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Peltas Five Station



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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

There was a slight pause and Draven nodded.

"Bring her in then please. Having another mind working from a different angle can only benefit us."

Talok seemed to think for a moment, then made a motion that might have been a smile, it was hard to tell with his features.

"You said it seemed to be on 86.7? Earth Radios, as well as the Walkie Radios they use operate on that frequency. Now the range is somewhat limited on both, so we'd have to be close to an anomaly to test it, but it might be possible to amplify the gain on them without distorting any information. As for magnetic field study, typical hand held devices should be capable of that after a few modifications to protect them from the field itself. What we need, ironically, is for another anomaly to open up somewhere that we are, after we complete a proto-type."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station


"Contacting her now, Dr. Solus."

Samantha is likely exploring the station, so it may take longer than a few minutes for her to arrive, but she will, probably in the company of someone who's able to escort her to the room. She'll thank them and they'll be off. She hesitates in the doorway for a moment, actually letting out a soft noise and stiffening as she sees Talok. She shakes her head and then nods it before walking fully into the room.

"EDI said I might be able to help with something concerning monitoring communications?"

Mordin, meanwhile, has been standing off to the side, eyes narrowed in thought while he occasionally 'hmm's or taps his fingers against his cheek or strokes his chin. Draven mentioned a prototype and that's about when he got quiet, so he's obviously thinking.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

If seeing Talok shocked her, it was probably nothing compared to when Draven turned around, revealing what he was. From behind, he'd seemed solid enough, but when he turned around she'd be face to face with what literally appeared to be walking black mist with glowing red eyes, and only loosely defined facial features.

"We've come across some interesting information. The anomaly previously detected on one of the planets a team was present on earlier gave off some very unusually high magnetic, and radial frequencies. In particular, worth noting is the radial frequency seems to be 86.7, on what human call the frequency modulation scale. It's relatively lower end compared to what they have in terms of a range, but still it is worth noting. The frequency given off by this anomaly is so strong however, I believe it might be capable of literally interfering with anything else operating on that frequency. My theory, and hope, is to be able to devise a powerful enough device to be able to tell when one of these has opened, and at least a smaller one to test the theory. As best as we can tell, these anomalies are literal rips in the fabric of both space, and time. We have a baseline to work with, Earth Walkie Talkies I believe you said they were called Talok? But I'm a bit at a loss to figure out how to boost the gain on one to detect from more than a few miles distance, given the limitations of that particular technology."

Talok merely nodded, attempting to smile at Samantha before realizing it probably made things worse, then making a sighing noise and seeming to give up on the attempted gesture of peace.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Surprisingly enough, Draven doesn't seem to bother her as much as the Wraith does. He might make her double-take a little, but it seems there's something about Talok that unnerves her more than his counterpart.

Samantha listens. "A communicator, possibly, or just a radio. At least something like that could be used to test your theory before you jump into large scale construction. I'm not entirely sure it could be modified, but our QEC has the range. It's just a matter of...well, how much do you know about quantum entanglement communication?" She looks between the two of them and if they are unfamiliar, will launch into an of it. (See section QEC, naturally.) "We'd have to devise a means to have a...receiving point. And, well, it's a bit limited on what you can send. Shame you can't build a radio tower in space. Let it broadcast everywhere." She shakes her head and chuckles.

She'll throw in with them, applying what she knows, both about engineering and communication, to trying to devise their large-scale method of detection, seeming to find their testing devices acceptable, since they are just for that. She'll remark on seeing which might work best, radio or CB, essentially, but other than that it seems they're just going to need an anomaly to test it on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Draven nodded slowly.

"It might be possible to modify it yes."

Talok cut it, speaking for the first time since Samantha had entered the room.

"If all it's going to be used for is detecting these anomalies, would it even need to transmit? If all we need is to receive, then we can focus solely on modifying for that purpose. Even still, to cover an entire galaxy ... depending on the range involved ..."

Draven sighed slightly.

"We'd still need thousands of them, unless we can find a way to enhance their range, and that's also assuming nothing smashes into them. I suppose we could design anything space borne with shields and possible a sub-space energy storage capacitor."

((Anomaly's won't be in short supply in the near future :p))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"That is the drawback of the QEC. That's generally why it's mostly just used for military purposes rather than, shall we say, commercial use. If you've got an idea that would feasibly modify it, well, I'd imagine you'd want to get the Commander's permission first. I'm just the Communications officer. I probably shouldn't be giving you the go ahead to tinker with the Normandy. That, and EDI might get a bit, well, touchy."

If they can come up with a feasible modification, which, if they need to bring the AI on board as well, Samantha or Mordin will be happy to accommodate, then it's just a matter of getting permission from Lilith, whenever she's available for the asking. Otherwise, they've got a very capable Brit who's willing to throw in and try and come up with a solution.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Talok thought for a moment.

"What about re-creating one, building a less powerful variant. If we had enough of the specs, we could create a less powerful one and use it to test, that way, if there's something we neglect and it causes an overload, it doesn't risk your ship. Perhaps we'd still need to clear it with your Captain, but it would possibly be a more palatable solution?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

She thinks about it for a moment. "That seems a viable solution. And we could probably get away without asking the Commander. Although..." Her omni-tool blooms to life. "EDI? Do you think you could provide the station here with specifications on the QVC drive?"

"Certainly, Specialist Traynor. I've been...eavesdropping on the conversation. I'm not entirely sure how long it would take to fabricate something like this, but if it's just going to be a modified prototype, there shouldn't be much of an issue."

"That, and QVC technology isn't exactly classified material," Samantha will add on. "It's mostly just military grade because of practicality, not necessity."

In short order, the two men would have the information uploaded to whichever terminal they indicated, either directly through EDI's link with the station or via Samantha's omni-tool.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

The two looked over the specs, Talok seeming to nod his head after a few minutes.

"This should be fairly easy enough. Most of what we need materials wise is already in the main cargo bay. The rest of it I believe we can borrow from your ship Draven."

"I'll go and get what we need ready and have it beamed over. Perhaps we should focus on a small variant first, just to be sure we can actually assemble one. Testing may be more difficult, but a smaller proto-type is more practical for now.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"Not quite my area of expertise there, but if I can be of any help, gentlemen," Samantha looks between the two, from Draven to Talok and then quickly back to Draven, "I'll be happy to assist. Or if you're looking to fabricate something, I might suggest talking to Tali'zora. She's amazing when it comes to reverse engineering."

She'll stay or go as they need her to. The same with Mordin, who seems content to stay out of the way and study any of the relevant data they have on the anomalies so far. Every now and again, they'll hear him muttering on various things that he's looking for, including patterns and variables, usually based on what they're already researching, but perhaps trying to take things one step further. The Salarian definitely thinks outside of the box. In fact, they might wonder if there even is a box when it comes to him.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

As Draven departed, Talok nodded to Samantha.

"Please call her in then. It may make the process smoother. You're more than welcome to stay and help out as you can, you may be able to help when it comes to the more communicative parts of the proto-type. If we do manage to get one functional, we still need it to be able to relay information back if it's not in our possession, but is on something like a remote probe."

Talok opened his mouth to say something to Mordin, then suddenly seemed to have another thought cross his mind. Samantha could see that he was trying to remember something, and suddenly whatever it was, he did. Turning to Mordin, he spoke.

"Mordin right? How would you feel about taking a short trip to possibly find out something more on these anomalies? I seem to recall a race known as the Nox had a few stories that might have been reports of them, they came from survivors of Atlantis who returned here. I just now realized they might have some sort of connection. Maybe not but ... worth a shot anyway."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

EDI and Samantha will leap-frog radio the Quarian. "I have a feeling she's going to be thrilled to be working on, well, anything right now," chirps the young woman. The AI will inform them that Tali is on her way in short order.

Mordin blinks a couple of times, seeming to be coming back around from his own thoughts when Talok addresses him. "Personal recollections can be spotty. Inaccurate. But can provide a basis for direction of study. Also notion of meeting native species intriguing." He'll pause. "Should inform Garrus. Acting captain. Will likely insist on escort." His eyes narrow. "Choices limited. Pity."

From Samantha comes a bit of a chuckle. "That's Mordin for 'yes, thank you. I'd love to go.' Just give him some time to pack and let him know which ship to report to."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Talok half chuckled.

"I figured that. Oh, we won't be going by ship. We'll be going by Stargate. You are welcome to join us as well if you'd like."

((Don't recall if they actually have seen the Stargate in action or not, think they did but can't remember.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

(This batch has not. Kaidan, James, and Lil have. And Kaidan's the most likely to go with Mordin.)

Samantha chuckles, the sound more embarrassed than nervous. "I'm just a communications officer. I usually don't do away missions, but thank you. I'll go with Mordin and make sure he arrives in a timely manner."

"Stargate?" Mordin sounds intrigued. "EDI..."

"Uploading relevant data to your omni-tool now, Dr. Solus."

A holographic screen seems to pop up from the device on his arm and his eyes start to flick over the information scrolling by. Samantha gets behind him and starts nudging him along, steering him by the shoulders so he can walk and read at the same time, though he's doing a fairly good job of it on his own.

"Mustn't keep the new planet waiting, Doctor."

Given that they're linked via EDI, it would seem, Talok can inform Mordin of where he'll need to report in short order.

Meanwhile, Tali will arrive in the lab shortly after the other two have exited. Her fingers twist around one another in what appears to either be a fidget or a nervous gesture. Either that, or she's just trying not to get her hands on everything new in the room.

"I was asked to report here?" Her mask flickers as she speaks, voice somewhat tinny but still slightly accented.

Meanwhile, Samantha will get Mordin back to the Normandy and send him to his lab to collect what he might need for the journey. She'll also brief Garrus on the request.

The Turian hums thoughtfully. "Well, it will give Mordin something to do and since he's not vital to the reconstruction of the ship, I think we can spare him. He is right, though. I'd prefer if someone went with him. EDI, notify Major Alenko that I'd like him to escort him."


Once the officer and the Salarian have their gear, they'll report back to the gate room, provided they've been given clearance to enter.

"Oh man. We actually get to use this thing this time?" Kaidan stares at the inactive gate. "Wait, what about that whole 'can't pass back through' thing from earlier?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Talok took the time to catch Tali up to speed, at which point Draven had returned. She would be working with him, while Talok took Mordin to the Nox Planet. Arrangements made, he sent word for where Mordin and his escort would meet them, making sure everything was pre-cleared for them to arrive without questions.

By the time they arrived, Talok was waiting for them, and at the Major's remark, Talok chuckled.

"That holds true for only as long as the wormhole is active. One it terminates, we can dial back out to Peltas, or any other gate in the network and travel freely. Matter travels in only one direction, the direction of the outgoing wormhole to it's intended recipient gate."

He turned to the officer on duty at the gate, and nodded.

"Nox homeworld. Not entirely certain how long we'll be gone for."

The man nodded, pressing an arrangement of symbols on what appeared to be a symbolic keyboard of some kind. As he did, the inner ring of the Stargate began to spin, periodically stopping to lock the chevron in place. When the seventh locked, Mordin would become fully aware of why he'd been told to stay behind a certain point.

There was a whirring sound, and suddenly the unstable vortex of the wormhole as it formed shot outward, whooshing out, hanging for a moment in time, and then collapsing back into the now fully formed puddle.

"When you're ready."

((Will give Mordin a chance to react before making a new thread for the Nox Planet.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Tali will greet Talok and Draven, though it seems a matter of personal preference that she doesn't shake hands or exchange any sort of physical contact during the greeting. She'll listen to the briefing and what they're looking to construct.

"Well, the prototype, or short-range one, seems simple enough. Applying it to something that will stretch across space, that's another story. But then, as Shepard is fond of saying, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Shall we?"

"That makes sense, then," Kaidan remarks. "These do seem a lot like our mass relay system, though on a much smaller scale. And without the drive core to back it up," he concludes with a chuckle.

Mordin watches the stargate dial and remarkably, doesn't flinch when the wormhole activates. "Fascinating. Self-contained matter transportation unit." He brings up his arm and his omni-too flares.

Kaidan clears his throat. "Doctor, that's not why we're here."

"Yes, yes." He doesn't look up from the screen and keyboard, tapping a few things. "Making notes for later study. Not my field but certainly worth investigating."

The major just shakes his head, taking Mordin by the arm and escorting him up the ramp toward the gate. He finishes whatever it was he was noting before lowering his arm and staring at the shimmering wall in front of him. Overall, the Salarian is rather expressionless but those closest to him can see his eyes flicking over the surface. He takes a deep breath and will step through when indicated. Kaidan is a little more in awe of the structure, especially standing in front of it and being dwarfed by the bulk of the gate. He grins a little before he steps through.

"Lil's gonna be so jealous."

((Ready for the Nox when you are.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

((KK, making a reply then new thread then.))

Talok remained silent, though he did appear to the Major to be quietly chuckling. When Mordin was ready though, the Wraith nodded.

"Then let's go through. You may want to have an auto recording feature on that device, it might be capable of generating a reading from within the wormhole."

Then they were going through, Talok vanishing first. Upon entering the wormhole, there was a brief moment where there was nothing, as if they'd fallen asleep ....

((Making thread))


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

((Going to go ahead and do something I've discussed with Siphon, so it'll be ready to go when the first mission group returns.))

Not long after the group passes through the Stargate, and it shuts down, the station's long range communications array would pick up a message. Although the message was horribly garbled, due to some manner of interference, it seemed likely that it could be at least partially reconstructed. In fact, three message fragments came through clear enough to be made out.

"...tor Ryan Paxton..."

"...riolic radi..."

"...ty, stay awa..."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

The comm officer on duty immediately got in touch with Julia, who, after listening to the message, began working on trying to reconstruct what she could.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

It took quite a while, but eventually, most of the message was able to be reconstructed. Oddly enough, it seemed to be almost akin to a distress signal... Aside from the content.

The image shown in the message appeared to be of an adult human male, dressed in what appeared to be some manner of scientific protective gear. However, his face was badly mangled by apparent chemical, or perhaps radiation, burns. A strange interference seemed to be blocking parts of the message, and the station's systems couldn't seem to filter them out.

"Thi... ...Doctor Ryan Paxton of... ...ation. Whoever can hear this... ...ease, for your own safet... ...ay! Our station commander attem... ...ess triolic radiation waves. The safeties failed and the facility is fl... ...th hazardous energies! I re... ...or own safety, please stay away!"

During the last part of the message, Paxton seemed to be struggling, and at the end collapsed, as if having passed out... Or more likely, expiring from the exposure. Right before he did, though... The image shook, as if something had exploded.

...Oddly enough, attempts to back-trace the message ran dry after the message seemed to have bounced between several supposedly inactive communications relays.
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