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Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Not Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Fine

Karelia: EP = 81, PP = 23

~~~~Somewhere in Badaria~~~~

For Ceri, it could not have been a worse day. That was probably saying a lot, all things considered, but it bore repeating nonetheless as she was led up towards the gallows built on the narrow hill overlooking some village in the exact center of bumfuck nowhere, Badaria. A lone, sickly looking tree stood on that domed plot of dirt and stone, sitting forlornly beside the place that was to be her doom, with the grass underfoot sprouting around the primitive wooden stage just so scraggly that it almost hurt to walk on as badly as the rocks mixed in among them. Everything she'd owned been taken, though it was almost painfully close at hand in the possession of the grinning men who were forcefully leading the kitsune towards the gallows. She had been left in a sack dress that barely provided a hint of decency, no shoes, and her last meal had been a bowl of cold porridge and a crust of old bread, washed down with some cold, oily substance that seemingly passed for water in this town.

Her sword and poisons were on the man who's wife she had very nearly seduced and fed upon, a soldier of some sort who had come upon them and managed to resist her efforts to seduce him into placidity long enough to call out for help against the "monster" attempting to rape his wife. It was an unfortunate reality in Badaria that those of nonhuman heritage or possessing any metaphysical gifts were often viewed with suspicion at best and hatred more often than not, and unfortunately this time a member of the group that the human empire had created to deal with such gifted individuals had been in town. There had been nowhere to run from the Inquisitor, and her powers had railed against his mind to no avail, her mental cuts rebounding off of a shield of some sort while her own had been pierced like the brittle shell of an egg, allowing astral chains that cut off any further efforts to escape or fight back completely to coil around her, sealing her powers inside for long enough for the foul human to slip a collar around her neck that accomplished the same, leaving her helpless.

That very man, a completely clean-shaven human of what looked to be an originally pale complexion turned dark and ruddy by years of exposure to sunlight, clad in the officiously drab grey of his office and watching her back with an impassive gaze concealing a malevolent hatred that her psychic attacks had just barely managed to touch upon, was following only a few paces back. He carried her potions, pocketed after he'd bound her, and had her clothes folded over one arm, to be "buried" with her as some mockery of respect. She'd managed to seduce and drain the guard left to watch over her in her small, dingy cell, a flabby and crude man who smelled especially foul, but he'd only consented to enjoy her through the bars, and the lout had flopped over unconscious too far away for her to haul him closer or simply grab the keys. She hadn't even managed to get his soul, and without her powers she had been left to sit in her cell in helpless frustration with salvation so painfully close and yet still out of her reach.

When his fellows had stumbled upon the fop she'd almost conned into letting her out, they had simply laughed until he roused, though their raucous outcry had gone silent as soon as the Inquisitor had arrived. She had been leg through the town in her rags, some trying to take pity on her for her innocent guise and acts, but even the best of her mundane charms had not cowed enough of the citizenry to get them to go against the will of an Inquisitor, and so she had been fed and then led from her cell and out into the dim morning light, after which a sham of a trial had pronounced her worthy of death. From there she'd started the march up towards a hill just outside of the tiny hamlet, located somewhere in South-Eastern Badaria, where now it seemed she was surely doomed.

She was crowded forward by a dozen blades at her back towards the stage, with the primitive rope already being adjusted and hung by the executioner, a leering man of dark hair and lithe proportions with a dark handlebar mustache. She crossed the narrow bridge spanning the stream that almost completely circled the hill, and from there on the path was flanked by townsfolk holding rifles, farming tools, and torches that sputtered in the light drizzle that fell upon them on that dim early morning, mud squelching between her toes as she was prodded inexorably towards her demise. The executioner and the nearest of the human townsfolk leered as Ceri started her final ascent up the hill, and she could feel the lightest of smiles on the Inquisitor's face. If any was a time in which her low opinion of men and the world in general was justified, it had to be now, as she was prodded to a "more civil" death than simply being stabbed to death as the guards constantly threatened. Any one of the people around her could have given her a chance to escape, as the primitive collar sealing her powers in could have been removed by anyone - anyone but her - for it had no lock of any kind, yet not a one of them even seemed to consider seeing her freed, and with her arms securely tied behind her back such that even her shapeshifting wouldn't allow her to get free she couldn't even attempt it.

~~~~Somewhere Suspiciously Similar in Badaria~~~~

Leaving their cliffside home in the hands of her son many days past, Nereniel, her daughter Naia, and the tiny goblinoid slime who had lived with them for so long traveled the ill-kept road at whatever pace fir their leisure. Their supernatural blood gave them near-infinite stamina for something as simple as walking, and even the rough terrain offered little difficulty for them. The slowest member of their group, Karelia, wasn't even inconvenienced by the uneven ground of the overgrown packed dirt road, and even the light drizzle that had begun to fall from the sky didn't have the ability to dampen their spirits.

Whether they traveled in disguise, using their ability to sculpt their forms to hide their inhuman heritage from the often xenophobic locals, or traveled in their natural forms had hardly seemed to matter over the last few days. They hadn't come upon a town or even another traveler for days, and only dark news of wars and an oncoming famine had come from the lips of the last figure they had seen, a bent scraggly looking fellow little hair left to his name who had seemed half blind and did much muttering to himself between conversing with them on the road. Signs, scrawled on chunks of ancient rotten wood propped up on crumbling sticks, had warned of a town up ahead named Millgob, likely a very rural one that would be rife with the sort of bigotry that could easily cause the trio trouble, especially since Karelia had no way of disguising herself.

Unfortunately, signs of that bigotry became all too apparent as the thick barrier of trees that had flanked them on both sides throughout their journey suddenly ended on their right side. A sloping stony path led down to a collection of wooden buildings off in the distance, but far closer was a narrow stone bridge leading across a small but rushing stream. Across that stream rose a steep hill covered in scraggly grass and topped with a single tree.... And a set of gallows. They were surrounded by a small crowd of people, most dressed in the shabby clothes of peasants but some clad in weathered uniforms of the Badarian military, with one particularly eerie figure in the center clad in gray robes. The armed humans were prodding a girl dressed in rags up the hill towards the hangman's noose, one who looked far too innocent to be heading for her death. Whether or not the demoness and her daughter wished to intervene in her fate, however, would be entirely up to them.

(I am.... Somewhat iffy about this start in general for various reasons, but it seemed like a more interesting starting scenario than just randomly meeting and then teaming up for no reason. If you three come to the consensus that you want something different, I'll rewrite.)
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri trudges up the hill, her head down to avoid meeting any of the gazes that she knew would be staring at her barely covered body. Even as she was being led to her death like some animal, no one could afford her the dignity to look away. She felt foolish for even thinking that the people around her could have the capacity to. She felt hateful tears well up in her eyes, but hung her head even lower to hide them with her long hair, once lustrous and silky but now tangled and messy. She would have wiped them away, her her aching arms not been so cruelly bound behind her. Still, she wouldn't let anyone see her cry. The rain was some small mercy for that. Spite alone was what was keeping her from breaking down, though she was on the edge of doing just that.
It only made sense that this was happening, or so she thought. She'd always been the weakest of her siblings, and now it was showing. And not even the few people in the world that she cared about could help her. A day ago, she still dared hope to see a flash of fire signifying her eldest brother, Kujo burning this wretched place into a glass parking lot, or perhaps the scream of a man getting his insides cooked by her electric brother, Raiko. But that was her just being hopeful.

Hope. That's why I'm the weakest... she thought bitterly, to herself as she took another step in the mud, wincing at the feeling of it oozing between her formerly pedicured toes. The woman who she'd been caught with was a willing participant, and didn't mind being nibbled on spiritually. But just as soon as her husband arrived, she turned on Ceri and thrown the poor fox to the wolves. Foolish. She'd been foolish to think anyone in the rotten world was worth anything more than a quick mental slash to the throat.

One section of mud is particularly deep, and she sinks up her shin in it. Stuck fast, she tugs hard on her foot. As it refuses to come free, her cheeks burn at the laughter behind her. Not being able to do anything but suffer the humiliation, she bitterly prayed that her death would cause at least one of her elder siblings to raze this place to the ground. She knew Raiko, at least, would let no man, woman, or child have a clean death. The only solace for her at that moment was imagining the screams of the dying. Maybe she would finally catch a break and get to watch them burn in hell with her.
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Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nereniel gave a small smile as they traveled through the light drizzle of rain. Finding her travels with her eldest daughter rather delightful, despite the usual contempt and sometime hatred from the local villages at their very supernatural appearance. After a few hairy run-ins with locals she decided to use her powers to hide her wings and tail and to shift her dark skin tone closer to matching the local's pink tone. Seeing that Karelia hd no means of disguising herself, she picked up the little slime. Asking her little friend if Karelia wanted to wrap herself about Nereniel like clothing or armour.

Following the weather beaten and rickety sign down the road, her thoughts already turning to where they might spend the night. Hoping it would be in an inn rather then under a rainy night sky. Upon seeing the small village she could only frown as she watched an innocent girl getting marched up towards the noose. With a start she realized the girl had a long fox like tail sticking out from her rags. She knew if she got closer she would likely see a pair of fox ears atop the girl's head. Turning to her daughter and speaking quietly. "I take it you wish to save the poor girl?"

Her usual outfit.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia liked the rain. It gave a nice clean scent to everything, and gave a rejuvenated feeling to the land. While some would call it gloomy, to her it felt like a new beginning, the provider of life raining down upon a grateful earth.

Much like her mother she had taken to disguising herself, hiding away her wings and tail and darkening her skin a bit from it's pale nature, and making her eyes more normal, even if it did make the world a little dimmer to her sight.

She smiled at her mother happily. It was nice to get to see the world with her. She had spent all her, albeit short, life in that tower, but now there was so much to see! All those lovely trees and flowers. They even saw a poor half blind traveller on the way here. It was so hard not to bombard him with questions, she'd never seen a blind man before.

But now they were coming to a town, and she felt excitement. An excitement that swiftly died as she looked out to the side. The people there were leading some girl up to some device with a rope. She felt a little confused, having never seen such a thing before, but all those people were armed and were threatening her with weapons! She was unarmed and helpless, how dare they?!

Clenching her fists, Naia looked at her mother with grim determination, and simply nodded in response. "How dare they threaten a young lady like that! Of course I want to help her, mom!"

She reached behind her and unhooked her shield and strapped it on, and drew one of her javelins, grimacing. "I hope they'll back down. I don't really want to hurt anyone, but if they're going to insist on hurting an girl like that..."
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri sweeps her gaze at the crowd again as she pulls her foot free. She didn't have act this time to project the sorry state she was in, and she doubted she had the energy left to put on her act. Any sympathy she could garner would be wasted on the crowd of sheep while there was a wolf present. Her eye catches a woman drawing a javelin and strapping on her shield, and for a brief moment she stops.

Oh great, maybe I'll get speared instead of hung... she thought darkly. But if she were wrong, a sympathetic ear with weapons was better than nothing. Oh hell, it wouldn't hurt to give the innocent act one last shot. Her dignity had already been gutted and left for dead a long time ago. Besides, if the woman didn't manage to save her, at least she'd get the chance to see somebody breathe their last.

Mustering up the last dregs of her willpower, she feigns an emotional breakdown and begins to tremble and shake, feigning terror. As she struggles in her bonds, she hunches over a little to make herself look even more tiny and helpless. Her ears flatten, and her tail puts itself between her legs to complete the adorable and frightened animal look. Shaking the hair from her face so she could also show off her dazzling, if bedraggled beauty, she puts aside her pride and lets her tears flow. Having used the act in the past, she knew that they had the effect of making her pretty violet eyes sparkle and look even bigger than usual. Satisfied with her charade, she whimpers to the crowd, "This is all a mistake! I've done nothing wrong! Please, don't let them kill me!"

That was probably going to earn her a slap, or some sort of punishment from the inquisitor, but perhaps that would work to her advantage. It would be the visual equivalent of kicking a puppy.
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Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nereniel gave her daughter a kind smile. Knowing her oldest loved to protect those weaker and more defenseless then herself. "I figured as much sweetling." Giving her daughter a warm look before draawing her whip and starting down towards the gallows. Looking back with a grin at Naia. Smiling as she wondered if Naia was thinking of scooping up the poor girl and holding her tight against any of her dangers. "Come along sweetling. Let's go recsue a damsel for you to protect and cuddle." Giggling a little as she walked boldly towards the crowd of people, and their prisoner. Hoping to at least startle the people a moment.

Drawing close as she let her magical power within light her pale eyes with power. Readying a teleport should things get dicey. "Would someone help a lady out and explain why this poor girl is on her way to such a grisly fate?" Looking at the crowd curiously, and letting them see that she was quite unfazed by their number. Her free hand on her matronly hip as if she was about to scold some unruly children.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia beamed up at her mother, though blushed embarrassedly. "Mooom, that's not the only reason, nobody should be treated like that!" She couldn't really deny wanting to cuddle such a cute thing though and put her and fancy dresses and kiss her and...

Naia flushed a moment, then coughed and refocused her mind on the issue at hand. Couldn't let herself get distracted right now. Besides, her mother was heading up for the group. She quickly walked up, just a little ahead of her mother to be able to intercept any attacks, using her javelin as a walking stick to not seem too aggressive yet.

Naia kept quiet, looking over the crowd with a frown, especially that man that gave her the creeps. Mom knew what to say best.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri blinks a little in surprise at, a hopeful look coming across her face as she focuses on the two people coming to her aid. She had really not actually expected to have anyone help her out of the goodness of their hearts. Then again, these two could just be slavers looking for a kitsune to sell. That would still be a better outcome than death. Having been sold as a sex slave before, she could bear the indignity while she plotting revenge. Fighting on her back was a skill she'd had practice with, thanks to her rotten luck and rotten company.

"I-it's all been a misunderstanding!" she pleads to the two armed strangers, "I had company for the night, who told me she was single. I swear, I didn't know she was married! So rather than admitting adultry, she told these men that I'd raped her!" Ceri's voice trembles a little as she looks down, shaking again in her bonds, "I was just looking for someone to spend the night with, and now I'm being executed because of it. It isn't fair! I'm the victim here!"

While her almost frantic sobs are partially faked, most of that story was actually true. The only parts she omitted were that she'd been taking little nibbles of the woman's soul, but not enough to be really harmful. And she hadn't said no at the time either, though the ballgag might have had to do with that. She was taking a risk with her outburst, but physical reprimands would only help her case. She could take a little pain if it meant making her captors look bad.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 31/46, PP = 82, EP = 96, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Not Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Fine

Karelia: EP = 81, PP = 23

The soldiers prodding her along laughed derisively as Ceri got her leg stuck in the mud, but she wasn't given long to pause before their prodding grew insistent, and eventually one of them grabbed her under the arm and hoisted her out of the mud... Before roughly shoving her forward such that she nearly face planted into it instead. Barely keeping her footing, she was prodded along until, suddenly, the inquisitor stopped and turned. A few others had noticed the approach of Nireniel and Naia, mostly on the periphery of the crowd, and those that had quickly moved away and clutched at symbols around their necks as the two women approached. "Demons," the inquisitor grunted, fiery hatred like that he'd held whenever addressing Ceri detectable in his voice. The soldiers around him looked uncertainly at the approaching pair, obviously not eager to deal with them.

When the pair reached the edge of the crowd and Nereniel spoke, demanding to know why the fox-tailed girl was being marched to the gallows, the crowd parted enough to expose the man at the top, clad in a robe and scowling down at her. He stepped forward, still over thirty feet from her and up a hill, and as Ceri spoke out the first time in appeal he snarled; "Shut her up." One of the guards, acting almost automatically, turned and slammed his fist into Ceri's face. Pain exploded through the kitsune's cheek as the blow knocked Ceri from her feet, her jaw aching and the coppery taste of blood filling her mouth. Even that guard's attention quickly drifted back to the two women who stood at the bottom of the hill, however, leaving her mostly ignored by the guards and the people of the crowd. Further outbursts would earn the same treatment, but with their attention diverted Ceri might be able to try something.

"Fetid spawn of Hell!" the man on the top of the hill called down, and then suddenly a wave of power emanated out from him, white light bathing the soldiers and the people of the crowd and seemingly bolstering their courage, as they looked less unsure of facing off against so many. "You are unfit to tread upon these grounds!" the man continued as power swirled around him, all but invisible to the untrained but to beings of magic appearing like motes of light that swirled around his head and hands, "your kind shall be purged, until naught but dust remains!"

It was fairly obvious that there wasn't much in the way of conversation that they'd get out of the man, leaving mother and daughter to decide how they wanted to deal with the situation. The man obviously had power, and he had numbers, the crowd numbering at least thirty and with the men most immediately around the robed figure sporting rifles with bayonets and various hand weapons and handguns at their belts. The people in the crowd were clad only in peasant's garb and carried little in the way of weapons, but that didn't necessarily mean that they weren't a threat. The outer handful hadn't been in range of the robed man's magic and thus seemed much less willing to engage with either of them, but they were still in the way at the very least.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nereniel gave a small pout at the crowds reaction and the man's words. "Shame you were not more willing to talk." Gathering up her own power as she swept her gaze across the peasant mob and turned her eyes upon the man readying his own magic. Speaking softly to her daughter and the peasants close to her. "Must all mortals be so hateful?" Tapping her chin a moment before speaking to Naia. "Go rescue your little damsel, sweetling. I will deal with him." Gesturing to the man overlooking the mob.

Letting her eyes glow faintly she gathered her power, letting the small motes of shimmering iridescence surround her. Letting them twirl around her arm as she raised her hand towards the inquisitor. "If you do not fight us you may live." Hoping her voice persuaded them not fight back, though the inquisitor seemed intent on their destruction. The motes gathering in her palm and turning a deep violet. Looking momentarily at the peasants as she cast her spell, hoping to scare them with her display. She released a bolt of seething violet energy at the man standing upon the hill.

Energy Blast on the inquisitor for 10 EP.

I hope you are alright wth the way I described Energy Blast.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Shit. Her rescuers were demons? Damn. Guess she really was headed to the slave camps. Better than dying here, at least. Maybe if she were lucky, she could slip away with no one else the wiser.

Even though she'd been expecting the hit, Ceri yelps as she's struck, managing to land on her back in an indignant pile. She suppresses the building growl in her throat, needing to keep up the distressed damsel act for just a little longer. Damn, that had hurt! She made a mental note to come back here when she was stronger to make a few more mind slaves. She would enjoy forcing these men to hang themselves.

As the attention slips away from her, Ceri rolls to hide her arms underneath her. Making sure no one is looking, she focuses her mind and attempts to use her Mind Cutter to slash the ropes holding her arms tight behind her back. The sealing collar might make it problematic, but she'd seen her brother bust through one before by simply resisting its effects. As she sees one of the demons lob a purple ball of energy at the inquisitor, her heart beats faster with desperation. She had to get these ropes off now.

Mind Cutter for 5 EP. Hoping this is a DC 35 Sealing Collar.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia didn't like the look of that robed guy, him seeming to recognise what they were immediately and him tossing magic around, making all the people bolder. Vicious brute. She didn't like the look of those guns on those other guys up there. Fortunately they probably didn't have a clear shot anymore than she did.

However, she grit her teeth in rage as they punched the poor girl into the mud. Those jerks! She'd make them pay for that!

She barely needed her mother's go ahead, and the man's threats were clear that he intended to kill them regardless. Well fine by her, she'd punish anyone who hurt that poor girl!

Still, she wasn't quite in immediate danger and if she rushed in she'd get surrounded and swamped in all those people! So instead she ducked under her mother's shot, and readied her shield to defend against the coming counter attacks!

Shield Cover!
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 106/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 31/46, PP = 82, EP = 91/96, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Not Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 85/92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Lightly Wounded, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 81, PP = 23

Inquisitor: Fine, Blessing X = 6

Naia uses Shield Cover.

Nereniel uses Energy Blast X = 10 on the Inquisitor.
Attack: Miss.

Ceri tries to break through her collar with X = 5 Mind Cutter in order to sever her bonds.
Resistance: Failure on a 38.

The inquisitor uses Holy Fire X = 9 as a bolt at Naia.
Attack: Hit, but rebounds off of the shield.

The dudes next to him fire guns.
Attacks: Both hit, but again are stopped by the shield.

Two peasants attack Naia from either side, unbuffed.
Attacks: One hits.
Damage: 6 + 6 + 15 - 20 = 7 damage.
27/4 = 7, her armor is left at 43/50 TP

"I need exchange no words with your ilk to know your worth, hellspawn!" the man shouted down at Nereniel and Naia as white flame gathered in his palm, in direct opposition to the energies that Nereniel was beginning to gather. When she lashed out with her ray of violet power, it streaked through the air towards the demonic figure at the bottom of the hill, but as it reached toward him it seemed to waver and sway. The matronly demoness felt her power seized as it neared its target, redirected away to curve upwards into the air, hitting nothing, and then the return blast that streamed toward her would likely have incinerated her in a burst of white flame if Naia hadn't stepped forward and took it upon her shield instead. The younger half-demon rushed forward to put her shield between the inquisitor and her mother, a good thing too considering that not only did he unleashed his magic but the men beside him raised rifles and fired. Two rounds smacked into her shield, and it looked as if she might be taking more fire if she didn't deal with them.

Emboldened as the demonic ray did nothing, the peasants started advancing upon them, and while two of them attacked Naia from the front and were stopped easily by the black steel of her shield two others moved to circle around. She couldn't quite stop both, the one on her left swinging with a hand sickle and swiping against her shoulder. The primitive blade only bit slightly through her armor, but it was still enough to draw Naia's blood, and as others advanced on her it seemed likely that more of her blood would be drawn if they didn't start dealing with these people.

Ceri, in the meantime, was still ignored by all around her save for an occasional glance from the man set to look after her. As she strained her soul against the power of the band around her neck, the runes upon it glowing dimly for a moment, she felt her energies pushing against the limits of that seal. The defenses did not buckle, but they did stretch to contain the force of her push, a brief glimmer of hope before she felt her energies pushed back into place. She hadn't broken free, her bindings were still in place, but she had been so close... Another attempt might see her efforts bearing fruit, and her first had gone ignored, but if she wanted to risk it or if she wanted to perhaps try and aid her would-be rescuers before they were swarmed and strung up alongside her instead, she would have to decide quickly.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri looks to her captors and attempts the mind cutter again, though this time she tries to cloak the glowing runes with her long hair. Watching the fight through teary eyes, she focuses as hard as she can to bust through the collar's seal. Demons or not, they were saving her fluffy tush. And for some reason, she was getting the impression these were no ordinary demons. This sort of fight was going a little far, even for an exotic slave like a kitsune. Was it possible that there were people in the world who'd actually try to help her?

Ceri found the prospect fifty shades of baffling, but it somehow poked her curious nerve. The irony of finding such a hope in the worst of circumstances was not lost on the little kitsune. She had to find out now. But first, she had to get her ropes off.

EP 5 Mind Cutter again :D
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Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nereniel frowned as she watched the man deflect her her bolt of energy. She tapped her chin a moment before flinching upon hearing the sound of gun fire and seeing white flames attacking Naia's sheild. Her mind thinking of a way to overpower the inquisitor and his cronies, before they got hurt. Her mind briefly wondering if she might be able to counter his magic. Seeing one of the peasants slashing at Naia's back, made Nereniel scowl. Glaring at the offending peasant as she turned her attention towards him and his pals.

Glaring at the peasant as she spoke firmly. "You really shouldn't have hurt her. Now I hurt you." Twirling her palms, she formed another ball of crackling violet energy. Holding it towards the peasant as it grew, the energy pulsing about her hands with her anger. Extending her palms towards the peasant, she release the energy out into a vicious cone of seething energy.

Energy Wave at the peasant and as many of his pals as possible while making sure to avoide hitting Naia.
Spending 6 Ep and choosing the 30 foot 120 degree cone of effect.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

It seemed she made the right choice. Naia gritted her teeth as she held her ground against the white energy the bad man launched at her, as well as the bullets from his friends. The effort was taxing, as more blows rained upon her, her unable to even react when a sickle caught her in her shoulder.

Naia yelped in pain, gritting her teeth as she glared at the people attacking her, but held her ground. The magic man and his gunmen weren't going to give up their attacks, so she had to remain as a bulwark between them and her mother! Only once they were thinned out could she help the poor girl over there.

Maintaining the shiled block. There's too much firepower out there for me to risk doing otherwise.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 100/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 31/46, PP = 82, EP = 86/96, Status = Sealing Collar'd, Not Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 85/92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Lightly Wounded, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 81, PP = 23

Inquisitor: Fine, Blessing X = 6, spent 32 EP
6 soldiers, all fine

Naia still uses Shield Cover.

Nereniel uses Energy Wave X = 6 on the peasants, hitting 9 of them including the one who hit Naia.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 4 = 10, 10 * 6 = 60 damage. Vaporized, causing the other peasants to break and start running in every direction!

Ceri tries to break through her collar with X = 5 Mind Cutter in order to sever her bonds.
Resistance: Failure again, also on a 38.

The inquisitor uses Binding X = 9 on Naia.
Attack: Miss. Spell Resistance + Shield Cover combo works out.

The dudes next to him reload and fire, but again Naia can block them all with her shield.

The peasant who had struck Naia had only enough time to look in the Nereniel's direction, his visage one of utter terror, before he vanished from her sight under a flash of violet light accompanying the wave of pure destructive energy that she unleashed. Her blast carved a furrow in the side of the hill, obliterating the very ground itself and sending chunks flying every which way. Eight more of the village people were caught up in the blast, and when the blast cleared just barely to Naia's side the only signs of the men and women who had once been arrayed against them were charred bones. The rest of the less well equipped people, seeing this, broke instantly. Screams erupted around them as people started darting every which way, everyone scrambling to get as far away from the two demons as they possibly could while only the soldiers around the inquisitor and the robed figure himself stood their ground.

"Out of the way!" the inquisitor called as another wave of power coiled arou8nd his wrist only to be quickly unleashed at Naia as she sought to defend her mother. This time, however, rather than taking the form of a bolt of flame it coiled around her, shaped into lines of white light that wrapped around her shield and body, making to bind her rather than make any attempts to outright harm her. As the coils began to wrap around her, however, Naia's natural magical nature, shaped to protect her by the training she had received from the fey, began to respond in kind. Her own energies slowly coiled out from her in turn, disrupting the magic being used to try and get her out of the way of her mother. If she hadn't been set in a position of total defense even those defenses would have failed, but because of her readiness Naia's resistance to magic let her throw off the attack before it could even begin truly coiling around her spirit.

The inquisitor's eyes widened in surprise, letting out a curse under his breath, but the men around him fanned out unperturbed, no doubt barely understanding what was happening from an arcane point of view. They fired, aiming both at Naia and at Nereniel, but neither of them took any sort of injuries as Naia continued to block every shot aimed at them. That left Ceri all but ignored once more, and as she once again attempted to flex her spirit to escape the binding confines of the collar around her the kitsune frustratingly got the exact same result. Her power pushed against the barriers keeping it in, very nearly breaking through it and allowing her to cut the bonds tying her hands only for it to snap back and disperse her energies with no effect. This time she managed to hide even the slight glow of her collar, however, using her hair, and as the guard who was supposed to be watching her joined those firing uselessly at the girl with the shield she had an opening. It might be possible to get out of the area of the fight, hiding among the people fleeing the area, but that wouldn't do anything to get rid of her various bindings or earn her her things back.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri grits her teeth and tries again. Once she's free of the bindings, she'd make a break for it so that she could help the demons from a safer distance. Once the ropes holding her arms in the way were gone, she could use her wings again. Trying to escape now would make her a giant target, even if she had the crowd as cover. Taking a deep breath, she strains her mental strength as she tries to overpower the collar and slice the ropes on the molecular level.

She winces as she sees the battle below, breathing a sigh of relief when the inquisitor's binding spell failed. It was the same damned thing that caught her in the first place.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Seeing Naia throw off the effect of the inquisitors magic made her proud. Had they not been in a fight, she would have hugged and praised her for doing so well. She decided a few words of praise would be enough for the moment. "Well done, sweetling." Speaking as she turned her full attention upon the inquisitor and his entourage. A frown still on her face at his display of power. Her mind briefly thinking what other tricks he might have.

Realizing that should he continue flinging magic, her little girl might actually get hurt. Focusing on her training she recalled a useful spell. Speaking soft arcane words as her hands went through the gestures with practice ease. Her hands sends sending froth a ray of paralyzing energy, hoping to catch him by surprise.

Casting the arcane spell Ray of Paralysis. I believe her base cast 25.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia felt very bad, as the people who attacked her were incinerated. They were scared and probably misled. Nevertheless, she had no intention of backing down.

More bullets ricochet'd off her shield, but the bigger surprise was the bad magic person trying to wrap her up! She swiftly remembered her training and jammed her own magic out into the gaps before his magic could close around her. The foreign magic couldn't latch onto her and dissipated.

Naia heard her moth's praise and beamed a smile, but didn't shift her stance or eyes. She had to keep them from getting at her mother, there was just too much firepower aimed at her. She was her bulwark and she'd ensure that both of them would save the cute prisoner.

Same as before. Much as I dislike repeating the same trick over and over, I'm pretty certain preventing any damage to Nire is my better option right now.