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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion


Nov 9, 2008
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After trying two-three times to get back into the mood to write for "Operation is that Cheese in Your Ears", I've given up in the face of what I consider to be an overabundance of dice rolls with no true logical backing behind them. (Let's be blunt, how does a fast zombie miss biting a drunk man? Do note attempt I made, both of you missed your next actions due to horrible, or surprisingly good rolls on the enemy's part) Instead, after seeing all of the "simple" PbP games, such as "The Egg", playing in "The Pit", and "AWMBI"(Ok, dice rolls are actually complicated, but not "everything" in this game.), I found that I preferred a simple combat and map system, with "logic" playing a larger part in the game.

So in short, would anyone be interested in joining a new PbP if I start one? It'd be run in a similar fashion to "The Egg"/ "The Pit", with a few small tweaks in which "logic", "good roleplaying" and such can help influence your rolls, and perhaps allow two people in a single thread in opposition to simply winging everything solo.
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Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I might be interested. Have any ideas what kind of story you'll have for it?
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I might do something similar to Citadel of Corruption, The Pit, or The Egg in the whole, suddenly a normal person got tossed into a rapist dungeon/environment...

Or, perhaps a better idea would be to have your character wake up with amnesia of some sorts, recalling only simple things such as your name/etc (and be dressed very scantily) in an apocalyptic world of sorts... Heck, I might even copy AWBMI and create a "safe haven" and implement a "party system" of sorts... So many ideas, so little time.

("We do not know either... however many of us have started to call ourselves "The Forgotten Ones"...")
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Count me tentatively interested. >.>
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

-.- <(ZZZZ)

-.- <)pop(




O.O <(There is an object of great interest approaching!)
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

i could be interested...

Would like to hear more :D
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

If you have the time for it Keylo, count me in.
Cause I think highly of you I guess.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Hmmm, more interest than I thought o_O.

Well, I don't have everything finalized yet, as this is probably the first time I'm making a game from scratch. However, here's a few "key features" I'm planning on including.

  • The game will be mostly based on a D10, which means: Each point you get in a stat is worth "alot".
  • Characters will ALL begin at 1 of every stat, and actual "building" of them will take place ingame/during the introduction scenario.
  • The first ten levels or so will be incredibly easy to level, and is actually part of the plotline.
  • A party system will most likely be implemented, similar to that of say... Jumpers or AWMBI.
  • There will be AT LEAST three "main skill trees" containg three sub skill-trees available. So partying "will" be encouraged.

And here's a list of "maybes", that have yet to be decided:

  • Possibility for chracters to actually "die"? Y/N?
  • Just how many stats there will be. Currently I am thinking of keeping it to 3 or 4 to keep it simple, however smaller amounts of stats tends to lead to more people just evening out all of the stats... which leads to boring character builds.
  • Impregnation...if so would there be any sideeffects?...What happens when a character is raped... etc.

So yeah, if anyone have any comments, I'd appreciate them.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Sounds like fun to me! I'd play!
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

A lot depends on what you're willing to write for, Keylo. If you're not willing to describe someone's guts getting pulled out, perhaps violence should be kept to a minimum. If seeing characters waddle about, dropping eggs as they go, squicks you out, then pregnancy should likewise not be a significant factor.

Given this board's proclivities, I'd say impregnation and rape should both be in the game. I wouldn't want to permanently retire characters, unless you're willing to provide a mechanism by which a player can start a new character and catch up (taking AWMBI as an example, if characters disappeared permanently, it wouldn't be hard to add new characters as they don't actually level up very fast).

I'd say make it four "base" stats, and then some "derived" stats. Like HP is based on STR, and MP is based on WIL, and then you have AGI and PERC. Or something. What stats you have depends on what kind of actions you can perform.

I'd also say both impregnation and rape should have lasting effects. Impregnation would leave your heroine with some piece of monster flesh leeching off her, so a penalty to agility. Rape would be more of a mental effect, penalizing willpower as the girl tries to cope with the memory of being raped.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

A lot depends on what you're willing to write for, Keylo. If you're not willing to describe someone's guts getting pulled out, perhaps violence should be kept to a minimum. If seeing characters waddle about, dropping eggs as they go, squicks you out, then pregnancy should likewise not be a significant factor.

I'm fine with writing for most things, at least the ones you mentioned here. What I'm "not" sure I can exactly write for, is probably futas as I personally dislike the fetish... But that's not a major concern, mainly as I could just treat it as if I was writing "male" on "female" instead.

Given this board's proclivities, I'd say impregnation and rape should both be in the game. I wouldn't want to permanently retire characters, unless you're willing to provide a mechanism by which a player can start a new character and catch up (taking AWMBI as an example, if characters disappeared permanently, it wouldn't be hard to add new characters as they don't actually level up very fast).

Probably not going to permanently retire characters after some input from RJ in a discussion about this, and the points you provided here. What I "may" do instead, when a character is raped to oblivion, is most likely a "purity" system, similar to the "mental"/"essence" system in AWMBI. Current version of the purity system causes the character to temporarily go into a sexual frenzy upon full depletion of purity for the rest of the encounter (or in short, turn around and rape their friends) without receiving "purity" back via teammate support skills. Of course, being knocked out regularly will still exist as well, similar to AWMBI.

I'd say make it four "base" stats, and then some "derived" stats. Like HP is based on STR, and MP is based on WIL, and then you have AGI and PERC. Or something. What stats you have depends on what kind of actions you can perform.

Current design, for a four "base" stat system is: Power, Dexterity, Mind, and Endurance. Power is mainly melee damage, sub base for "stamina" and "agility" in that it also refers to how much reserve energy a person has, etc. Dexterity is basically the main stat for aiming, agility actions, etc, and for now, is the "main base" for many types of actions, but the sub base for none. Mind on the other hand, is the main stat for "magic" attacks, as well as things such as perception, things requiring memorization or intelligence, and so forth. Mind also plays a role in assisting as a sub base for things such as aimed attacks, dodging, purity, etc. Endurance, as the name implies, is the base stat for stamina and purity, and is... basically that.

I'd also say both impregnation and rape should have lasting effects. Impregnation would leave your heroine with some piece of monster flesh leeching off her, so a penalty to agility. Rape would be more of a mental effect, penalizing willpower as the girl tries to cope with the memory of being raped.

For now, impregnation is a... ehh...thing, usually taken care of at the "Safe Haven" for now, but it may "actually" become a downside in that it drains purity and may create another enemy for the PCs to fight depending on what I decide to do. Rape however, is a definite drain of purity, and will probably be tied in with a tad of stamina damage as well. These are just ideas for now though, so nothing's really finalized in this area.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

  • Characters will ALL begin at 1 of every stat, and actual "building" of them will take place ingame/during the introduction scenario.
  • The first ten levels or so will be incredibly easy to level, and is actually part of the plotline.
First thing I thought of was the intro quest from Oblivion.

Also, I'd vote no for character death.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Never played oblivion actually o_O.

So anyway, here's the current level system and how stats will work (non-finalized)

Default: 1/1/1/1
For levels 1-10: Gain 3 stat points per level.
For levels 10+: Gain 1 point per level...
Stats: Similar to AWMBI, each time you level up a stat, it will cost more stat points to increase the stat. AKA, to increase 2 power to 3 power, you'd need 3 points, 3 power to 4 power would cost 6 points... etc.
Skills: Starting at Level 5, you will get one point per level until level 10. Each skill level will cost one point to rank, so you will essentially have five "free"/ "easy" points to obtain skills with. Following level 10 however, you will only gain skill points every "even" level (perhaps every three levels if I find leveling up is a tad too easy).

Any comments?
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

OK, purity system...
It feels weird...
Rather than having a purity system why not have a will power system?
Instead of having a person suddenly go corrupted, why not how long can they hang on?
I dunno your base story for this PbP, so if you can, I'd like to hear some kinda base story, then I can give further advice. But for now, instead of have a character just suddenly turn on their team, it'd be much better to see a character 'break down'.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Interest shown.

* Possibility for chracters to actually "die"? Y/N?
No. I likes my violence, but keeps it out of my sex if that's not too much trouble. Also, no futa is fine with me.

* Just how many stats there will be. Currently I am thinking of keeping it to 3 or 4 to keep it simple, however smaller amounts of stats tends to lead to more people just evening out all of the stats... which leads to boring character builds.
4 main stats with some derived stats seems fine to me.

* Impregnation...if so would there be any sideeffects?...What happens when a character is raped... etc.
Side effects are entirely up to you, though basing it on what your character got knocked up by seems like a good idea.

One idea that I liked from SilentSilths original plan for Jumpers was the characters using their bodies to fight, IE fucking the monsters into submission. If and how you'd put that into a game is up to you, just an idea.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Interest shown.
One idea that I liked from SilentSilths original plan for Jumpers was the characters using their bodies to fight, IE fucking the monsters into submission. If and how you'd put that into a game is up to you, just an idea.

I don't think that would work unless the characters themselves are pretty fucked up in the head...
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I don't think that would work unless the characters themselves are pretty fucked up in the head...

Sanity...... is for the WEAK!!!!!!!!
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I am fine with that.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Damn, I was hoping you'd recognize that.