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Tria Class Ancient Warship

Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Once more Nova's attack struck home, and with a gurgle both wraith dropped dead to the floor. From not far away, he would be able to hear the sounds of weapons fire. If he knew the sounds well enough, he'd recognize them as the deep firing sounds of an Alveran Energy Rifle.

It didn't take long for Sho and company to reach the first compartment of stasis pods. However they were greeted by an ugly sight. Twenty or so wraith were attempting to blast the door open, obviously having sensed a potential meal on the other side. For the moment, they had not noticed Sho or her group.

((Hopefully people are still into this.))
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

((Yep, sure am :D ))

Caitlin stifled a curse when she saw the group of Wraith, then slowly pulled her rifle up from her lap. She started to aim at the group, but didn't start firing yet.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Sho throws a look over her shoulder at Julia. "You were saying about cover fire?" she half mutters.

They were going to have to put these things down before they got into where the crew were coming around. Or worse, before the crew tried to get out and opened the door for them. Not that she figured they would, what with the blasting and all, but you never knew these things...

"I should be able to keep them pushed back, to keep them from rushing us, but wind doesn't stop energy bolts. We got anything we can use for cover?" Sho actually reaches around to her back and pulls out what looks like an oddly curved small staff or, given the way she's holding it, it might actually be a projectile weapon of some kind.

Hey, sweetie, if there's any way you can get us reinforcements to the statis chamber doors, that'd be peachy. Got a couple dozen bugs here need squashed.

Outside of updating Siphon on the battle status, she looks ready to put some serious hurt on the Wraith.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Following the sounds of his friends he rushed down the hall in near silence. In the back of his mind he almost wished for an unsuspecting wraith to pop up infront of him.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Helia shook her head.

"Nothing but the walls I'm afraid. Wait, what the hell is that?"

As she spoke, one of the taller, slimmer wraith reached into a pouch in his clothing and withdrew an object that looked an awful lot like a grenade of some sorts. He then moved towards the door, intent it seemed on placing the device against it.

"I do believe that appears to be a form of explosive device," Julia replied.

Trying to do what I can, but it seems all our allies are currently engaged in battle. It's too bad this ship doesn't have internal automated defenses, that would be a real big help about now. If you want I could seal this room and come down there myself though?

Nova unfortunately didn't come across any unsuspecting Wraith and would soon find himself not far behind the rest of his companions, who it appeared had been joined by a small squad of Alveran soldiers.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Well, there are a good couple dozen of them. Up to you. If you think you're needed more there, stay there. We should be all right. You'll know the minute things go south.

"Get ready to take cover, folks, they're about to know we're here." Sho eyes the Wraith with the bomb, doing her best to give the warriors time to do just that and get into defensive positions, because once she fired off the zat, they were going to know they were there.

Waiting until the last second she could, she fires off the stunner, hitting the demo man before he can plant the device against the door. And now that the Wraith know she's there, she launches herself back, boosted a bit by a current to put as much distance between herself and them as possible.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Caitlin backs up until she is just barely around the corner, and let's loose as soon as Sho is out of the way, the first few shots fairly accurate, the rest going into the group wildly as she pulls the trigger as fast as she can, focusing more on adding to the confusion than doing any real damage.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Regrouping with the team just as they opened fired, withdrawing his own pistol he joins in the fireing squad. His other hand still held out his tanto ready to engage any dirtbags dumb enough to attempt hand to hand.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

The chaos was a complete one. The wraith holding the grenade convulsed as the zat blast hit him and dropped him. The remaining wraith scattered, firing their weapons back even as Nova joined the fray.

While Caitlin's shots struck several wraith, it appeared it would take more than one or two shots from her weapon to put one down, as they only seemed to get pissed off even more.

One of the guards of Julia's group leaned slightly to fire off a shot at a wraith trying to press forward some, and ended up catching a face full of wraith stunner, slamming upward and then back into the ground, unmoving, but still alive.

Julia herself managed to drag the young man behind one of the wall juts, barely avoiding being struck in the leg herself.

Helia meanwhile had grabbed the vacant gun and managed to spin around, striking a wraith right between the eyes, ironically the same one the young man had been aiming at before he was taken out. Apparently the Ancient Woman could learn new weaponry quite quickly by watching, and it seemed she was a deadly accurate shot. This of course now meant the wraith fired a bit more, realizing now that they might have a bit more of a fight on their hands.

Nova would take note as he fired that one wraith seemed to pause in mid stride for just a moment, and then a wickedly evil expression crossed his face as he dove for cover, firing back at the other group.

Hoping I can fix the ... YES, internal sensors are back online, and ... Oh shit. There's a lot more wraith than I thought, though most of them are engaged elsewhere. Oh crap, Sho, watch your folks backs, a large group of wraith just broke off from their guarding something and are heading right for you folks. Well armed too, at least twenty of them, plus the ones in front of you already. Hell, I'm on my way.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Vulkan's team continues moving through the ship.

Meanwhile, Corax and a squad of soldiers had engaged their first group of wraith, while Torben and the Special Ops had begun stalking another.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

His gut instinct screamed danger but yet not knowing what pissed him off. Ducking behind some cover he reloades his pistol, and finally let his senses kick in. Though the fight made it difficult he knew that something was comming. Something big.

"AWW Fuck I think we got something comming in behind us." he yells over to Sho. he put away his pistol and withdrew his katana. The area around him started to distort from heat radiating from him.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"If we can finish these ones off, we won't have to fight on two sides!" Caitlin calls out over the gunfire. She risks a better look around her corner to see how many are remaining, and takes a graze to her shoulder for the trouble. It leaves a ragged tear in her odd-coloured suit, which immediately begins closing of it's own accord, as well as crawling up her face from the neckline to cover her entire head. Once it finishes, she leans over and starts firing again.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Shit. Shit shit shit. The last two are actually spoken out loud at the same time. "Yeah, Shade's right. We've got a swarm of bugs coming up to flank us." Sho was doing her best to lean out, not get shot, and send bursts from her zat into the group of Wraith. One good thing about them, no need to be precise. All she had to do was make sure she hit one of them. It was too chaotic to use her gift and, like she said, wind doesn't stop energy.

She spares a minute to make sure the downed man was all right and yelps as she sees Caitlyn shot as well. "Cait?" Given that her suit seems to be regenerating, she relaxes a little. Time for medical attention after the battle. Hopefully.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Yeah?" Caitlin asks after ducking back again, turning to look at Sho for a second. Curiously, the full covering of her face doesn't seem to distort her voice at all. She follows the other woman's gaze to her shoulder, and gives it a little rub. "Suit caught the worst of it, I'll be fine until I can get back to my ship. Are we going to split to take on this second group?" She asks before turning back and firing wildly into the group of wraith once again.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Corax and his group found that the Wraith there pretty well had no idea what the hell the layout of his ship was, and discovered they were pretty easy targets.

The same went for Torben, moreso because of their greater skill though.

Vulkan's group finally came across a large contingent of Wraith, about twenty or so, and as soon as they were spotted, energy blasts began to fly.

The Wraith in front of the group seemed to start taking a bit better time with aiming their shots, managing to blast another one of the Alveran guards, taking him out with a coordinated blast in a single spot. This allowed Julia to kill one herself, but the Wraith didn't seem worried about trading losses at this point.

Helia had been semi-pinned back by weapons fire, and for the moment was unable to get a shot off.

Caitlin would discover that where the blast had hit didn't feel painful, but rather the whole area struck had gone completely numb, rendering the stuck area useless for the moment.

Shade and Sho were both facing the proper direction for the incoming back attack, Shade because he was looking for it, and Sho because of her glancing back. Still, the sudden rush of twenty five more Wraith from behind was a bit sudden, and enough of them had weapons aimed at them that this seemed it would be a very short and swift end to the fight.

Shade watched as several Wraith took aim with blasters right at Sho, watched as their fingers started to move to pull the trigger. He'd realize he could get there, but not before they shot Sho, and at least one other person.

And suddenly even more hell broke out. The lead Wraith of the back group's hand squeezed the trigger ... for a shot that never came from him. Instead there was a sudden deep growl of energy, and a red blast slammed into said Wraith's head, obliterating it in a single shot. Four more of the shooters suffered the same fate, even as the majority of them snapped around realizing they were being attacked from multiple angles themselves.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!"

The voice was clearly Siphon's, and just as soon as he'd spoken, he took down another Wraith before the mob of 19 left actually started to fire back, dividing their fire not knowing how many people were attacking them from behind, and leaving an opening for return fire from Shade and Sho's group.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Her call to Caitlyn seemed to be more to make sure she was all right. When it seemed the other woman was, she relaxed and got back to dealing with the Wraith.

When the new swarm showed up, it became one of those moments when time seemed to freeze and the sound of the blaster shattered everything into movement again. As the firefight picked up once again, Siphon would hear a "Showoff!" called from amid the group, punctuated by the buzz of the Zat. Still, the fact that she could holler to him was relief enough. Now to do something about the pincher they were in...
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Caitlin starts to feel the numbness spread, and ducked back behind her cover. She tried wringing her armto no effect, then frowned. "Careful, I think they're using stunning shots!" She called out, before awkwardy trying to lean her rifle off her chair with her bad hand, continuing to fire wildly towards the original group of wraith.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Nova growls as the battle intensifies. His skin slowly turn into ebony colored scales.

"Siphon. where do you need me? im haveing up to about here with these dirtbags."

He flexes his hand as his nails grew into sharp claws.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Vulkan, assault rifle already in his hands, unleashes hell on the wraiths at first sight of them before making his way into cover, the rest of the team having already done so. Graevus, Lilith and the pilots now join Vulkan in firing on the wraith, showering them with laser fire and energy blasts.

Meanwhile, the defenders on board the Razor's Edge finished off their respective groups of wraith, confirmed their kills and set off in search of more.
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Siphon fired several more shots, before deciding shouting wouldn't be a good idea.

Sho, tell Shade to duck down the side corridor, hang a right at the first junction then another at the one immediately following. It should put him behind the group behind you, in close enough proximity to do some major unhindered damage.

Meanwhile, Julia nodded in reply to Caitlyn.

"They are. Both of my men are still alive, just out cold. Your lucky, usually one shot is enough to incapacitate most people."

Onboard the Kara, the young woman they had recovered had woken up, being filled in on the current situation by Vanessa. Taking matters into her own hands, she left the bridge, finding a set of rings and beaming herself over. These people had gone out of their way to help her, now she would help them in return.

The groups on board Corax's ship discovered only a handful of wraith left, and they had all congregated near the engine room.

Vulkan's group found themselves in a bind though. The wraith had intentionally engaged them in a spot where they could split up and attack from both in front and behind, a fact demonstrated quite nicely when one of the pilots was nearly blasted in the head from behind.

Faced with a dual sided attack, it seemed things might go south for them quickly, and that they would be over run. Then things suddenly got real interesting.

Lilith, as she would take aim, watched the group of eight wraith in front of her suddenly drop their weapons, roaring in what had to be pain. She wouldn't be certain of what was happening until one hit the side wall, and literally burst into flame from the inside out. The rest of them suffered the same fate quickly, becoming mere sludge on the floor.

This left nothing in front of them anymore, only the ones that had tried sneaking behind them, a dozen or so. For the moment, there was no sign of what had actually killed the other wraith.