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Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Apologies for Cheating

Choosing NPC decisions takes one second. It's running the match that takes a few minutes or so per post.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Talking+1

I don't think MF is saying he's going to take over GMing duties, I think he was piggybacking onto my idea of making the matches a bit more fair when NPCs are involved.

We've gotten enough interest though, I would imagine we don't need the NPC fights at this point...
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Talking+1

Mind the NPC boss fights for titles, until players get them that is. Though those will not have me choosing cards. They'll just use coded cards with specific counters. They'll be good in general, so you shouldn't win in a fair fight anyway. I already have planned a cyclops as the Minor Circuit Champion. One of his moves I had an idea for (and one of the ideas for extra cards to get from the shop or to start with) was a Counter, signaled by his eye glowing. Landing a high enough value Strike in this case in addition to a Title Bout card will cause you to punch him in his eye and cause serious damage as you'd expect. You can also Do Nothing for your attack to just shield your eyes. Otherwise, getting countered will cause you to become hypnotized as if you were Stunned for reaching HP 0.

Such will be the nature of it. When they're using a super attack, you can avoid it, or risk a counter attack in an attempt to win big or take serious damage yourself.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Apologies for Cheating

A small announcement and apology to make.

When you fight against me while I play an NPC. I can totally see your entire hand. This may or may not have influenced some of the card choices I picked while playing as the NPC.

So, it is my opinion that you have a much higher chance to lose against an NPC than another player. Food for thought.

I do try to be fair, though I can't say it's impossible that the knowledge didn't affect my choices.

What Blue is saying. You saying the above here is what's influencing my decision here RJ. I'm offering to make the card picks for NPC encounters to make them feel more fair to the players, since I wouldn't be able to see the player's hands and such in this case. It is of course up to you if you want to let me do this. Just putting forth the offer, as I feel a few others might make the offer as well.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Epic Bosses in a Wrestling Game. What?

I suppose I might pitch in with that as well. So it's not just Flayer here offering help with that.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Talking+1

Mind the NPC boss fights for titles, until players get them that is. Though those will not have me choosing cards. They'll just use coded cards with specific counters. They'll be good in general, so you shouldn't win in a fair fight anyway. I already have planned a cyclops as the Minor Circuit Champion. One of his moves I had an idea for (and one of the ideas for extra cards to get from the shop or to start with) was a Counter, signaled by his eye glowing. Landing a high enough value Strike in this case in addition to a Title Bout card will cause you to punch him in his eye and cause serious damage as you'd expect. You can also Do Nothing for your attack to just shield your eyes. Otherwise, getting countered will cause you to become hypnotized as if you were Stunned for reaching HP 0.

Such will be the nature of it. When they're using a super attack, you can avoid it, or risk a counter attack in an attempt to win big or take serious damage yourself.

When did this become a Punch-Out clone?
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Epic Bosses in a Wrestling Game. What?

RJ mentioned he was planning for that some time ago.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Epic Bosses in a Wrestling Game. What?

Must've missed the mentioning.

No worries. Just thought it was going to be more based on pro wrestling.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Epic Bosses in a Wrestling Game. What?

It is, actually. The whole special moves thing is just a single gimmick. We're not going to suddenly start boxing people.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Epic Bosses in a Wrestling Game. What?

Edited my post.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Not Angering Me

Just as a bit of incentive, people who do not state their action clearly will now lose their turn entirely, and will not get the bonuses of doing nothing.

It's not that hard, please tell me what you're doing.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Not Angering Me

If you're referring to the fight between me and Rule34, the posts were edited. It's a grapple against defense situation.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Not Angering Me

I wouldn't make an announcement about it if it wasn't a repeat offense from multiple people.

It doesn't make logical sense to not tell me either. I can't tell you if your action was successful if I don't know what it is.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Pondering

Currently, the limit on the advantage you can have over your opponent is +4. Looking at some matches, it's feeling like this limit still is just insanely overwhelming.

I'm pondering lowering the limit to +3 max point advantage.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Pondering

I personally think that it would give a character reason to develop weaknesses instead of allowing them to rot into oblivion with little care about the ramifications.

Like if my character loses a random stat on striking more often than not (and lets say it goes to 2). I am against a character that has a striking value of 7. It seems like you are penalizing them because I am so bad at striking?

Conversely if my main stat (grapple) ends up being high, I would want to play to that strength right?
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Pondering

If a person has 14 in a stat versus a character with a 2 in a stat, there should be an insane difference in success rate between that matchup and say, a person with 5 in the same stat versus a person with 2.

If you allow your character a glaring weakness, then it's going to be exploited, right?
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Pondering

No, it's because being at a 4 point disadvantage leaves you with almost no chance of success as the one with the advantage can play one card and pretend he's also playing a 4 cost card every time. Being at a 3 point disadvantage will still suck.

The point is to allow anyone to play with anyone. You shouldn't be afraid to fight someone because your stats are all 5's and theirs are all 14.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Pondering

You shouldn't be afraid to fight someone because your stats are all 5's and theirs are all 14.

Let's be generous and say that in the game of life, I have stats of around 5.

Superman has stats of all 14 (again, just gonna be generous here.)

I'd be afraid to fight superman. And there'd be a legitimate reason.

Maybe this is why you have the different circuits? So that advanced fighters are separate from the rookies?