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ranger Test Thread

Re: ranger Test Thread

"Lack... Thereof?" Revalli said, raising an eyebrow, but this time glancing at Samuel knowingly. That much at least she did understand, and could imagine the awkwardness of the scene vividly enough.

"Oh, so they do need to... Well, if they want the city's protection. You've already lost a lot to help them, and they are desperate. Some of them might be cross about it, but they should come around... So, what do we need to do now?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Well I'll need to make another expedition to the village, but you don't need to worry about that Lady Revalli. It will probably take a couple weeks anyway just to get ready." Samuel paused a moment thinking. "You could check out the Mage guild.. err whats it called. The Order of Arcane Sciences or some such. Im sure they would love to have a visit from you." The trio chatted lightly about various topics answering what questions they could from Revalli. Not to far into the light chatter did the meal arrive. Eyeing the meal as it was placed before them Revalli noted roast duck and vegetables, along with along with small bowls of broth soup for all the dinners. This was soon followed by fresh baked bread and butter. Samuel looked up at his head servant and gave her a slightly disappointed look. "My Lord you have a quest and as such should treat her well." He was about to speak before nodding in agreement. "
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Ahhh, I've heard about such guilds," Revalli said excitedly, "is it one of the larger ones? What is their focus? Where is it?" Revalli would pepper Samuel with questions about it, but eventually would divert to more inane topics. The ensuing meal ensured that her tipsy state didn't last long, though she did indulge in one more glass of wine while they ate. Her table manners had taken a dive since leaving home, but she did her best to maintain a certain level of dignity in the process of eating.

As the meal ended, however, the disappointed look from Samuel confused Revalli. "Is something wrong?" She asked, glancing from servant to master and back.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"The Order is the union of all the official groups in the city. No doubt you can find anything you wish to study with them. If not then they would surely know where you could go to find the information." Vala spoke up next. " Well if you like stuffy books and even stuffier men." She sighed "Anyway they keep a small office near the main road sense their grand hall is isolated in the restricted zone. I can take you their tomorrow if you want."

Upon asking if something was wrong Sam spoke up. "Its nothing Lady Revalli. After the invasion with food and resources stretched to the limit. I had given orders to not waste funds on expensive foods or other luxuries. But Ms. Issabelle is correct you are a guest and should be treated like one. Not to mention a good meal is a nice welcome home.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Ahhhh, that should be interesting... Sure. Tomorrow," Revalli said, nodding. Then, Samuel's answer made her frown and glance at the modest banquet, then back at him. "I... Wasn't aware that there were such problems. Is it still an issue around here?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

Vala was quick to answer. "Unfortunately for the refugees not many could afford the current price of food." There was a moment of silence until Samuel spoke up. "Yes but that should not be the case for long. The new Mayoress has already began to work on the situation. Now that they have access to the treasury they can start getting things turned around."

Still the dinner was excellent and soon all three had retired to the drawing room where a fresh fire was lit in the fireplace and a few servants stood at the ready to serve them. After an hour or so the night drew close and Vala had retired nearly a half hour before leaving Revalli and Samuel alone in the room a set of chilled drinks sitting between them, with the only servant the cute cat girl.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh..." Revalli replied softly, trailing off. She had never considered how difficult it was for people of normal means to feed themselves in the North, having been sheltered from such needs by the magical prowess of her and her parents for the entirety of her life up to that point. She fell into silence for a while, and was something of a poor conversationalist for a while after that.

Later that night, when it ended up being only her, Samuel, and the su-ku-ta maid alone together, Revalli found herself once more lapsing into silence. She shifted the mulled beverage before her around in her glass, watching the liquid slosh around, but after a moment she sighed and said; "I'd never realized how hard things really are... I've been so isolated and sheltered for so long, there are a lot of things I'd never even thought about. I guess I was just very naive when I left home, hoping to help people."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Samuel gazed at Revalli, both with a faint hint of desire and a deeper more thoughtful look. "Maybe but your intentions are good. Helping people can be a higher calling and nothing to feel silly for. If more people set out to help rather than for money or adventure, no doubt our world would be a much better place. Samuel took a long drink from his glass before setting it down and shifting his gaze back to the fire. "Besides your efforts already saved a town and a few lives to boot." He looked sideways to her for a second a blush on his cheek before turning back to the fire. There he sat for a moment while Shala brought forth some more drinks which he turned away. Moving to Revalli she offered to refill her glass as well before heading back to her spot just out of direct sight.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Color crept into Revlli's cheeks as she gazed back at Samuel. She was completely inexperienced romantically, having been kept woefully naive by her parents and left largely isolated from contact with those who might be able to act on their interest in her. Only the various faerie servants her parents had contracted had even been around to try, and almost all of them had been women. She had already seen Samuel naked before, slept in a tent with him and his somewhat handsy half-sister, had shared many experiences with him, and had even saved his life... And he and Vala had probably been the first friends she'd made other than the strange girl and her pixie guardian she'd met around the same time. The confusion regarding her feelings

"Maybe," she replied hesitantly after a few moments, breaking eye contact and glancing instead at the floor, trying to keep her hormones under control. It was getting even harder now that she was having more wine. "It's just... I wish things were simpler," she said softly, glancing up to meet his gaze, more color burning into her own cheeks. She followed his gaze over to the fire, silently accepting another refill on her glass, and fell back into silence for a few moments.

"Simpler... Like in the stories," she murmured finally, "where the evil is defeated and the day is saved. Real problems aren't all that easy though, are they?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Maybe... it would certainly make things much simpler if it was. Still I was always told that even legends have a base of truth. Which means that someone stood up for what they believed in." Samuel's gaze lingered on the the fire a moment longer before turning to Revalli.
"All stories start some where lady Revalli and I'm sure your's will be a grand tale." For a moment he paused his own face slightly flush, however just as he began to speak a clock on the wall chimed out 11 counts. "Oh dear.... the hour has become late." Coughing he cleared he throat and rose and walked over to Revealli offering his arm for her to rise.

Taking his arm or not the young knight lead her to the hallway where her room had been prepared. For a moment he stood a blush on his face facing her. He seemed a bit hesitant before he began to lean in to her only to be stopped by a soft polite cough. Looking to his right Shala stood respectfully on duty still. "Oh.. yes ... Good night Lady Revalli" Blushing madly Samuel bade her good night parting from her. "Come my Lady the bed has been prepared for you and Ill have some tonic for the morning chilled and ready."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli couldn't come up with any response to Samuel's statement, and so simply remained silent, looking into the fire as well and then glancing at Samuel to catch his blush. After the clock chimed she nodded, realizing how tired she was and how grateful she would be for a real bed, and accepted the offered arm so she could rise. She walked with him into the hall, hips taking on a slight sway both because of his presence and because she was slightly drunk, but when she was alone in the hall with the knight and facing him her fatigue was suddenly forgotten as she looked up at him with wide eyes. Uncertainty clogged her chest, silencing the goodbye she'd been about to deliver, but when he began to lean toward her her tongue actually flicked lightning fast across her lips, wetting them as she herself inched a bit closer.

The kiss was prevented, fortunately or unfortunately, by a polite cough from the watchful maid, and Revalli's paralyzed mind ground back into motion just in time to turn her face bright red. "Y-yes... Goodnight... S-samuel.... S-sir Samuel," she muttered in response, before standing stock still and watching him make for his own room, not sure if she should be affronted at his boldness or trying to follow him to his bed. The idea of magically concealing herself and sneaking into his chamber briefly flitted through her head as she turned towards Shala, nodding and making to follow, but she wasn't quite drunk enough to go that far. "Yes, thank you... I think it's time for bed for me."
Re: ranger Test Thread

Revalli couldn't quite see the smile that crossed Shala's lips but she did notice the cat ears twitch slightly. Leading her to the room she had been in before the young maid helped her out of her cloths and into a simple night gown, once more apologizing for the crudeness of the garment. As Shala combed out her hair for the night she spoke up. "My Lady do you wish to have ember stones added under your bed? Ive used some already to warm the bedding." If inquired Shala would pull out a dull brown rock with the finest inscribed magic indicating warmth. "They are inert till activated." Shala would put it away unless Revalli wanted to inspect it more. Eventually however the young witch made her way to the bed and found it pleasantly warm. As she got comfortable Shala told her she would be in the small room attached if she would require anything.

Morning would come and as Revalli would slowly open her eyes she could feel Shala in the room just out of sight. The small woman's breathing easily detected by her keen senses. Looking over at the windows she found strong light being blocked off by a thick curtain.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Hm? Ember stones?" Revalli asked, though after her explanation she would let out an extended "ooooh" of understanding and shake her head. "I'm sure I'll be quite comfortable, thank you," She said, after which she simply let the maid help her change from her dress into a nightgown. The image of Samuel - and then for some reason Vala - being the one to help her slide her dress off flitted through Revalli's mind briefly, but she forced it away hastily as it caused color to start creeping across her cheeks. She bid Shala goodnight and offered only a nod when she said she would be to hand if needed, and once in bed the elven sorceress would find herself falling into a restful sleep quite promptly and did not awaken throughout the night.

When she awoke, Revalli would briefly half open her eyes and then close them again, rolling over and curling up with a contented smile. She was kept from going back to sleep as she'd intended by the realization that Shala was in the room, producing an uncomfortable annoying distraction in the back of her mind as she sensed the other woman's presence. After a few moments Revalli would sigh and move to sit up, glancing over at the source of light to see the drapes blocking out what looked to be a particularly sunny day. She would gaze at the window a moment, letting her eyes adjust to the light, before pulling aside the covers and climbing out of bed.

"Good morning Shala," she would say, whether or not the maid approached. "Did you sleep well? Am I up too late for some breakfast?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

No sooner had Revalli gotten up and standing she found Shala present. "Good morning Lady Revalli. I did get a good rest how was yours? Getting her answer Revalli soon found a warm house coat draped over her shoulders. It was larger than her frame but would suffice for the moment. "Would the Lady like a meal brought up for her? Lord Samuel informed the staff to let you rest as long as you desired due to the long journey and an unfortunate incident with a camp fire." Shala seemed confused as she spoke this last part not fully knowing what had transpired on their trip. Resolving the meal issue she soon found the young maid hanging several of the dresses on her bed to allow for her to choose which she would wear today. Bowing Shala moved off to a corner just out of sight asking if She needed anything else and to just summon her if needed.
Re: ranger Test Thread

"No, no... I'll go down for it. Better to get the blood flowing," Revalli answered, getting into one of the other dresses she'd picked out on the previous day, the dark green one that had seemed fancier to her eyes. Maybe it would help her make a good impression today. Revalli would dress herself unless Shala insisted on helping, pointedly not looking at the su-ku-ta serving girl as she did so, and then allowed herself to be escorted to the dining room to eat breakfast. She wouldn't make anything fancy of it if such could be helped, preferring something simple before she going on to the day's business.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Did some basic research apparently nobles didn't eat breakfast that often at least in the real world so I'm kinda guessing right now.

Indeed as soon as Revalli began to dress Shala moved up close and began to help if Revalli let her. As soon as they finished Shala followed Revalli down to the dinner room. Here she found a fairly light meal and a very disgruntled head maid. Vala sat where she did yesterday but with out the finery. On Vala's plate sat what looked like small flat and wide cakes drenched in syrup and butter. Smirking she cut a few sections off and ate them savoring the taste. This seemed to draw another huff from the head maid. "How disgraceful. A lady should not eat so heartily in the morning ti will give her pains." Vala smirked as she turned her attention to the old woman. "Maybe but as you said Ms. Whitting I am no Lady." This caused the woman to huff even more before noticing Revalli. This seemed to perk her mood and she soon found herself seated at the table. "My apologies Lord Samuel received an urgent summons this morning and will not be joining us. The news was disappointing but now that the Lord was home he no doubt had duties he had to attend to. Looking what was on offer Revalli found a light bread and a small selection of preserves. A small portion of scrambled of eggs was on her plate as well as warm cup of tea nearby.
Re: ranger Test Thread

Well, that's what fantasy aspects are for!

Revalli smirked at the banter between Vala and the head maid, moving to join her at the table but eating with a bit more reservation and refinement than the rough-living half elf. "It's quite alright," Revalli replied when told that Samuel had taken off before she'd come down, "I imagine he has more important things to do than entertain me at the moment."

She didn't pile her plate high, opting to finish the scrambled eggs and help herself to a pair of pieces of toast that she coated in different types of jams. Once she'd eaten, she would push her plate away to signal as much and turned to Vala, "so, what are you planning for today?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

While Vala did savor her meal Revalli could tell some of it was an act to bother the Head Maid. Looking to her Vala dabbed her mouth and began to speak after swallowing. "As I recall I was going to take you to the mage guild unless you want to check out the other parts of town?" Vala looked to the head maid before looking back at Revalli and leaned in to speak softly, "I could show you around the theater district, just as long as Ms. Issabelle or Ms. Whitting don't find out. They would have my head."
Re: ranger Test Thread

"That would be.... Hm?" Revalli gave a surprised look when Vala leaned in, but Vala's offer took her by surprise. "Theater district? Well, uh... I guess we could... But why hide it from people? Will you really get into trouble just for showing me? It can't be THAT risque during the day.... Can it?"
Re: ranger Test Thread

"Oh its quite calm during the day but its not exactly the safest place in town." Giving Revalli a wink she let her think about it as she finished her meal. It didn't take her long and soon the knight.. err maybe squire was a better term was up and heading out of the dinning room only stopping a moment to speak over her shoulder. "Shala your mistress will be heading into town with me please bring your travel kit." For her part Shala just bowed but waited for Revalli to move.