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Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A: womb is best.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

I've been sick lately, so thats why i haven't responded, But im back now. yay.


You nod with hesitation at first, but subconsciously you feel something exciting until you find yourself emphatically nodding and smiling at the suggestion.

though you had been in a trance for thousands of years, at least if what the Overlord said was true, your body came to love the feeling of having tentacles and eggs stuffed inside of you. you a moment you think yourself crazy, a disconnect between the fear your body feels and the pleasure your body craves.

'i'll do it' you say.

'Very well' unit 10 replies with the same monotone voice. 'stand there'

you walk over to a bare spot on the ground, the meaty substance below you is soft but firm, many women have stood here in this spot before, preparing to become impregnated themselves.

you look up and see the ovipositor overhead, it continues to drip with semen, which fall down between your legs just inches from your body, in the back of your mind the excitement builds are the tentacles around you begin to descend upon you.

tentacles fall down to you slowly, wrapping around your arms, waist, ankles and thighs, their grip is loose but firm and as they pull you up, they part your thighs, you offer no resistance as they do. you can feel your pussy becoming wet in anticipation, as it has been trained to do though the years.

The ovipositor descends now, you watch it's meaty tube being brought down and your heart starts to race, your brain tingles with excitement and you can feel a river of juices flow from your quivering hole below.

the tip enters you quickly and slides in effortlessly, the pressure you feel is ecstacy. your womb fills with warm juice and you can feel your belly expanding, you experience waves of pleasure, your eyes glaze over as a large egg slowly moves down the tube and presses against your pussy, finally it pushes past and is quickly deposited inside of you and the ovipositor pulls out, only a small amount of cum escapes and the large appendage is pulled back up to the ceiling, the tentacles rest your gently on the spot and retract back up and to the ceiling.

you cup your belly with your arms and feel content, like what pure happiness must be.

'Do you need help getting up princess?' unit 10 asks a few minutes later.

'No....i..' you get to your feet, the heft of your enlarged belly feels right, like something was missing prior.

'How do you feel?' the machine asks.

'I feel better than i did before.......complete' you respond

'you are the reproductive organ of the tentacle race, when your role is being utilized, you feel as you do, utilized, complete as you say, otherwise you'd feel idle, wasted, bored'

'The reproductive organ?'

'As mentioned before, you are as much a part of the tentacle race as myself or even the overlord, if the Overlord is the brain, you are the womb, other tentacles may be the mouth and the stomach, we each have our role'

'What is your role?' you ask

'I am not part of the tentacle race, i am simply an assistant' Unit 10 replies.

'How does that make you feel?'

'We should continue our tour' unit 10 replies, ignoring your question.


you continue along, you are in awe of how many women align the corridors of this lair, their sweaty bodies seem almost as part of the lair itself.

you come into another room, it is a dark room with some women being held upside down, their hands and arms secured in place as their legs are spread apart and lifted into the air, various tentacles hover over their two orifices, but these tentacles are more sinister, with barbs and spikes.

'What is this awful place?' you ask.

'This is the punishment section of the lair, the women you see here are being punished for their behavior'

a woman screams as one of the tentacles is forced into her ass with great force, you can see a bit of blood leak out of her and roll down her back, another tentacle snaps quickly and whips across her back, leaving a red mark.

'what have they done to deserve this?'

'Many of these women have commit the worse crime a slave can commit, the murdering of spawnlings'


'When a spawnling is first born, they are vulnerable, they can be crushed or squeezed to death, that is what this woman is guilty of, she gave birth to spawnlings and then murdered them'

you feel sorry for the woman, but at the same time you feel a bit of hatred of her.

'Arent you worried about permanently damaging her?'

'The semen she is fed will heal her wounds and restore her body, but she will never forget the agony of the torture......this is good, don't you think?'

you think about it for a moment.

'Yes....she must learn to obey, even if her mind is completely broken'

'I'm glad you agree princess'

you move on.


Coming to the next room, you hear some screaming which echos off of the walls, you come to a bright room, where women are being held against the walls, their struggling is something you had not seen in a while, most of the women here are docile.

'This is the intake foyer, where newly captured slaves are indoctrinated'

'They seem to be struggling quite a bit'

'Try to remember yourself before you became part of the brood, humans are resistant to subjugation, but they all submit in time' Unit 10 says 'Come here'

you walk over to a girl who is struggling mightily against her tentacle bonds, she is screaming and trying to pull herself free.

'Why don't you try to indoctrinate this one, i want to see your preferred method'

'But i don't know anything about indoctrination,i might mess up'

'No, you won't anything you say to her or do to her we'll be able to fix'

The woman looks at you with wonder, possibly trying to figure out how you are free or how and why you are communicating with one of them.

You will now try to indoctrinate this newly captured slave.

What do you do?

A. Tell her how great it is to be a tentacle slave.

B. Threaten her with punishment if she doesn't comply.

C. Force a tentacle into her pussy and watch as it fucks her.

D. Force her to eat a whole lot of tentacle semen.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A & D if possible, if not try A first.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

You must first do the D or she will think than you are just crazy
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

If possible: D, A and then C.

If not, just A.