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Peltas Five Station

Re: Peltas Five Station

Tali grows quiet at the mention of the loss of Cybertron. "I see." The words come out with a touch of sympathy in them, though she doesn't elaborate. Following along with the change of subject, if he's paying attention to her, he'd notice the nod. "Definitely important to keep the weapons in working order." There's a bit of a chuckle. "Garrus is forever calibrating the ones on the Normandy. I think it's his favorite hobby. Maybe his only hobby." A pause. "How did you get things in the launch tube? Is it a result of...whatever you fire?"

((Allrighty. Just wanted to throw that out there.))
Re: Peltas Five Station

There's a grunt from Victor when Tali mentions her thoughts on Garrus, although it's very difficult to tell if it's a reaction, or just another wedged in bit of debris, as the hard-light tool is raised again.

In response to her question, he replies, "Intoxicated pilot. Long story. And the Pulsar Mortar rounds are high-yield air-to-ground proximity shells that have an additional high-intensity light burst component. Anything that manages to survive the explosion is likely going to be blinded for a while."
Re: Peltas Five Station

It takes her a moment, but she catches on quickly. "If the...cat is hung over...does that mean...?" Hard to tell if she's intrigued or frightened by that idea. "I can see the practical application of that. Wouldn't do much good against some of the thing's we've come up against, but I imagine it helps during fiascos."
Re: Peltas Five Station

"Yeah, Ravage transforms into Cybertronian Data Module, and there's a port in the ship for him to link with it to control it directly. Under normal circumstances, he's sober... Which now that I think about it, that sounds a little odd... Anyway, there was a brief period during the tail-end of the last outing, after the shooting had stopped, where his little quirk kicked in, and he started trying to pilot the ship inebriated."

Another bit of debris, apparently some kind of mineral, hit the floor. At that, Victor began checking over another weapon port. "His personality has a slight bit of damage to it. Normally, he acts fine... Well, fine for someone with a few million years on the job as a recon scout and intel agent. Periodically, though... He has these episodes where he starts acting almost like a parody of himself. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to fix it just yet. I know how, but there's... complications."
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"Transform?" She seems a bit curious about that notion, mostly because, well, large robot cat. At the comment about him being roughly a million years old, it's difficult to tell if that's impressed her or she might be calling bull on that, given there's no real facial expression on her to read and she isn't commenting to that effect. "Working on something that can think for itself," she sort of nods. "Those kind of complications I can understand."
Re: Peltas Five Station

"Actually, that's not the big complication. Energon, the energy form that Cybertronians operate off of, the one that's sort of their lifeblood if you will... It's got nasty effects on organic nervous systems. At best, the affected will be in a general fugue-state with memory loss for several hours. If there's too much exposure, then it's more of a case of synapse damage and nerve burnout. Death is even possible."

Victor shook his head slightly. "And I'm speaking from experience about that. In order to fix his personality damage, the process requires a direct link and would take time... Which means significant Energon exposure, and even the best case scenario on that would disrupt the repair attempt, perhaps catastrophically for both parties."
Re: Peltas Five Station

Tali listens, or at least appears to be listening. While it's entirely possible some of the terms aren't ones she's familiar with, she's not questioning, which means she likely gets the gist of his explanation. Once he's done, she's fallen into a bit of a quiet, it seems.

"What about a synthetic? Would another one be able to work on him? Make the repairs?"
Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor stops what he's doing for a moment, thinking about the question.

Finally, he speaks again. "Maybe... I'd have to find some guide for the procedure, as well as the necessary interface components... The correct training manual and proper tools, if you will. Mnemosurgery is kind of like the Cybertronian equivalent of advanced neurosurgery, after all... So having someone who doesn't know what they're doing attempting it could be very bad, after all."

He starts to go back to work, before stopping again. "Actually, if I just remembered what I'd read in the one recovered archive section correctly... Improperly performed mnemosurgery has the potential to be lethal... To both parties involved. After all, it's essentially direct linking two... living... minds so one can make alterations to the other."
Re: Peltas Five Station

"Well, I can certainly see how you wouldn't want to risk your friend and someone who was just trying to help out. The thought just occurred to me that Legion might be able to assist." There's a pause. "Though I don't know if it would be able to grasp the concept of what needed to be done. EDI might, but she doesn't have hands." There's what might pass for a chuckle from the Quarian. "I'd imagine, though, if it were that much of a detriment, you'd have sought a solution much sooner than now."
Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor snorted. "Periodic minor annoyance, rea..." He suddenly glanced around, and then ran inside the ship. A moment later, he came back out, with the access hatch closing behind him. "Might want to run back over to your ship and have them do a through search of the inside... I need to go check a couple of spots elsewhere on the station. He's wandered off, apparently, and I'd rather not find out the hard way that he's trying to prank someone."

Good to his word, Victor began heading for the door leading deeper into Peltas.
Re: Peltas Five Station

"I'll have EDI check the systems and our security search the ship. If we find him, I'll figure out a way to let you know." She doesn't seem to mind the abrupt end to the conversation and will head back to the Normandy after he heads further into the station, contacting the aforementioned to search for the wayward AI. That done, she'll go back to assisting with the repairs for the time being.
Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor hadn't gone too far when a voice called out to him from one of the other corridors.

"Oi, Victor! You have a sec?"

The voice belonged to Camulus, who'd been trying, and failing at times, to speak more like a human would. Amusing at times, but the look on his face suggested this wasn't a social call.

((Think we can move for what we originally talked about Wolf, might have to hit Steam a little bit later. Also, where the hell are Said and Evelyn right now? I lost track of them Hardware.))
Re: Peltas Five Station

Before Victor could react, a voice came from behind Camulus' shoulder. "What's this about?"

Victor facepalmed without even turning around. "SLAGGIT, RAVAGE!" He turned around towards Camulus, pinching the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Well, now I do."
Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus let out a sound that may have been a growl. When he spoke, at first it was the Gou'ald itself clearly speaking.

"You're quite lucky I have self control and that Gou'ald weaponry has little effect on you Ravage, or you may have had a nasty jolt. But since you ask, possibly about you."

There was a pause, before Camulus spoke, addressing Victor.

"You had asked us to keep an eye out for anything that might help your ship. I believe I found one of your power sources."

A small data pad was produced, showing what was clearly a Moleculon Fuse. However, in the background there were a few other trinkets, as well as something large and round that had an orange glowing center, similar to a oversized wraith bomb.

"We found that in one of Anubis' old labs."
Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor nodded as he looked at the image. "Yeah, that's clearly a fu..."

He suddenly trailed off, eyes widening slightly. After a moment, his finger shot out, pointing at the large device in the background. With a slightly urgent tone to his voice, he asked. "That. Did you move that, or is it still there?"

"What's the matte..." Ravage began, before trailing off after seeing what Victor pointed at, his optics brightening in what was clearly the Cybertronian equivalent of eyes widening.
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus blinked at the sudden change of tone and attitude.

"It's currently sitting inside the armory on my ship, which is docked with the station at pylon twelve, why?"
Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor drew a long breath before replying. "Okay, I hope that it hasn't started trying to integrate with your ship then... That's a major find."

Ravage, meanwhile, turned and flat-out ran back to the Cybershadow.
Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus actually blinked several times.

"Integrate? I'm taking it the thing ISN'T a modified Wraith stun bomb like we originally thought then, is it."
Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor drew another breath, then replied. "Yeah, it's not. Looks close, but that's actually a very specific kind of Cybertronian component. Judging by scale in the image... That might actually be the size of part we need for the repairs we're having to do for Lauter."

...which might raise some questions. Victor's mentioned Lauter before, seemingly as a location, but occasionally as if it could be a large ship or something akin to Atlantis.
Re: Peltas Five Station

Camulus paused for a moment, seeming to be about to ask something then deciding better of it.

"I suppose then we should get that thing off my ship quickly then. Let's move."