolls, whether you'd take the extra damage or the safety from counterattacks on a 10+.

Also, as part of the whole cooperative world building that Dungeon World encourages, much of the world has been left vague for now. Feel free to fill in the blanks where your characters are concerned, so long as it doesn't conflict with anything already established. For now, please limit it to anything directly associated with your character in some way (Where they've been in the past, what they've done, etc.). I'm going to be a bit looser on what requires a Spout Lore roll to know than I might be in a real-time format, probably limiting it to things whose knowledge will directly affect the current events, or information about anything more obscure.

Also for those less familiar with the system, be sure to check the first few pages here for basic moves: . For the most part, just narrate what you wish to do and I'll work out what it means, but remember you're not just limited to DnD-style "one move, one action". You can attempt to dodge past or just plow through enemies in the way (Defy Danger) in addition to attacking them (Hack and Slash) without issue for example, or try to pull off more creative moves. The more things you try to do, however, the more rolls you make and the more chances for failure, which could prevent you from finishing your chain of actions, or just result in taking more hits. So it's up to you how much or little you want to do, within reason, just don't feel limited in actions in the same way as many other systems. Again though, just feel free to narrate what you want to do, no need to specifically name moves unless they're a class specific move that's hard to narrate precisely.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

A few links that I'll keep at the top of my post for general reference.

A warrior by trade and in spirit, Mireleth had always been roused when the ring of battle called, but the city guard had dealt with it by the time she arrived. This time, however, the sizable garrison had apparently needed more than was normally on watch, the warning bell signalling an attack more significant than had been sent at them so far. She was first to rise from her chair back at the inn where they were staying, and first to be out the door while her companions, most of whom she had met for the first time on the journey here, were still getting themselves together. Sable was quick to be at her side, at least, but it proved fortuitous that others lagged behind once they arrived at the city gates and found out what had caused the warning bell to ring.

Corpses littered the ground, the familiar scent of freshly spilled blood filling the air, and it seemed that soldiers and attackers alike had fallen at the wall. The arrows protruding from the dead guards made her scowl and clutch the hilt of Mamodur, her relic blade, a little bit tighter. A coward's weapon in her mind, and why she thought of Wyndyl as a weekling despite the elven ranger's obvious skill with her chosen weapon and the adeptness at woodcraft that even the able warrior had come to rely on as they passed through the wilder country, she hated the very idea of being felled by a bow. Better to die of old age than at the hands of one too frightened to face their opponent directly.

The attackers... The wild folk? She didn't know, could barely distinguish the various denominations this far from her own homeland, but the rugged, fur-lined clothes seemed to match what she'd been told. She wasn't given long to ponder the nature of the folk attacking Rachdale, however, before a few more decided to come out and say hello. Luckily for her, her reflexes had been well honed, and the sudden charge of another group from out of the woods only left her flat footed for a half second. She settled quickly into a readied state, her forward knee bent and her back foot extended as she began to draw, timing her one handed upward slash to cleave through the net flying her way. She expected Sable could take care of herself, and should her sword strike true she would lunge forward, completing her one handed swing and leaving her arm fully extended.

Ponytail flying behind her as she picked up momentum, Mireleth began a forward rush into the leading rank of their enemies, her other hand reaching up as she got into the out range of her weapon and latching onto the lower edge of Mamodur's hilt. Both hands brought the blade down, a twist of her right wrist putting the blade in line with the lead barbarian who bore a combination of club and whip, the force of one arm moving in an arc toward her target and the other largely downwards, putting the power on the forward edge of her sword in a swing meant to cleave through the man's throat and collar while she seemingly gave no thought to defense on her opening swing.

Defy Danger to block the net attempt, then Hack and Slash the lead dudebro if it succeeds. Will take the extra +1d6 damage if she rolls a 10+ on the attack over resisting his attack. Both should use strength, so 2d6+2 on both rolls.
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Colette was a bit odd for a thief. Crazy, some others of her profession might call her. She enjoyed the rush of taunting enemies and leaving calling cards of her presence. The more daring the heist, the more glorious the shiny stuff to be swiped, the more she lusted after the score. She disagreed with her companion Mireleth about the need for expressly defeating opponents in melee, but she did quite enjoy showing up the occasional sergeant-at-arms in a blade duel. Her opinion was that the all-important goal was to be the last one laughing, and she had a well-practiced laugh.

Recently though, mirth had been hard to come by. She had been forced to flee from the big cities, evading the enemies who stalked her, and join up with a rag-tag group of adventurers, most of whom didn't seem all that interested in acquiring the finer things in life. Colette enjoyed sensual silks, fine wines, some oiled-skinned, muscular men (and occasional buxom women) between her thighs, and pretty baubles to decorate her neck and fingers with. Such finery wasn't readily available in mining towns like Rachdale, which squatted in the eastern hills of the Empire, adjacent to the wildlands, of which Colette was reticent to journey into, barring rumor of ancient treasures or the like.

The alarms that morning had roused her into action, strapping her rapier and belt over her breeches and shrugging on her tight leathers, before taking up her bow and quiver. She and the elf formed the ranged element of their troupe, while Mireleth and Sable were the up front types. Nagan the shaman... well, she was just a strange duck, that one. Definitely more a rural type.

When they got to the palisade, Colette notched an arrow and sent it sailing through the air at the barbaric warriors arriving through the mists. No sense in letting these yahoos get in close where it'd be a fair fight. Better to make pin cushions out of the lot of them. But if one or two did get through, the rogue would draw her steel and give them a good thrashing.

Volleying an arrow at one of the enemies not directly engaging Mireleth or Sable. On a 7-9, I'll take what I can get and deal -1d6 damage.
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Sable's head shot up when the alarm bells sounded, the book she'd been reading quickly stashed away. She was on her feet and headed for the tavern door in moments. She'd seen the town guard, and they seemed well equipped and trained, real soldiers rather than simply a militia force. They wouldn't be sounding the alarm like this for anything short of a major attack or particularly strong beast, and that meant they could use all the help they could get.

If there really was some great beast to fell, all the better.

She was out the door shortly behind her fellow swordswoman, eyes straining through the fog for any sign of the attackers. What they found were only corpses, corpses which proved that their attackers were only humans, not some monstrous beast, but no less dangerous despite that. Corpses from both sides littered the ground, evidence of archers in the attacking force... the mist would make tracking them within the city difficult, and from the sounds of fighting nearby they were already inside the walls.

"Do you see anyth-" she began, only to be cut off by a war cry. She drew her blade, turning to face the men charging through the unguarded gate. She was momentarily caught off guard by the sight of a net flying through the air toward her, but she recovered quickly, bringing her sword up into a ready stance and setting herself to charge. As soon at the net fell within her sword's reach she would make a quick slash intended to either cut it out of the air or at least bat it aside before charging into the fray, ready to engage one of the men at the head of the group with a wide slash aimed to bisect him from shoulder to hip.

Defy Danger to cut down the net with her sword, presumably.
Followed by charging one of the closest ones and Hacking and Slashing. Taking the extra damage on a 10+
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

It was still early morning, though it was difficult to tell from the inside of the granary where Wyndyl had been sleeping. At this time of year there was plenty of empty space in the building, and it was owned by a human man who had been really quite accommodating despite the fact that she wasn't to be the only staying there... For some reason most people seemed to balk at the idea of letting a large dire wolf stay nearby, even if he were perfectly well trained and behaved! The young elf didn't understand that mindset, but she could at least accept that it was a tough ask in human society, and while in their space she had to conform to their norms. She was awake by this point but just barely, curled up against the soft black fur of her canine companion and trying (but failing) to motivate herself to pull away and begin the day. It was just so much more difficult when it was still dark.

The alarm bells caught her ears, though, and she quickly poked her head up, squinting a little as she looked out at the door. "A human custom?" she asked, quietly to no one in particular, running her fingers through the fur on the wolf's belly. "No, it cannot be. They have not done this any other day" she continued, pulling herself up to her knees. "An alarm, surely. We must go, Sir Wolf, the others will soon be on the scene" she decided, standing and fetching her clothes, hastily dressing and arming herself. Wyndyl fought primarily with the bow, partly because her slight frame allowed for few other options and partly because it was difficult to hunt with anything else. Of course, most archers didn't also ride around on wolves during fights, so she was pretty unique around these parts as far as she knew, and certainly in the little group she had come to be a part of.

That group... It was surely an odd one. All of the others humans, all of them women, and all of them very different. It was bizarre to Wyndyl that such a group was even traveling together, which was sort of why she had joined them; surely there was an element of fate to their coming together. She could only hope that it was a good fate. She and her companion exited the granary and she quickly jumped up onto the direwolf's back. She didn't need to spur him on towards the front gate, which thankfully wasn't too far from where she had been staying. We have been here for some time, and there has never been an alarm such as this. Just what could be happening that would cause this? The garrison here is enormous she thought as she rode, her brow furrowed in thought. Surely this wasn't good.

The two of them arrived at the gate just in time to see nets flying at the group's two swordswomen, Sable and Mireleth. That wasn't good, but Wyndyl was fairly convinced that they could handle themselves, at least for now. She noticed that despite the fog many of the guardsmen had been killed by arrows, a fairly substantial amount of them too, which meant that surely there were enemy archers watching from somewhere in the distance. She knocked an arrow, though she didn't yet draw her bow. There seemed to be six enemies in sight, all of them wildmen, so while she would target one of those she would also keep a careful eye out for any arrows... if an enemy archer revealed his position she would quickly switch targets and attempt to take them out.

Same as Colette, with the caveat that she's looking to be on counter-archer duty if possible. On a 7-9 take the -1d6 to damage roll.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Nagan Mir had chosen to keep company with the Wyndyl, whose company she'd shared for some time. They were outlanders both: Wyndyl was an elf, whose kind by and large avoided humanity, and Nagan was a foreign tribeswoman - a 'barbarian,' to these Imperials. Nagan and crossed paths with the wolfrider while they had been pursuing the same white hart in the woods - the elf had speed and arrows on her side... but Nagan did not hunt alone. Suu'ak guided her as she ran through the forest, Telakapa lured the hart when she had caught up to it, and Chu'a had snared it, so that she had but to slice its throat... but found one of the elf's arrows already lodged in the hart's side.

The shaman had snuck away before dawn, however, being careful to not disturb her companion's sleep, hoping to find some secluded place where she would not be seen, performing rituals to appease the spirits. They had grown restless, their chatter loud and alarmed to Nagan's (previously sleeping) ears - somewhat like the chatter surrounding Sable. Sable was one of three other companions Nagan and Wyndyl had joined with - one of two Imperials, while the third was someone whose ilk Nagan had never seen before. They had all proven to be quite able companions, even if their manner was strange... but the way spirits chattered around Sable was disquieting. Hmm...

The alarm bells did not surprised her more with their sound than what they were warning. In her feathered mask and her hide cloak, Nagan had waited for them outside the inn they had chosen to stay at, and silently stalked them as they answered the alarm bells. Wyndyl could take care of herself; she thought these three would need her wisdom more.

When the attack finally fell upon them, Nagan brandished her knife in one hand, and her staff in the other - stout wood that had served her well in her travels, topped with an open hand in beaten iron, the symbol of her tribe. From behind her mask, she scanned the street and listened closely to the spirits...

Gonna Discern Reality. Wis is a +2 mod.
Questions, in order (so if I only get 7-9, just gimme the first one)
- What should I be on the lookout for?
- What do the spirits here whisper?
- What here is not what it appears to be?
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth - HP 17/23, Weapon Entangled (-1 to damage rolls)
Nagan - HP 15/19, No Status
Sable - HP 16/21, Weapon Entangled (-1 to damage rolls)
Colette - HP 20/20, No Status
Wyndyl - HP 16/17, No Status
Mireleth’s Defy Danger: 2d6+2 = 9 (2, 5) Succeed but take -1 ongoing to damage until the net is removed.
Mireleth’s Hack and Slash: 2d6+2 = 4 (1, 1) That is not even close to a hit.

Enemy counterattacks: 1d6+2 each = 3, 7. 6 damage total.

Colette’s Volley: 2d6+2 = 8 (4, 2)
Damage: 1d8-1d6 = 1 (6, 5)

Sable’s Defy Danger: 2d6+2 = 7 (1, 4) Succeed but take -1 ongoing to damage until the net is removed.
Sable’s Hack and Slash: 2d6+2 = 10 (6, 2)
Damage: 1d10+1+1d6-1 = 14 (9, 6). He is VERY dead.

Enemy counterattack: 1d6+2 = 6. 5 damage.

Nagan’s Discern Realities: 2d6+2 = 9 (4, 3). Spots some dudes.

Wyndyl’s Volley: 2d6+1 = 6 (4, 1). Nooope.

Enemy archers: One at Wyndyl, one at Nagan.
Wyndyl: 1d6 = 2, 1 damage.
Nagan: 1d6 = 5, 4 damage.

One enemy warrior dead, three remaining engaging Mireleth and Sable in melee.
The two club and whip-wielding enemies who threw the nets circle around the melee and run for the archers, one wounded by Colette's arrow.
Archers, revealed by Nagan outside the main gate.

Sable and Mireleth can attempt to disentangle the nets, but it will require a roll, may delay them, and will certainly open them to counterattacks.

Also Mireleth and Wyndyl both gain 1 experience.

Both of the swordwomen succeeded in swiping away their respective nets almost in sync, but the material the ropes had been woven from proved to be quite heavy and resilient. While they thankfully managed to avoid being entangled entirely, the nets did manage to wrap around their weapons and the arms wielding them. While not nearly enough to disable either of them, they would certainly prove a hindrance in wielding their weapons until they could be disentangled.

Mireleth in particular got the worst of it, the exotic swordswoman's strike being thrown off entirely by the weight of the net, and the attackers capitalized on her momentary stumble, a spear glancing off her armour and only grazing her arm while the other barbarian's sword managed to catch her in the side and bite shallowly into flesh. She would be able to recover before either could follow up, however, and was far from taking any truly detrimental wound.

Sable managed much greater success with her own strike, her heavy blade following its path perfectly and all but cleaving her target entirely in two. Even as the corpse toppled unceremoniously to the ground though, his spear-wielding companion was already upon the swordswoman, his weapon finding purchase in the monster slayer's lighter leather armour and tearing into the soft flesh of her arm. A painful wound, but she'd had worse at the fangs of beasts before, and it would not slow her alone.

Colette managed to line up one of the pair who'd opened the battle by hurling nets and subsequently fallen behind their allies, and who had begun to circle around the melee to make a dash for the archers in the rear. Her hasty shot struck true, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to bring the man down. The animal pelts her wore were obviously thick and tough, as the arrow which planted itself square over his heart hadn't penetrated enough to kill or cripple him. Enought to wound certainly, as he grimaced in pain and a trickle of blood began to drip down the exposed portion of his chest, but certainly not out of the fight. With a growl he tore the arrow away with one hand, brandishing a club in the other, and charged straight at the thief, his companion close behind.

Meanwhile, the shamaness and the elven archer had both deduced that there were likely archers among the enemy, and had taken the time while the others engaged to search for any sign of them here. Nagan was the first to spot them, standing half-concealed in the mist past the gate with bows drawn. Her signal to her companions, whatever form it took, was enough for Wyndyl to quickly spot them herself and turn her own bow on them. Unfortunately, the mists obscured her foes well and the shot went ever so slightly wide, sailing over her intended target's shoulder. The return fire was more successful, the enemy archers having picked out the archer who had shot at them and the one who had spotted them as threats. Nagan was struck cleanly in the shoulder, though her tribal garb managed to soften the blow enough that it didn't strike deep enough to be crippling, while Wyndyl was merely grazed by the second.

Appologies, this post feels a bit too mechanical to me, not used to writing for this many characters at once. Will hopefully improve as we go.
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

"Oh bother," Colette said as her arrow failed to take down her target, attracting him and another foe in her direction. Quickly she tucked the short bow over her shoulder and drew out her rapier, slashing it through the air in front of her to find her grip and balance.

"Right. If you two INSIST on playing like that, I'll oblige you!"

Leaping towards the oncomers, Colette chose to press a quick attack, seeking to dispatch the first attacker quickly, thus allowing her to tangle with the second in a one-on-one duel.

Hack n Slash with her precise rapier (uses DEX). On a 10+ deal damage without return damage.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Before Wyndyl could loose her first arrow her friend Nagan pointed out the location of the enemy archers, and she trained her bow on them. They were still shrouded in mist, though, and it was hard to make out the full outline of the humans, and her arrow fell harmlessly to one side. Things didn't seem to be going too well in general, two of the wildmen rushing through their front line and assaulting Colette, the other archer of the group. Of course the thief simply drew her sword and began to close with them, something Wyndyl wasn't willing to do just yet, even as she felt an arrow graze her arm, putting a small little cut in her milky-white skin. She notched another arrow and drew her bow, taking aim at the enemy who had wounded her, ready to strike him down.

Volley at the enemy archer who hit her, on a 7-9 put herself in danger to make the shot.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

A few links that I'll keep at the top of my post for general reference.

Curses. Despite the sharpness of her blade, the momentum and thickness of the material combined ensured that she didn't slice through it cleanly, and with it wrapped around her weapon and arms her attack was foiled. That left her open, and Miraleth was left backing away and twisting this way and that in an effort to reduce the effectiveness of the spear and sword coming for her. Her defenses were ineffective, one jabbing into her side and the other digging through her armor and into her other side. She was bloodied, but not beaten, and with a grunt of pain she reached up and attempted to rend the net holding her arms and weapon apart with brute strength alone. Should she succeed, her next action was to return the favor for the cuts delivered, aiming a horizontal slash at the belly of the swordsman before reversing her momentum and making a diagonal cut at the barbarian wielding the spear.

Bend Bars, Lift Gates to break the net, the only one I really care about being to do it quickly. And preferably without letting myself get murdered in the process. Then two hack and slashes at ye dudes who attacked her. All strength checks, so still 2d6+2 rolls.
NO GUTS NO GLORY and I guess only one attack if 3 moves in a turn isn't allowed?
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

The shaman, too preoccupied searching the field for answers, failed to get out of the way of an arrow. Thankfully, her hides managed to absorb most of the blow. The arrow left her with a wound in her shoulder, though thankfully was lodged in her cloak... but not her shoulder.

The shamaness decided that these archers were more dangerous than she liked. The street here was clear - surely the Imperials here would be hiding, and all of the settlement's warriors looked to be elsewhere, so they would not see, and Sable and Miraleth were unlikely to see her, engaged as they were. Reaching under her cloak, Nagan pulled a wooden idol of a woman, curvaceous form carved from a branch of holly, designs painted in Nagan's own blood. She pointed the woman at the archer that had shot her, and whispered. "Telakapa, bring him to me..."

I forgot to mention I guess - if anything dies, I want to use Spirit Catcher on yon.

Gonna use Spirit of Desire to get that archer fuck to stop shooting and charge into melee, which is hopefully a good idea. I'll also use Spirit Talk to try and keep the charge, though if I 7-9 I'll just spend the charge instead.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Sabled cursed under her breath as the net wasn't sliced apart by her strike, but instead managed to tangle itself around her arm and blade. It was no more than an annoyance however, a much preferable alternative to being caught under it, and it would take too long to try to disentangle in the midst of battle. She followed through with her original plan as the attackers approached, accounting for the extra weight on her arm before bringing her blade down on the first man to close, cutting deep into his flesh before he could bring his own weapon to bear on her.

It was undoubtedly a fatal wound, her blade carving open his chest in a single strike, but the heavy strike combined with the extra unwieldiness of the net hanging from her arm left her a little slower to recover. Her parry came too slow and another of the barbarians managed to catch her in the arm with his spear, tearing through the tough leather she wore and digging into flesh enough to draw blood, if not enough to cripple her. She hissed in pain at the wound, but was already twisting away and bringing her blade up in a two-handed grip to bat the weapon away before darting forward to follow up with a thrust meant to skewer her attacker through the chest.

The battle, while not turning against them yet, was not going favourably. These four had managed to tie herself and Mireleth, the groups best frontline fighters in melee, while she'd spotted the two who'd thrown the nets initially circling around to flank their archers. Not only that, but they seemed to have archers of their own, somewhere out in the fog beyond the gates.

If she managed to bring down her opponent, she would spare a glance at Mireleth, hoping the other swordswoman could hold her own with her opponents before falling back to Colette's side, intending to help fend off the other two assailants approaching the rogue.

Starting with more hacking and slashing at the spearman who wounded her, avoiding return damage on a 10+.
If she manages to take him down, falling back to Colette and Defending her. Will halve the first attack's effect or damage on a 7-9. Will also counter the first and halve the second (if applicable) if she gets a 10+.
Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

Mireleth - HP 10/23, No Status
Nagan - HP 15/19, No Status
Sable - HP 9/21, Weapon Entangled (-1 to damage rolls), Hold 3 for Defending Colette.
Colette - HP 20/20, No Status
Wyndyl - HP 12/17, No Status

Mireleth’s Bend Bars, Lift Gates: 2d6+2 = 9 (2, 5). Tears the net off quickly.
Mireleth’s Hack and Slash vs. Swordsman: 2d6+2 = 8 (2, 4)
Damage: 1d10 = 6. Dead.
Mireleth’s Hack and Slash vs. Spearman: 2d6+2 = 6 (2, 2) Miss.

Enemy Counterttack: 1d6+2+1(Additional enemy) = 9, 7 after armour.

Sable’s Hack and Slash: 2d6+2 = 7 (2, 3)
Damage: 1d10+1-1 = 4. Dead.
Sable’s Defend: 2d6+1 = 10 (6, 3). Total success.

Enemy Counterattack: 1d6+2 = 8, 7 after armour.

Colette’s Hack and Slash: 2d6+2 = 12 (5, 5). No counterattack.
Damage: 1d8 = 7. Sodead.

Sable's Defend is unneeded this round, enemies don't get any hits in.

Wyndyl’s Volley: 2d6+1 = 6 (1, 4) Miss

Archer’s counter shot: 5, 4 after armour.

Nagan’s Spirit Talk: 2d6+2 = 7 (4, 1) The second archer really wants to touch Nagan’s totem, and starts running across the field. The spirit leaves after taking effect however.

Nagan’s Spirit Catcher: 2d6+2 = 13 (6, 5)

Mireleth and Wyndyl each gain another point of exp.

Mireleth managed to tear the net from herself with relative ease, tossing the remains aside just in time to meet her opponents once again. This time without the net restricting her movements, she struck true, her blade slicing open the swordsman's belly. He fell, clutching at his stomach and sure to die shortly, but his companion had not been idle. His spear caught her mid-swing as she attempted to cut him down too, and a bludgeoning strike forced her back before she could strike him, leaving the two of them at a standoff once again. The swordswoman was wounded, but still in the fight.

Meanwhile, Sable's opponent recovered quickly when she forced his weapon aside, but not quickly enough to keep from being impaled on the end of her sword as she lunged forward. Her reckless manoeuvre hadn't come without cost though, and a fresh stream of blood began to flow down the huntress' side where the barbarian had managed to interpose his weapon just a few moments too late to save himself. She looked over in time to see Mireleth bring down one of her own opponents, and her rush to the Colette's side would prove unnecessary in the end, the rogue managing to fend off her would-be attackers even without aid.

Colette drew her rapier and faced down the charging wildmen, deftly dodging out of the way of a heavy overhead strike from the man she'd grazed previously, and was eyeing her with a particularly sadistic look. Not for much longer, at least, as her rapier swiftly found his throat. The barbarian's sadistic look quickly turned to one of panic, and it was clear it wouldn't be long before he expired. The second club-wielding man seemed more cautious however, taking an experimental sweep with his weapon that she easily managed to duck away from before backing off as Sable made it to her side, uncoiling the whip from his belt and looking ready to strike at the first of them to make a move with it.

The mists continued to foil Wyndyl's aim, her arrow once again going wide by the slightest of margins, her target barely ducking aside in time to avoid it. Unfortunately, she was no so lucky as the return fire came, an arrow grazing her shoulder and managing to dig deeply enough into her flesh to make continuing to hold her bow painful. Not painful enough to stop her if she chose to fight through it, but it was certainly more severe than the superficial wound she'd taken from the last shot.

Nagan, at least, was more successful in temporarily disabling the other archer, calling upon the power of one of her spirit totems. The spirit within seemed restless, and unlikely to return upon being released, not without time spent communing with it once again, but it did as it was directed nonetheless. The archer dropped his bow on the ground, stumbling forward as if in a daze before righting himself and beginning to run straight toward the shamaness, heedless of the battle raging around him and eyes fixed on the idol in her hands.

Meanwhile, her other efforts had also borne fruit, the spirit of one of the fallen warriors being drawn into her death mask, the vessel she had prepared for catching such spirits. She felt it infusing with power and fury, demanding to be unleashed upon her foes.

Nagan's Spirit Catcher totem catches a Berserker spirit.
When she makes a hack and slash roll she may release this spirit, which envelops her in the ghostly form of a savage warrior, allowing her to roll +WIS instead of +STR on the hack and slash roll and deal +1d4 damage.
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Re: Nightmare Lands (Dungeon World Game)

A few links that I'll keep at the top of my post for general reference.

Tossing the net aside, Mireleth lunged into her next attack, finally landing a hit and bringing down one of their attackers. She grinned as she dropped him, but as she twisted to strike the other he brought the butt of his spear to bear, smashing her in the face. She felt the impact break her nose, felt blood pouring down her face, and stumbled back, but it would take more than that to put her out of the fight! Still, the hits were piling up, and she adopted a more defensive stance as she prepared to engage her last foe, keeping her blade between her and him and waiting for the opportune moment to strike. When it came, she made to sever the man's spear, either taking the tip as it was thrust her way or cutting it through the middle, and then spinning her blade into a slash directed at her opponent's throat.

Hack and Slash, once again, this time going for no return attack on success.