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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


We can call it possession if you're not so keen on my slang. And a soulless body? Sounds like we'd need some powerful necromancy in order to give you a good body to work with. And I'd personally prefer to do such things to someone deserving of having their soul forcibly displaced. So maybe a lawyer... but a drow matriarch sounds better. Fufu... maybe that Vara bitch. Payback would be nice. Ah, but there's time for that later. On to more pressing matters.~


Dasyra smirked down at the child and let one of her long ears poke out of her red hood.

"Friends with Del? I suppose we got along well enough when we adventured together those many years ago. I am a full blooded high-elf, you see. Although I've had some interesting magic cast on me. Hence my odd appearance. Hope I don't frighten you. Back then, I was known as Dasyra Sunsong. My true name, in Common speak. I'd like to speak with Del again, I'm hoping to help him complete one last quest, even in his old age. Could really add to his legacy. If you could point me in the right direction to see him... maybe I could acquire a signature from him? You seem to like collecting them. I'll throw in one from myself for posterity. Who knows? Maybe one day it'll be worth a lot?"

She winked, and giggled her now trademark shadow-echo.

In her mind she answered Sylvie.

More like the Ghostly Maiden of Unending Commentary~ But I'm trying to blend in here. Besides... I like how it sounds.
Or someone that sold their soul to a devil or whatever. Actually easy to posess, though, often Devils arrange for a quick death of whoever was dumb enough, so they can collect the soul proper. Vara was the slave-trader merchant right? Well, you sure aren't afraid of a challenge. Sylvie pondered in the backround.

The girl pondered, looking at the undead elf. "Ooh you traveled with one of the eight? What was he like!" She cheered, the innocent child seeming more or less uncaring of Dasyras apperance. "Hmnn. Well.. I dunno you but you seem sufficently heroic.." The girl observed, looking Dasyra up and down, handing out her notebook again. "Alright. I'll allow it!" She grinned, generously, presenting a mostly empty page before tipping her chin.
"Well, Del retired.. I think I can figure out where to, but, I was actually waiting for Miss Midnight of the eight. Hrmnnn... Oh I know! You stay here and collect her autograph for me, and I'll go ask my friend about Del Foehammer. She's really into dwarven heroes because she's a shorty herself but don't tell her that, so she'd know." The girl nodded, while Sylvie couldn't help but add a playful stinging remark of: And thus, the eternal song in the darkness waited patiently for the little girls autograph, besting the terrible crowded streets mayhemous roads! Will she succeed in finding the name of the great heroine she searches, or will she surely perish!?
If Dasyra didn't protest quickly enough, she'd find herself holding quill and notebook of the girls, as she bounced off, leaving Dasyra on hero-watching duty..
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Dasyra took the girl's book and quill and in a practiced, flowing elven script wrote out her name "Dasyra the Eternal Song in Darkness" on the mostly empty page, along with the message "When you love, love truly, so that even in death you shall not part."

As she did so, she quipped to the ghost in her mind.

Oh please, we were going to watch these living heroes from the shadows *anyway.* Better some living child go find Del than me just creeping on dwarven retirees. That's a good way to earn a hammer to the face. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to come across as a harmless, inquisitive undead elf rather than a malevolent stalker bitch trying to unleash a death knight back upon the world - however noble my quest, it may be difficult to stomach unless I have time enough to explain my good intentions.

Dasyra took up a spot in a shadowed alcove and watched the throng of the living cheer on their heroes, doing her best to spot someone who'd fit the little girl's description of Miss Midnight.
Dasyra's observation of the hero-worshipping humans (and a few halflings and half-elves, now that she had time to look) was just a little hindered by the.. liveliness of everyone, ever so subtly distracting her from enjoying how much the heroes guild had blossomed. That, and while she waited, Sylvie kept her entertained by musing: So what are you, because you aren't harmless, did you just call yourself a bitch?

The girl, thinking back, had been too busy swooning to give her all that much of an explanation, just someone.. shadowy that could be confused with her? Luckily, Dasyra didn't have to guess too much, as a commotion at the guild-entrance attracted her attention. Two women, literally different as night and day, both walking out of the building, one demanding immediate attention, her blonde hair almost glittering in the light of day:
She had blonde hair and a confident smile, waving to the crowd, while also subtly directing it to part to make way for them, cheerily enthusing: "Wooo woo everyone, pipe down, yes, Night and Day are heading out again, yes, we are going to kick evil butt! Which posteriors we are after? Why you'll have to wait for us to return and tell the tale for that!"
The other woman seemed -very- content, being silent, remaining in the proverbial shadow of the talkative one, with a calm, if determined expression.
Well, she remained silent.. until her eyes fell upon Dasyra, leaning over to the blonde one she whispered... and pointed at the undead elf, with a commentary from Sylvie. Uh-oh. Busted. Good we didn't bring the sword along.. The other hero tilted her head and then walked directly towards Dasyra, grinning, and in a far too jovial tone declaring:

"You there! Undead creature! You got some guts coming to the Hall of heroes! Sister Midnight here thinks that there must be a reason for you daring such, for no one would be so foolish as to try sneaking up on the heroes. You know what I think?" The blonde heroine asked, pushing her arms into her side, and continuing on without giving Dasyra much of a chance to anser. "I think talk is easy! To truly know someones heart, you have to meet them on the fields of battle!" "Can we not?" Midnight asked, but her flamboyant companion had already drawn her weapon, despite her sisters slight sigh. "You're making a scene again sister.." "Only a scene of juuustice!" Her companion cheered, drawing a finely crafted rapier and twirling it, in a picture-perfect pose, which caused several of the bystanders to look over curiously.. pretty much the opposite of what Dasyra wanted. Eh, the loud ones are usually pushovers.
"Prepare yourself! If there is evil in your heart, you shall fall here, today and with great regret, for you face I, Lady Radiant Dawn of the eight heroes!" The blonde one declared with such enthusiasm that several of the folks watching the scene began cheering without a question, which the heroine responded to with a ceremonial bow and the addition of: "There is no need for you to speak, by the clash of our blades I shall learn your intentions!" Willfully ignoring her sisters slightly annoyed comment of: "That's not how this works.." It seemed unless Dasyra had a good idea for slowing down the dramatically posing duelist she had a fight on her hand, right here and now..

(Radiant Dawn Initiative: 25)
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Dasyra had no intention of letting Radiant Dawn get a swing in. The space between her charging at her and where Dasyra had been watching from in the alleyway was enough so that even despite a quicker start, (Initiative = 22 for Dasyra), the undead elf intended to shadow step away while the blonde was still in the process of charging at her. She moved instead to a shadow that was nearest to Miss Midnight, and walked toward her without her bow or sword drawn, instead wielding only the little girl's signature book and the quill.

"I promised one of your fans that I'd get a signature. Not really sure what it's for but... here, use this page." She let the page open to the same one that she had just signed. She then looked over and saw Dawn turn about and begin to charge back in her direction.

"I'm a former companion of Del Foeshatter. Name's Dasyra. Currently I'm under a curse. I'd really enjoy not having to fight anyone. Little help, oh lady of shadows?"

Dasyra shadow stepped away to a nearby nook on the dark side of one of the columns of the adventurer's guild, and called out to Radiant Dawn.

"Being undead doesn't make me a baddie. I'm trying to save the world too!" Dasyra was trying to be serious, but that eternal giddiness in her made her laugh at this absurd game of cat and mouse and her infectious, unnerving laughter echoed out from around the square.

"'tis not so easy! Knights Challenge!" The blonde proclaimed, pointing at Dasyra. (DC 16 will or be forced to do nothing but move towards her!)
However, if Dasyra resisted or not, the signature book had Miss Dawn raise her brow.
"Well, that proves it. I doubt an evil undead would be collecting signatures for little girls, now would they?" "Harumnn.." "Excuse my sisters.. directness. She has more heart than mind sometimes.""Hrmnn .. alright, disperse everyone. Nothing to see!" The woman commanded, with a suprisingly effective influence on the crowd as she shrugged and crossed her arms, eyeing Dasyra suspiciously. Still, for now, it seemed there was no need for further shadow-walking.
"If you had read the books I recommended, you'd know not all undead are evil and this one lacks a lichs unholy aura, also, considering it's midday and her composure, she's obviously a Baelnorn." Lady midnight picked up the book, signing in elegant writing, commenting off-sidedly. "That said, no Baelnorn would refer to themselfs as being cursed. I read the act is considered one of honorable sacrifice, bestowed by an entire elven clan in times of desperate need and even more rarely, by divine grace. So that curse is either your way of shortening any questioning or you refer to another curse, so, I wonder..." "Hold on, hold your horses, skeletal or not! Did you say trying to save the world? What threat would be so dire that the whole world could be affected?" Radiant Dawn interjected her more silent sister. "Also, stop being giddy, lest I reconsider smiting you, you scare the kids!"
"I do concur with her questioning. For a Baelnorn to wander the world, something dire would have to be amiss."Midnight commented, pointing with the quill at Dasyra and keeping a hold of her autograph, symbolically keeping it hostage while she watched Dasyra with a calm expression. Ugh. Don't trust the living. Just make up an exucse to be done with them and get what we want.
Dasyra looked at the knight as she issued her compulsion, tilted her head to the side... and did her best to not show the struggle she had internally to square off against the woman. Fortunately, she did have the willpower to resist the command, and stood her ground long enough for the darker sister to bring things to a halt.

"That's not true!" Dasyra held up a wagging finger. "I didn't scare the children! I was even approached by the child who gave me this book. I was trying to be polite and not show myself until you pointed me out. Talk about starting a panic, Miss Dawn."

She turned towards Miss Midnight.

"A Baelnorn? I'm not really sure what I am... but the nature of my current state is... erm... complicated. The short version is that I needed to try to save someone's soul and circumvent a lich's ill will - and the only way I could do that involved asking a goddess to grant me a form of undeath immune to the lich's evil spell."

She then turned back to Miss Dawn.

"What sort of threat? Aberrations flowing out of the Positive Plane of Energy. Mutated monstrosities whose endless growing potential will, if not curbed, wipe out all civilization as we know it. You haven't noticed it yet because it's occurring in the depths of the Underdark. A huge rent in the fabric of reality."

She eyed both sisters.

"So far, only my... commander, has been holding back the invasion. She was once an exalted champion of the elven people, a holy warrior, not unlike yourself, Miss Dawn. But she was undone by a lich's spell and turned into a Death Knight, and several days ago, her physical form was destroyed in an ambush by the invaders. I am here because I have discovered a way to release her soul from the lich's curse without destroying her. I intend to use this opportunity to purify this fallen hero's soul, because I believe she is the best and possibly only one capable of leading a victorious assault against the planar invaders."

She shrugged.

"So... I used some portals, got back to the surface and decided to visit my old adventurer's guild. I used to be based out of this place a long time ago. I quested with Del Foeshatter, and was actually intending to go question him, because he's faced the lich's handiwork before."

She held up her hands open palmed to the sky.

"And here we are now. So. Does that get this undead ranger a pass for the time being?"

"Eh..." Radiant Dawn looked over and shrugged, unafraid to respond.: "Huh. Yeah, my bad I guess.. Let me herd folks about. Most are easy distracted by promises of autographs.. alright everyone, nothing to see here- well, me and sis to see, but just wait until we come back.. Oooh the tales I will tell you! If you all lead us wander out in peace first!" Then she cheerfully busied herself wandering over to direct the crowd, laughing merrily, causing a subtle eyeroll from Midnight.
"Hmn. You're better than most at praying it seems. Could you try asking for moderation for my beloved sister?" Midnight commented. "Hah. Never! Heard that! Also, did you say aberrations? Hrmnn.. that sounds serious. Ever heard of that, Sis?" "I can't tell. I should review my scriptures. But for something to cause such a rend of positive energy, an equal balance of negative energy must have been lost first."
"She's saying someone must have kicked serious undead butt. Sounds good by m.. eerr.. heh. no offense." "On principle, yes." "Oooh. Heard that sister? It's great storytelling!" Radiant Dawn enthused and tried to hug an arm around Dasyra, for a moment, adding, only if allowed to: "For my hero and protector, I gave everything! So romantic.." She sniffed slightly, but quickly turned about.

"Does it get you a pass? Hah, of course! We're not going to pass up on that, are we sister?" Radiant Dawn flexed. "I suspected you name-dropping Del was just to facilitate a distraction at first, but telling of him so casually... also. Dasyra song, the name I think I saw when I reviewed the guild-records a-""And! That means, seeing as you are an ex-comrade, we're honor-bound to help out! Midnight!" "I feel like we ought to gather more information before taking action. Also, there's still the matter of our current mission a-""And we'll help you out after we dealt with whoever was responsible. Don't you worry, Together as Night and Day we are like.. the second strongest of the Heroes guild! Just tell us.. eh eh..let's face it.. her, here, were roughly in the Underdark to kick evil butt at. Been waiting to go there, frankly. Wasn't there a report on that too, recently?"
"Some Drow abductions, nothing unusual, regrettably." "Some! More than one reason to take action then. Well then, go help her out sis!"
"Can't." "Huh?" Midnight held up the notebook. "Waiting."
"Hooh.. I thought Fans always bothered you! Glad you saw the error of your ways!" Radiant Dawn enthused, slapping the back of Midnight, causing her to slightly stumble.

Only a few moments after the two, well, basically, Radiant Dawn, had decided to help out, the girl.. well, she appeared, but she shily hid, fearful to approach Lady Midnight.. You know, if half of the respect they show those people is deserved, they could make for strong allies...
"Ah.. ah.. uhm.." The girl squirmed, only to be approached by Midnight once the quick-thinking raven haired beauty had made the connection between the two, pretty much freezing up, with big eyes, as Midnight approached her, handing back her book, giving an awkward shrugging smile, and, almost as comfortable as the girl, seemingly, returned to Dasyra, holding out her hand.
"I'll take you to Del, although I caution you, cause no trouble. Del was already old when we banded together to become the heroes of eight. I was but a young, marginally talented girl, my sister.. well." Midnight smiled subtly. "Pretty much the same." "Heard that too! Always keep your inner child alive!" "Take my hand. As Dawn would say.. 'Time to show you how it's really done. Shadow Walk.'" Midnight said, accompanied by the cheerful paladin showing her tongue. If Dasyra obliged, she'd find herself pulled into a shadow, and through it, quite similiar to her technique, if slower, though that also ment Midnight could move to distant locations, as she verified, once they arrived..

In a small hall, hammered out of the stone. There was a distant clinging of hammers on iron, the soothing music of a dwarven home.. subtly distracting, to Dasyras elven more than undead side. "You've traveled a few miles almost straight to the east, to the Foeshatter clan's holding. If you are an old friend, you will need little announcement. I shall leave now. We have a quest to solve and I don't like to see my sister do things on her own. She's a force for good, that needs slight.. adjustments in her trajectory, lest she try to storm into hell and free every last soul she can find until vanquished." Midnight sighed ever so subtly and stepped into the shadows again.

That left Dasyra pretty much alone in a dwarven hold, her undead side not minding the stale air or lack of sunlight, a look ahead revealing what looked like a personal chamber of an important dwarf (something about the expensive looking decorations gave it away). Stepping closer, Dasyra would.. struggle a lot to recognize one of the oldest dwarfs she had ever seen.
Old dwarfs weren't cared for and taken in like humans did for their old, nor did they try to take things easier like elfish elders, no, a dwarf only felt truly alive when they had -something- to do and this one was brooding over some sort of excavation maps, with a variety of what looked to Dasyra to be rocks and more rocks before him on the table, seeming deep in thought.
Del Foeshatter hadn't been -young- when Dasyra had traveled with him, she distinctly recalled hints of white in his beard, but now he was positively ancient... if clearly still alive. The question was, if she struggled to recognize him, how would he do?
"Huh? 's that you, Svenson?" The dwarf tilted his head. Dasyra wasn't sure if he was blind, but the way he moved indicated that at the very least his eyesight wasn't the best anymore..

Perception Dc 20:
Dasyra notices that Midnight is actually using some sort of shadow-camouflaging magic to spy on her, at least until she's confident Dasyra has been truthful about knowing Del.
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Dasyra, The Eternal Song in Shadow (TESIS) - Heroic Business


"I'm not sure that's the sort of request my Goddess would care about," Dasyra replied drolly to Midnight, as the over the top paladin went on and on about justice. Dawn's desire to hang an arm around Dasyra did have the unsettling quality of a living being getting to close, but her pleasant looks and genuine compliments about Dasyra's romantic ties to Ventus did put the dark ranger at ease.

"I'm sure you two would do the same for each other if ever an ancient evil were to ensorcel your spirit," she shrugged. Then she waved at the little girl once she appeared and beckoned her over, though Miss Midnight was ultimately the one to return the book. The girl's signature book had proved to be an excellent means of disarming these rather intimidating heroes, so all in all, Dasyra felt well justified in having approached the girl.

"Sigh. If I had wanted to cause trouble, there were better ways to do so than to walk into a crowd of heroes and ask for autographs," She responded dryly to Midnight's advice, though she giggled to show that there were no hard feelings. She presumed that Midnight would appreciate the humor in a way that might go over Dawn's head.

"Oh, you humans~. You're still both quite young and extremely attractive too. I can only imagine you have to beat away suitors with sticks. But I take your point about Del. I *have* changed in appearance quite a bit. I was a blonde high elf - now look at me. Buuuut I suppose if it takes me a bit to convince him, at least his old age will prevent him from getting too many licks in on me." She tittered at the amusing mental imagery of a cranky old dwarf flinging priceless magical weapons at her.

Soon enough, Miss Midnight had shadow walked her to the home of Del Foeshatter, using a more long ranged version of Dasyra's innate ability.

"Thanks for the ride. Hope to see you and your sister again soon.~" Dasyra said, her mind straying to the thought of the two sisters, naked and bound up, with Ventus and herself deciding what delightful sex act to do next. Shame they were alive, they would make excellent undead. Beauty like that ought to be preserved...

Waving the idle thought away, and certain that Sylvie would comment on it anyway, Dasyra turned her focus to that of striking up a conversation with her old companion.


Dasyra knocked along the wall to announce her presence, though she didn't yet step from the shadows.

"The years have changed us both, Del Foeshatter. I hope your mind is still as sharp as ever, My name is Dasyra. You would have known me as Dasyra Sunsong."

She would wait for his response, and then add, "I would like to warn you, I have changed quite a lot from my youth - even moreso than yourself, I dare say. You would have known me as a plucky high elf ranger, but I was dragged into the Underdark by some drow and... well... I sort of died. So I'm something called a Baelnorn now... that means benign, good-spirited undead. I'm here because I need your help, and I'm offering you the chance to complete an abandoned quest that you had from long ago."

"Ancient evils? Haven't met an evil I couldn't show the light of justice!" Radiant Dawn had enthused, squeezing Dasyras shoulder with a strong arm before releasing her from the unrequested half-hug, whereas Midnight remained the characteristically silent type, not for a lack of listening, it seemed, only subtly raising a brow at Dasyras joking. She did smile subtly when called attractive.

"There's a compliment I had not expected to hear from an undead. Luckily, my sister easily.. distracts people off of me." "Ohoho! I like people flirting with me. Brings a bit of cheeryness into the world! That said, I have a vow of chastity." "No you don't." "Do too.. for almost two days now!" Another eyeroll, accompanied by Dawn, not too subtly, pose-grinning at Dasyra.

After the shadowwalk, Midnight raised her brow perceptively. "Everything alright? You're looking at me.. a.. ahem. I should be going." She said, obviously more shy than her extroverted sister. Sylvie remained suspiciously hushy, almost as if not to attract the attention of the elite-heroes.

"Huh? Dasyra? OH! Oh yes, yes. Of course I remember yer! I'll not forget an old ally. Ho ho." The old dwarf smiled. "How's my favourite gnome-illusionist!" Yeah.. No such luck about his mind.. thus is the fate of the living.. Seroiusly, no idea why they don't all strive to exist eternally in undeath. "Come on in.. have some ale.. wait, where's the ale.. hrmnn.. I'll call for ale... they insist I don't get it myself anymore. Me back, ye see. Back's a pain, but you gnomes age so much slower, one could be envious. eh eh. Where are you, my eyes aren't the best anymore.."

The dwarf tilted his head and pondered as the elf spoke on. "Plucky huh.. hold on, hold on, my hearing ain't the best anymore, I thought you said you died." He slammed his chest. "This old thing is still beating, so if you're dead, you can't be talking to me. Ho-ho. You gnomes and your weird humor always! I'll have you know, I still got me axe here!" He pulled out a jeweled.. and quite impressive looking axe, grinning. "It's a weapon that can cut even into the afterlife, so when death comes for me, I'll give him a good fight. ho ho ho.. ach.. ach.. cchh..." The old dwarfs laughter ended in a cough, which was interrupted by Sylvie, sounding quite nervous. Th.. that axe.. is that? L.. let's leave. This guy is clearly crazy and senile and whatever else. No use to us. Th.. these hero things are nothing but trouble anyway. No, I'm not scared of ghost-touch weapons at all!
"Was smithed by Dragran, good lad. Married a stonehammer clan gal though, now, not saying they aren't respectable, but I once fougt with a stonehammer and he had the nastiest habit of not paying for his ale and.. .. what was I talking about again?" He pondered. "Oh yes, Dragran, so he made me this axe, didn't even ask for gold. I told him good work needs good payment, but he insisted I earned it. Tchk. Do I look like I need handouts.. oh you got no mead on you. Old friends need an ale to talk!" He coughed and, slowly and cautiously, wandered over to the edge of the room, where a rope, going into the ceiling hung.
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Making a deadpan face was not difficult for an undead, and she made one as it became obvious that Del had pretty much lost his marbles in his old age. It was disappointing and probably not deserved, considering the good things this dwarf had done during his many years.

With the ghost commenting in her head, Dasyra took a moment to respond.

Probably because for most it involves unholy rites and the sacrifice of souls. Not everyone gets a pass from Evening Glory, and I did accept a heavy price. You have to admit, undead across the board tend to have the urge to snuff out life. Even the best of us. That's not conducive to mortal civilization. So let's not blame the mortals.

"I'm over here, Del. In the shadows. I did die. That's why I'm here to talk to you. One last quest. I want to avenge the wrong that was committed against me. I need your help." Dasyra said, stepping out into the torch light, giving Del a better view. She noted the axe, it seemed to be a blessed item, and the antithesis of the undead condition. Her eyes followed the dwarf as he went across the room, and saw the noose.

"Tch... by the Seldarine, Midnight... you're watching this right? Were you aware he's planning to hang himself?" She complained aloud, pointing to the rope.

"Del. There are far better ways to enter Moradin's halls than with a rope burn across your neck." She stepped slowly towards Del.

"Elf, not gnome. Remember? I had that thing for Cratus for aw hile, before that hussy sorceress joined the group. You always used to complain that elves are too loud in the sac during those times I was sharing the barbarian's sleeping furs..." she grinned.

Good point, actually, there could be a real business in offering a more convenient path to undeath. Food for thought? The ghost mused, then, after a moment, added: You do need gold, right? With a cheeky subtone. That said.. only Ventus can properly control that undead-making sword and that has its own downsides..why can't being cursed and damned be any more.. innately pleasant. She made the equivalent of a ghostly sigh.

"Huh? Died? Nonsense. Ye're talking to me right now, it ain't that bad. Ye just need a good soup. And ale." The dwarf nodded, pondering at the rope, but looking over to Dasyra. "Real good soup. With some meat. My you have grown..

Hang myself? hah. Haha.. ahahah.. couhh. achh.. ach... Your eyes are worse than mine old friend. Here, I tug on it.."
The dwarf did so, and in the distance, there was a ringing noise. "And some spry young dwarf of fourty comes hopping downstairs in just a few minutes. I told them I don't need the help when Jorg Stonehammer came up with it, said I need no one!" He shook his fist, then looked back over to Dasyra.

"Oh yes, yes. Cratus the Swift. Good fellow. Wait, you had a thing for him? I'm not judging. Why do you keep telling me you're a gnome though, I remember you perfectly.. wait.. hold on, that's not right.. Dasyra was the elf girl wasn't she?" The dwarf pondered, for a long time.

"Oh, right right.. the young elf girl." He suddenly decided, approaching Dasyra, looking close at her with one good eye. "You look pale as death girl, what happened to you." He worried, stroking his beard. "I mean to me ya always looked pretty thin and frail, that's elves for ya. Aye, aye, couldn't believe something so thin could be so loud. Eh eh.. what were we talking about again? Sorry, I sometimes forget.. Oh yes, yes! You want to know about Cratus! He retired to a barbarian tribe, I was at his funeral. He drank more than me.. heheh..
Oh don't look at me like I'm crazy. His tribe holds the funeral for warriors while they are still alive.. and then he headed out into the Dregak mountains, you know, that place that eats, breathes and shits wild beasts, for what did they call it.. hmnn hold on.."
The dwarf seemed thoughtful for long moments, mumbling, nodding to himself.
"Final .. search? No.. no.. last hunt? Hrmnn.. Final Fight? ..Final Hunt! Yes, that was it. Fine fellow. Good man. His daughter is an up and coming hero herself, even worse table manners than her father though, heard she once beat a fellow with a table as a matter of fact, am sure he had it coming though, the youth of today ain't properly respecting a ladies boundaries. Granted, wearing only a loincloth and your weapons tends to attract attention, so.. huh..
You look kind of under the weather, want to sit down?"
The dwarf suggested, after losing his train of thought again, slowly edging over to a stone-hewn chair, to present to his guest, unaware of, compared to Dasyra, how frail he was.
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"Hrmmm.... " She relaxed a little about the rope thing.

"Dregak mountains... yeah, I think I remember where those are. If not, I guess I could get a map. Anyway... so, Del." She snapped her fingers to try to refocus his attention.This talk about Cratus had sidetracked him.

"A while ago, you fought against a Death Knight. She went by the name Ventus. She had a large, terrible sword. A soul stealer, created by a lich. You lost the fight and had to retreat, but you did manage to harm the Death Knight's sword. How did you do so? Was it with that?" She pointed to the blessed axe.

She waived away his attempt to get her to sit down, repeating her question again if he began to go off the rails of the conversation again. She needed to confirm her hunch about the axe.

"I ask because the sword will need to be destroyed - only by destroying the sword can the souls within it be freed. Only then can it be remade into a less unholy artifact - as something that could house a Bealnorn's soul. This is important, Del. I need to be able to do this."

"Huh.. huh? What are you doing, I'm awake." He complained a bit at the snipping of fingers. "Deathknight? Humnnnn... Hmnn.... hmnnnn...." The old dwarf seemed to ponder, then, nodded. "Oh yes, the cold one. Something about her made you and Cratus run away without even fighting, leaving only me and Ulrich to fight her. It was getting dangerous for just us two and we had to retreat, also to make sure you'd not get lost, or run straight into a driders nest. Luckily we found Cratus hiding behind a stalagtite and the Deathknight didn't pursue us. Heh. Was strange to see him hiding there, he told me never to tell anyone, but, well, you're an old comrade. Only one of two times I saw the man genuinly afraid, and the other was when his wife... " Another snipping of fingers helped reorient the dwarf.

"Important huh.. you young ones are always so rushy-rushy... heh. .cough.. cach..." Del laugh-coughed, trying to pat Dasyras shoulder, but missing her, unless she generously leaned into it..

"Let me think.. no.. no I didn't have that axe back then.. That sword was nasty, aye, it hit Ulrich and froze half his side. Luckily he had this pendant, could summon holy fire. I guess that damned swords coldness couldn't deal with the heat, and its wickedness couldn't deal with the holy magic adding in, even if none by itself could harm that damned thing. Heh.. you want to fight that Ice-queen? You better get yourself a good party. You'd need a cleric that can cast sacred fire.... a lot of it. Oh! Or Ulrichs daughter. Pretty sure she inherited his things.. Hoho. That Ulrich came around, you know. He wasn't even trying to, but he had just this kind of face. I was happy with my Dagmar, but he somehow managed to make out with both a Shadowfey and an Aasimar-girl. It's the angel-bloods daughter you want.. Hoho. He wanted to make me their godfather, actually. I refused.. last I needed was humans bouncing around, but.. I still watched them grow up. Such a bother to keep an eye on the two of them... haah.. All this storytelling is exhausting." The old dwarf chuckled, looking over to a bed at the end of the chamber, hewn from stone, with leathery looking pillows, just the way a dwarf liked it.

"Mind helping me to the bed? I don't need help but.. eh.. it takes a while on my own." He chuckled, presenting his arm to Dasyra, still heavy, in his old age. "Yes yes.. humans grow up so quick.. became two fine heroes, even if neither of them ever listened to what I told them. One was always head over heels, the other would rather read up in books than listen to an old mans wisdom.. You're better than them, little Dasyra. You shouldn't forget the wisdom of.. your elders.. heh... achh... ach.h... y.. you know.. perhaps I was wrong about one thing though..." The old dwarf chuckled, and stumbled, slowly, heavily drawing the ghost-touch axe. "Time to make use of this here.. I did feel it but I'm a stubborn one. I guess you really are dead... oh well.. it's not too bad, if you lived long and well, like me."

His last words had been barely a whisper only elfish ears could easily pick up. And with that, Del Foeshatter fell over onto the ground, axe still firmly in his grip.

About the same time as Dasyra heard footsteps behind herself, a younger looking dwarf peering into the room, asking something in dwarfish and then quickly furrowign his brows. and pulling out a large axe, switching over to common: "WHAT is going on here? What did you do!" He shouted, adding a dwarven phrase Dasyra did not recognize to the end of his question.

As Dasyra, the undead shadow-elf, stood over the fallen elder dwarf with an axe in his hand, as, with a tired smile, the last of his life left Del Foeshatter.
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Dasyra leaned down to support the old dwarf. As much as her current condition made her distant from the concerns of the living, her personal experience and memory had not turned her heartless. To the contrary, the fact that the old dwarf was so clearly close to death was eerily endearing to the baelnorn. If Del were to meet his end, then she wished him an ease of passing. She put a cold arm around his shoulders and was helping to guide him to the bed when he began to cough and speak oddly, gripping his axe.

She knew right away who Ulrich's children must be - the chance of a different pair of twins in this area of the world that fit such a description was laughable. She resolved to go speak to Dawn once more, hopefully in the presence of the mediating Miss Midnight. Then it was that Del stumbled and she tried to steady him. But he was drawing the ghost-killing axe from its loop, and she suddenly thought that in his dementia he meant to actually use it on her . Foolish old dwarf... his sudden turn to a final wish to smite the undead, even a kindly one, was enough to use up the last of his life's energies. He fell down to the ground, though she moved to catch him, to at least let him tumble softly, near the edge of his bed.

Then, as if on cue from some fey ballad or farce, the young dwarf guard appeared. That this was timed in such a way so that the worst could be assumed, she grew angry, and turned on the dwarf, though her hands stayed on Del, and she tried to shift his body so he could be shifted and moved.

"I've just watched one of my oldest elf-friends pass on," she intoned.

"DO NOT sully this great dwarf's passing with violence. If you have issue with me, then you and your kin may deal with me AFTER his body is put to rest. I did not cause his death, I only bore witness."

If the dwarf ignored her words and came at her, she would mutter the dwarven word for 'moron' that Del had been in the habit of saying from time to time, then would shadow blink away. Otherwise, if her words brought him to a wary stand still, she would do her best to heft the body of Del up onto his bed, and lay him out properly, ignoring the guard until it was done.

Regardless of whether she needed to blink away or was given time to speak again, her next words were in an effort to move on to the inevitable inquiry. It seemed she would need the help of Dawn and her sister, and it stood to reason that she would not achieve her goal by running away.

"As I am blameless, you can call whatever dwarven truthseeker you need to get. I shall give my statement to them. I ask that the Lady Midnight and Lady Dawn, of the heroes guild be brought to vouch that it was by their understanding and knowledge that I was brought here. My name is Dasyra, once Dasyra Sunsong, former companion of Del Foeshatter - whom I call friend, then and now, and his spirit in the hereafter."
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The dwarf seemed to disbelieve Dasyra.. whatever he could hear between a soft, dwarven wailing. It was odd, far, far away from the sorrowful dirges of an elf and somehow, still befitting this stout, manly fellow, yet it was a clear expression of sorrow. Sylvie, even she, having stayed silent in the severity of the moment mused: I don't get much dwarfish but I think he's going on about an honored ancestor. Y'know.. perhaps it's time to shoot and or run. By the way, if you wonder, there's no reaper I could see plopping up to carry the old dwarf away. .. Though I guess, if he was a good boy, he'll wake up in Moradin's halls and get wasted, unknowing what trouble he just caused us..

The dwarf readied his axe, expression an odd mixture of sorrow and anger that indicated that there would be little discussion coming, as Dasyra blinked away to the other end of the hall. When Dasyra spoke again, the dwarf turned to her, bringing out, in angry common: "I shall call nay other dwarfs for you to slay, nay will I give you the satisfaction of calling upon the heroes to end your wicked ways! Mine axe will be enough! You could not take him when he was in his prime, so you came to take vengeance now, you coward! Enough talk! I'll cut you down were you stand, Drow! Azer'kalim Terkor!" The dward let out an angry war-cry, preparing to charge again.

You are standing in a stone-hall of a dwarfen community. The decorations and who lived there indicating this was a place of knowledge and honor for the dwarfen clan. To your right, a set of stairs leads upwards. To your left, another corridor leads down a small hall, hewn out of the stone.

(Dasyra takes action first.
If you want to slip away you can shadow-blink and stealth check, I'll continue the description for when/if you get spotted.)
Ah, the stubbornness of dwarves. A thick skull is good for absorbing a hammer blow, but it rejects open mindedness.

Dasyra laughed at the dwarf. Her voice echoing down the hall.

"I spare your life by denying you this battle. Del would not want me to kill you over this." She said to the dwarf and then turned and fled, her cloak fluttering behind her as she moved into the shadows once more. Such was her newfound kinship with the darkenss, that the undead ranger now became one with the shadows in which she hid. Keeping absolutely still, there was no way for the inexperienced dwarf to find her. And that suited her well, for she disliked needlessly killing over a misunderstanding. Death deserved to have meaning, she reasoned.

Once she could move silently without the dwarf picking up her trail, she moved to the stairs going up, presuming that she was well underground, in a dwarf stronghold, and that she needed to make for the surface.
It didn't take all that long for the dwarfs to ring an alarm, several small, sout, armored and bearded fellows marching to the same.
And away from Dasyra, who was headed in the exact opposite direction of the mobilizing dwarfs. Sylvie remained hushedly throughout, perhaps somehow under the dillusion that communicating too 'loud' could attract undue attention.

Dasyra, under different circumstances might have found this an interesting underground expedition, what with the massive, glowing dwarven forges, the clanking of hammers in the distance, the masterworks of dwarven smithing (She had to pass a large underground forge-area to head further upstairs..
But she was not here for sight-seeing. She simply stuck to the shadows, moving her way out, unable to hide an ever so subtle aversion.. this time not born from her undead side, as she had to lower her head to make it through one of the less-guarded supply tunnels..

And then, large gates ahead invited her to exit. One final shadow-jump past the heavily armored and now alert gate-guard had her standing..


Atop a snow-covered mountain. The frost did not bother her, infact, it reminded her of her mistress. What did bother her was the way down. With the dwarfs looking for her, and her shadow abilities feeling ever so slightly strained after its extensive use, it would be a long, slow descend if she wanted to avoid being seen.
At least she could see her destination from up high here, looking down into the flatlands ahead, the coastal town she had been shadow-walked away from by midnight was just on the horizon.

Hmnnn... this will take a while, wont it? I know a song that gets on everybodies nerves, everybodies nerves, everybodies nerves, I know a song that gets on everybodies nerves and this is how it goes.. I know a song that...

Hehehe. Just kidding. I feel like the dwarfs are not an option for smithing that sword anymore. How about this, I go extend my feelers, you get a hold of that asenine paladin and find -some way- to pay for the deed and materials. I know a ghost that knows a ghost, you see..
What, I get around a bit. Sure, I can't move away from the ice-fortress without posessing something, but you'd be suprised what you can posess if you try and are bored enough. So yeah. I'll go look for a good smith. You handle the payment and materials. Let's meet.. I dunno.. The fortress is out and unless you want to tell them heroes here how not evil you are, surface will be out sooner or later too.. Hrmnn.. Perhaps Vara's drow-city? It's not hard to find when you know where to ask. Kind of an underground evil black market. Very black. Drow. ehehehe.. Ahem.
Yeah. I feel we'd cover more ground if we split up, meet again in a week or so, back in the underdark, what's you say? Don't you worry, I'll find you easy enough if I know where you are, roughly, the sword kinda has a .. pull to it.
Sylvie offered.
A week to gather the materials and money needed to reforge a unique artifact of ancient forbidden lore? Yeesh. I suppose that's what I'm up against. Ah, Mistress... the mountains I'd move for you.

Dasyra brushed stray hairs away from her face, as the mountain winds swept across her cloak and bared, undead flesh, surveying the vast surface lands below her.

Okay Sylvie. I'll meet you in the drow city. And I'll figure a way to bring the paladin with me. Though how I'll get her to not try to take on the entire drow enclave I don't know. And I'll bring metal and money... again, no clue how. Just... find me through the sword if you need to. Right. I'll be going down the slow way.

With that, Dasyra began a slow but relentless descent along the mountainside, making her way back to the human towns and hopefully, to chase down those two daughters of Ulrich.
Can make it two weeks, if you don't feel ambitious. The ghost chuckled, immaterially.
Perhaps you could bring the sword-shards.. just make sure you collect 'em all, I bet a shard alone of that thing could make a zombie. You could promise the paladin some JUSTICE! or whatevs. .. well best of luck with your no clue approach either way!

Sylvie couldn't help but sound a little mocking there, before she kind of.. slid out of Dasyra and underground.

Night of the day since she had met Radiant Dawn and Midnight was nearing as Dasyra once more closed in on the city of heroes and it dawned on her that while she didn't need it anymore, without a bit of meditation her shadow-abilities were unlikely to refresh. She encountered no monsters or bandits on her way, just a bit of dull walking, likely, the closeby group of heroes were responsible for keeping these creatures at bay.

On the walk she perhaps considered that, well, she needed money, she had been an adventurer, even part of the heroes guilt, and well, all she needed to do was pick up a well paying quest.. though, then again that kind of quest was likely quite dangerous. On the other hand, not having to split the money with everyone could mean one sucess would gain her enough to negotiate for metals and a smiths services.
It was that or taking a bunch of low-profile quests.. no, low reward escort-missions could take multiple days.. time she did not have to spare.

With little stopping her, Dasyra would re-enter the city of heroes unhindered. There was a nightly guard, but he seemed there more for decorative purposes than genuine guarding and Dasyra could do with him what she did with the dwarfs.