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Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

  • Freeform

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Traditional RP

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters

Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I'm in the exact same boat as Raptor and Maikochan: I love Rot3K stuff (never read the book, but played the Playstation games to death) and I've only seen one or two episodes of the show.

Also, just like them, I'd be interested in joining, if you'll have me.

EDIT: Add Termite to the list of people I'm in the boat with.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Ok, Lets say that I go with a grade system like in the series, how many fights do you guys think would be appropriate/suitable for your characters to be able to "level up" in grade?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

You know, I don't really know how the grades look like in the show (can't estimate levels of power or ability), so I can't say how many fights one should win, but here's a suggestion: when one advances to the next grade, I don't think we should count the fights he had against obviously weak opponents. Like, say, a grade C versus grade E. I also think that winning difficult fights (in example: the character's suffering from a handicap, fighting against higher grade - if it's possible) should be awarded with a bonus, too.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I don't think it should really be gauged by numbers, but rather the challenge our opponents give us. So naturally, beating an opponent of a higher grade will make you stronger, or even fighting among those with similar grades.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Well it looks as if I got maybe three to five possible players. So I will PM Aika or Nunu to see about getting a subforum for it and try to get location threads, player rules, character sheets, and such up for it when I can.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Unsure if interest get.

Everything sounds really nice in theory, but freeform combat is sometimes difficult to regulate. Aside from that, I'll be interested in seeing what stories play out and how you adapt them for this.

RotTK + Naughty Fighting = <3?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Freeform combat is also a lot more satisfying.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Well, I want some sense of growth and advancement about it, while still maintaining a decent level of freedom and allowing people to more or less do what they want. Trying to keep things from ending too short or being drawn out too long. I still need to try to sit down and work out all the important bits such as character sheets, rules, and etc. I'll try to get them done before too long.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

well i would agree with the bit of freeform while keeping track of progress somehow but i'm not sure of a good way for it.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Freeform is not so troublesome with a GM to regulate what happens. As far as I can tell, it's just a simple matter of taking my character's current abilities into consideration, using those techniques in battle, and then leaving it up to the GM to determine how it works out for my character; whether her panty revealing drop kick of doom hits her opponent, or if she ends up taking some damage, erotic or otherwise, from her adversary.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I think the main problem with freeform combat is that some people decide to god mode, which ruins it for everyone. Since I don't think that'll happen here, as it's often more interesting to lose in certain situations, I voted for the freeform style. This also has the advantage of taking the pressure off of Tentanari for creating combat rules. All we would need are some broad guidelines as to what's capable within our respective fighting ranks. This method also allows for more creative descirptions as we wouldn't be bound by dice rolls for determining our actions.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Freeform is indeed far more fun when you absolutely avoid any godmoding.

I think what it boils down to is that we need to have an understanding of a few stats and concepts of a battle. Speed of action (which attack goes off first if using special techniques), damage and defense, breaking a move's prep, dodging.

If Tenta makes a good system, we shouldn't need any rolling as long as everyone plays nice... but I've rarely ever seen this happen. So I can just hope for the best.

p.s. Winning might not be the only way to train >:3 One advantage of freeform is that it isn't limited to hard-XP values. But again, I'll leave that up to Tenta. Just throwing another monkey wrench in the works.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I voted for freeform, under the assumption that Traditional RP means dice and stats. I just think dice are a pain in the ass.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I am fine with either system, so I'll abstain from voting, unless you need a tiebreaker (though it sounds like we'll be going free-form.)
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Hard call.

I do like free form. I'm mostly a duelist on some certain boards over on GameFAQs, and that's what we use.

One on One
True style
Final Destination
No items

That being said some people just don't understand how to take damage. It's mostly a problem with newer people who lack experience, but some of the veteran players can be just as guilty.

So I'm up for free form as long as there is someone who will judge the battles. I'd also like some form of grading system so different characters have a basic understanding of what happens when a punch is thrown. It would be a little disappointing to see someone with paper thin arms throwing a punch at a wall of muscle and expecting that wall to suddenly go flying back a few feet. But those grades don't have to be shown to the players. There could be hints thrown in as a means of scouting and espionage considering the RP's setting, but the only way to actually confirm this would be through an actual fight.

Did that make any sense?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I kinda like the idea of an overconfident fighter assuming even someone much larger than them is going to be a pushover because of the difference in power ranks, only to find out that they're actually a lot closer in rank than expected. I like Termite's idea of scouting out an enemy's strength too. Makes it seem more like an actual war and less of a schoolyard rivalry.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I guess it is going to be free form then.

Ooooh....... Now I just need to figure out how to make it all work an put up a character sheet. I will likely leave out any statty bits, at first, and deal with personality, description/pics, background and the likes. It would be easiest on me for the time, to simply have everyone be the very lowest grade toushi possible starting out. If anyone has any objections, suggestions, ideals and etc for ranking up characters and such, please feel free to let me know.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Well i would go for the ''Organized freeform '' idea.(Sorry for not being on,i had a lot of college stuff to do)
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Just got out of work a while ago and the forum was down for a bit no big deal. Also I'm sort of noobish to gming :eek:
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Hey,skills come with practice right?