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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

After delivering his kiss, Janne would stir slightly as he reached for his glasses and prepared to rise. As he attempted to pull away, she let out a whine and suddenly gripped him tighter, cuddling forcefully against his side and throwing a leg over him, keeping him from escaping from the bed. Her eyes flitted open blearily, but then she smiled and leaned down to gently nibble on his chest, working her way up to his collar and then his neck while she held him down, pressing her breasts against him and keeping him pinned with her weight unless he really tried to escape. Then she closed her eyes and instantly relaxed again, falling back asleep in under a minute by all appearances, and then not stirring the second time Bakan attempt to escape from her.

It would take some attention to get her to full wakefulness once he was up and dressed, the prone faerie letting out a low moan at first and then flicking her eyes half open and looking over her shoulder. She rolled slightly, onto her belly, and raised her hips slightly such that the blankets did much less to conceal the shape of her appealingly plump backside. "Morning," she cooed, "I think I've got a kink... Could you rub a little lower for me?" If Bakan actually fell for that, she would instruct him to go lower until he was quite plainly rubbing her ass, at which point she would give a contented moaning coo and wiggle her hips tantalizingly.

Either way, once made to rise, she would toss the covers aside quite blatantly, stand, and promptly grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. His head was quickly pulled into her cleavage as she purred with delight, and Janne stroked his hair and held his head into the suffocating softness of her breasts. "Oh you're such a sweetheart! You're so..." she began, trailing off slowly and giggling with a devilish edge to her normally lyrical laughter, and then released him and strutted over to the pile of clothes she'd left on the floor.

"Breakfast hrm? I've never eaten from a rich mortal's kitchen before~ I'll bet it's going to be really good!" she said conversationally as she bent over, eyeing Bakan slyly over her shoulder, and picked up her dress. She stepped into it and struggled with it all the way up her body, obviously forcing it to stretch over her ample curves more for visual appeal than because it was actually too tight, since once on her it was fairly comfortable. She left her staff behind and led the way out, wandering through the halls as if she knew where she was going, and soon they came upon the dining room where Cory, her belly even rounder, was glaring daggers at a smug looking Rhep, who also now sported a growing belly while she wolfed down pancakes lathered thickly in syrup. Samarta was there too, delicately picking at a piece of honeyed ham with obvious difficulty with the fancy dining methods, but the only others in the room were a pair of servants, a man in a suit and a girl in a maid's dress, and the head butler Paul who was looking over the goings on with a critical eye.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Janne didn't seem to want to wake up. He tried some more. Instead of complying, she apparently wanted to fight back by climbing on top of him. "Come on, Janne-" he whined when she got one leg over him. He struggled a bit more and she threw her entire body over him. He made a light growl, continuing to try to rub her back and encourage her to wake up. After a minute of no success, his growl became louder. He launched one hand down, and promptly stuck his middle finger up her back entrance. If that got a response out of here, she'd find him glaring up at her. "Morning, you lazy woman." he said critically.

Once dressed, and out to wake her up again, rubbing her back once more to try and get the blood flowing. He blinked at her request. "Lower? I'm not going to do this for an hour, Janne..." he complained, but complied, rubbing her lower. Then lower, then lower again. He was too busy rolling his eyes to notice where his hand was going. Once it was there, and she was moaning, Bakan retracted his hand with shock. "Stop fucking with-mph!" he mumbled as she reached out and wrapped him in a hug to her breasts. Bakan growled again, letting his arms fall as he gave up. There was no controlling Janne. She was just going to do whatever the hell she wanted, forever. He envied her care free nature.

"Oh you're such a sweetheart! You're so..."

Right when she trailed off, Bakan looked up at her from between her breasts with what could only be called a joyless death stare, as no doubt her whole core vibrated from his violent refusal to hear the word that would follow. As if screaming at her would stop her, while he was muffled by her breasts. Once freed, Bakan would be seething. "I swear, Janne... I'm going to remember every single moment of your teasing. I'll repay it tenfold!" he promised. Before grumpily following after her to where the food was. Mind you, he was just as directionless as she was. He just walked with her.

Arriving in the kitchen, and seeing Cory glaring at Rhep, who was pregnant, Bakan blanked out for a moment, and realized... 'Oh, there are consequences for my actions.' But then he noticed something else as he walked forward. "Hey guys. Where is Orgrosh, Sarah, and Rebecca? Rebecca had breakfast too right?" he asked, seeming most concerned for the coon than the other two. If everything was fine, Bakan would eat and then see about having Janne help him find someone to inscribe a poet on the bow he planned to make with his own hands. He already had a story in mind, his own story. He just hoped Sivicine appreciated a story about an underdog. Maybe, she'd respect him for pouring out his heart and soul into his request to her. He hoped so.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

Bakan would find that, perhaps, shoving his finger into Janne's ass may have been a mistake. Her eyes shot open into a glare as she tensed, her inner muscles naturally trying to squeeze out the intruding digit, but more alarming perhaps was that she immediately went to return the favor. Her hand darted down, over his manhood and the orbs beneath them as quick as a snake, and her finger began to press into his anal ring. Removing his own finger promptly would spare him, but if he was too slow she would dive right in, and unlike Bakan seemed to know what she was doing as she plumbed his depths and began massaging his prostate.

However that turned out, his threat following her near use of his most hated word would earn only a fit of giggles, and she would opt to end it there.

Arriving at the main hall, far too lavish for so eclectic and largely destitute a group one might think, it was Samarta who answered him first; "Rebecca's out in the garden, picking at things. Sarah and Orgrosh were there too. From what the gardeners said, they'd been there since before dawn."

A few minutes later, the two missing humanoid members of Bakan's party entered, clad in tight trousers and sleeveless tops, soaked with sweat. They joined the rest for breakfast, and when that was over Bakan was free to go to Janne about locating a poet. "Oh... Hem... Well, you could try among the sidhe? The Spring Court are all about that kinda stuff, but you'd have to do something for them in turn. That's over in Anudor," she said, "I mean, obviously you could just summon someone here, but going to them would make it seem more like a request than a demand, and with how slapdash you are at getting exactly what you want maybe it'd be better if you took the long way. That's if you even want to go with a faerie poet... If you wanted a mortal one, you might want to ask our esteemed host."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan's eyes go thin as she stikes her finger up his ass and skillfully finds his male g-spot. His lips press together so hard that they become white, and with the addition of his tired boner finding enough strength to get harder, despite his words to follow, Janne found another weakpoint. After waking her up, he'd get up, get dressed, and look back at her. "Never again." was all he said. As to what he meant, she could guess.

Seeing Sarah and Orgrosh come in, Bakan grinned. "Morning. Didn't want to wait for me to train with you, huh?" he inquired. "No point doing that training session I said the three of us would do after you've had a good meal. So, save some room in your stomach for tonight." he'd say. Training on a full stomach made for bad times.

While eating with the others, Bakan would be the first done despite being one of the last to sit down. Unless someone had already been eating for the past few minutes. This is simply due to his ability to practically inhale food, a habit grown from traveling alone and having the inability to cook. Often he had to eat his own poorly roasted meals quickly to avoid the awful taste.

After eating, Bakan would regard Janne. "Oh, Anudor... How long of a walk would that be from here? Currently, Cory is pregnant..." he glanced at Rhep. "And... Rhep must have eaten a lot. So traveling might be difficult. I'm sure Cory wouldn't let me disappear from her sight again, and if I did, I would die." Bakan said in a matter-of-fact kind of way, as if stating the obvious. "And yet, I'm sure Sivicine would appreciate perhaps a fae touch? Someone more ancient and wizened? I don't know how well a human poet would perform. Come to think of it, I don't know much about Sivicine at all beyond what Ashloriel taught me of her existence as a deity. What do you think Sivicine would prefer?" He asked Janne.

(Edit: I completely didn't realize he said her name three times again, hahaha.)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

"We get up before dawn, I can come wake you up if you want to join in, but I'll warn you right now: We don't slow down!" Orgrosh replied in a voice of mixed mirth and stoicism.

The rest of the table and the servants did their best to ignore the manner in which Bakan ate, Paul watching with an unreadable expression for a few moments before seemingly deciding to simply ignore Bakan's reprehensible table manners in favor of concentrating on his work.

"I dunno... Pretty far probably, I've never had to walk there!" Janne replied jovially, leaning back in her chair with a glass of milk in hand. She accidentally spilled, a bit of the white liquid falling onto her chest, and she gave a deliberately comical start that caused more of it to spill. "Whoops~" she purred, looking him in the eyes as she leaned down, an arm under her heavy bosom lifting the soft orbs so that she could run her tongue across her skin, cleaning off the milk.

Paul briefly scowled darkly at her before returning to his normal neutral expression, and promptly walked around the table with eery grace and speed, plucked the glass out of her hand, and pushed her chair in so that all four legs were on the ground again. "Please behave yourself at the table, madame," he said evenly, none of the reproach hidden in his expression evident in his voice, and Janne frowned at him and stuck out her tongue briefly before giving a low harumph.

"I dunno... I've never met the woman... I'm not that old or that important to have met a goddess!" she answered, "I mean, my answer is obviously going to be to go with a faerie poet, but I'm totally biased! I don't even know if a priest of hers would be able to tell you the honest answer to whether she'd prefer a mortal artist or a faerie one, the gods were dormant for almost a thousand years, at least until a couple years ago."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

When Janne spilled some milk on herself, the butler just might find himself cut off as Bakan instinctively took a napkin and cleaned Janne off promptly. "Shame on you." he declared. Though his meaning wasn't to her accident, but towards her trying to be lewd again. Then, he sighed at Janne's words. "And yet, I'm planning on meeting such a person... Considering I'm still being considered just a mortal by many, I have to imagine I must plan on how to not be exploded for disrespect by Sivicine." he sighed. "I don't think I'll be able to avoid that, to be honest. So I'll just have to stick with being as nice as possible. And unlike with you, I hope that approach won't land me being tortured." In sexual ways. He left that part out though. "This is all just to save Rebecca too. Either she won't help me because the matter is trivial and because she has some issue with Rebecca, or she just might help me without a second thought because it'd require no effort on her end to repair her body." he theorized. Then, he sighed again, theories ran amok, but he couldn't trust any of them.

He then looked to Janne. "You never have to walk there. Is it possible you could speak to them? Or even bring them here?" he inquired. He even briefly pondered trying to see how deep his angelic mimicry went, and tried to divine an answer. Just like most things he tries to cast, he feels like he can, but he simply can't find the will. So nothing happens.

Leaning back in his chair, he beamed at Orgrosh. An invitation from the orc sounded grand. It was a step back in the right direction, following the catapult in the wrong one. "I'd love to join you! I have my father to catch up to, so I can't spend any length of time resting." he declared. If Orgrosh cared to observe, she'd notice that she seemed to make Bakan's day. He just had to tell her how he felt. She seemed so convinced he wanted a human marriage or something. She couldn't be further from the truth. He just desired her approval. Despite what she may say at this moment, he knew that he didn't have her approval. He knew he had to clear up what happened before. That awful misunderstanding on both sides due to his clumsiness. She shamed herself so much just to arouse him. He knew that. And he wanted to know how she felt too. Oddly enough, these thoughts carried no thought of sexual context. Rather... It was an inexplicable desire to be accepted by one of the people you care about.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

Paul would at least delay his comment to Janne for several tasteful seconds after the faerie had been admonished, cutting off whatever response she'd been preparing to unleash as concocted by her lewd mind.

"You'll have to be on your best behavior~" she said jovially, rolling her eyes. "If you aren't, maybe she'll turn you into a young buck~ Or a boar! And chase you through the woods with her hounds and spear!" Janne tittered, obviously more amused by the notion than anything, but she quickly sobered, at least to a degree. "That's what she usually does anyway... And who can tell how she'll react?

"Well... I could if I was called there. I haven't been to many spring glades, and none of those have anyone important. Give me a few days and I'll see what I can do, but I can't really make any promises. I can't summon like you can, and I'd have to know given names to do the more complex version. You could try summoning a spring sidhe here! It'd be a little risky since you don't know any, but you might just get what you need easy and it'd be the fastest!"

Later, when she came in, Orgrosh grinned dangerously at him. "Heheh.... I'll wake you up when we're getting started then!"

The rest of his day was left to him, Bakan's myriad of concerns now under his power to address. He had the initiative on how he wanted to deal with the situation with Orgrosh, Cory, Rebecca, or anyone else at that point, and at some point he could look to Dove if he wanted to ask for his wealthy patron's help. He had everyone here at the moment, however, except for Rebecca who couldn't actually be useful in much of anything.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan paled. "Since she's a god, that's kind of unfair..." he said at the mention of her hunting him down. How the hell would you even escape her? And surely it'd be so easy for her that it wouldn't be fun at all. If Bakan had to wonder what would happen in that position... He'd probably sit before her and plead as much as he could in that situation. Running meant dying in that situation, and... Staying that likely also meant dying, but there is a slight chance she might see him in a new light? Unlikely, though. Though then came the issue of what Janne suggested. Summoning one here? Of course he'd get raped again... Or would he? What kind of spring sidhe would he summon? Would it be something massive? Would it be a man? A woman? The vagueness of his request hit Bakan, and make him quiver with uncertainty. He had no idea what to call for, so the risk was truly there, as Janne put it.

"Even if it's risky..." Bakan stated, trying to summon up some Determination. "I have to take the risk. I made a promise and I'm obligated to it. I swore since I was very little, to my mother and father... Adoptive... That I would never again let someone close to me suffer as my birth parents did." Bakan shuddered, the flashing nightmare going through his mind and causing a brief migraine that made his vision go black and his hand go to his head. During that split second, his wings went jet black, and faded back into white again. A flicker. "I won't let Rebecca suffer that fate any longer." Even though the thought of her no longer being that fluffy, adorable little creature wrenched his heart like no tomorrow.

"If I do summon a woman though, I hope she won't be the spring court's variant on you, Janne. I think I will literally die." he stated, imagining the horrors of yet another woman like Janne. Still, he had better get started on it.

Just like as mentioned before, Bakan couldn't help but beam as she accepted him. He looked like he just saw the biggest present ever on his birthday. And inside was an orc willing to give him a chance. "B-by all means! Have no hesitation!" Bakan said with encouragement. Everyone could tell he was extremely happy about this, no doubt. "I-I can't do it now though, I-I... I mean, we didn't say now! Right! I knew that! Hah! Tomorrow morning! Don't forget! Tomorrow morning!" Bakan said the last bit seemingly to himself, as if chanting a spell of forget-me-not to avoid forgetting about such an important event. He had plans for that training. He was going to show Orgrosh the strongest side to him yet. His sheer willpower. The kind that reflects shadow dragons. Then maybe she'll accept him! Just maybe!

"I-I'm off, everyone! I must summon a sidhe from the spring court, and try my best to make sure I get a poet. I was never good at summoning people I don't know, but I think now is the time I learned how to summon properly! Wish me luck!" he declared, cleaning his mouth, before approaching Paul. "Sir Paul, where might a safe and quiet place be to summon a fae stranger? In case things go south, I don't want to inconvenience you." Bakan declared.

If Paul told him somewhere to go, he'd go there, and sit down, crossing his legs, before controlling his breathing. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath in, before taking a slow breath out. Deep, slow breath in, slow breath out... Regulating his breathing, he hoped to have as much focus as possible. After ten minutes of focus, Bakan tried to slowly, gently, reach out. It was like he was in a world pitch black. He could see nothing, but all he could do with his extension of consciousness was keep moving forward. "Excuse me..." he spoke slowly. "I beseech the aid of a poet to satisfy goddess Sivicine..." he said slowly, before repeating himself. Over and over again, he'd let his magic flow, until someone either responded or he collapsed from fatigue. All the while, he kept his breathing under control. He had to stay focused.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

"I imagine she doesn't care much about "fair" at that point," Janne pointed out. "I'm not sure if I'd say Rebecca is suffering much, also. I mean, I don't know the details of her curse, buuuuut I don't see her doing much other than eating, climbing, lying around, and getting pets. That doesn't exactly sound like a hard life," the faerie remarked playfully, "you oughta work on your promises."

"I'll kill her," Cory remarked suddenly after Bakan announced his fears, the half demon's eye twitching and her voice cracking noticeably. Rhep and Inka, those nearest to her, nudged a little ways away.

"Of course not now, we're already done," Orgrosh remarked in a perfectly calm manner, totally unflustered in sharp contrast to Bakan.

"Don't get yourself into trouble again," the orc said after he announced his next immediate plan. "You had better not," Cory muttered murderously, her eye twitching again and her hand straying to the rapier strapped to her side. "Good luck, Mister Jeru!" Sarah added with a curtsy, making the gesture look elegant despite her workout clothes. "Uhhh, good luck!" Samarta added quickly, prompting Inka to nod in agreement. Rhep just kept eating, and Janne stood up as if to follow him.

With his goodbyes said, he turned to Paul, who said; "This house is warded. The gardens, out on the grounds out back, or somewhere out in the woods beyond them would be my recommendation."

His advice given, the butler turned away, and Bakan was free to choose where to go. He knew where each were already, the entrance to the outer grounds being outside in back, through the kitchens, and the woods a ways beyond them. The garden was closest, and whichever he chose Bakan would be able to find a place to sit down and steady himself.

He wasn't doing a guided summoning, one with a specific name and an elaborate ritual, but the power he sent out reached somewhere. Into the twisting currents of etheric energy that traveled across Donevrion his call went, and for a moment nothing happened. Then, without any grand warning, someone was sitting across from Bakan, their legs folded in front of them.

They were tall, or at least seemed to be, and possessed largely androgynous features both in their angular facial structure and in their fairly flat figure. Their garb offered no further hints as to their precise gender, being a simple faded yellow strapless shirt that gradually shifted into orange the lower it went and a pair of gray shorts. Variously colored beads ran in lines through their lustrous brown hair, which was braided in lines that thinned the further away from the center line of their head it was, and a collection of braids formed a larger braid that ran down the back of their head. A silver stud stuck off of the side of their nose, golden hoop earrings hung from their earlobes, and lines of silver and gold and bronze bangles were wrapped around their wrists. Their skin was golden bronze, much like Tiranna, but unlike the sphinx the faerie figure possessed nothing about them to suggest their supernatural nature whatsoever.

They stared at Bakan with a slight frown that didn't touch their golden eyes, which seemed to perpetually sparkle with laughter, for several seconds in silence. "Hello," they ultimately said distantly in a voice that still didn't reveal their gender, before looking away, at the surroundings that Bakan had chosen for this meeting.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan scratched his head when Janne lectured him. "Well... Half the promises I make are ones I would want to do anyway. So... I'm more following my desires than anything else. I just happen to sound stoic because I really love helping people." he stated, nodding to everyone wishing him luck. Except Cory. He shivered when Cory warned him. He couldn't promise he wouldn't get into trouble. He could only promise to try, and he had a feeling that wouldn't do her mood any good whatsoever.

To Paul. "The woods sound like a safe place. I have no clue what kind of person I will get, and if they're temperamental, I don't want to bring others down in the crossfire. Best meet them in private." he nodded.

And so he did, making the trip out into the woods to sit down cross legged with Janne following along, and summoning forth... A most interesting person. Bakan did wonder what gender they were, but thought of an easy way to avoid that issue. Instead, Bakan was enthralled by their unique appearance. Bakan wish he could quickly paint a picture, and capture the appearance of this rather grand looking person. In comparison... Bakan looked plain. He wasn't wearing his armor, only his under clothes. So he basically looked like a peasant with a giant hammer. It was humbling, the comparison.

"Oh!" Bakan jumped a bit when the other individual greeted him. "Greetings, friend! I'm so sorry for calling you out just on my own whim, but I honestly hope I can make it worth your while." he stated, not sure what this person might want. "I'm sure you know what my request is based on the message I tried to send out... My name is Bakan Jeru, adoptive son of Matthias and Ashloriel. I seek to use every ounce of my talents as a smith to construct a bow for the goddess Sivicine. Upon suggestion by my peers, I also aim to place a poem or tale that she will appreciate upon it's limbs. If it appeases her, it is my hope that she will reverse a curse placed upon a girl she transformed into a raccoon... So..." Bakan cleared his throat, steadily finding it awkward to talk while trying not to fumble over his words or choose the wrong thing to say. "I don't mean to rush anything... But I also do not wish to receive your professional aid and be unable to repay you, out of respect. So, if it's alright with you... Perhaps I may hear your desired payment right now?" he inquired.

"Oh, as well... If you need inspiration for a poem or tale, the only thing I have to help is my own story... People are always interested when they hear it from me, so... I imagine it's not terrible." he offered.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

"That will be seen, friend," the faerie replied with a smile, their tone friendly and their voice lyrical. They listened to his more detailed explanation without shifting in expression or reacting in any meaningful way, and when he was done they said; "Well... You have something of a task ahead of you. I... Didn't know one could make a bow from metal, though I suppose an ornamental gift would be as good as any."

They quirked their eyebrow as he requested knowledge of the costs immediately, "well... It's not so simple. What you ask is no small thing, though I am sure some would think it so. You ask for a work of art, an outpouring of the soul... And one fit to please a goddess!" They reached up and rested their chin on their fist, eyeing Bakan with an odd gleam in their eye and a soft smile.

"For something so grand, the price will be high... And not in the realm of physical value." They reached out as if to let their fingers brush across Bakan's face, but didn't quite get that far, "for so immense a favor... Some might demand... The color of your eyes... Or the last ten years of your life... Or a portion of your soul. Your voice, the most beautiful memory of your entire life, or all of your memories before you were five... Your firstborn child, or your first love's lifesblood. Whatever it is, it must be important to the giver, or else it is no true price.

"Tell me, Bakan Jeru... One who claims family with an angel and the slayer of the gods, what price are you truly willing to pay for this favor? How much does this truly mean to you?"

They eyed him, awaiting his response, but if he didn't demand that they depart immediately they would rest their chin on their hands, propped up on their knees, and said; "First, tell me of your tale. Whether it is worthy or not of the huntress' gift, I will call it repayment for my time here."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

When they mentioned a bow being made from metal, Bakan grinned. "If made with the right material, a bow can be made. It'd just be really hard to pull the string~ I'm sure that won't be hard for a goddess!" Bakan cheered.

When the entity began explaining what might be asked for in this situation, each example made Bakan go more pale. Twas all an incredibly steep price to pay for so simple an objective. It truly made him question whether he had enough of what it would take to do this. It made him wonder of Janne was right... He shook his head. No. He made a promise, and he aimed to find out the truth as to why such a sweet girl was victimized. He couldn't back down. He'd give up something, he just had to figure out what it could be...

Bakan thought for a while, before raising his head. "Would it be enough to... Give you my memory of finally confessing to my first love?" he asked. "I loved her for years, and yet I knew that we couldn't be together. Only recently did I work up the courage to shout to her how I felt, before she told me the honest truth. It's both a very bitter... And sweet memory to me. Would that be enough?" he inquired.

Bakan would deal with whatever answer he was given, before going over the telling of his tale. "My story... Is not of one who was the hunter, but of the hunted. You see... I'm not from this world. I don't remember much of my own world, because I was just a child when I was there. I lived with my mother, father, and my silly little brother. Happily. In peace. But in my world were entities called witches that would summon demons into the human world, and there was a lot of paranoia over who was doing things they shouldn't be. A group of people existed for the sole purpose of eliminating these witches, and their associated heretics. To me, and my family... These people were the hunters. And on one, very unlucky day... My family was their prey. They came with fire, and blades blessed. My brother stirred me awake when he noticed before I did that they had set fire to our home. Our parents had already left to try and speak with the men, hoping they could clear up the confusion so that they could leave us be..." Bakan trembled, his wings turning black as regret and guilt coursed through his very veins, burning his blood as if the gods above were punishing him for his sins. "We both arrived, and the hunters were in the middle of performing the deed. We watched our mother and father's heads fly through the air. Hit the ground. Roll on the earth... and face us directly with expressions locked in pain and horror. The soldiers came for us next. I ran, and I thought my brother was with me. He wasn't... Instead, he was paralyzed with fear and shock. They grabbed him and took him. I knew, he was going to die... I told myself, he'd die too... I reminded myself, I swore to protect him because he was my beloved brother... But all my honor, all my love for him, vanished in an instant as fear and the desire to survive took over. Every step I took, running away from that scene, felt like I was dying inside. I ran deep into the forest, finding a witch camp with an active portal. I ran through it, and by the time I ended up in this world, when I took that last step that ended me up here... I felt like the only thing I escaped with was my life. I was completely dead inside, a traitor to my brother, who I left for dead."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

"Oh? A confession of first love?" the faerie said, their eyes sparkling with interest. They leaned forward slightly, intently, and then asked; "How did it happen? Such a bittersweet memory, so important... To take it might be worthwhile, perhaps. Where were you? How long ago? What were you doing together? You must tell me everything if I am to measure its value~" They seemed intent on prying every detail out of him.

Such wouldn't stop them from listening to the short version of the telling of his own tale, through which they would watch him with an expression that was unreadable save for the curiosity born interest. When he was finished, the faerie waited a moment to be sure that he was done, and when it was clear that he was they said; "Such a tale... If I am to be truthful, I am not sure if it would be suitable, at least for the audience that you are trying to reach. The goddess of hunters does not pity those without wit or might to protect themselves or their own, and the details are... Troubling. Such a tale of woe and tragedy would be effective upon some, to be sure, but not upon the Pathfinder, not without some... Embellishment.

"I confess myself curious... You say you wish to have a curse upon someone reversed, yes? Do you know the details of this curse? Why it came to be put upon this raccoon that you discovered? What their sin against the goddess might have been, and how long they have been so transformed? It might aid in weaving a work proper for the plea you wish to make. As for the tale you have given me... I might be able to make it work, but first I would wonder what you have done since then. Clearly you have not remained a helpless little boy, and perhaps something from your more recent history as a warrior might prove useful in appeasing her. Perhaps how you came to be the man you are now might be a good place to start."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan sighed. Did he really have to explain something so shameful? "... It's actually a lot to do with the story of how I became strong, actually, so I think I'll tell both. You see... After I survived that incident, my father was there, waiting for me. I'm not sure if he thought I was an invader, since recently I learned that the portal wasn't to somewhere else in the world, but an entirely different world. This world, versus mine. After he saw me there, and knew I was just a lost child instead of some crazy invader, he called my adoptive mother, Ashloriel, to come and pick me up. After rescuing me, she took care of me and protected me. I was empty and devoid of emotion for the longest time, but one thing never left my mind, and it was how much of a difference I felt between Mathias and myself. I told Ashloriel that I wanted to meet Mathias, and despite her telling me it wasn't likely at all for me to find him just by looking around, I climbed up a mountain and there he was. I'm not sure if that was where his home was, or if he was just waiting for me, but there he was. I only had one thing on my mind, and that was to be like him. So, I asked him to help me get stronger so that I could get powerful enough to replace him and protect this world in his stead. He gave me this hammer that I have by my side, and I could barely even lift it."

"I went back down the mountain, dragging the impossibly heavy hammer with me. The thought of one day being able to lift that hammer and use it as if it were a part of my own body filled me with determination. Ashloriel didn't entirely agree with me, that I should be going down the path that I wanted to go down, but when I told her it was to protect the world and redeem myself, she didn't argue much more. Every day I could, I trained. When I was too tired, she educated me on the ways of this world. Over time, I started opening up again. Old wounds became scars, and... Since my father wasn't around much, Ashloriel was my entire world. Naturally... Over time... I started to feel for her. Her unlimited kindness, her wealth of knowledge... And her stunningly beautiful wings... Well, she ended up becoming the shape for what I thought was the perfect woman. It only really started to kick in when I got older. Not quite an adult, but not a kid either. She started to leave for various amounts of time to go do other things. The first time she did it, I missed her immensely. I never stopped worrying. When she returned, I cried. It was pretty obvious that I was immensely attached to her." he chuckled. "So, I trained even harder when she was gone. She became someone important to me, when I thought I lost everything. I swore at that point, I wouldn't let that scene from my childhood repeat. I'd grow powerful like my father, and then nothing would stand in my way. Any trespassers would meet the end of my hammer and be destroyed if they dared threaten what I thought was precious. I was prepared to take on a god if need be, I was that fearless. And I still kind of am, to be honest." he declared.

"I realized I was in love with Ashloriel when I was only fourteen years old. However, when I came upon that realization, I also knew there were a lot of problems. She is an angel, and I'm just a human. Her purpose, her destiny, is so far away from me that it's not even funny. Still, I couldn't stop the things I felt. They were out of my control. She was the only thing I cared about in the world. So, I decided then, not to confess to her at all. It might ruin what we had, that limited connection. I wanted it to last, I was content just to be watched over by her and tried to make her lessons in lore last as long as possible, I never stopped asking questions, any that I could think of, just to make her stay." Bakan said, the memory of the confession coming back and with it, the reason why he confessed returning to gnaw at his mind as tears flowed down his face. "I got older, I slowly started running out of questions to ask. It was starting to feel like she was running out of things to teach me too. Then, one day... She didn't come back for an entire month. Sounds petty, right? But that was the longest time I went without seeing her at that point. The fear that gripped my heart was awful. I honestly thought she cut me loose, decided she was done raising me. Suddenly, all those bad feelings came back. That feeling of being alone, the fear, the anxiety..." Bakans wings were tinted a shade of black as an echo of that feeling went through his mind.

"Well... The visits became more frequent again when she found me curled up into a pathetic ball, apparently having given up on life when I thought she was gone. She berated me for being silly in thinking that she'd abandon me. I cried my sad little heart out to her and begged her never to abandon me. She agreed. And so, I felt like I didn't need an excuse to be with her anymore. I felt confident again, even though I knew I put my entire existence on her. In truth, I was, and am, still empty inside. I'm just filling that void with other people, making them happy and pretending that I'm happy too. In truth, every day since that one day when my home was aflame, I've always been miserable. I've always hated myself, and considered suicide more times than I can count. I've only lasted this long because I've always convinced myself not to just let go. I've told myself that there's people who need me, so I can't die yet..." Bakan sighed.

"I convinced myself that the world needed me, that maybe other kids like me were out there that needed a tragedy prevented. So, I set out, hunting for people who sought to cause misery and suffering and striking them down without mercy. Unfortunately, every time, I could never undo the damage that those people did. When bandits struck and killed a wife's husband, I slaughtered them all. But she wasn't happy. She criticized me for not arriving sooner, and called me a failure while clutching her dead husband's body. Stuff like that happened over and over again... Me trying to play hero while the world just seemed to think I was making things worse... But I didn't really stop. I kept hunting them, and eventually the nay saying of their victims became noise. I eventually realized that I ." Bakan said with a chuckle, his wings turning jet black. This time, his face wasn't one of distraught suffering, but it was a grin. "Ashloriel wasn't around for a while, so I kind of lost myself again. I focused on who I thought needed to die. I was looking for an excuse to keep myself occupied, rushing at the news of people causing misery as if I were celebrating the slaughter to come. I ended up being the voice I wanted to hear, congratulating myself on a job well done as I ironically made roads safer by murdering those who troubled it." He said, his wings still jet black. An almost threatening aura coming off of Bakan, one that the alraune he murdered in cold blood would have recognized.

Bakan focused directly at his guest. Eyes shrouded in dark clouds as if a reflection of a false sky. "I made it my objective to hunt bad people, and made it my pleasure to slaughter them. A true satisfaction to me, would be getting my hands around the ones who killed my family... And... C h o k e - t h e - l i f e - o u t - o f - t h e m." Bakan said with a pure desire to kill in his heart, a disconnect happening between his sympathy and sense of self. He chuckled, and grinned a bit more. "My wings are black, aren't they?" he asked his guest. "They're a reflection of my inner emotions. I think the black wings are a reflection of my deeper, innermost desires. Since they come out whenever I go really... Really deep into my history. All of my fear on that day was replaced with hatred. Anyone who remotely reminds me of the people who took everything from me, I don't even bother trying to spare them. When I saw a gruff who was my best friend die before my eyes, the corrupted alraune who killed him, even when she got on her knees and surrendered to me, I split her head open. I was overcome with this emotion, this pure, jet black self of mine. I decided she didn't deserve to live. And to be honest..." Bakan shook his head, before putting a hand to his heart and focusing not on himself, but on Ashloriel, and other people he cared about. The blackness began to vanish at the wings, and return to the depths of his soul where it belonged.

His wings back to normal, and his eyes human again, Bakan smiled sadly. "If it wasn't for Ashloriel and all her kindness, I wouldn't have returned from that state. It's through her existence, and the existence of my friends who care about me." He glanced back at Janne. "That I didn't become a horrible person. The alraune was revived when I called out, an angel showing up to bring back her life on my plead. Despite feeling so empty inside, it's people like Ashloriel who help me to avoid becoming that black winged monster. That's why I love her, beyond any doubt, beyond any restriction our races may have. Just recently, I decided to take on all of the corruption in Badaria, and make this country a better place to try and prevent an orc invasion that will happen because of said corruption, despite knowing I will probably fail and die. Knowing that I'm probably reaching the end of my mortality, I came to her, and I said it. I told her that I loved her. The situation was awkward, we were both naked in the bath, and naturally she refused me... But I never felt happier." Bakan held his head high. "I told the woman I loved how I felt, despite knowing I'd fail to get her to return her feelings. Now, I'm going to march on the biggest evils of this world, despite knowing I'm probably going to fail."

Regardless of how much Bakan was indicating how little faith he had in himself, Bakan seemed to have no shortage of determination as his wings turned red. "If they don't stop me, I'm going to CRUSH the racists and those filled with hatred in Badaria! That is my story! And but one small step of it! If I survive, I'll be even stronger than before, and I'll be even closer to my father! When I bring down those jet black souls, reflections of what I could have become, he will look at me and smile! And of course, only more evil will come." Bakan laughed. "Once I take over dad's job, that just means I'll have job security! And I'll always have someone to protect, and always the power to protect them! So, if you take that memory, that precious memory of me finally telling the truth to the woman I adore, I ask that you leave behind enough so that I remember that I confessed. Because you see..."

"I swore I'd never bother her again, and it'd be inconvenient to her, you know?" Bakan said stoically. "I want to die with the knowledge that I did everything I wanted to do, and have no regrets. Even if I cannot have anything I want, I at least want to be proud of my effort. That I tried to do something amazing that no one would expect a human capable of doing. That I tried to be like my father, and obtain the power to smack a god and tell them to behave! I will not stop until I make him proud and fulfill my promise!" Bakan declared with pride. He had to wonder if hunting down the corrupted people of the world would help with the poem, but at this point, he wanted to make sure that the payment left just enough of that memory behind.

Bakan sighed, catching his breath. "I hope I told you enough. I don't know anything about the curse other than she used to be a girl with a name that sounded like a noble's, and Sivicine was the one who turned her into an animal. She was nothing but kind to me, so I was outraged that someone would do something to someone so sweet. Though, I don't know the reason why." He shrugged. "I was hoping Sivicine would tell me, when I offer the bow to her and ask her to return Rebecca to her human form. I badly wish to set the situation right, and learn the truth. I don't know what kind of person Sivicine is, but I most certainly hope she isn't a rotten person... I have enough horrible people to deal with as it stands already, and a god would need to wait until I am as strong as Matthias." Bakan chuckled, as if he did not think delivering punishment to Sivicine was beyond him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

Bakan's "guest" sat and waited and listened. They were not without reaction, of course, but the more he spoke...

At first they were rapt, the tale of his early life catching their interests fairly obviously. But then they began to change in odd, subtle ways. They stopped blinking. A slight tilt of their head. Their body began to stop moving, subtle motions that one normally wouldn't notice, ones that sent their elaborate jewelry moving playfully, ceased. By the time he focused so attentively upon them, his wings raven black, they were almost... Not there.

It was like a statue was observing him, their distance so oddly separative that it was like even his dark aura was no more than a breeze, too weak to even shift their hair. It was eerie in its own way, a pure inhumanity to the sidhe's observation, and the androgynous figure only tilted their head in the opposite direction as he began explaining the reasons that he hadn't descended fully into maddened bloodlust.

It was Janne who had a reaction, clutching a hand over her mouth and looking on in horror. She hadn't truly known how far Bakan had fallen, or how deep seated his rage was, and it obviously wasn't something that she liked seeing come out.

As his attention was shifted back to the sidhe, they continued their eerie observation up to and throughout his impassioned declaration that he would try to do some good in the world. They continued that detached observation for nearly a minute after he had finally issued his laugh at the notion that he might have to punish Sivicine if she proved unwilling to reserve what she had done to Rebecca, and even then they only shifted the tilt of their head back to the other side.

When they finally spoke next, it was in a fairly neutral tone that offered no say on their true emotions; "Well... That's something of a story." They blinked for the first time in several minutes, and then smiled softly. "Thank you for recounting it for me."

They straightened, taking their head off of their chin. "Well, you don't know the reason why... I can only guess at a god's motivations. Greater daemons rarely behave based on what you might call rational paradigms. Sometimes that's how they retain their identity... Or lose it. Either way, it's hardly the first time she has turned someone into an animal... If the legends are to be believed. Usually she tends to simply set them free and hunt them though... Either what happened was some sort of accident, or... She did something to greatly anger the great huntress.

"As for your tale... As I warned, it would not be suitable for your goals. Fortunately, I DO know one that will do, and will offer it in recompense for your tale if I may use yours in another work for someone else. As for the inscribing of it... Before I decide upon what I will ask for that, I would have to ask why you are willing to give up the memory of your admission. I understand the sacrifice of it... But you could offer other memories. Even painful ones, shameful ones. Why that one?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Why that one?

Bakan's emotions faded, and his wings looked like they started shrinking, or just ceasing to exist, leaving behind only their thin, skeletal remains. His blank expression looked not unlike how the person sitting across from him looked. Blank. "Because this 'is' my most painful memory." He said, as he thought of the words, they immediately brought him to tears. "The person I love, will never love me back. The one person who is my whole world, my whole reason I exist, will now look at me forever differently. I want the pain to be gone. It's killing me inside, and you taking it would be doing me a favor." he stated simply. As much as he hid it, just like the rest of his pain. Ashloriel's unspoken rejection crushed his spirit flat.

"I will do something to greatly please Sivicine then." Bakan stated simply. As if it were just that simple. "If I might ask though, what would my story be good for? I thought that it was the best story I had to give, so that I wouldn't make you come up with your own, but for someone like you, in comparison to the great stories you might think of, isn't this just a sob story of a failure?" Bakan inquired. Because in the end, that was his opinion of himself. Even if it were true that if he saw himself in the mirror and didn't recognize it, he'd congratulate that man for being a hero. Yet he refuses to forgive himself for not succeeding when he wanted to.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

"Hrmph," the faerie offered a thoughtful grunt, still oddly detached. "And if I take that memory, and you do it again to a similar reaction?"

They tilted their head and smirked in response to his simplistic response should the goddess prove difficult. "Well, not everyone prefers tales of total triumph. There is always some embellishment with these things regardless. I know of one who prefers such tales, and I can use yours to gain favor from them, which is of use to me."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Well, that's why I said to just leave behind enough so that I remember I did it, but don't remember the details. I think... I'll admit I don't know how this whole memory stealing thing works." he said thoughtfully. "But, if I remember this conversation, wouldn't that be enough? That I asked you to take the memory of me confessing to Ashloriel away?"

Bakan also raised his hand a bit when he mentioned someone who would like his story. "Really... There's someone like that? If it helps with the payment, I can show up in person to make your story more real..." Bakan offered, trying to impress upon the man... Girl? Person. "I mean, if it helps with payment at all... I kind of want some of my brain left after you're done, and my friends sometimes tell me I don't have much in there as-is, heh." he laughed at his own fault to try and lighten his mood. He was already feeling pretty glum and dark as it stood, the darker evil with having reared its ugly head upon him going back his past so deeply. "Oh, now that I think of it, have you ever heard of someone with a story like mine? This... Madness, that exists inside me, it seems separate to my own consciousness. Or... Maybe this consciousness is the facade, and that... What you saw... Is the real me? I honestly don't know despite it all happening to me. I sometimes feel like multiple people at once are all trying to get their voice out and I can't concentrate."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 73/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant
Janne: Fine

"No," the faerie said with calm finality, "your memory would be altered to make you believe that it had never happened. If I simply took the exact memories when they cause you such apparent pain, I would be doing you a favor. You would not be sacrificing anything."

"That won't be necessary, though I appreciate the gesture all the same," they replied in a more cheery tone than their increasingly serious conversation had held. They chuckled softly at his self deprecating joke, and then frowned at him and fell silent after his ensuing question.

"If I may be honest, it is actually a rather common reaction among humans," they initially answered. "Your kind are limited enough by your biology, and the flaws inherent in your flesh often seem to have an effect upon your minds. When the magic that might have assuaged those physical weaknesses comes upon you, more often than not it makes your mental illnesses worse. In your case.... You are hardly the first human to try to distance themselves from the violence that they commit, to try to justify their urges to harm by thinking of it as a distinct entity from themselves. You aren't possessed, that much I know, and you would likely know if you were under temporary mind control.

"As such... I think it most likely that your madness is simply a part of you, exacerbated by your ongoing exposure to magic."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan let out a sigh at the entity's last words. "... It's not making it worse, that much I know... Just making it come out more, maybe..." he said. Though his condition was odd. "Oh, it... NEEDS to be bad for me? I thought you just needed to gain something, uh... Yeah... C-Confessing a second time would be..." Bakan trembled at the thought. "Fuck... Damn it..." he sighed. "Whatever, I guess I can't escape the pain no matter what... I hope that's enough..."

"So... What now?"