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Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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This CYOA is part of a Series, For more information, go here.

You want it. I want it. Its here. The prequel to the Tentacle Lair Escape Series.

This CYOA will concentrate on living within a lair of sorts once again, there is a bit of an adventure quality to this one so it will be similar to the first Tentacle Lair Escape in that regard where there are more consequences and exciting revelations. My other CYOAs have been quite dark, where good things rarely happen and the lesser evil and often the best case scenario for the character, i intend to take this CYOA to the next level where darkness and despair are the norm.

This CYOA will feature most of the fetishes from my previous CYOAs and prehaps a few more, i also hope to improve my description skills in this CYOA, describing the setting, the character's feelings and what is going on around them, i hope to create better immersion this way and provide a better storytelling experience.

So with that, Welcome to my newest CYOA, the 4th of the Tentacle Escape Series.

Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Inside of the creature was moist and damp, but it wasn't anything you had not felt before, for your entire life you had been a slave to the tentacles and you had finally matured enough that you could be moved to the lair from the breeding colony.

You never knew your parents, your mother was likely a mother to hundreds who had genes the tentacles enjoyed, her match was a likely a male who would not corrupt her potency or flavor, such was the way of the tentacles, they planned everything out like this, from the human slaves they bred to the locations they selected for their lairs.

The giant creature came to the breeding colony and your sisters lined up and were forced into it, tentacles wrapped around your arms and legs and you were pulled into the creature, your skin pressed against the slimy innards of the gigantic tentacle creature and you were held against the wet and warm insides of the creature, luckily you were able to breath, but you could not move more than a few inches in either direction, the world around you was crimson, warm and wet.

the journey was long, you appeared to be held inside of a living capsule, and you could just barely make out your other sisters though the thick red membranes, but it was impossible to communicate.

You ate by licking the slime off the sides of the capsule, it tasted sweet, but perhaps that was because you had wished it would taste sweet, the tentacles were powerful creatures and their abilities to control various things about a human's body and mind seemed limitless to you, sometimes you felt pleasure when you knew you should feel pain, and felt desire when you should feel disgust, the Tentacle creatures had complete control of your life and there was little you could do, your willpower was weakened, all you had ever been was guided by their slimy appendages, and to you, they were the only god you knew.

Finally you arrived at your destination, the capsules which housed you and your sisters opened from their bottoms and slipped you inside of the creature again, which used it's muscles to push you though it, the passage was wet, warm and slimy, even more so than the capsule itself. Eventually you are deposited into a pool of red slime, you head sinks beneath the surface of the slime and you struggle to swim the to surface between you realize it isn't too deep and you find your feet.

you get up slowly, wiping the slime from your eyes, many of your other sisters were around you, they looked alot like you with minor differences such as your facial features, breast size and other minor differences.

As more of your sisters were being expelled from the giganic creature and dropped into the slime pool you looked around you.

You were in the middle of a large living canyon, huge walls on either side towered into the sky and down them, a slime oozed down from the sides and coalescing partially at the bottom, the walls were covered with wiggling tentacles, some of the tentacles had other girls in their grasp and others still were fucking their captives inside of their various orifices.

your heart starts to beat quicker as you realize that you are destined to become just like them, a creeping terror comes from deep down telling you to run....but where? everywhere you looked was a danger, free tentacles dangled in the air, waiting to strike as soon as one of you came too close, even the ground itself seemed to cling to your feet within the slime, caressing you, feeling your pale flesh in a way which seemed so subtly violating.

The sky was dark, it was night, but the glow of the living canyon illuminated the whole area, and you could clearly see everything going on around you. The moans of the girls and the squirts and squishes of tentacles on and in living flesh cascaded down on you.

around you, other women who looked different from your sisters and you were trapped and held by some of the tentacles, some of their eyes were wide open and alert as the tentacles ravaged them in all of their holes, their muffled moans half-yelled of ecstasy and half of horror, other captives were sullen and exhausted, the fight had left them and they seemed to simply accept their fate.

you heard a scream behind you and you turned around in time to see one of your sisters being lifted into the air by a vacant set of nearby tentacles, while some of the tentacles wrapped around her thighs and arms, another tentacle aimed itself outside of her pussy and thrust forward, causing your sister to scream, you could see a bit of blood drip down between the tentacles and her thighs as the tentacle started to pound her relentlessly, the tentacles dropped her down at once and pinned her against the meaty ground, other nearby tentacles joined in to either bind her further or take a place inside of her mouth or ass, she yelled a muffled yell at you and her face looked as if she was asking to be saved, her pale face frozen in terror as the tentacles relentlessly plowed into her, oozing a spattering of juice, slime and blood from her newly deflowered pussy.

More screams came from around you as more of your sisters were captured and lifted, their screams of panic surrounded you, others yelled for help as they were pulled from the slime pool or the living ground just outside of it, the chaos surrounded you, the screams and splashes from the struggle intensified and your weak shivering legs seemed to move on their own.

You started to run, moving as quickly out of the pools as you could, just next to you, a tentacle slithers past your ankle as quick as lightning and grabbed onto the lower leg of one of your sisters, she was pulled down, her head and arms dragged through the slime until she was pulled up abruptly, she dangled in the air for a moment before other nearby tentacles joined in and penetrated her open orifices, including the hole which was screaming for you to help her, you continued to move, and as you did, the scene became more and more chaotic, some of the girls were caught and tried to fight the tentacles attached to them, pounding or scratching at them for mere moments before others arrived to subdue them permanently.

You finally got completely out of the pool, your skin felt cooler in that moment even though the warmth of the air hung thick in the air, the smell of a scintillating fragrance flooded your head.

it is what i want to smell, it is all in my mind.

You ran as quick as you could, leaving the screams of your sisters behind you, the living meaty surface of this place squished with every step you took. You stopped for a moment and looked up the wall to your side.

Your mouth dropped as you saw a wall a thousand feet high curve upward, you could see the pale flesh against the pink meaty flesh of the living walla and tentacles, occasionally what seemed like a geyser of white fluid would shoot into the air and you knew it was the ejaculation of one of the tentacles into one of the orifices of the girls, the moisture of this place was incredible, almost as if a soft drizzle of cum, sweat and slime washed over your face and body.

Lightning flashed high above the wall and to your horror you could see there was even more captives on the highest points of the wall as well, the small amount of drizzle which came down caused you to open your tongue and you felt the salty taste of cum in the air, the terror came screaming back and your heart fluttered, your body trembled as you shook your head quickly and spit in disgust.

you continued on walking slower and more carefully now, careful to avoid tentacles which were empty, the ones which currently had a girl in their grasp seemed to ignore you.

'ccccccccccccccccccooooooooooommmmmmee.........' you heard a whisper from behind you and you turned back to see nothing there, it echoed inside of your head and reverberated hauntingly.

'Who is there?' you said softly as you backed, walking backwards, you accidentally stepped in a small puddle of cum and fell down.

you could only watch as an incredibly large tentacle erupted from the ground between your legs, it stretched up into the air as it continued to come from the earth, finally it stood 30 feet tall and curled down, looking down at you, your heart froze again and a shiver ran down your spine, you felt paralyzed now, your eyes affixed on the enormous tentacle before you.

'sssssssssuuuubbbbmitttttt' the voice said with a booming voice, you covered your ears but the voice seemed to only get louder, it was in your head.

You only had a moment to make a decision, perhaps it would be best to obey? running from such a creature would be futile, if this creature was as quick as the others you wouldn't make it to your feet before it was upon you.

There was little time to think, submit or run, submit or run? how could a weak girl like you possibly hope to fight such a creature?

You knew in your heart you had to react and so you did the first thing that came to mind.

What do you do?

A. Spread your legs open and close your eyes in anticipation, submit.

B. Get up as quickly as you can and open your mouth, but leave your hands between your legs to guard your pussy as best as possible.

C. Try to get up and run away!
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


As quickly as you can you try to get to your feet, but the ground is slick and the soles of your feet are wet from the rain, slime and cum, you turn your back to the tentacle and manage to get on all fours before two false steps slam your belly and crotch into the wet ground, and then you feel the sudden and terrible again of the tentacle in your anus.

your mouth hangs open as the tentacle roots around in your asshole, slithering around inside and gaining further access with it's lubricated sides, it's head burrows deeper still into your colon, you suddenly try to crawl forward away from the invading tentacle in desperation, but it follows your body and digs further in, your fingernails dig into the ground and you clinch your teeth, with your knees together, you reach back with one arm and try to put your hand around the tentacle in hopes that you could stop it's progress, but by then the thrusting had started.

The tentacle pistons into your asshole, sliding through your palm and fingers, you feet it's warmth and girth along with it's incredibly lubricated body, the tentacle itself creates little friction no matter how much you squeeze down onto it and try to curl your hand into a grasping fist.

you remove your hand and place you forehead against the warm and sloppy ground, your open palms supporting your weight as you try to at least create a straighter connection between your anus and the tentacle, finding the appropriate angle, the pain seems lessened, though it is still intense, for several minutes you can only look between your legs and see the base of the tentacle shaking with the thrusts of the phallus inside of you.

The tentacle trembles and shakes and you feel a sudden induction of warm, the soupy white substance explodes around the sides of the tentacle and drips down your ass and legs, the tentacle pulls free and you feel a slight bit of relief, but much of the pressure remains. you continue you watch between your legs as the tentacle retreats into the living ground back where it came, you could only allow your knees to slide back as you press your belly against the meaty ground, the cum oozing slowly from your anus, but the pressure remains.

you lay with your breasts and crotch pressed against the ground, if any other tentacle creature wanted you, now would be the time to attack, moving created a sharp pain in your abdomen.

Finally you muster the courage to turn your body, you feel the sharp pain again as you move, but finally you are able to flip onto your back and stare straight into the sky.

The rumblings of thunder above the dark clouds momentarily light the sides of the curved walls once more, the screams of the other women seem distant now, a soft rain specks your face and chest, its salty taste on your lips you can't help but sense.

Taking a deep breath you lift your legs apart and push, a first there is nothing, your insides are gummed up thick, you start to deep light headed and you can't tell if it is from the deep breath or the tentacle semen entering your body.

You take another quick couple of breath and clinch your teeth, your face goes red and your muscles harden, you feel the fluid moving.

The cum exits your body slowly at first, but shortly after a deluge of thick white cum flows out of your ass, pooling between your legs and running up against the small of your back, its warmth seems strangely good, although you feel dirty, With the last of the cum exiting your body you feel much better now, the sharp pain is gone and you feel as though a burden has been lifted, though you feel exhausted.

using your arms you slowly pull yourself away from the pool of cum you had just expelled from your body and been forced to sit in, it caked against your butt and back like plaster.

Finally you found your way to your feet and shook your head, you felt dizzy and knew it wasent just the effort of pushing the semen out of you.

You gathered yourself and walked on, slowly.

You moved though the living fields of this place, for as far as you could see, women were caught along your path, some of them were struggling but not many, the energy wasent worth wasting, they had accepted their fate now for the most part.

The tentacle themselves were large and meaty, as thick as any tentacle you had ever seen; as thick as your arm and ten times as long.

Most of the tentacles were sated, but a few lonely ones waved through the air, trying to sense a girl like you who might wander near them, you guess that they were similar to the one which had caught you earlier, you counted yourself lucky that others weren't around to hold you down and take their own turn later or immediately in a different orifice.

You walked along more carefully now, judging each of your steps separately, you went along for what seemed like hours and you felt like you didn't get very far at all.

Finally you looked up and saw that there was another heavy field of tentacle ahead, many of them were not occupied by women, the further along you went, the less women there seemed to be, you knew that the tentacles here would likely be even more hungry than the others behind you.

You stopped and looked around you, to your left there seemed to be a huge white lake, the mist in this area seemed to be think and you could barely see it, but the path appears to be relatively clear of tentacles, to your right, a large towering phallus rose high into the air, you could see it reach almost as high as the clouds, and it was shrouded by fog just like the lake was, the path appeared to have a few more tentacles along the way, but you thought you could avoid them.

your ass still ached as you pondered which direction to take, your throat was dry and the dried semen caked against your ass and back which was irritating you. you wanted to rest, your mind and body felt weak.

What do you do?

A. Go to the Left towards the white lake,

B. Go to the Right towards the gigantic Phallic Tower.

C. Walk straight ahead into the vacant tentacles, embrace their caress.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


You take your time to judge each path and finally decide on going towards the towering Phallus.

The path is sparsely patched with tentacles, but you step around them as you move, trying to stay out of a range you set for yourself, as long as you kept at least four feet away from them, they didn't seem to notice you.

The rain started to come down harder now and the thunder seemed louder, the cool drops came down on your body, you felt a bit colder now, maybe the coldest you had felt in your life, even though the temperature of the rain couldn't be much lower than this place, you felt uncomfortable.

You quickly started moving quicker unconsciously, but you still managed to avoid getting to close to the tentacles, who themselves looked a bit uncomfortable with the drop in temperature, some of them even seemed to burrow into the living ground.

After averting disaster through the sparse tentacle field, you finally reach the Phallic tower. You look straight up, its height seems to pierce the clouds, you can't help but imagine the clouds as a pussy.

The Phallis itself is giving off it's own warmth, you place your hand on its side and feel it, it is slimy and warm.

Your mouth feels dry and your head is still a bit dizzy from the rape you endured earlier, you take your hand off of the massive member and start to walk around its perimeter.

The rain begins to come down harder and your heart jumps as a close lightning strike tears through the sky, its terrible boom isn't far behind and you find yourself shivering now, both from the adrenaline and the cold, you continue on with an eye to the sky before another bolt of lightning above cuts through the sky, a flash of light reveals the top of the wall once again and you can see many of the women being fucked up there.

You put your back to the tower and crouch down, you feel the warm of it against your back and feel safe, though strange, you rub your tongue against the top of your mouth, it feels thick with spit, it hurts to gather spit into your mouth, the insides of your cheek feel dry....you could really use a drink.....

looking around you see a puddle of what appeared to be water, you quickly got to your feet and went over to it, getting down on your knees to look at it closer incase it was some kind of trap. with one finger, you touch it and bring it to your lips, soon you find your hands cupping the water and bringing it to your mouth, the rain against your back seems warmer now.

When you have had your fill, you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and look ahead....something catches your eye..

you carefully move over to the object and see that there are some white oval shaped objects which are bigger than your hand, they rest inside of a small pit which is mostly folded over with the meaty surface of this place. You pick one of the objects up with both hands and feel it with your fingers and palms....it feels warm.

With nothing else around you, you take the Oval back to your place against the wall and press it against your chest, the warmth of the object seems to make you feel strangely safe. you bring the oval up and place it against your forehead, you feel the warmth of the Oval there and feel calm.

you lower the oval down to your crotch and place the narrow end into your pussy, gently poking yourself, your face blushes as you do and you suddenly feel very wrong.

What am i doing? You think to yourself, you think you can hear a voice deep inside of you screaming to throw the egg, smash the egg.... do anything to get it away from you, but you cant keep your eyes off of it, it seems to.....mesmerize you......

After a few more moments of rolling the egg across your belly you have decided....you need it inside of you.

The voice in the back of your mind seems to be pounding away, but you ignore it, you tell it to be quiet....this will feel good, this will feel great......

With both hands you place the egg in front of your pussy once more and try to force it inside of you, the width of the egg is too great and you feel pain as you try to stick it inside, after five minutes, you are quite sore down there, but your resolve hasn't changed.

'The tentacles, they can help you, they want to help you' another voice speaks.

you look down at the egg......did it just speak to you?

You bring a hand to your chest and start rubbing your breast, with the other hand you hold the egg and rub it between your pussy lips, occasionally rubbing over your clitoris with the side of the egg or an finger tip.

What do you do?

A. Bite your lip and get up....you must leave...but you must take the egg with you, you cannot part with it...

B. The tentacles....yes....they will help me....they have to help....me.. take the egg and walk into the nearby patch of tentacles, they will know what to do.

C. Masturbate ferociously, your body needs it, afterwards take a nap with the egg nearby...yes.....keep the egg warm....
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


Getting up was the hardest thing you had ever done in your life, you felt as though weights were tied to your arms and legs, but the weights weren't physical, they were mental. The entire time you could only stare at the egg, it's pale white enthralling you.

You bring the Egg close against your chest once more, and hold it close between your breasts, the closer it is to your heart, the more invigorated you feel, as you step away from the giant phallus, the steps get easier, your mind behinds to free itself from its invisible chains.

With your head down looking at the egg you move, you fail to watch your path as you do so, but are lucky enough not to step directly onto a tentacle on your way, suddenly you see what for a moment looks like a pink blur out of the corner of your eye, you look up and see other women like you walking around.

The girls has different hair and different body types, some at slender, others average, others still has wide hips, but faces are different as are their skin tones, some of them are as pale as you, others still are black as night, the moisture against their skin gleaming dimly, the only common theme amongst them is their enlarged stomachs.

All of these girls seem pregnant, and you could tell right away that they are as mesmerized as you are with the egg inside of their bodies. Some of them walk around aimlessly, holding their large bellies happily, others walk between stray tentacles, crouching down in order to take the phalluses into their mouth so they can eat their semen for nutrition.

You look around to see a massive field of tentacles surrounds you, there is a clearing ahead, but not for-

You find yourself pulled to the ground from behind, fumbling your egg as your chest smacks against the ground, you desperately reach down it and pin it between your hand and the ground before you are pulled back once more, the egg drags along the surface of the ground and you are able to pull it in under your chin before the next tug pulls your crotch, stomach and breasts along the wet warm surface of the ground.

You spin around, the egg between your breasts again to see that another tentacle hovers above you, the other one drags you a few feet closer and you scream as the hovering tentacle fires forward and passes through your lips and into your mouth.

With one hand securing the egg against your chest, the other comes up and loosely grips the tentacle, the invading tentacle glides between the top of your tongue and the top of your mouth, it is too big to close your jaw or mouth around it, you feel the fatigue in your jaw as you try to grab onto the tentacle with your hand and pull it out of your mouth, but the lubricated surface of the fast-moving tentacle is too much, and it slides through your hand as easily as it slides past your lips.

The other tentacle has you in place now and wraps around your ankle like a biological chain, pinning you to the ground.

The ejaculation happens instantly and surprises you, a load of hot semen gushes against the back of your throat and you start coughing, the tentacle pulls out and sprays onto your face, into your hair and onto your neck and chest before lowering down to your other ankle and latching onto that one now.

You cough and swallow, your mouth is filled with semen and your left eye is blinded by a warm oozing shot as well, the taste of the cum is incredible and soon you find yourself only swallowing.

The other tentacle attached to your ankle now detaches to take it's own term, you barely notice before it wiggles between your pussy lips and fires inside, you make a little 'eep!' noise and the tentacle starts to fuck you slowly, you look down as your tongue searches for more semen on your face to see that the tentacle is partially covered with a bit of your blood. you realize then that you have lost your virginity to a tentacle.

You find your hand wiping across your chest and neck to scoop up semen so you can bring it to your mouth, the same ferocity the tentacle had when it was dragging you backward is missing now, it's slow and delicate thrusts are careful, almost as if to say 'i know it is your first time, i dont want to hurt you any more than i have to'

you stare down mesmerized by the fucking, it is a bit painful, but the pressure seems to bring you some pleasure as well. The ejaculation comes and fills your insides with a hot goo, the tentacle pulls out and dumps a significant portion onto your crotch and belly as well before returning to it's original position around your ankle.

When the cum on your chest and neck is gone, you find yourself greedily scooping it out of your pussy, bringing handfuls of the stuff to your mouth as you stare off lazily into the night's sky, your mind is a drugged mess now, the tentacle semen has effected your brain now and you feel nothing but pleasure and serenity.

You cradle the egg against your body wishing it were inside you, your body feels weak now, like you could finally use some sleep.

What do you do?

A. Close your eyes and go to sleep.

B. Try to squeeze the egg inside of you again.