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Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

  • Freeform

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Traditional RP

    Votes: 2 25.0%

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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I've put up a list of the schools, and some terminology/ info for the rp. I might need some help to get a list of all the NPCs and mainstream characters condensed and then put up in a readable manageable post for any potential players to look through and such so they can have a good grasp of the universe and etcetera.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

As I've noticed that most of the more famous characters from Romance of the Three Kingdoms have NPC counterparts, but not all, I'm going to stake my claim on Jiang Wei now. I've already got a character idea to go with him too, that'll be up soonish.

Edit: Scrap that, Jiang Wei's still open. Gha! I'm wracking my brain for ideas here...
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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Wait so, we'll all be rivals? Or at least rivals with those who are from another school?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Would it be better to keep all characters and players to one school? I guess I can do that if necessary. Unless I set it at the end of the series, or have a treaty, but if I keep it mid series or before the series began most likely.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Presumably; I don't really know a whole lot about the setting.

However, I know what will help: WIKIPEDIA

Damn, looking through the list I notice (though I'm not terribly surprised, to be honest) that Chen Gong is already in the show. Ah well.

Oh, did you want us to say who our character is based on? Or should we keep it secret and allow others to try and figure it out for themselves? (I think the latter would be more fun, personally).
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

And a list of Three Kingdoms Personages:

I'd be in favor of the hidden background myself.

And I think I've just figured out who I'm basing my character off of...

Edit: Nope. Gone again. This sucks. Trying to come up with a character while waiting for pizza and doing another RP at the same time is not easy.
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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Well, we should definitely send Tentanari a PM saying who we're basing our character on, if we're keeping them hidden. This way, we'll avoid two people having the same...err, Magatama, I guess. I am understanding that, right? The Magatama are basically the souls of important people from the end of the Han through the beginning of the Jin empires?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Also, how would our characters fit in with the main cast? Taking Jiang Wei for instance, he fights for Wei, but switches to Shu Han and becomes Zhuge Liang's apprentance basically. That would require some connection with Shokatsuryou Koumei at some point. Or would the bearer of Sun Quan's Magatama be related somehow to Hakufu? How would these things work?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Am I going to have to think about these things when I make my character? Because I don't know anything about Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Some cursory knowledge of the character you're portraying probably couldn't hurt. I managed to come up with two concepts that I've sent off to Tentanari for confirmation on, one of them on a pretty obscure character in the books. I actually found it easier to come up with a concept for the obscure character as there's not much to tie you down to particulars. I noticed that Huang Gai is absent from the series, but I didn't want to base a character off of him, partly because he's an old retainer of the Sun family (Hakufu portrays Sun Ce, the son of Sun Jian, the head of the Sun family at the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period), and I'd have to come up with a background tying her in to Hakufu somehow, which may cause problems and doesn't allow for a lot of flexibility when coming up with a character.

My suggestion then would be to come up with a character concept, and then find some obscure character from the faction you want to be a part of, and see if you could make it fit with what information there is there.

Simply because my character is so obscure, and plays such a small part in the book, I might as well mention it as an example. Huangfu Song was a general of the later Han. He was known to be a humble and generous man, but other than that, there's not much written about him. This allowed me considerably more room to work with creating the character for the game than for my more well known character concept, who will remain secret for now. Keep in mind, I still don't have confirmation from Tentanari yet on either, so this could all be a moot point.

Pst... Huangfu Song fought against the Yellow Turbans along side Zhu Jun and Lu Zhi, two other equally obscure characters that would be excelent choices and also could justify the game characters at least knowing eachother.
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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Most of that went over my head. My only experience with these people is Dynasty Warriors, which I don't believe is the best thing to teach the history of the Romance.

I'll take an opportunity when I see it. Zhu Jun it is for me. Though, if we're connected via our past relations, we'd still be enemies if we were in opposing schools, right? That's what I didn't get about that certain part of Tent's character sheet. Splitting us all up like that and pitting us against each other is really tempting the habits of a godmodder, since it's direct competition with another (real)human being.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Most of that went over my head. My only experience with these people is Dynasty Warriors, which I don't believe is the best thing to teach the history of the Romance.

I'll take an opportunity when I see it. Zhu Jun it is for me. Though, if we're connected via our past relations, we'd still be enemies if we were in opposing schools, right? That's what I didn't get about that certain part of Tent's character sheet. Splitting us all up like that and pitting us against each other is really tempting the habits of a godmodder, since it's direct competition with another (real)human being.

Well, as none of the officers I presented would fit cleanly into any of the existing schools, they could be concievably go into any of them. At least, that's what I would think. If I had to pigeon hole them though, I'd put them in Rakuyou as that represents the old Han after Dong Zhuo takes control I think. (Though in the novel, Huangfu Song takes part in the plot against Dong Zhuo... might be some bad blood there.)

And I think it would be best for the majority of the PCs to be in the same school to avoid having problems like that, at least initially until everyone hits their strides. I'd honestly rather work together with other people instead of against them... and that gives me an idea.

Would it be possible to introduce a new school even? The three officers I presented, like I said, wouldn't fit cleanly into any existing school, so perhaps we could introduce a school to represent the old Han dynasty. The 'leader' could be representing He Jin, or even the emperor of the time (I forget, I mainly get my knowledge from the games as well, though I play the simulation games in addition to the Dynasty Warriors games, but even in those, the emperors played only minor roles). Heck, if Tentanari wanted to avoid getting involved in the main story, we could even do something of a recreation of the Yellow Turban rebellion as a sort of fan storyline. That might be a bit too much work though as it would involve several characters from the main series before they got to their current positions and yada yada. It's not such a good idea afterall.

Edit: If it seems like I'm trying to take control of this thing, that is not my intent. I'm just throwing ideas out there.
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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I don't think I'm going to go with any of the characters named generals, mostly because I can't really see one that I'd want to try and adapt to the RP that hasn't already been used. Maybe Zhou Tai, but...well, after doing a bit of research neither Zhou Tai nor Sun Quan have been introduced yet. Interesting...

Anybody thinking of using him as their Magatama?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

It seems that even people who were related in the 3 Kingdoms era aren't necessarily related in the show/manga, though they typically are still close.

For example, Guan Ping, son of Guan Yu in history, is an opponent of Kanu (that's Guan Yu) in the show. Or game, apparently. So, it seems that characters related historically are also related in the series, though not always in a straightforward manner.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I've put up a list of the schools, and some terminology/ info for the rp. I might need some help to get a list of all the NPCs and mainstream characters condensed and then put up in a readable manageable post for any potential players to look through and such so they can have a good grasp of the universe and etcetera.

Would it be better to keep all characters and players to one school? I guess I can do that if necessary. Unless I set it at the end of the series, or have a treaty, but if I keep it mid series or before the series began most likely.

@Tenta: You can make up some of your own continuity. If you want everyone in the same school, put them all in the same school. Don't rely on "mid series" or "before the series" at all, or even after the end, since that will only encourage people to start trying to use techniques from the series as early as possible.

As nice as it is to borrow from a premade world, if this entire RP is setup to run headlong into the main story, then the outcome is already predetermined, and who wins is known before we start :p

I think what most of us expect is that we're making new and unique characters, that each have their own Magatama and powers.

Since the description already says: "However, a few characters seem to be in the process of defeating their fates, even though the cycle has played over repeatedly for 1800 years." It would be very, very simply to pick up everything from the setting, move it to an entirely new location, new characters, new enemies, etc.

Simply put: Assume the series is over and all of the Magatama are scattered to the wind, only to re-appear for the next group (which will be us).

In this way, even already claimed Magatama are up for grabs again, and it gives everyone a good reason to be set down to F-Rank. Since the entire story is just restarting fresh.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I agree with Kathy's idea. This would benefit all of us, I believe.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

F rank? I thought E was the lowest, if memory serves...

As far as my thoughts, it would work better in being true to the subject matter in a freeform than a system, because of one important detail...

That being that historical precedent means a lot more than rank. Basically, if you're Yan Liang, and you're an awesome B rank, and come across an E rank Guan Yu.... you're pretty boned. Apparently in a literal sense, in this case.

This requires some research on the part the GM to implement, however, and will likely still result in arguments and the like as people try to "fight destiny"; another thing of note in Ikki Tousen is how futile such things, I've read most of the manga to date and pretty much everyone who's attempted to go against their fates have ended up with some kind of a terminal illness meaning that even if they managed to live on after their appointed death, it won't be for long.

Of course, the whole fates and serious drama stuff comes in later, young fighters tend to be all fighting and sex and instant gratification, and don't concern themselves over the future (as we see both early in the manga, and during a flashback chapter that fills in a bit of the past of Ryomou and Saji and such)

Sadly, as much as I love Rot3K, and would love to play a character possessing Sima Yi's Magatama (or maybe Zhou Yu, if we get a good Sun Ce to partner up with. For those of you playing at home: Koukin is Zhou Yu. Hakufu is Sun Ce. The pair were oath brothers and should always be a solid partnership of some kind or another)...I don't really like forum RPs due to their slow pace, and don't particularly trust the GM to do this justice. Harsh and blunt, maybe, but you've always been a little too interested in instant gratification to be my kind of GM, Tenta.

Oh, and in case anyone is interested...
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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

After reading Incubus's post, I'm starting to share his concern. The fate thing kind of ruins the whole point of a game, and if people know things are going to turn out, they'll make decisions based on that. I'd be all for a sexy, school vs school RP, but maybe not one based off of any existing material.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

@Inc: No idea. I was just trying to step in and fix something that was starting to look like it would quickly become broken mechanics. Though what you're suggesting clearly refines my worries further. P.S.: I was also basing it off Tenta's first post, which suggested F-Rank was the lowest and where we'd start at.

It may be an idea to scrap the Rot3K tie ins entirely if this is going to be an ongoing concern. Make an entirely unique world with the players not only creating their own PCs, but their own Magatama to boot, with the background stories of the Magatama being slowly revealed based on how the actual current-battles are taking place. This way examples like the one Inc is suggesting can still occur, but we won't stumble foolishly into it, and instead the background of the characters' spirits will be written as we go as well.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Interesting concept. That way, we can actually write history as we progress, and it gives Tenta more space to get creative.