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Prologue: Vezina

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Re: Prologue: Vezina

As Gyulu smiled cruelly, so too did Vezina, showing a united front to the frightened men.

"They will be kept in line then."

Her eyes gleamed with delightful malice, believing that this is what Gyulu wanted to see in her - to confirm that she was no longer one of these weak, pathetic mortals. She was now a lady of the night, a dark goddess, and Gyulu's apprentice in the ways of rule of mankind. She would be an extension of his will in this foreign land.

She waited for the Master to show her what needed to be done.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu turns to the fearful captives and begins speaking to them in the old tongue of their homeland commandingly. It seems to have little to no effect on them other than to make them even more frightened than before. He surprises Vezina when he suddenly changes to a strange tongue which she has never heard.

The elderly man she assumes to be a Christian priest of her new land grows white as he stands and comes forward. Gyulu gives another command to the priest who turns and spits at the other captives much to their surprise and his own judging from their reactions.

Gyulu turns and smiles to Vezina and Scorylo explaining further the use of dominate to them. While he turns the priest suddenly begins to fumble at his clothing and turns towards them brandishing a simple wooden cross in his hands. Speaking loudly in his foreign tongue he steps towards them as if trying to command them.

Vezina knows little about the Christian faith though she does have an inkling as to what the man is unsuccessfully attempting. To her surprise Gyulu holds his hands up and steps back as if frightened by the sight. She can feel the master telling her to do the same as though her were inside her head.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

When Vezina realized what was happening and what her master was up to, she was at first torn between mirth and disappointment. She wanted to laugh at the man's absurd Christian faith - further proof of his non-existent god's lack of ability to have any effect. And yet her master was deigning to indulge this imbecile priest. What was lordly about this? Yet her master commanded her to act the part of the fool with him and darkly she draped a frustrated scowl over her face and backed away, remembering the hissing that the Beast Within had made towards the fire and mimicking the sound now for the priest's benefit. She would retreat backwards slowly, as though repelled by the silly wooden X, and try to shield herself from its sight by standing behind Gyulu.

"Why Master? Why indulge this fool?" She said in a frightened tone in the old tongue, though the intent of the words differed far from how they must seem to the buffoon who must be growing in righteous indignation, fueled by his delusions of divine intervention.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

You know I honestly have no idea what I was originally planning with this scene. Oh well, I'll just hope it wasn't too important.

Gyulu and his childer back away from the priest as though terrified of his divine power. Just as the priest and the other prisoners eyes start to light up with hope though, Gyulu seems to regain his composure and steps forward to within a foot of the priest. Catching his surprised eyes he quickly commands something of the priest.

The priest stares dumbly for a moment before taking the wooden cross in his old withered hands and snaps it in two. Tossing the pieces to the ground he then kneels before the Cainites as though offering fealty. The act seems to break any spirit the other prisoners still have as they look on.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina dropped the rediculous charade as soon as the wooden sticks were snapped in two. Giving these mortals false hope struck her as unnecessary. Was there some purpose to it though? Perhaps she needed to divine it further.

"Do you intend one of them to escape? To spread word of our presence and put false hope in the power of their faith?"
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu turns to look at Vezina as she asks her question a thoughtful look on his face.

"Your keen mind outshines even my own, my dearest queen. I merely hoped to crush our prisoners spirits to make their minds more pliable. Your idea is intriguing however. It shall be arranged as you have suggested, Vezina."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Had her blood still moved within her body, Vezina might have blushed. High praise from the master was not easily obtained. The bond of blood made her dead heart fill with alien feelings of pride, as if she would gladly make it her purpose to hear such praise from him every night. She would live to impress him.

Smiling deeply, she inclined her head to Gyulu.

"I am honored to have been of some small service. Surely though these fools must be broken more before one is conveniently given chance to escape. And they mustn't be able to lead the mortals back to us... our Earth must be protected."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu nods his head as the priest crawls away from them to his broken cross. he sits there trying to mend it with a hurt look on his face. Gyulu turns his back and begins heading back for the main chamber of the caverns while he answers Vezina's questions.

"Of course it would be too early to just allow one of them to escape, but it shall still be done as you suggested. I'm sure that they'll be pliable enough by the end of the month. In the meanwhile we'll have to make sure they are closely watched to prevent any actual escapees. At least until I am able to dominate them into not remembering where we are located."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"I'm sure Scorylo will take pride in keeping them secure, but... do you wish me to tend to that matter personally as well?"

Vezina strode alongside Gyulu, her confidence growing with each step. She had been able to read the situation effectively and aid in the master's rule over these new mortals. Even if she could not yet approach even a fraction of the master's mental powers of persuasion, it gave her strong hopes for her eventual ascendency as a queen of the night.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"Scorylo is more than capable of such a task I am sure, though if you wish you could aid him in breaking their wills. He would be an excellent teacher in the more brutal aspects of ruling over the kine."

Gyulu answers as Vezina follows him.

"Both Tarbus and Scorylo can teach you things about rulership especially of their differing methods. I think it would be wise if you made yourself into a more complete ruler than either of them."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina nodded. "I will be certain to learn from their particular strengths. I will learn how to crush the spirits of these kine, and how to win them over with clever words and lies. I will be a ruler fit to be your bride, Master."

The fledgling vampire's ambition had begun to grow immensely. Gyulu intended for her to be a more complete ruler than either of them. He had essentially named her as his favorite, and she did not let herself consider the possibility that he was just manipulating her into thinking so. She must be his favorite, it was the only explanation. The part of her that was bound to his blood in a small way was deliriously happy. The part that was completely herself, was content. She had survived to become something greater - far greater - than what she was. She had been reborn with the right of rule, and she would obtain the might to keep it.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Gyulu nods his head, a clear sign of his pleasure, as he sweeps into his chambers. Taking a seat in his throne he seems deep in thought about something or perhaps he is merely listening to see what the various parts of his household are up to.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Having not been dismissed, Vezina seated herself on the smaller chair beside Gyulu's throne, her eyes studying him, her mind open and alert should any method be gleaned. Her heightened senses gave her the sight of auras that she had possessed even as a mortal, though the colors had become much more vivid. She watched this lord of the night brood upon his plans that he had set in motion. She saw him in a way that very few would have in the many lifetimes he had spent as kindred. Next to the fear, the respect, the awe, and the kinship of his blood, was another feeling: sympathy.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

1110 AD.

Vezina awakens once more in the cavern that has been her home for what seems an eternity. Every rock of the caverns is familiar as she makes her way quickly down the passage where she knows Gyulu awaits. He has been in torpor for longer than normal these past few weeks, but she instinctively knows he is now awake and that he wishes to speak with her.

She passes the newest passageways leading to the master's library, she has spent much time there with the master's ghouled teachers. Learning the customs and the language of her new homeland. On occasion she learned from her master of more occult subjects and the history of their kind as it applied to them specifically.

Entering into Gyulu's throne room she noticed several iron chests sitting off to the side away from the fire. Most importantly she noticed her master bidding her to come take her position by his side in their thrones. He looked the same as he always had though one of his rare smiles that indicated his pleasure played upon his features.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

Vezina crossed the library floor to where Gyulu ushered her to sit. Eleven years had passed, and she had learned much in her isolation here in their lair within the earth.

"Master, it is good to see you awakened from your torpor. And in a rare good mood, I see." She spoke now in English, with the practiced accent of the local lords and ladies. She had thrown herself into the nuances of the language, as well as that of the old tongues - the ancient greek and the latin of old Rome, still spoken by the Vatican and its clergy. Gyulu had broadened her understanding of the world as much as it had pertained to himself and the Clan Tzimisce. She had learned of the other Clans, though she had yet to meet any of them. Gyulu was adamant about not drawing any attention from them and she agreed, seeing the wisdom in it.

She also learned of the occult practices. The Master was without his true power in this foreign land, but that did not mean that he was at a loss of potency. Ritual magic still had its place, and his blood disciplines of Animalism, Auspex, and Dominate were incredible to observe. She knew the basics to these disciplines as well, but had yet to truly begin her mastery - instead focusing on the mundane skills that would let her operate in this land as the ruler Gyulu wished her to be.

She felt like a new person - so much removed from the fur trapper and huntress she had once been, though she still enjoyed walking the wilderness at night, with a quiver of arrows and a short bow in her hands. Aside from that however she was dressing in the proper high fashion of the day, dedicating herself to the mannerisms and bearing of a lady. She walked with good posture, her chin slightly raised, her eyes downcast, her hair done in proper braid work by her maid servants.

Seating herself next to him she looked at him fondly, like a graduated student looks upon their old favored teacher. She knew of course that he had decades if not centuries' worth of insight yet to teach her, but she was proud in the distance that she had come from the forest waif she once had been. She felt as though she had proved herself a worthy choice.

"You have that look of pleasure in your eyes, has some plan of yours fallen into place? Will you share it with your childe?" She said, a bit of a confident tease playing in her voice.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

The pleased smile continues playing across Gyulu's face as he looks down at his young bride. He holds his hand up as he begins to speak as though presenting the caverns to Vezina for the first time. "Yes, you have learned much in your time as my bride Vezina. You brim with the confidence of youth, though not the overconfidence of a mere fledgeling." He pauses to let the full weight of his words sink in, the smile still showing.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"You flatter me Sire, and I thank thee for it. Ever I seek to measure myself against your high standards. Yet never am I brought to your side to merely accept praise. Shall you tell me your desire, or shall you test me and have me guess?"

She knew that he was proud of her keen insight that had carried over from her mortal life and had now expressed itself into the fullness of aura reading. A gift of the blood that made understanding others' motives as easy as reading a book. She had learned to associate the myriad colors she saw with emotions, and in this manner she could detect truth from lie, genuine feeling from the actor's mask.
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"You mean you have not guessed already, Vezina." I thought I had taught you better than that he said teasingly. The smile melted into that of a caring father for a second as he looked down upon her.

"You are no longer the fledgling bride to be, my dearest and first childe. I only wish I could properly present you before your grandsire as I was upon being released from my time of learning the old ways. Tonight, Vezina you become a true Cainite as I release you."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"You release me?"

Vezina felt both exhilarated and at a loss. She had anticipated this moment ever since Gyulu had taught her the way of Cainite society and the relationship between Sire and Childe. It was a moment of incredible poignancy in a fledgling's existence. She looked back into Gyulu's eyes.

"In such a short time, no I had not guessed it. You told me that in our clan such things took decades. I feel that you have so much more to teach me."

She paused, looking down demurely and smiling. "Still, I am honored that you feel me ready to stand on my own. In your eyes, I am able to represent the Tzimisce on my own merits. I do not intend to let our lineage of kings down. And yet, this is surely not the end of my tutelage. Ever shall I depend on your wisdom, Sire."
Re: Prologue: Vezina

"A sire releases his childe when they know it is time, Vezina. I feel it was inevitable that you would be released early, for your considerable talents. Now it is time for you to truly find your place in this land which is your home, but you must be careful for your actions are now yours alone."

He stood from the granite throne where he often sat brooding and offered his hand. Taking her hand in his he lead from the throne room to the entrance of the caverns. Looking out she could see a multitude of stars lighting the sky and the surrounding country side up almost as if it were day. He pointed to the northwest where the road led.

"I am told that a great city lies in that direction, the leader of your new home. One day I feel even mighty Byzantium will pale in comparison to London. It is the perfect place for you to truly begin learning about the world of darkness. You will meet the other clans both high and low there and will learn to deal in their ways."
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