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Prologue - Isabella Frost

Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven chuckled a little at her question. "G-gods no, though I have met the man when he was in school h-himself. He's an ass. And no, the blood thing isn't f-fiction. They had to get s-s-something right, m-might as well have b-been that." He says ruefully, squeezing her hand a little to try and comfort her.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"That figures," she murmurs quietly. He can feel her fingers turn a little, more clutching at his hand than holding it. "How old are you?" she asks quietly. "And what about...you mentioned your mother and your sister. Are they vampires too, or were you--" She stops herself. He told her he hadn't lied to her. "Were you talking about the past?" she amends.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven shook his head sadly. "I was b-born in 1904, and embraced in 1926. M-my mother and sister are b-both dead, though my sister was also a vampire. She was k-k-killed, two years ago..."
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

He can see her doing the math quickly in her head, perhaps looking a little relieved that he's not...ancient. He can also tell she's debating asking about his sister, a natural question, but she curbs it for the time being. "I'm sorry," is all she does say, her tone soft and with a touch of regret, given what he'd said about her. She's quiet a few moments more before questioning him again. "So," she begins hesitatingly, "what should I expect after you...you Embrace...me?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"If," and he does stress the word. "If that's what's y-you decide, you can expect to wake up v-v-very hungry. We'll find something, It's possible to f-feed of animals too. After that, we'll h-have to go find the one in c-c-charge in this town, and tell him we were both changed b-by the bad ones. You'll feel d-different, but not t-terribly so." He explains, trying to subtly shift a bit closer to her, which she can't help but notice.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She doesn't move away from him, even as he shifts closer. "I've got a choice without really having one. This is something I can't walk away from now, not without someone screwing with my head, like you said. And living my life always being afraid of the dark would be no different than being afraid of the sun. I don't," he can notice the shine coming to her eyes and she blinks, bring her free hand up to wipe at them, "I don't want to lose my connection with my family. That's...the only thing that...that scares me." She sniffs, managing something of a smile. "But I've got until the...end of the semester before I have to worry about that, right?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"Plenty of t-time." Raven says softly, sidling in close to her and resting a hand on her thigh. "A-a... Are you r-ready then?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She straightens a little as he does that, but all things considered, it's a natural reaction. "Is it going to hurt?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven shakes his head. "Quite the o-o-opposite. I don't know how it w-works, but it's the most amazing thing y-y-you'll ever feel. It, uh, e-encourages, 'R-return customers'." He says, leaving it to her to figure out what that meant.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She gives him a bit of a funny look at the term he uses. "So...people like being bit by vampires?" Maybe there was a little more truth in fiction after all. Although the fact that he says 'returning' does seem to make her feel a little better. "You said I'd be hungry when it was...done. I'm...going to have to...feed on someone, aren't I?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven nods. "Nobody knows how, j-just the why. It makes it easier to f-f-feed. And y-you could just, f-feed off me, I have to d-d-d... D-drain y-you c-c-completely f-first anyways..."
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"As long as it'll be okay. And as long as you'll be okay," she says quietly, her fingers curling around his hand again. She takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly and letting her eyes slip closed. She had to be completely crazy, just letting this happen, but if what he said were true, there was no way she could walk away from this alive anyway. It might not be Raven that stopped her, but if he were right, somebody would. At least this was a chance to keep going, living, in an abstract sort of way. And she wouldn't be alone. Her hold on his hand tightened a little.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven didn't say anything, just gently pulled her into another hug. They stayed like that for a long moment, before Raven slowly lifted his head from her shoulder to speak, still holding her close. "I'm s-sorry..." He whispers softly into her ear before dropping his head down again and slowly sinking his teeth into her neck.

((Yay! Finally, someone who can describe it themself!))
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((Oh, this is going to be fun...))

Isabella bit her lip, letting out a whimper as she felt Raven's teeth...fangs...pierce her throat. The pain was enough to keep her mind coherent for a moment and he could feel her hands balling into fists, bunching up his shirt in her hold. As soon as he started to drink, though, all rational thought fled, leaving nothing behind but an unignorable and carnal bliss. Even behind closed eyelids, she could feel moments when her eyes rolled back, the same moments her parted lips could do little more than gape until a moan forced her to take a breath. Each pull of his feeding sent shivers to every part of her body, causing her to start trembling in his hold.

The more he drank, though, the harder she was finding it to breathe, light-headedness starting to set in, both from the loss of blood and only being able to pull in the tiniest bit of air with each of her gasps. Instinct was starting to take over, one that told her that no matter how good this felt, she had to try to fight it. Gripping his shirt tighter in one fist, Raven could feel her other hand trying to pull him away, weakly pounding against his back, her ankles sliding and kicking slightly at the ground beneath the bench. The adrenaline that kicks in to help her fight only serves to pump her blood faster for him, her lungs pulling in one final gasp before her eyes fully rolled back and her mind was lost to darkness.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((And that, my friends, is why I had her do it. As a matter of fact, I'm going to glaze over the awakening part so she can do that too, 'cause she wins :) ))

Isabella snapped awake to find herself still on the bench, layed across Raven's lap, and indescribably hungry. She felt the need to feed welling up inside her, uncontrollable, unstoppable. Raven moved his arm quickly, bringing it up in front of his face, and she bit down hungrily, unable to stop herself. The whole time, Raven just watched her face intently, lovingly.

As she finally regained control of herself, he spoke up. "A-are to a-alright? How d-d-do you feel?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((Wee. I get to ST for a post.))

Raven could feel Isabella starting to struggle in his hold, the pleasure of the Kiss giving way to something more primal, something ingrained in the back of her mind that made her want to fight for her ebbing humanity. The pleasured gasps that had been tickling his ear were replaced with desperate gulps for air. He could feel her clinging to him, the pulls at his shirt weakening as he felt her pulse growing fainter beneath his lips. For a split second, the realization that he was hurting her came to his mind. He could stop right now, lick the wounds shut, and leave her...weakened, anemic, but alive and with the hope of recovery...if she reached a hospital in time. No, something told him. She was beyond that point. It was all or nothing.

Feeling her grow lax in his arms, he realized that she'd lapsed into unconsciousness. There was still a faint tickle of air stirring the small hairs on his neck, still that final flutter as her heart weakened...the beat of it fading. Shifting her gently in his hold, he realized he could walk away from her now, too. She'd be safe from the Sabbat and their plans and all the worries that she had shared with him.

That she'd shared. Even after finding out about him, she'd still stayed. Unlike others in the past, she hadn't run away from him. She'd faced her fear and she had stayed. No. He wasn't going to lose her. Wasn't going to let her just slip away.

Slicing open his wrist with his fangs, he brought the wound up to her parted lips, letting some of the blood slip past them. That done, he scooted over on the bench, easing her down as well, cushioning her head on his lap. He could already feel her body trembling as it began to undergo its change from mortal to Kindred. Licking the wound on his wrist shut, he dropped his hand, combing his fingers through her hair as he waited for her to awaken again.

((S'arite, Shrike, I hope?))

Izzy's eyes snapped open, darting around to gain her bearings, her whole body tense, feeling as though if she moved, she'd split out of her skin. She was on her back, staring up at the sky, though there was a siholette between her and it. That didn't matter. None of that mattered. She had to get up...move...sate the Hunger that was gnawing at her, the feeling more in her brain than in her stomach.

The person she was with leaned forward slightly and a copper smell assaulted her nostrils, the metallic taste of it filling her mouth before she even consumed the first drop. Her hand snapped up, grabbing the offered wrist and pulling it to her mouth, lips parting a second before she sank her fangs into the flesh there. Her body seemed to move on instinct, greedily sucking down the liquid that spilled into her mouth until the rational part of her brain began to take over again, barely realizing she could hear faint...pleasured?...sounds very close to her. Releasing her grip, she followed the movement of the arm as Raven craddled it close to his chest, his attention more on her than the bite. He was looking at her the same way one would imagine the Prince looking on Sleeping Beauty.

"A-are you a-alright? How d-d-do you feel?" he asked softly.

Her first instinct was to bring her fingertips up to her lips, parting them and brushing at her upper teeth. Still mostly smooth. But then, she'd seen Raven's retract as well, though they did seem...more pronounced. If it weren't for the lingering taste of the blood in her mouth, she would have thought to answer "No different."

"I think so," she finally does reply, speaking slowly, happy to find that there's little difference in her speech now as opposed to before. "And...surprisingly calm, all things considered. Are you okay?" She hasn't moved from her position in his lap just yet.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

((What was that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome you are ;) ))

Raven just smiled and continued petting her hair. "I f-feel great." He says simply, that same adoring look still on his face.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

She reaches up her hand, catching his own and just holding it. "I'm glad I didn't hurt you," she says quietly, slowly starting to come to terms with the fact that she bit him. And drank his blood. Funny how it didn't seem as repulsive as she thought it would. "What comes next?" She lets her gaze roam over his face, a bit amazed at the emotion behind his look.
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

Raven thought for a moment. "Well, I t-think we should start wandering a-around, l-looking scared. You've been in town a while, r-right? Where's the most people likely to b-be?"
Re: Prologue - Isabella Frost

"We've already been there. The Vat. Or the bars. Frat boys gotta start early." She does take a moment to think about other possibilities, but taking Raven back to the Vat means he likely won't have to pretend to be scared. "I just...hope I can pull it off. What," she thinks a moment, "what's our story going to be? It probably should be the same. That old 'what tire was it?' trick."