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OOC Thread

Re: OOC Thread

You can hash out your concerns here, Cross, or just message me. Same general things I said to RJ would apply to you as well. Let me know what you want.
Re: OOC Thread

I'll get to work on a post as of this message. Maybe it'll help Grave as well, but maybe something will come of it if not.
Re: OOC Thread

The way I see it, I think I should change my character's interests to give him a different objective, make him a bit more caring. Do you mind if I change his interests?
Re: OOC Thread

I got the pardon to do so. So, there's sense in you getting one as well, Grave. Go ahead and post your changes.
Re: OOC Thread

The way I see it, I think I should change my character's interests to give him a different objective, make him a bit more caring. Do you mind if I change his interests?

Go for it, if you haven't already done so. Though I don't see why you couldn't be caring AND take over the tower in a bloody coup... ;)
Re: OOC Thread

Assuming it's all right with you, Archer, I'd like to try some conflict resolution - for my own benefit so that I familiarize myself with the system.

The tribals are wavering but some have recognized you and wish to capture you. They are willing to die in order to goad Nadia on into an unfavorable position, as they are fanatics, so they will be using their Maneuvering score instead of self protection, which gives them a d10 and d6.

Please choose two Forms (attributes) to use. If you win with those dice, your actions must describe in someway what forms you used. If you want to slash at the tribals, you'll need to use With Violence. If you want to save the lives of your men who catch fire, you need to use For Others.

If you are using Directly and wish to invoke your particular strength, you will gain its die as well. (I suppose you could do something Covertly as well to gain its die, but leading a charge isn't very covert.)

Dice will be thrown in a maximum of three rounds. If at any time your highest value doubles that of your opponents, you'll win the conflict immediately. In the first round dice are thrown to determine who has the initial advantage.

The rules aren't intuitive, so rather than try to explain them at length, I'm going to tell you the results and try to explain through example.
Re: OOC Thread

I think the immediate concern for her is avoiding taking napalm to the face, -then- she can focus on the guys who got burned.
Re: OOC Thread

Makes sense to me.

So your dice are d12 (directly) and d6 (for myself). You are up against a d10 and a d6, so you won't be getting your name on the We Owe list even if you were to win the first round, because you have higher dice.

Both sides make an initial roll.

You roll a: 12 (d12) and a 4 (d6)

The tribal fireslingers roll: 3 (d10), and 2 (d6)

This means that you have the beginning advantage and it would be your move. Note that this is just the "initiative" roll, and not the entire roll for the first round.

Nadia's dice stand, it is her move, so you would win the right to describe what happens (in this case, you already have with your post - Nadia ducks the "napalm" expertly and with plenty of grace.

The tribal dice are thrown again, the d6 will be pointless. They cannot win this round and if they don't throw a 7 or higher on their d10, Archer wins immediately.

Rolling the d10..... and it's a 1.

So the first conflict was overkill. Were I a PC representing one of the tribals flinging fire at you, this is where I would be at your mercy and would be negotiating with you. At this point, if I'm getting away from Nadia, it's going to be at the cost of me being Exhausted or Injured. If I'm not willing to take that, I have to do what Archer/Nadia wants. If he's willing to capture me and put me in chains, then we can agree to that and that is what would happen.

This is an NPC scenario however, so things are going to go more in Nadia's favor. Archer can write the fates of the fireslingers however he wants. Though Nadia can't cut them down since she didn't use violence, I would say the way the dice were rolled indicate that Nadia's forces easily could have dodged the fire and quickly outpaced and captured any attackers who did not immediately run.

Archer the scene is yours, you may describe it how you like.
Re: OOC Thread

Re: Archer

I assume you meant Kiana, and even though it wasn't necessarily her who was involved, I'm okay with her being captured. Makes things interesting. We'll say that that is what happens.
Re: OOC Thread

Yeah thats who I meant, when I was typing the name I thought the N was a R.
Re: OOC Thread

Going to keep conflict rolls all in this thread so this is Jahangir (d12,d8) vs Zakiri's Covertly (d12) and For Others (d10).

Since Zakiri has the stronger combined dice, her name will not go on the We Owe list for this conflict. Also, the results of this are strictly limited to the exploration of Jahangir's Catacombs while trying to find Baherah and Vinah, and simultaneously escaping Jahangir's clutches. Any actions to free above slaves, is a different roll.


Here is the initial roll to determine advantage.

Zakiri rolls: 4 (d12) and 10 (d10)

Jahangir rolls: 3(d12) and 2(d8)

Zakiri has the initiative, her dice stand and it is her move (Zakiri will be getting away from him initially)

Jahangir rolls to react and try to limit or even take away the advantage. He must roll above a 5 on either die, or immediately lose Zakiri.

He rolls... 12 (d12) and 8 (d8).

Well... a perfect roll, and it means that he takes the advantage somehow. (I'll write it up). He wins round 1, but the conflict is not over because he did not double Zakiri's roll of 10 (impossible to do). So she has not been found yet but he's drawing closer.


Jahangir has the advantage so he will possess an advantage die (d6) which he may add to his highest roll next round. However, before dice are rolled, you have a chance to negotiate a resolution now, if you so desire but your GM is feeling confident and would accept little less than Zakiri becoming a plaything for Jahangir in some way...
Re: OOC Thread

Heh, not looking good for Zakiri, but she will continue to try to find the other girls and avoid Jahangir.
Re: OOC Thread


Zakiri rolls a 5 (d12) and an 8 (d10).

Jahangir rolls a 2 (d12) and a 5 (d8), with an advantage die roll of 5 (d6), which is added to the second die giving a high of 10.

Jahangir has heard her shout of surprise and is quickly closing in - she can hear his loud footsteps approaching.

Reacting to Jahangir's move, Zakiri rolls her dice again, needing to beat a 10 to take the advantage, and needing at least a 6 on one die to avoid losing immediately.

She rolls... a 6 (d12) and a 2 (d10). A third round ensues as she narrowly avoids immediate capture.

(Going to go straight on to round three as it can't get much worse for our heroine at the moment.)


Zakiri rolls... a 5 (d12) and a 2 (d10)

Jahangir rolls.... a 7 (d12) and a 2 d(d8), with an advantage die roll of 4, meaning that he achieves a high of 11.

Zakiri's dice are picked up and rolled a final time: 4 (d12) and 3(d10).

Conflict is over and Jahangir will capture her, rape her himself and then let his minions have their way with her, and likely he will make some alterations to her body, before letting her go free to Khanna. You may avoid this fate by taking an Exhaustion (lose a die strength from Directly and With Violence) or Injury (lose a die strength from Covertly and For Others). This stat change would last the entire chapter.

If you desire to make a counter offer, you may. I will wait for your answer before posting the resulting scene.
Re: OOC Thread


Nadia Vs. Kiana (Seduction vs Escape)

Kiana wishes to escape, and will be attempting to break free of the ropes while Nadia is busy seducing her. The cat woman has been fraying the rope with her claws as she was led the long way through the town, and these rolls will represent Nadia's success at breaking the wildcat and discovering the frayed ropes before Kiana is able to snap them and escape.

This will be a maneuvering role (d10, d6) vs a Direct (d12) with Love/Lust (d6) and Analysis (d8). The d12 means that Nadia has the higher dice and so will not get put on the We Owe list. (Which can help by giving players an extra advantage die in later rolls in the chapter -fyi)


Initial roll

Nadia: 5(d12), 7(d8), 2(d6)
Kiana: 9(d10), 5(d6)

It''s Kiana's move - she'll react with indignation and insults while starting again to saw through the strands of her rope - shouldn't be too long before she's free...

Nadia's reaction: 12(d12), 1(d6), 3(d8)

Then Nadia finds the right spot, just under Nadia's ear. Her sassy attitude seems to melt away, and her legs and tail go rigid in a reflexive response. Her sawing at the frayed bindings stop momentarily.

Round one negotiations - it's not impossible for Kiana to get a lucky roll, but what exactly is Nadia's endgame? Is she only doing this to get it on with Kiana, or is her motive to tease her with pleasure and not give her release until she speaks about her fire source?

I'll let you successfully seduce and get a truthful answer out of Kiana (after you suitably put her through Nadia's sexual extraction of information), IF afterwards Nadia lets/forces the cat girl to lick Nadia to climax, after which Kiana makes a successful escape.

If you agree, then the story continues as we have compromised. If you don't agree, we will go on to round 2.
Re: OOC Thread

Counter offer: Zakiri's fate is a little less severe (ie, she convinces Jahangir not to rape her himself or not to make major alterations) in exchange for her acting as his spy/saboteur while she is with Khanna.
Re: OOC Thread

I think Lilith shall be pretty much the spirit or embodiment of hedonism. She represents a life without restraints or limitations, be it food, sex, wealth, merriment whatever and preaches the idea of doing whatever people wantas much as they like. Her aspect or physical form on the mortal plane is that of a large powerful and sexy Maralith/Naga
Re: OOC Thread

@ Xivvix - Jehangir really wants a piece of Zakiri, so he will rape her, but if she begs him and submits to be his spy (truly, for he will put a spell on her that shall let him know if she sways from her promises) then he will let her keep her true form with only slight alterations. (she will be recognizable to all who have seen her before.)

@TentanariX - Cool. I can run with that. My stipulation would be that she is not evil - she is simply what she is: desire and pleasure incarnate. Also, she has existed for a very long time, and the Eldest River and its immediate environs are her homelands.

I also would suggest that she is at odds with any forces that seek to control her or to limit her in any way. She is currently being held back somehow, and needs her daughters to free her. Destroying and or gaining control of the Silver Tower will be key to doing that.
Re: OOC Thread

That deal sounds good. Zakiri will hold her word on being a spy. Should I edit my post to include some more begging?
Re: OOC Thread

Let's play the scene out, and you can fill in where appropriate.
Re: OOC Thread

Counter offer to your own, Nadia seduces the answer out of her, then the two satisfy each other. Then Nadia offers safe passage back out of the village,assured escape no need to sneak or avoid guards, if Kiana agrees to cease her attacks for the time being.