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Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Pondering

Having the advantage is important right? A striker might have horrible grappling stats, but wouldn't the inverse be the same for the grappler in regards to their striking stat?

I thought about this a bit more, and this does not look as clear cut as I thought it was before. Even so much as a +1 advantage is pretty brutal as the person with the advantage plays a level 5 card, and they are only beaten by an opponent that plays a combined 7 (as per the rules now, a tie goes to the highest card played)

I think this could be changed to whoever plays the most cards would win the tiebreaker? So the person who played 2 cards would win a tie over the person who played only one, but if you both play two then the previous tiebreaker of the strongest card played would apply?

The weaker player should be the one winning the ties as they are almost certainly going to have to expend more cards in an attempt to offset the stat difference in the first place. I would suggest that change as it makes sense at least to me that there should be less of a penalty for having to overplay your hand just to keep up with a stronger player.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Pondering

Maybe this is why you have the different circuits? So that advanced fighters are separate from the rookies?

That will help, but the main idea is to encourage PvP, not discourage it. If I have these barriers making people not want to fight each other, then everyone will just keep asking for NPC fights, and then I have 12 threads to do instead of 6, with two people in each thread. Which means I will absolutely not devote all my time managing these threads, at which point everyone's wondering when they're gonna get an update cuz it's taking so long. Whyyyyy is it taking so long for an updaaaate!?

Because you fuckkin picked NPC fights, that's why.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Pondering

Aside from underdog cards, do you see other ways of balancing the scales a little?

Even in the real world no one usually expects the lesser wrestler to win. But if they entertain the crowd well in losing, could they get a bonus of some kind that helps them close the gap?

I would not mind making a "glass joe" as it were, but that seems like it could be heavily exploitable if not done correctly.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Fun Shit to Buy in the Future

After much deliberation with certain people, I've come to the conclusion that capping stat advantage at +3 is a good idea. +3 Is still a huge advantage, and +4 was simply feeling like it shut out the other player too hard from any chance at success.

This change will take effect in future matches, but not current ones unless both players are cool with the change.

I've also been considering what to add to the shop when I do make it. Obviously it will include new card types of special variety. Some of which I talked about with Tass, such as a feint card that does nothing when you play it (but can be comboed similarly to recovery cards), however it will add to your card value the next turn. But these special cards do not have 1-5 values like the common cards (unless I make one that does). You will have to replace a 2 Value card with Feint, and it will give you +1 card value on your next Offense. You can use this card on either offense or defense, but its more practical purpose is to scare your opponent into using all their good stuff thinking you're throwing two big cards at them (or even better they will just let your action happen instead of defending against it), and then it will give you a little buff next time you attack. This functions similarly to Recovery Cards, but it is it's own offensive twist.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Fun Shit to Buy in the Future

How about taunt cards, maybe something to get the crowd pumped like +1 or something to charisma for purposes of crowd interference.
Or dirty tactics, like undoing a boot to escape a submission, or hidden aphrodisiac to boost foreplay?
Signature/Finshing moves might also be an option, like letting PCs have their own version of the Cyclops's eye beam- that if successful does double damage to a stunned opponent, or something?
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Fun Shit to Buy in the Future

I also plan on adding such cards as Signature move, and having them be fairly limited in your deck so that finding them is a rare and big deal. I'd probably allow players to have one Signature Move in their deck with a specific mechanic.

As for other types of cards, such as dirty tricks, I will need to think of them in such a way that they aren't overly complicated and balanced so that taking your original cards is still a good idea.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Fun Shit to Buy in the Future

Dirty trick should just be a card, not specific tricks since it should be an rp thing to use in the first place. Though I would like to see a "face" counterpart to the dirty trick card if any of the lot ever see the light of day in the game.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Fun Shit to Buy in the Future

In other news, twice now Tenta has changed his move completely after I made a reply and made my move. Is there something that can be put into place to prevent this from happening going forward?
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Fun Shit to Buy in the Future

I imagine it's happening because Tenta is making mistakes and is forced to redo a move, happened once or twice to me as well. I think I recall RJ pondering the idea of giving autosuccesses to the opponent in case of invalid moves, maybe? I could be wrong here.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Fun Shit to Buy in the Future

Probably just by giving you an auto-success, yes. First mistakes are fine, but repeat nonsense should be punished as it annoys everyone.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

I've not abandoned this. For this week, I've been working nine hour days doing manual labor for extra cash.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

Ouch. Hope you'll have easier time in the future.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

We are dead, dead, dead.
We are dead, dead, dead.
Thought we were hot, guess what, we're not.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

Hey, don't worry about it dude. You worry about irl stuff, ULMF stuff can't come first when real life shit needs to take priority.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

No worries. Gotta keep the wolf from the door somehow.

We'll keep until you have a free moment and aren't mentally/physically exhausted. We've all been there.
So, I realize it would potentially be a really slow, messy affair, but have we ever considered perhaps tag team match formats? If kept to PVE as like a co-op deal (e.g. two players vs two npc) it could potentially work out, though I can't begin to know how balancing such a thing would work.
I have, and it will be included in a future update. Probably 2.3 since I want to allow one more update for balancing the core game (2.2) before I add in tag teams. Right now I think the big issue would be what exactly could be done when teams tag. I may also limit the number of times a team could tag and/or interfere to break up holds perhaps.
Well hopefully all of this weirdness here at ULMF is over and done with. After it was fixed I was locked out of account to boot! I am excited to possibly get started on stuff here when it's ready :D