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The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Astra couldn’t help, but look up to the blue sky above her. The girl had spent most of her life around Aucherus, thus the loss of the all-permeating red hue felt almost abnormal! Even if part of her felt at home in the demon lands, another part of the girl felt all too at home among the green flora and beneath the blue sky of the border with Crolia--- “Still waiting on those logs, kiddo!” suddenly an all too familiar voice ripped Astra from her thoughts, as the girl felt the stack of wood (that even overshadowed her!), begin to wobble in the girls hands! All too dangerously swaying from one side to the other keen to topple over!

Still with her quick reaction and almost comical cries, as well as some gasps Astra would calm the stack in her hands down, before she’d return to their campsite! With the logs out of the way, the girl could finally see the small camp they’ve made. Two simple yet elegant tents, small rocky circle for a campfire and a couple of overturned dried logs acting as benches!

As on one of them sat her friend, her mentor… and almost her father figure, Evan! While it felt like almost a lifetime, Astra had been travelling with Evan for a few years now. Ever since he saved her from the slavers ambush, Astra felt a debt of honor to the man… she couldn’t have ever imagined that this would be the sort of man to not only hone her as a knight, but one to instill and tutor her on the knights code “That should be enough for the nights rest.” Evan smiled to the brought pile, that seemed more fit for a tower bonfire rather than a humble bonfire! “I’ll get it set for lunch, you go check if we lucked out with some fish.”

Indeed there the duo had set-up some fishing nets in the nearby river, though looking around Astra could always pause and chat with Evan, explore the woods… or just head to the river. The girls options were as free as ever!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09)

Astra was lost in her imagination staring off into the sky. It was a beautiful day, blue sky's and only a few clouds out and about. The scene was much different from the one she had at home, everything was much to red back in Aucherus, especially compared to the green and blue of the land and sky here. The sudden call from Evan was enough to startle her! With the logs in her hands going crazy Astra struggles to get them under control!

The scene of her struggling to keep the logs in her hands would make even a devil cry out in laughter! After about a minute she finally managed to regain control and moved on to her campsite. The sight of the familiar tents, which she has spent so many days in, warmed her heart at the memories she had from all of her adventures.

Like always, there waiting for her was her master and friend Evan. Evan was the definition of hard exterior, with a soft interior. He had a rough but cold face, but a warm heart. He had saved her some years back from slavery and ever since he had been teaching her what it meant to be a knight. Smiling at Evans comment Astra replies with her own banter. It will be enough and more for tonight! This was a common practice between the two, they let their guards down around each other often enough for the banter to fill their conversations.

Aye, aye! Its not often enough that we get something different from rabbits or your tasteless rations! Ill be back after checking out the river.
With a smile and wave Astra sets off in the direction of the river. Having a couple hours till dusk, she would take the liberty to explore a little in the forest on her way to the river. You never know what you can find out in the forest!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

"That's so mean, Astra~" Evan daw'ed in dismay at the tasteless rations comment "I did tell you to use some berries to breathe some life into them." ah yes... the berry lottery. With neither of duo possessing knowledge of proper foraging skills, both Evans and Astra had a few... hit and miss ventures with their attempts at making their food slightly fancier.

Beams of sunlight subtly peered through the lush tree-tops of the green forest as Astra had little issue traversing the mossy logs and snug paths. Still as the girl continued onwards, she couldn't help but remember the task she had been given by her mentor for this week: 'Form your own code'... it was certainly a fair undertaking, but Evans tone made it clear that this would absolutely vital!

Reaching the river proved simple enough as the atleast two feet wide watery path rippled through the peaceful forest. Even if the current was substantial it was hardly enough to topple the girl even if she entered! Infact, no doubt it could prove quite a chilly and fun massage if she'd pick her spot right!

Still she had come here to retrieve their fishing cages and with great delight the girl could spot that they had worked! Each of the two cages had something inside them!

Even if the girl could see the handle loops poking outside of the water to get her bounty the girl would need to get her feet wet!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Haha! Well then perhaps I'll find some berries on the way back. Laughing in delight at finally being able to tease Evan back, Astra continues on her way to the river. I wonder if I'll finally find some berries that will make our cooking a delicacy! The chance of getting sick is worth it to try something new! Laughing at the thought Astra continues through the forest.

She couldn't help but marvel at how the beams of light that made it through the trees illuminated the plants. Wahh! Everything is so pretty and bright! Without any worries Astra took her time to get to the river, plenty of time for her to think about what Evan meant with his mission for the week.

My own code, huh? Evan told me my code would be the most important thing to me in the future. Astra contemplated in her head. She had never given it much thought, and that was why Evan made it this week's mission for her. As she walked she got together a list that she knew she cared about. Her honor, helping innocents, friends, family, and exploring new things. That last one easily made it onto the list as Astra felt that was the way to live life the most. Finding and experiencing new things.

Right as she finished getting the rough list she came upon the river! It was a small river but had fast currents, it was no issue to Astra though! Hmm I got the rest of the week for my mission, I hope we got some fish! While moving towards the traps, Astra thinks to herself.

A few dozen feet up the river was the fish cages, and from what Astra could glimpse they had something in them! With excitement Astra bolted over those few dozen feet and as she came alongside them on the shore, she takes off her Leaving her legs bare except for the skirt that covered down to her knees! With that she steps into the water and makes her way to the traps to bring em on shore and see her spoils!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The cool sparkling water quickly began to rush against the girls legs as she's brave the small river. Thankfully the waters sheer purity allowed her to see the cages even from shore, meaning retrieving the delicious bounty shouldn't be an issue!

Picking up the cages the girl could see each one having a quite large looking Trouts! Grinning widely as she'd pull out the cages, Astra giggled to herself in delight as... something odd caught her ear.

Blinking Astra could swear the shimmer of the tree leaves grew louder, but why was it growing more and more pronounced? As if a deer looking onwards to a speeding wagon, the girl felt her stomach drop as she'd look up the river some ways... to see an incoming massive stream!

At the moment the girl found herself almost waist deep in the water with the rather slippery stones sparkling beneath her bare feet!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The water was this clear crystal blue, certainly clear enough to see through it. Her bare legs were submerged in the water as she was waist deep by the time she got to the cages. It seemed to be an easy matter to grab the cages from the water. Hmm hmmm, hmm hmmm. Humming to herself she reached for the cages and beams as she notices her bounty!

They would be eating fish tonight! Yay! I'm not going to starve! Food here I come! Almost singing to her self she in delight, she suddenly has a very bad feeling. She could hear something akin to a big animal charging through the underbrush. It was only getting louder!

With the cages in hand, and waist deep in water, Astra looks up. Only to find a huge wave rushing towards her! W-what! I-I won't lose my supper to you, Nature! Yelling out defiantly Astra tryst to make it to shore before the wave makes it to her! If she cant make it in time then she will resort to try and toss the cages on shore, before being hit!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Moving as quickly as she could Astra moved closer and closer to shore, yet when all seemed doomed the heroine would throw her supper to safety--- moments before a massive splash and a 'Daaaah~!' echoed out!


The girl would awake shortly after resting on a shore, much to a river lobster lightly pinching her nose. Still a little doozy and feeling as if she'd been on a downill barrel ride, Astra would need a brief moment before she could finally sit up and properly look around.

Fortunately seemed she wasn't out for long as dusk only now begun to color the sky. Unfortunately however there was a small issue - the girl had little idea or clue where she had been hauled away! Trees, brushes and collapsed logs expanded as far as the girl could see none truly hinting at her location!

Though seemed fate was not ready to abbandon the girl in the woods quite yet, as sust about ready to curse her luck and the lunch-prowling nature, Astra would soon enough hear a lum humming noise coming from some ways ahead down the forest?
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Even going as quickly as she could, Astra couldent make it to shore. Thankfully she had the genius idea to throw her supper onto shore, away from the path of the wave! I'll come back for you!!! Was all she could say before being swept away with scream!

Awakening to the pain of her nose being pinched, Astra sits up suddenly, looking around for what ever was just pinching her. Looking around wildly a second, she notices the pain was still there! She had a lobster on her nose! Darn it! This day is just the worst! Grabbing the lobster and pulling it off like a bandaid, Astra spends a minute or two cradling her red nose.

With sudden realization that she had no idea where she, she holds her head and mumbles Was that the right thing to do? Will I ever see you again? In her head she screams My food! Breaking out of her comedic display once she hears a quite humming from some ways down in the forest. Intrigued by what was making the sound Astra decides to make her way towards it. She hoped it was intelligent so she could ask for some help in finding where she left the cages and her camp. She walked towards the noise, subconsciously grabbing at her sword as she made her way towards it.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Bemoaning her much-lusted nourishment the girl would have to quit her dramatic cry short, as whatever was making the noise may be her only chance to get back to camp before dark!

Rushing forward and hoping for salvation, the girl would soon enough catch an unmistakeable blue glow slowly moving along the forest in the distance. It did not seem to be human, but from her current position the girl couldn't really tell what the source of the subtle hum was.

Still just as the girl felt herself to get closer, a clear sense of danger rushed across her body quickly spurring her to take cover behind a nearby tree and reach for the pommel of her sword!.... her sword... her sword?

Astra felt out the void where her blunt training blade used to be, but quickly noticed the darn nature took it! Still the girls reaction would be subdued as her eyes peered to try and catch a glympse of what caused the unmistakeable sensation of danger.

While at first the blue light seemed to be the lone living being in the forest, Astra would catch a glympse of the leaves rustling some ways behind it! Indeed moments later on one of the tree top branches, the girl could see an unmistakeable human figure.

Though the distance was fair, the stranger appeared fairly armored... and more importantly - armed! A subtly curved daggers blade glinting in the rapidly dimming sunlight even from a distance. Further details proved far too difficult to spot out from this distance however...
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

As Astra dove into the forest I search of the noise, she saw a soft blue glow off in the distance. It didn't appear to be from a human, but she decided to put her faith in what ever was makeing the glow. I need to return by nightfall! Vowing to her self, she moves closer.

However when she takes her next few steps a strong sense of danger surrounds her. Her intuition was forged by rough training by Evan, and she trusted it completely! In a trained reaction she takes cover behind a tree and draws her sword! Or at least that's what she would have done if she had it. Once again Nature had foiled her and taken her sword with it down stream!

Damn, where is the danger comeing from. With a hardened face, Astra grows serious. Without her weapon she would have to fight any threat bare handed! After some scouting around from her position could she see where it was coming from.

Somewhat behind that blue glow, could be seen a human figure on top of a tree. They had to be skilled in order to do that and they appeared to be armed and armoured. Astra couldent tell from this range anymore about the figure nor if that figure meant harm to the blue glow! I have to get a better sense of what is going on! If that figure attacks what ever that glow is, I'll stop them! Thinking about her strategy, Astra creeps forward. Trying to move unseen she would try to see more of the figure and glow. If the glow was under threat by the figure she would get close and tackle them if need be!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Risking to get closer, Astra moved onwards attempting to cut-off the route the blue light had taken to both see it better as well as its stalker! The girl never appreictaed the soft moss as much as she did now, as she'd be forced to rush through the forest bare-feet, though as if showing kindness to her most of the twigs or otherwise spiky flora seemed to steer clear of the girls swift steps.

Now far closer, Astra could hear the subtle hum all too clearly as she'd peer from a nearby tree to attempt and identify what was the source of both the noise and the light!

It was likely nothing what Astra expected as down the forest one step after another a small magical construct or golem seemed to walk onwards. It was a small object around a half-a-foot high, polished with some ornament work on it. Curiously its 'hands and feet' seemed to be disconnected from the main body but floated near it clearly giving mobility and control of them. While the blue light was revealed to be a blue sparkling crystal just infront the top of its head... almost acting as both its face or eye.

The tiny construct appeared to be carrying some sort of long wrapped stick or other object Astra could hardly guess.

Still as the girl observed it the construct seemed to pause in its dutiful walk and turn towards the girl, who quickly ducked back into cover! Waiting a safe amount of time, Astra would dare another peek only to see the construct had not only not turned away, but was waving to her in a friendly almost cutter manner with one of its stubby hands.

Only to moments later its wave to freeze as it took a full body turning few steps back? Both hands returning on its package.

Astra would find out the reason of the shift as with a loud clang of chainmall right infront of the girl landed the stranger that was trailing the construct! Up close there was no mistaking it... this man had was an assassin, he had to be! From his emotionless stare to his blank white eyes, even up to his heavy attire and wicked blade! Worse yet, he had noticed the girl and silently took on a combat stance drawing his blade!

[Combat start!
#1 ???
#2 Astra

Astra gains temporary abilities:

- Wild Flailing: Deal 1d6 - 2 damage to an enemy target 1d6 times.

- Punch/Kick: Deal 1d6 + 1 damage to an enemy.

- Bravely run away: Dodge the next attack from an enemy.

['How is that fair?!' - Astra]
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

For once Nature was on her side. The soft moss on the ground muffled her footsteps as she approached on foot to get a better view of everything going on. Even all the stuff that could stab her in her bare feet avoided her.

When Astra managed to sneakily approach the glow and the figure, she got a much better view. The hum was also much louder now. Got to keep my eyes on that figure. Astra worried to herself when she approached.

What Astra saw when she looked at the glow, was this almost cute golem. It was so small,and didn't seem of any threat at all. It's arms and feet didn't even connect to the body. After looking for a minute she found the source of the noise. This big blue crystal, which seemed like a giant eye and was emitting the light. Why would someone let an expensive looking golem wander around in a forest like this, also what is that its carrying? Astra accidentally mumbled aloud.

Right as she realized she just talked aloud, the golem turns to her! Astra ducks behind a tree, panicking that she was possibly seen! After calming down and waiting a little bit, Astra peeks out around the tree. Only to see the golem do a cute wave to her! Oh no! I've been seen! Instantly she starts searching for the figure so he couldn't catch her by surprise! Unfortunately that's exactly what happened!

The figure lands in front of her with a bang! Scared so badly Astra only has time to register that the figure is probably an assassin before sending a punch to the assassin’s face!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Special RP condition: Astra acts first!

Astra uses Punch! dealing... 4 damage.

??? uses Coup de Grace on Astra!
Evans passive ability 'Guardian' is triggered auto-parrying the attack.

Evan uses Crimson Piercer dealing 18 damage. Crimson Piercer execution triggered.

??? is defeated.

(Dont worry if this seems puzzling, when you'll see Evans sheet it'll make sense ;D)

Atra lets loose a wild swing at the man from the sheer fright, hitting him straight on the face! The assassin paused as his head was turned, before looking right back to the girl, his cold dead gaze piercing her! This was bad!

Though in her shock, Astra barely even noticed that even if she hit the steel faceguard... it felt as if her punch connected to cloth? Still the girl had little time to do much else as by the time she even attempted to speak up or take a step back the man lowered his dance and with a barely seen movement had already drawn the wicked looking dagger!

A dagger that was quickly swung at the unfortunate girl! Astras eyes widened as she saw the blade glint near her, only for the edge of her gaze to catch a crimson mist?

A loud clang echoed out as steel clashed against steel, the assassins strike interrupted and blown back? Astra blinked as if in slow-motion she'd turn to see Evan standing right next to her his blade extended infront of the girl in a protective manner! Yet more curious were, Evan appeared to emit a crimson mist around him? Albeit it was subtle, on his black armor its appearance was unmistakeable!

Without uttering a word suddenly Evan seemed to lunge forward and pierce his blade right through the assassin, the sheer impact sweeping the assassin off his feet and pinning him down against a tree!

With his blade right down the strangers body, Evan seemed to grip it tightly and swung it upwards slicing the attacked in two from the waist up! A crimson streak of seeming energy following the mans blade as he did so! This... was far different than how Evan fought the Slavers, who he seemed to use the side of his blade to defeat, this was an execution! Yet... there was no blood?

Evan seemed to stand in silence briefly, before sheathing his blade and speaking up "So~... did ya use the stick to retrieve the cages?" he'd turn to her with a goofy smile, as if everything that just happened never took place!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra’s swing, fueled by the fear and surprise she felt, actually hit! Though it was like poking a bear with a stick, there wasn't even a red marks on the assassin's face. The assassin's gaze made it clear, she was about to be in trouble!

In her panic Astra didn't notice that when she hit the steel face plate of the assassin it felt much more like cloth. The situation was moving out fast for Astra, before she could do anything else, the assassin prepared his attack. The dagger appeared in the assassin's hands and was swung!

Eyes wide from the danger of the incoming Astra couldent defend with anything she had. She could only watch, and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a red mist.

*Clang* Steel on steel rang out! The blow was reflected somehow, and in slow motion a blade moved into her vision, protecting her. Turning Astra saw it was Evan who appeared right next to her! He was covered in that red mist she had seen earlier. If he wasn't wearing his black armour it would be very hard to see.

Evan lunged for the assassin with cold efficiency, peircings the assassin to a tree! He struck once again, this time using the blade imbeded in the assassin's to cut him into two! The blade was covered in that strange mist. Wha-what's going on?! This isn't how Evan usually fights! It's much more feral than Evans sword style!

Standing still after killing the assassin, Evan turns to Astra, once again his old self. Evan! What was that? How did you find me? Who was that? Filled with adrenaline, Astra fires off questions to Evan, clearly shaken. Although she was shaken, she tried to keep her eyes on the golem. After the fight it almost seemed like the assassin could have been guarding the golem.
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

"Woah woah... easy there." Evan chuckled and turned to the assassin as much to Astras surprise the body seemed to shiver and dissipate to dust revealing a palm-sized cloth marionnete in its stead, its upper body sliced open in two from the waist up as it rested against the tree.

"Actually, I heard you. Pretty sure most of the forest did..." he'd snicker still appearing casual "Give me a moment, I'll answer all the questions you want on our way back, kay?" Evan playfully ruffled the lost looking girls hair, before walking over to the golem who seemed to relax as well as he'd look to Evan and approach him, extending the object he was carrying "Thanks, little guy. Give your master my regards."

Evan took the item with one hand and giving the golem a nod turned back to the confused girl "The camp's nearby..." he'd motion with his head for her to follow.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Cutting herself off, Astra calms down a little at the behest of Evan. While she was starting to calm herself, something happened that startled her once again. The assassin's body suddenly twitched a little, then just disintegrated into ash. Leaving in its wake this small doll that was cut in half. Wahh, this has to be a really weird day. Resigned to the craziness, Astra thought to herself while her mouth was slightly open.

Wha... OK... I'll wait. Just about to ask more questions she's cut off by Evan, then holds her questions in. The feeling of Evan messing up her hair was strangely reassuring for Astra. Astra could only stare at Evan's interactions with the golem. That golem was looking for Evan? Mouh, he better hurry up, he's got a lot to explain. Impatiently waiting, Astra was left to her own thoughts.

Coming up next to Evan, Astra follows him closely, as if she was making sure he couldent get away from her questions. Like a damn that was just broken, Astra’s curiosity gets the better of her as she rapid fires questions. What was that doll thing? Why did it attack me? What was that sword art you used? How did you find me? Who's golem was that? Also what's that? With her final question she points to the object Evan holds in his hands. Finished with her barrage, Astra takes a big breath. She was still a young women so her excitable nature came out from just how crazy every was.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Evans chuckled at the onslaught of questions "Do you remember, when we've met I told you I've a cruel enemy?" he'd ask though not waiting for an answer continued "That thing back there was a scout sent by one of their members. 'Puppetmaster', atleast that was the name he was given last I've seen him. A mage with the ability to recreate and animate mirror images of others."

"It was a scout, no doubt trailing my friends golem..." Evan glanced aside "Foolish of me to assume they'd had forgotten my ties with Robert." not lingering on the thought he continued "Generally these copies are easiest to tell apart by touch, you may have noticed it when you threw your.... most elegant punch." Evan smirked teasing the girl playfully "But I'd not worry, I doubt we'll see anything of the sort when we're in Crolia."

"As for this." the man looked to the item in his hand and stopped moving "This was the reason we've been camping here, I needed to wait until it was finished and delivered." Evan looked to Astra with a surprisingly proud smile, before he threw away the basic linen wraps that hid the object to reveal... a beautiful and expertly crafted blade?! "Robert always had been a trusty blacksmith and a dear friend, I knew he'd not let me down."

Evan looked over the blade "Its still nameless and virgin, I wouldn't say the same for its owner... but I hope together you'll fix that." he'd extend his hands giving Astra her new blade!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Hanging onto every word Evan says Astra listens to what he has to say. It was very rare to get anything from Evan about his past, so Astra immediately switches to a listener role. Wow that's one useful ability that guy has. Ha! Since he is Evan's enemy, if I ever meet him ill cut him down! Suddenly thinking back to the previous fight, her trail of thought changes just a little. I-I mean he'll be no match for me in another few years! Ya, that's what I meant! Her brief pep talk over she continues to listen to Evan, but at the mention of her punch she jokes around with Evan's tease! Impressed aren't ya? Bet with punches like those, ill beat the best brawler around!

Finally moving onto the item the golem had delivered, Astra's eyes are attracted to what Evan had in his hands. What he unveiled was the most beautiful blade she had every seen. Perhaps Evan at some point in the past had a similarly beautiful blade, but right now this one over shadowed even his own! of the greatest quality, with a slight blue glow, very similar to the one around the golem, was covering the blade.

Hearing Evan was giving the blade to her, Astra suddenly tears up just a little. Are you seriously giving this to me? With a shaking voice Astra asks. As a father figure to Astra, Evan was very important to her and this blade had to be the most valuable gift she had ever received from him! A sword was one of the most important things to a warrior, and having such a high quality one could be a lifesaver in the future. Suddenly jumping at Evan, Astra gives him a hug. Thank you Evan! I'll treasure it forever! After hugging Evan, she would accept the blade from him.

Holding the sword in her hands she stares at it for a minute before decisively saying, Its name will be Alessia. A man once told me in a tavern that in his part of the Amazon, Alessia meant defender. I don't remember why he told me that, but inspiration comes from weird sources sometimes! Not hiding her joy at all, Astra is all smiles on the rest of the way back to camp. Right before they would arrive, Astra lets out a cry of dismay! Evan! I left them! The fish is somewhere along the river! What are we going to eat?! Of course, the only thing that could break her out of her trance would be the possibility of eating one of their pre-made meals!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

"Alessia?" Evan smiled "Thats a good name for it." he'd look onwards and snicker subtly as the girl marveled at the sheer beauty and craftsmanship in her hands. Though as Astra looked on, she'd even spot the subtle blue glow seemingly condense on the blade to reveal some sort of strange runes along the blade. Runes that only appeared briefly.

Still as the duo returned back to their camp, reality came crashing down as a surge of despair rushed across every fiber of Astras body... there was no dinner on!

Evan laughted out subtly at the girls display and sighed happily "Dont worry about it." he'd smile encouragingly "I'll take care of it and you... How about you go tear up our training grounds with Alessia." the man winked to her, as he'd clearly hint at the small open area nearby. She and Evan had set-up some logs akin to practice dummies there.

"I know there wont be any sleeping until you give it a few swings." Evan commented on the girls absolutely beaming energy from receiving the blade!

Indeed if Astras chose to follow Evans advice the training area was just a brief walk away, by now only highlighted by the moons silver light. Before her would 'stand' the 6 logs with tiny stubs for arms.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

As Astra admired her new blade, she caught the glow around the blade condensing every once in awhile into strange runes along the blade. In Astra’s opinion, these runes just added to the beauty and gave it a air of mystery.

When they returned to camp and she finished her panic, she bounced right back to being happy when Evan said he would go get food. Those dummy might be just scraps by the time you get back! Enthusiastically, Astra runs over to the training ground. There were the practice dummies they had made out of wood standing tall in the middle of a cleared out area.

You know me best Evan! I'll be here till you get back! Before hitting the dummies, Astra would swing in the air for a few minutes to get a feel for the weapon! It somehow had a perfect balance for her, she had to wonder just how Robert managed to even customise it to this level, without meeting her in person.

Astra would spend the rest of the time until Evan returned, just entranced with the blade. There were no problems with it at all! Perfect sharpness, weight, length, everything! It was practically a swordsman'she wet dream! Wait, what if it just was a wet dream? Astra suddenly thought and pinched her self. It had been to crazy of a day for Astra.