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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You say you need to keep him off of you, right? Then how are you going to do that? You say you don't like fighting in a group, yet you ask for our help." Burrito says, sighing as he turns to look at Grave "Like I said. Leave Supermeme to myself and Oni. Your powers are required to defeat Toonpimp. If all goes well, we'll finish off Supermeme before you can kill Toonpimp, and we can help you kill him off. Supermeme is far too strong for me to risk you dying. He's already put one of us in a coma. I don't need someone else dying on me or going insane. I've lost too many friends in these wars that we've waged. I don't wanna lose another." he says, and, if someone were to glance his way, they'd see a tear run down his left cheek
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave growled. "Were you listening at all? I think I've said that I can do this by myself. He's a big f***ing brute, I bet that I can outsmart or outmanouver him. Besides, I'm not a human anymore. He won't be able to damage me that easily." The darkling raised his hand, which quickly turned into a shifting mass of black matter. "I can shapeshift and use elemental energy. Should be enough to avoid getting taken down - after all, he's limited by his physical form. I'm not."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon shook his head.

"Grave. I'M not human, I'm not even really ALIVE anymore and he was able to harm me. Plus, you began your attack, meaning he had time to see it and gather intel on it, the same as I did. He may not be able to become immune to it, but he may end up being able to find a way to prevent you from using it with TP's help. Supermeme may be all brawn, but I suspect TP is the real brains behind that operation, and he's not going to just let his right hand man walk into a confrontation with you without a potential defense. No, this will require all of us to work together as a team, and coordinate as a team to win this. What we'll need to do here is to rely on the strengths of each person in our group, and cover for any weaknesses they may have. We know ourselves better than the enemy does, and we have a leg up on them that they don't expect us to have. I have the plans to the layout of their base, now if I can get to somewhere I can write a copy of that map down."

There was a pause and then he grinned.

"As for my being relegated to killing TP instead of SM, no objection here to that. I should be able to counter TP's teleport ability with my own even if we can't find a way to stop his or hinder it. That will give anyone else attacking the chance to inflict damage on him. Also, he's the bastard I want anyway, he killed my brother, now it's time to kill him."

His face suddenly transformed, eyes turning pure black, vampiric teeth extending long and sharp, and claws roughly six inches long extending from his fingers. Most notably, his voice changed to a dark, demonic tone.

"Slowly and painfully. It will be done."

Gig, if he was able to sense things still, might detect a small hint of negative energy, but mostly it was power emenating from Siphon. But not a natural vampiric power. No, the power radiating from him seemed almost like dark matter.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Siphon conveyed my point quite clearly. If all of you confront Toonpimp while Supermeme is still around, you'll be fighting strength AND speed. We need to throw the two strongest fighters at Supermeme to keep him distracted. Then, after Toonpimp is dead, we can all focus on Supermeme. Take out the brain, the muscle has no directive to move." Burrito says, looking over at Siphon "And if you lose your mind, I'll be the one to put you down. Am I clear? No warnings, no tearful goodbyes. No hesitation." he says coldly, he himself obviously shutting out emotion as he looks over towards the west "Kane's boys should have penetrated their fortress by now. Their Confessors were armed with your anti-whatever-the-fuck-those-beasts-are Grenades, so they should have at least pierced through the enemy lines." he says, cracking his neck to the right as he turns to Grave "Can you get us outside the enemy fortress? If need be, I can show you a picture of a man you need to concentrate on. He'll likely be watching the battle from nearby, so we should be able to get into the fortress easily."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Listening to the group going back and forth, the expressions on Copper's face pretty much convey her thoughts without her saying anything: Relief at seeing Burrito, agreement at letting the other two play with Meme, amusement at Grave's outburst. It isn't until Siphon speaks that she does, letting out a growl.

"And my Childe," Copper adds as Siphon brings up Toonpimp's list of murders, "so yeah, no objections there. I say we just wishbone the son of a bitch and we both get satisfied." If she's surprised by Siphon's sudden bout of "game face," she doesn't show it, hiding it instead behind more of an arched-brow "WTF?" look. She crosses her arms, chuckling at Burrito's choice of words. "Take out the brain. Now there's an idea. One of you think you can punch through Meme's skull?" She rolls her head side to side, cracking her neck. "Allright, if we're going to be on our A-games, Siphon and I need to eat. What say Grave gets us and Shrike out of here, we reconveine ASAP, and head out when we get back, since you're right, these need to be coordinated strikes to keep them off balance."

((And in the interest of time, should we do that, just assume there's the feeding and the blood manipulation to jack up her abilities and she's good to go.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Fine with me.))

"Then it's agreed. We'll have Grave take us to the madman, then we can help him topple Toonpimp's fortress and kill the head honcho." Burrito says, finishing his cigar and tossing it on the ground, then stamping it out with his boot "I'm sure Oni's itching to fight that abomination to humanity."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave chuckled when Burrito mentioned Kane. "Religion and I don't mix, but I guess I won't need the picture... Well, it's not like it'd be useful anyway, unless it somehow contains traces of the guy's aura." The darkling shrugged as he focused, returning his arm to normal and gathering energy to make a portal. "Oh, and Copper... If you think about making a hole in Meme's skull... I might try something, if I manage to get a chance to stab him in the eye. It's the easiest way to get inside - and all we need to do later is to apply some pressure to widen the hole. Basically, a growing stake. Anyway, you guys better prepare yourself... Stay close to me, no matter what, because I'm not going to waste my time looking for you all over the dark realm. Who's going in first?"

((Wait, I'm getting confused. Where should I teleport now?))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((I'd say just gloss it over stating that Shrike's been taken somewhere safe, and that Grave has now taken them to the battle scene. I think Copper and I can run the flashbacks of feeding if we so choose to do so as a sort of retro post in our next ones.))

"I'll meet you folks there, I'm going to take Shrike somewhere that bastard can't get to her first. Luckily I know where the base is or it might be a problem. Seems the only real limit to my tele ability is that I need to have seen the place before or see a picture of it. Does no good to teleport into a wall now does it?"

Unless otherwise stopped, he would cradle Shrike's body up into his arms, returning to normal shape and form, then vanish in a swirl of flickering red lights.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave made a complicated gesture as he focused, carving a large black circle in the air. As the portal opened in front of the group, the darkling approached it, then moved to the side, letting others in. "Just cross the boundary... And don't make a single step further until I'm inside." Once everyone got in, he'd enter it himself, then lead them through the darkness, and back into the usual plane of existence... Back to the war.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((New thread, people! Chop chop!))