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Sexy Waffles - A strange World - Campaign thread

Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 11 (no armor), HP: 8/8
Conditions: AWARE +4 initiative!

"Eh...I guess a room at an inn could work. Or here..." she pointed at the building she had just exited "...if you have the gold for it."

"And I never say no to performing..." she chuckled.

She then turned towards the merchant. He said something about dreams and dreamers...so was she dreaming? Well, it would make sense. Actually, it did make sense. Otherwise how could she meet all of those people?

She looked at the merchant's collection. Well, normally she wouldn't buy any of this junk, but if it was a dream why should she care.

"Well, only the black ones look sexy, so I could get them. But what use are they, in total darkness who would be able to see you! I want a discount...how about 4 gold?" she counter-offered. "Or I can do 9 gold, but you will have to throw something really sexy and interesting with them too!"

(17 persuasion!)
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d1bbv8o-15520793-bd14-4649-9063-3c3c981086ec.jpg Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: None, Mood: Aroused, eager, Tag: Idriana, Rain, Zameia, Nix

Watching the High elf fall to her knees, Davia patted and stroked her hair like one would a pet. "Good girl." She whispered softly, her voice equal parts approval and lust.

She turned to Eleanah. "An interesting proposal." This one was interesting, especially her tongue. Davia couldn't wait to kiss some more... She walked slowly around the girl, like a predator circling its prey. "And don't get me wrong, I can respect troublemakers..." She whispered hotly in Eleanah's ear as she lewdly but playfully groped her from behind, running her hand over her chest. "Very well. I will give you a chance to prove yourself - if you follow my instructions." She took Eleanah's hand, intertwining their fingers, pulling her along. "Then let us get to it... I can smell this 'highborn's' impatience leaking from between her legs." She said out loud.

Davia walked over to the others. "I'm light on coin, so I guess the inn will do. Are none of you from around here? That explains why this boring town spawned such lovely, intriguing creatures like you... it didn't." She smirked, then addressed Rain. "I'd be... honored to spectate your performance, and reward you handsomely for it." She breathed out, her voice a husky whisper that betrayed her lust, as if her heady smell with a tinge of arousal in it had not already.

She turned to the planarblood. "Oh, I insist you partake! There is no reason to be left out? Do you want to remain an inexperienced, shy virgin forever? I can teach you... Why don't we grab a comfy, secluded places, and you tell me all about yourself, about your skills. I'm sure you have something that will lend itself to seduction and pleasure. I'll just help you find it." She cooed seductively, cupping Zameia's face with her other hand, gently stroking her cheek with her thumb, breathing hot air into her face as she stepped closer. "You can be different. Better. Less awkward. Don't sell yourself short. Don't let your body and mind wilt like a blossom in darkness. Let me help you."

Davia enjoyed being the center of attention again, except for Rain, but she was sure she could show the girl a good enough time to drive any thoughts of this crazy peddler from her mind...

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Eleanah and Davia
Conditions: None

Idriana remained kneeling head down as the Drow stalked dangerously about Eleanah. She blushed in shame knowing that her scant undergarments were beyond damp with her treacherous arousal but then again it was part of her cover! When Davia moved away toward the others Idriana rose and with a glance at Eleanah walked over to the merchant. She looked at the panties and thought about them for a while and then spoke up. "Do you have a necklace, nothing spectacular as I am not wealthy. I would like something tight and conforming as a loose necklace could become entangled during combat."

Zameia Steelfist
Tagging: Davia
AC: 16, HP: 9/9
Active Effects: +4 to next initiative roll


Zameia would raise her eyebrow when the merchant mentioned them being "More than one dreamer". It at least put the weird things that she had noticed earlier into some sort of perspective. But was she dreaming? Normally her dreams were a lot more violent, or they involved her showing up to her training without pants on... one or the other. Perhaps that was why she had somehow managed to run into so many lewd, beautiful people all at once? Still, with the strange rain and the weird clock that she had heard, she made sure to remember that line about "dreamers"... Maybe it would be important later. Otherwise, though, she was a bit too miffed at the salesman to talk with him about his wares or discuss the finer points of that with him. She had people to talk to after all...

Admittedly lewd... strange people, but people nonetheless. "No, I'm not from around here... I'm from the Iron Palm Monastery... But I wouldn't call this place 'boring' when we've run into a couple sttrange people already..." The Tiefling would chuckle a bit, not all that willing to argue for the town, but at least knowing that this day hadn't been boring so far. She'd never met people that were this lewd before, and this salesman may have ticked her off, but being angry wasn't being bored. "And err... I don't exactly have much money... Gave one fifth of it to that poor beggar from before..." She explained, left with only four gold, not even enough to buy any of those strange panties that the merchant was selling, not that she planned on it anyway.

At this point her face was red to the point where she... well... she looked even more like a traditional Tiefling. "P-P-Partake? N-No I uh... Listen... I err... You're very pretty but... I don't... Uh... I don't do those things with someone I just met..." Honestly she wasn't sure if she would do them with anyone at all. At least up to this point in her life, she had never met anyone that she would feel comfortable doing those sorts of things with. "Sh-Shy virgin? L-Listen... I'm n-not normally shy... J-Just never did this before..." She would trail off a bit. In a normal situation she could talk and be far more outgoing, but she was thrown completely off balance by the lewd propositions being thrust at her. And it was in combat in particular that she could prove how outgoing she was, enjoying a good fight and usually getting up in the faces of her opponents as she fought. "If you want to talk about what I'm good at fine, but I just don't think that I'd be all that accustomed to these really l-lewd th-Ah!" She would gasp in surprise as her face was cupped, getting goosebumps as Davia stroked her cheek.

"I-I-I am better... better than I used to be... I don't know..." On one hand this was very embarrassing and strange, on the other... well on the other she had set out to gain new experiences, and there was very little newer than this... Plus Davia was sexy... and seemed really nice... and she was offering to teach her new things. But then there was another problem, Davia seemed very dominant... and well... Zameia didn't have plans on being beneath someone else... "I-I-I-I'll come along... But I don't promise anything..."
25870 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Idriana.

Nix smiled cockily as Davia walked around her, she was already quite certain that she'd gotten the drow interested, she seemed the type unused to being talked back to, and they always got curious when it happened, that combined with her little tongue trick should create enough questions that she'd be listened to. "Well I'm quite inconsistent when it comes to orders, though I'll promise to do my best as long as it doesn't go against the promise I made to the little miss highborne." She whispered back to Davia teasingly. pushing herself into the drows groping.

She watched as Davia proceeded to go try get the Demonblooded, it was immensely fun watching how she squirmed and stammered as soon as lewdities was mentioned, and it seemed quite obvious that she wasn't experienced, Nix took note of that, might be useful in the future. For now though she just watched, She wanted to find out a bit more about them and people might be less curious about her if she let Davia answer all the questions.

Raggedy Merchant, Village Square, Tag: Rain, Idriana, Davia and Zameia

"How about seven gold coins, M'lady, as I got to live and certainly, I cannot throw in anything more interesting, what with you about."
The merchant tempted, presenting the black panties to Rain.

He glanced over with a raised brow to the kneeling high-elf.

"An extra-tight necklace, hrmnn.."
He dug his hands into another bag of his.

"I fear I have none, but how about instead of that.. a choker of choking! unlimited choking enjoyment, no risk of suffocation."

"Alternatively, there's a necklace of the spying eyes, although I am afraid it is quite cursed, if you don't mind that..."
The merchant mused, presenting a necklace that Idri could have sworn looked back at her briefly.

"Alright, fine." He informed over, towards the drow and tiefling

"I usually only do this with good customers, but if you have problems with your body wilting under pressure, I've got something."
He used a handkerchief to produce a clear potion in a small vial, decorated by the picture of a unicorn-man, with a large, pointy horn, flexing his biceps. For some reason lines were drawn to emphatize his horn in particular. "Dr. Anyin's potion for your unique-horn. Works like a charm for up to 3 hours. Now on a special discount for only five gold."
He gave a thumbs up.

Tag: All

As you stand there in the village square, the rain slowly grows denser, throughoutly wettening your clothes, making them stick your naked skin revealingly, in some cases, in other cases the drops plink-plonked off of metal armor-plates. The merchant grumbled a little, simply pulling his hat lower. If you didn't get into cover soon, you'd be completely drenched.


And then, the rain began turning blue
When you ask a child about the color of water, they'd naturally answer blue. But water, an individual drop, ought to be clear, see through and not a deep, almost azure blue, the liquid flowing over you just like water would, albeit now beginning to color those under it with a deep note of blue. There was a faint scent of grapes in the air as the blue liquid deepened in color. The Merchant seemed unconcerned about this change.
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Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: None, Mood: Aroused, suspicious, Tag: Idriana, Rain, Zameia, Nix
Davia enjoyed Eleanah's wild eagerness. She didn't mind her tone so much right now, not when the girl so openly reciprocated her advances... She'd have her on her knees, begging to be leashed soon enough. For now, as Davia squeezed and fondled and sensually stroked Eleanah all over, she would let her indulge in her play.

The planarblood was a bit more reticent, but sure enough, her resolve slowly crumbled as Davia wove her spell of seduction over her. "By all means, I wish to know more about you. I'm sure you will make quite the companion... for a while. So come with me. Open your heart to me. In return, I will light the fire between your loins properly."

Davia overheard Rain and the trader. She stepped up behind her, leaning forward, whispering into her ear unbidden: "Actually, there are many beings to whom that would be perfectly adequate. Most elves and dwarves, and their half-blood offspring, tieflings, drow... Unless it requires total magical darkness, which is different, but then these garments would truly be useless..." She mused.

The blue rain quickly put a damper on Davia's mood. So her earlier instinct hadn't been wrong. There was magic at play, and given how subtle, yet expansive it was, she wasn't sure she wanted to tangle with it this close. Better to study it from afar later, and get somewhere else now.

"This seems like a good sign to seek a roof over our heads. If no one has a place here, then maybe we should see if we can find a cozy room in the inn and start with our... presentation..." She said out loud.
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Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 11 (no armor), HP: 8/8
Conditions: AWARE +4 initiative!

"Hmm...make it six and you have a deal." Rain counter offered. She knew how trading worked, the merchants offer would be four times above the items worth, then you had to counter with a low-but not insultingly low price, and then he would offer something that was still way above the items worth. You would do a counter offer, that was still way above his limit, and you would both agree on a deal happy that you tricked each other.

Rain didn't react to the dark elfs comment...after all she knew that it was possible to see in the dark...she was a half-elf herself! She got the human curves and the elven beauty....how else could she be so pretty!

"Hmmm....Zameia, I have some gold left. Hey, Mr Merchant, you will do a good price for the slime panties for my new girlfriend here?" she did her cute face. They were the second prettiest panties, and besides who would want to glow when aroused!

She then noticed the rain turning blue...she had to admit that this dream was very nice. Blue rain, a weird merchant, and a collection of sexy partners to pick from...she wouldn't mind getting covered with the pretty blue rain...she ran her hand along her belly, wiping the blue rain away, and looking in fascination as new blue rain covered her. However getting inside and watching the blue rain from the window, relaxing next to the fireplace also sounded cool...plus the others would have to remove their clothes to dry them...hmmm....

"We can go back inside, no one is there anyway, and there is a fireplace in the main hall. Mr Merchant, do you want to come with us?" she offered.
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Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Eleanah and Davia
Conditions: None

Idriana examined the choices of necklaces and frowned for a moment. Did she want to be choked or risk a curse? Either way she wanted a necklace. A tight necklace like a collar... like a slave collar... No! Something pretty and elegant. Still... a curse sounded... sexy... She glanced over at the Drow and shivered before turning back to the merchant. "I think... I think I'll take..." Idriana paused and then suddenly decided. "The Necklace of Spying... it is pretty and could be useful. I will risk the curse."

As the rain came she was comfortable first in her form fitting chain armor. But then as it turned blue and began to smell of fruit... That was not right. "Yes, yes... let's get inside." She looked to the merchant. "Are you going to stay outside in this?"

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: Davia, DM, Rain
AC: 16, HP: 9/9
Active Effects: +4 to next initiative roll


Zameia smiled sheepishly when the merchant even offered her something that was reserved for good customers, not wanting to give the man too much trouble even if he had acted rude to her earlier. "Ummm... Heh heh... So I don't even have enough money to afford that potion. 1 Gold short actually... Like I said, gave a full 20% of my gold to that beggar." But she got a promise that squirrels would be pet for her, so she didn't mind not being able to purchase these weird wares. "Thank you for the offer though. If I catch you at a tavern any time soon remind me that I owe you at least a drink." And she would make a mental note of that promise, she owed the man a drink some day, maybe when she had a bit more money. That way she was making sure the merchant didn't leave their transaction with nothing, a bit of skill her masters had taught her.

She did have to admit that Davia was persistent, a trait to be admired for sure. Her face remained red at the mention of 'lighting a fire in her loins'. "Wh-What have I gotten myself into..." She'd whisper to herself in Orc, still slipping into her childhood language, and so few knew the language so it allowed her to keep some of her thoughts more private. "I-I-I have been looking for... erm... companions... Can be fun travelling with others... Ahem... Y-Y-Y-You seem... friendly." Well that was one word that you could use to describe it. Davia was certainly being friendly with all of them, just in a way that she wasn't accustomed to. Still, she had agreed to going with Davia, so there wasn't much backing out now. Zameia did her best to make good on her word, even when it was something she wasn't entirely comfortable with.

Rain, meanwhile, had also managed to make an offer that embarrassed her. First of all she didn't think that she needed panties, second of all someone else knowing what her panties looked like was kind of embarrassing, and third she didn't like someone she had just met buying something for her. Zameia always had a problem accepting gifts and charity... though before she protested she remembered her teachings. 'Don't steal the joy of someone giving a gift to you. If they didn't wish to do something for you, they wouldn't have offered it...' So she at least wouldn't object to Rain trying to buy her something. "Err... Thank you Rain. I promise to repay you somehow..." It'd be much easier to repay her if someone actually HAD stolen something from her. At least then she'd have an excuse to run off, beat up someone that probably deserved it, and get Rain's possessions back.

Then the blue rain came, and Zameia looked at it landing on her skin, even more confused by that. There were a lot of things in this world that she wasn't experienced in, but she was near certain that rain wasn't supposed to look like this. "That's... That's not right... Yeah maybe it's best to get inside soon before we're completely soaked. Didn't intend on spending the night dripping wet after all." She said, apparently missing any ways that her words might be interpreted. "I'll follow, anywhere inside is good by me..." She would answer, catching a bit of the blue water in her hand and running it through her fingers, following along if anyone led the way inside.
26041 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Idriana.

Nix cooed whilst feeling the Drows wandering over her body, she was certain she'd have some sort of tricks up her sleeve, but as long as she didn't reveal her own too fast she was certain she could handle it. She watched as the talked the demony girl into joining in as well and was quite happy with that, she was curious how being with one of them would be, though with her seemingly being a virgin it might be fun to tease her as well.

While she watched Davia tease and coerce the tiefling into coming with them it suddenly started raining, and as the rain started turning blue and colouring her she got a bit confused, she didn't want to be blue right now, she'd have turned herself blue if she did. She was curious about the weird-smelling rain though and decided to try and taste it before turning to the others, "we should probably hurry and get inside, the rain seems a bit weird, and I don't really want to get soaked like this."

Raggedy Merchant, Village Square, Tag: Rain, Idriana, Zameia

"Hrmnn.. fine.. you are shaving my cat here you know that?"
The merchant complained, before handing the dark panties over to Rain for six gold.
"So you want the panties of slug prevention for her? 13 gold, as I said. I got to make a living!"
He insisted, dramatically, blue water plitter-plattering off of his hat.
-6 gold!
+3 Enhancement bonus to charisma, works only in areas of shadowy illumination or darker.
(Belt slot)

The merchant nodded to the desire of purchasing the necklace.: "Alright. Just so you know, this cursed necklace likes to watch."

He then chuckled at Zameia. "Should not have given it to beggars then, they have terrible trade-rates."
He offered.

Tag: Nix

The rain actually tastes like grapes! Nix feels a little woozy however for a moment after tasting the grapey taste. All these cute girls, and she was here, waiting her turn. Why didn't she go ahead and get some nice groping on in. (Dc 10 wisdom save, mind affecting effect. Failure indicates you can't resist the urge to get a good groping in on the nearest cute female you fancy. If you fail, also give me a DC 7 cons save, no particular reason.)

Tag: All

The blue rain intensified, and a grumbling in the distance hinted at more to come, blue liquid dripping over feminine bodies... except the merchants, who sighed, watching the drops closely. The blue seemed to turn ever so slightly more purple. It smells kind of funky now.
"It's already turning purple? I guess I'll better get some shelter too.. I hate the green rain. Any last minute business requests?"
He asked, glancing forth and back, quickly recovering his signs and brushing off the splattering of blue liquid before stowing them away again, with a slight grumbling under his voice. It seems he will close up any last orders of business, and then leave.
Once again you hear the gurmbling of thunder, somewhat closer than before. The wind rustles your clothing, well, as far as you wear clothing that can be rustled.

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Eleanah and Davia
Conditions: None

Idriana took the necklace. "It's beautiful. There is nothing I would do that I need to hide. I've always been open about my adventures." She looked about and then blushed at the thought of what she had promised to the Drow. "I don't like this strange rain and don't want to wait for the green rain. Let's go to the inn." She took her necklace and then headed to shelter.
Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 11 (no armor), HP: 8/8
Conditions: AWARE +4 initiative!

"Mhmmm....13 gold is too much! Then what do you have for 6 gold or less? You said something about waffles before. You could sell us some of them, before you go?" she suggested. Sadly, she had no way to have 13 gold...even in her dream!

Or maybe she had? She should check again, maybe, she mused.

If the merchant decided to lower his price, or sold waffles at a more reasonable price, Rain would buy some before heading inside.
26103 Nix the changeling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: Idriana.

Nix hesitated for a moment after having tasted the rain, she felt weird for a moment, she almost considered walking over to the Drow and getting things started already, sticking her hand under her dress and having a bit of fun, but she managed to shake it off(will save: 11), did that stuff try to influence her head? Well whatever it was she didn't want to be in it especially if a local thought another colour of rain would be worse somehow. "I'm going inside now, don't drink the rain it made my head feel weird." She said, starting to walk towards the inn whether the others followed or not
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Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: None, Mood: Aroused, suspicious, Tag: Idriana, Rain, Zameia, Nix

"Hmm, so there is no one currently inside this building? Then that does seem like a better place to... rest than a traveler's den. Lead the way, Rain. Eleanah, come over here! Miss Rain has invited us into her establishment!"
Davia called after the troublemaker. Her comment about the rain intrigued her. She'd have to study this rain later, and maybe use one of them as test subject for its effects...

She stood next to Zameia, pressing slightly against her, her hand running over the girl's shoulders and back. "Come now, my dear. Rain is pretty, beautiful even, sensual, don't you agree? Let's go watch her perform. And afterwards, maybe you'd like to try yourself at performing too..." She whispered into her ear, before gracefully stepping in front of the stammering tiefling. Before she could react, Davia gripped the stunned girl's head with her hands and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, her tongue licking over them. She smirked deviously as she beckoned the flustered planarblood to follow.

She gathered everyone up and pointed them to the building Rain came out of, everyone except the merchant. She couldn't object to him accompanying Rain, but she'd rather men stay away from her funtime. Plus, this man was crazier than most of them, an achievement in itself.

Davia followed Rain into her workplace. Her walk was swaying, deliberate, sexy, but with a grace and poise that showed noble blood.

While they were walking, Davia made sure to walk next to Idriana, her hand stroking the high elf's neck from behind, like the touch of a collar... She could smell the warrior's arousal. She licked her lips in anticipation. This was going to be fun...

Zameia Steelfist - The Muscled Monk
Tagging: Davia
AC: 16, HP: 9/9
Active Effects: +4 to next initiative roll


Zameia would shrug when the merchant gave her advice on what she shouldn't do with her money. "Eh... He seemed to need it more than me. I can get food well enough to at least get bye. 'Charity is the training of the soul and heart, training it to open to those around you', my old master used to say." He said a lot of things actually... A lot of it seemed ridiculous to her, and even now she struggled to understand it, but from what she had heard from him it certainly sounded wise. Even now she spent some nights thinking about his lessons, trying to pierce at the hidden meaning behind some of the things that he had told them. But that was at least one quote that she understood well enough. And now the rain was turning purple... She may not have known much about the world, but she knew that rain shouldn't look like that. Then Eleanah warned them not to drink the rain, and that it had some sort of effect on her. So the Tiefling made sure not to do that, even more eager to get out of the rain now.

Unfortunately she was left unable to really wonder about what was going on more, as Davia continued to be very... distracting. "Ah... Ahem... Well er... Y-Yeah she's very pretty... You're very pretty too... Perform?! N-N-No I only really know how to fight... I do-" Her words were cut off when the drow suddenly kissed her, stopping her protests and giving her goosebumps. She would blush, unable to find the words to respond anymore, instead just blushing and following along. She didn't have anything more that she wanted to buy, and the merchant's wares seemed just a bit too expensive for her, so instead she would follow the group inside, taking a look around when they entered the building to see if anything looked off, still a bit curious as to what in the world was going on... (Perception roll: 18)

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: Eleanah and Davia
Conditions: None

Idriana handed over the gold for the necklace and fastened it around her neck. She then walked back to the inn with the others. She shivered and twitched at the touch of the Drow's hand on her neck, settling like a hard... slave... collar... Ahhhh....

OOC: Catching up! Sorry for the short post

Raggedy Merchant, Village Square, Tag: Rain, Idriana, Zameia

"Very well, very well."
The merchant nodded to Idriana, before glancing to Rain. "Perhaps if you lack the funds, we can discuss.. other payment methods.. but not in this rain. Perhaps I'll meet with you again, later."
The merchant decided, collecting all but one gold coin from Idriana.. as well as most gold from Rain, for some admittedly delicious looking waffles that the sensual seductreess sucessfully secured soundly against the showering stream storming steadily upon them.

With that, the merchant departed, not without commenting to Zameia. "Charity is the opposite of profit. You clearly aren't the real one."

This necklace functions as a familiar (Bat) for 10 minutes/day, allowing the user to view an area remotely. It flees from any combat. It can also cast Detect thoughts once during that duration. The spy-time can be broken up into segments of minutes and doesn't have to be used all at once, however, the necklace has to fly out and return each time.
It also likes to watch.
You feel like it's watching you right now, actually.
Did it just blink?


Tag: All

You enter Rain's workplace. It reveals itself to be a pretty spacious Tavern/Brothel combination, or at least, so the more world-savy among you will quickly realize. There is plenty of space to sit, plenty semi-private areas, as well as a few crystals in the ceiling, shining magical lightning and a hearth, currently unignited, although until nightfall it wont be too cold. Now that you made it out of the rain, dripping blue and purple, your stomachs remind you that you haven't had breakfast.. luckily, Rain organized it.. and there seem to be plenty of drinks as well, although many of them of alcoholic nature.
Rain notices that one of the waffles has become pretty soaked in the blue-purple stuff, despite her best efforts. Who might want to eat that one...? (DC 10 save whoever does!
Furthermore. Anyone not removing their clothes and cleaning themselves off now, DC 5 Wisdom Save, or be overcome by urges to grab and squeeze the nearest squishy thing you can see among one of your companions..
-If someone both eats the one contaminated waffle and stays drenched in the rain make a single save against DC 15.)

Tag: Zameia

Zameia looks around, and quickly notices that this is not a normal inn.. with a pleasant suprise she realizes that this must be some sort of martial arts dojo too!
After all, there are several training implements spread over the room. Most prominently, a large, metal pole affixed to the ground and ceiling, slightly reminiscent of a trainind device at the Dojo, as well as, in an area marked S/M(Perhaps thats short for Strength/Muscles?), there stands what can only be a stretching and workout device. There are also some portraits of women, rather.. exposed, but also doing stretches... very.. revealing stretches. But stretches nonetheless.

Besides that, nothing seems off or out of the ordinary. Well, perhaps the emptyness of the place, considering that just by wear of the furniture it seems like a location that should be far more frequented.. there isn't any bartender or staff, besides Rain infact the only other living thing watching them is a curious mouse, peeping out of a hole in a corridor.
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Davia Darklighter - Drow Arcane Explorer

Health: 5/5, AC: 13, Status: None, Mood: Aroused, relaxed, Tag: Idriana, Rain, Zameia, Nix

Davia was glad to be out of this strange downpour, and even more that the strange merchant decided to take his leave. She had to admit this establishment was quite nice, though, clearly designed with carnal pleasures in mind.

She and the others were soaked, so Davia stepped close to the fireplace in the room and with a wave of her hand and the Drow-word /Ignite/, she sent a spark of purplish fire towards the leftover wood. (Casting Firebolt, Spell Attack: 19) The purple flames turned a warm orange as the wood caught fire, casting the room in their warmth and glow. Davia relaxed. Fire, while occasionally irritating, was much easier on her sensitive eyes than daylight, even when overcast like outside right now. She stood next to the fireplace as she removed her outfit and laid it out to dry, and undid her ponytail, before rubbing her hands over the many parts of her body her outfit deliberately left exposed, brushing the colored water off her cleavage and hips, shaking the water out of her hair, going slowly, to make sure anyone who looked her way could see her caressing her naked body in languid, sensual motions. But of course, it wasn't her performance she was here for...

She took one of the offered waffles, but avoided the wet and colored one. Testing out surface dweller food was one of her favorite pastimes, and she had come across many variations of waffles before. They were generally not to her liking, and despite how... eccentric that merchant had been, she didn't have particularly high hopes for these... but she was willing to be proven wrong. Of course, despite her empty stomach, it was not food she was hungry for... She looked over the bar, trying to find something that caught her fancy. Alcohol was very much unnecessary for sex, but she would never say no to a good strong liquor. However, all the brands were foreign to her, so she decided to stay safe and not pick something yet. (Perception: 4) She'd wait for someone else to recommend or select a spirit.

Davia sat down on a sofa, guiding the planarblood Zameia and her pet-to-be Idriana to either side of her, allowing Eleanah to select her own seating. She lounged naked, her legs spread, an enticing scent rising from between her legs as her hands stroked the two girls necks. She had brought her whip with her, currently resting between her and Idriana. "Well then, miss Rain. Why don't you show us your moves?" She asked.