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Ralspot (Bunny Breeding Ritual Board Game)

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Inna moves to a nearby cache and finds little of use. Worse, she steps on a nasty thorn while looking around in the garden. Hopefully it wouldn't slow her down too much, but she would need to stop to yank it out, if nothing else.

Meanwhile, Edgar gets turned around. He thought he could hear the other doe changing directions, but... maybe he was wrong, again. Where could she possibly be?

Inna rolls a 5 for Movement.
She then uses:
25.) Caught the Scent
Move target opponent 2 spaces in any direction. If they land on a cell occupied by another player (or attempt to pass it), they automatically enter combat with them. Do this only on your turn as a free action.
as a Free Action. She moves Edgar to High Ground (cell 9).

Then she moves to the Indigo Garden Cache and Loots. It is now empty.
She gets:
36.) Thorn in Paw
TRAP - When you draw this card, your next Movement roll is made with a 1d3 instead of a 1d6 until end of turn.

Edgar (BlueSlime): Strong x 2, Sturdy x 3. 4 HP. 2 Confidence Tokens. 1 card in hand. At High Ground (cell 9).
Erin (Astarte): Strong. CAPTURED. At Slime Lair.
Lylia (Tassadar): Fast. CAPTURED. At Shadowy Thicket.
Inna (Hafnium): Strong. 1 HP. 1 card in hand. At Indigo Garden Cache (cell 38).

Edgar is up.
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Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

"Ah! No! I can't lose, not like this!" She squirmed under Edgar's powerful grip, pushing and kicking, but it was a half-hearted effort. As much as she wanted to fight, wanted to prove herself... she couldn't help but give in to her raging desires. Once hadn't been enough, even the feeling of his seed settling deep inside of her hadn't satisfied the lust induced by the flower's pollen.

She didn't verbally agree to his demand, but as he began to stroke her, just enough to tease her further, her body language said enough. She'd long since lost the ability to stifle her moans, and by the time he began pumping his fingers into her she'd already surrendered, writhing in delight on the ground beneath him.

Finally he gave her what her body so desperately craved, and this time it was with enthusiasm she bounced atop him, giving in to the heat-like lust completely. Her modest breasts bouncing with each thrust, and she clamped down on him even tighter in an attempt to draw even more pleasure from the act.

It was over all too soon though, orgasm rocking her body again as he finally came for the second time. She was ready to go a third time, maybe even a fourth after that, but it seemed that he was having none of that. She whimpered softly as he bound her arms behind her back before proceeding on to her legs, but she could do nothing to stop him weakened as she was.

"Wait... Don't just leave me like this, please!" She shouted after him as he left, tugging futilely at the ropes. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to escape to run or fight, or simply because she wasn't satisfied yet...
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

His senses had been momentarily fooled, and he was slightly dizzy from the extended sexual romp with Erin, but adrenaline and a thirst for glory drove Edgar onwards into a sprint.

Once again he dove through the burrows, using them to his advantage to traverse the two major paths through the woods. He ran past Lylia, her body still being ravished by a tentaclevine, but he knew that the final female, Inna, was up ahead, just past the bridge in the grove of indigo plants.

He saw her there, standing in the field defiantly, knowing that she was trapped and would have to fight.

"So... this is it. No male this season has captured all the females... I will be the only one, and I will be chief! Now, come here Inna! You're destined to be my wife!"

The girl put up a decent defense, lashing out with her fists here and there, but Edgar was filled with Voidic strength, the power of his earlier successes this day adding to his vigor with dark, innate magics. It was only a matter of time until he swiftly tripped her and put her into an arm lock, facing her away from him and on her knees.


He bent the dark skinned beauty over a fallen tree trunk at the far side of the indigo grove, and kicked her legs apart.

"I claim victory in Ralspot, and you Inna, as my third wife! You will bear many children for me. Enjoy it!"

With that, Edgar wasted no more time. The day was growing late, and he needed to break this final girl before the sun set. He tore her clothes from her body, peeling and rippng them away to reveal her amazing figure. He then gripped her chest and fondled her, rubbing his fingers over her nipples until they were hard and pointed. His voidic nature had his cock hard and his balls heavy with seed, the smell and feel of this void bunny girl too much to ignore.

With a grin he let his cock rub against her pussy, feeling it get wet with the promise of what he was assuredly about to do to her. And then, with relish, he plunged himself into her, bending her over properly on the log and slapping her ass to keep her in line.

"You're mine! I claim you as an alpha claims his rightful doe. Take it, Inna! As of now, I'm your husband! Hrraaah!"
Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

Edgar rolls a 5 + 2 = 7. He moves 6 spaces to Indigo Garden Cache.
Edgar enters Combat with Inna.
Edgar rolled a 4 + 4 = 8.
Inna rolled a 6 + 1 = 7.
Edgar wins.
Inna is defeated and Captured.

Re: Ralspot - Bunny Breeding Ritual Game

(This text is re. Inna's move into the thicket and tanglevine fight.)
By the time Inna had come upon the thicket, she was already irritated. Night had fallen and she'd not hunted at all. Instead, she'd run through a canyon several times in a row and thoroughly mapped out one-tenth of the forest. She should've taken Erin when she'd had the chance, she realized. The other woman wasn't really her type, or so she'd thought. Before Ralspot, Inna would've never considered a partner that wasn't unarguably weaker than her, so that she could be sure she was the alpha in their relationship. Erin, though, she wished she'd made an exception for. It would've been satisfying to test her strength against that one, and to put the other woman in her place from Inna's spot as her new alpha.

But she hadn't. At first because she had been more interested in finding cute, weaker males and females to make into her toys, and then because that male had arrived. Was she really so nervous about him that she'd give up a prime opportunity to ambush a prime female like Erin? She'd even decided to split away from the other woman so that he couldn't catch them both. Ugh, that frustrated her more. He might be all bark and no bite. And yet, when Inna spotted Lylia in her predicament, she knew it wasn't true. The smells were too heavy in the air. Sex and sweat were both heavy in her nostrils, but the scent of the alpha's residual musk had her legs quivering. The tanglevine hadn't caught Lylia, it had only taken sloppy seconds after she'd been fucked into a puddle.

And so the cycle continued, with Inna growing more frustrated and moving to leave the tied Lylia to her fate. But then, when the tanglevine made the grave error of grabbing Inna instead of being satisfied with its prize, she snapped. By the time she was done, she'd torn each of its tentacles off and discarded them to the side. Then, she turned her irritation and concerns on the defenseless Lylia.

"You airheaded slut!" She shouted at the top of her lungs at the poor woman, who had honestly done nothing to earn her ire other than to be unlucky and in the wrong place at the wrong time. "I bet you bent over for him, didn't you? I bet he didn't have to take you at all. I bet you just saw a thick cock coming after you and gave it up!" Inna insisted, as if the addled void rabbit would answer affirmatively and assuage her fears that the male hunting them might be a true alpha rather than some pretender, a male strong enough to see all of the women in their part of the forest in his harem. "Fine! I'll take something of his! I'll take you!"

She roughly turned the hogtied girl onto her back and promptly plopped down onto the woman's face, setting her sex against the woman's lips. "Lick me! Satisfy your superior!" Inna refused to take no for an answer, bucking herself against the other woman's chin hard enough that it would eventually begin to hurt until she complied. "That's it, right there. Harder, slut!" The strong void rabbit felt no need to vary or be particularly creative. Her taking of Lylia was only meant to reestablish Inna's dominance, both to the defeated female and herself. Already aroused from all the smells and sights she'd experienced just walking into the shadowy thicket, it wouldn't take long before whatever tongue work the faster rabbit offered brought Inna to a satisfying, reassuring orgasm, which prompted a long, satisfied groan from the stronger woman.

She remained atop the likely uncomfortable female for several long minutes in her afterglow before dismounting. Then, in a final act of cruelty toward her already abused former comrade, Inna would reposition and roughly jam her fingers into Lylia's depths. She violated the more voluptuous female with all the roughness she imagined that the male had displayed when he'd claimed her, working to bring the bunnygirl-in-heat ever closer to her orgasm. And then, just as the telltale signs of the other woman's release became evident, Inna pulled her fingers out completely, leaving the bound woman with no stimulation at all. She stood up, but a second later bent low to wipe Lylia's juices on the hogtied rabbit's own face. With an ungentle nudge from her foot, she rolled Lylia back onto her belly, briefly knelt one last time to give her a smack on the ass as a parting gift, and then left on her way to loot some of the remaining caches. A free ride on the other bunnygirl was just what she needed to regain her confidence and recollect herself for the last remaining hours of Ralspot.

Lylia gave a desperate howl as the tanglevine raping her - and sating her heat - found a new potential target and opted to go for two at once. Unfortunately, it had bitten off a little more than it could chew, and midway through Inna's brutal rending of the plant monster apart she was tossed aside. Unfortunately, Edgar's bindings hadn't been destroyed entirely during the tanglevine's molestations, and that left her completely unable to satiate her own continued lusts. She began to squirm immediately, moaning wordlessly with eyes unfocused until she realized that she wasn't alone, at which point she paused and blinked in surprise at Inna.

The other voidrabbit's words were completely lost on her, the extended bout with the tanglevine following Edgar sending her into heat having completely eroded the pink haired girl's capacity to think, and all she did was moan lewdly while Inna verbally berated and belittled her. When the other woman flipped her over and promptly sat on her face, however, she had an incling of what she was being made to do, and took only a moment for what remained of her mind to catch up and get her to react. Before today she had hardly known how to pleasure herself, much less anyone else, but her tongue lashed against Inna's petals with desperate passion after only a few seconds worth of the other woman's insistent grinding, the hope that Inna might do something in return to sate her own lust spurring her on initially.

Inexperienced though she might be, Lylia had a long tongue and a lot of energy, and her throat regularly sent the vibrations produced by regular moans of need through her lips. Dim as her mind might have been at that point, she still processed Inna's reactions enough to target what made her moan the hardest, and after a little while she went after the darker skinned voidrabbit's clitoris with a vengeance.

Once Inna was satisfied, Lylia continued to lick until her target was out of reach, and then let her head drop with a low groan, her eyes shooting open and looking with hopeful lust towards the other voidbunny. The initial acts were promising, her former competition for a worthy mate - before she'd been conquered of course - sent a wave of tension through her body. It didn't take Inna long at all to get her close, Lylia's moans rising in appreciation. The note of oncoming release, passion and relief mixed in glorious union, proved that the initial promise had been a most cruel lie, however, and just as her eyes were about to complete their roll into the back of her head Inna ended all stimulation completely.

Lylia's moan of pleasure became one of utter frustration. She tried to invite more, trying to take the fingers smearing her juices across her face between her lips to suck on them in an encouraging manner, but Inna was merciless and had things to do. Lylia was left there, helpless and without any source of relief, her body thrashing wildly on the ground as she tried to slip her bonds only to ultimately exhaust herself without finding freedom or satiation of any kind.