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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As she half-walked, half-stumbled along the street, supported by Danikles, Celeste struggled to think straight. Everything about the demon, the feel of his arm around her, the warmth of his body next to her, his calm, playful voice, and the color of his beautiful eyes suffused her mind, clamoring for her attention. Still she managed to remember what she had been told, that contact with demons had strange effects on humans, and the scientific part of her mind, though small and often forgotten, managed to scream and harangue the bubbly young blonde into thinking things through more calmly.

It wasn't until Danikles' footsteps slowed that Celeste realized they were close to the house the Academy team was staying in. Looking at it with slightly blurred vision, she at once relished the idea of entering it with Danikles at her side, while at the same time her cheeks burned at the thought of having to explain his presence to the rest of the team. But did she have to explain his presence? After all, he was offering to help her "research" demonic corruption. She bit her lip as she imagined the feelings she had experienced in just the short kiss they had shared spreading through her entire body. Perhaps the team could join them and they could all help with the research? They could compare and contrast positions, and measurements, and...

With a start, Celeste shook her head once and blinked rapidly, her vision clearing slightly as she realized what she had been fantasizing about. "T-thank you for escorting me to the headquarters, Commander," Celeste said, turning to face the demon, but pointedly keeping her eyes away from his. "I-I-I think we've done quite a bit of research already tonight, and I wouldn't want to wear you out..." she began, almost stumbling over her words as she searched for the correct thing to say, "I-I mean, wear me out.. I mean, I've had a long day..." She cleared her throat and gently placed a hand on his arm at her waist, sighing softly as she felt the tingle spread through her fingers before she removed his arm and took a step away. "I, I, had so much to do today, with work at the... bar, and everything," Celeste stuttered as she clumsily began to hobble back towards the house. "And, I'm sure I'll be busy tomorrow, as well," she said, though she honestly could think of nothing other than the alluring man in front of her. "P-perhaps another time?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

In her drunken state, the bubbly young mage wouldn't quite notice the disappointment that flashed through the demon's eyes, though he would take her decision fully in stride. Still smiling, he would step away, returning her personal space, and said; "Ahah! Of course, of course, you've had a long day, I wouldn't want to impose!" He bowed gracefully at the waist, and before he straightened gently took her hand and planted a kiss on the back of her palm, letting her feel the warmth of his lips on her skin and likely inspiring her imagination even further.

"May I come to call on you sometime soon, perhaps?" he suggested, "maybe two nights from now? I can come to your work, or here if you prefer." However she responded to his request, once the exchange was done with Dainkles would bow again and excuse himself, and Celeste would be free to head inside, though what she would do was entirely up to her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Despite her sudden squeamishness, Danikles still acted like a true gentleman, prompting Celeste to giggle sweetly as he kissed her hand, at the same she shuddered from the sudden tingling wave the act sent racing up her arm. Once released, she drew the hand to her chest, cradling it in her other arm. She smiled and nodded at the demon's request, still having enjoyed his company even with her abrupt bout of concern at his nature. "Sure, Dani, I'd love to see you again!" she said happily, bouncing on her heels. In her inebriated state the motion caused her to stumble slightly, which prompted her to stop and laugh nervously, before continuing her answer, "I'm sure if you c-come by the bar in a few days I'll have learned e-everything I need to be a per-professional!" When Danikles bowed again, Celeste almost copied the move, an act that likely would have sent the tipsy blonde sprawling face first down to the cobbled stone street, but she caught herself when she realized that girls curtsy, not bow. Doing her best to curtsy with her unsteady legs, she laughed at herself, then waved to the demon as he left. "Have a nice night, Dani! I'm looking forward to... when I see you again!"

Turning back to the Academy's mansion, Celeste began walking towards the door, a wide grin on her face, humming a tune, managing to only stumble once. As she reached for the door, she began to think about the day. After a few rather embarrassing moments that morning, Celeste had managed to find a job, decide on going to the palace to meet with the Queen of Acheron, and had met a demon willing to help her with her research. Besides that, she had made several new friends, bought plenty of rather fetching new clothing and lingerie, and found a wonderful restaurant that the rest of the team might like to try. All in all, a rather eventful day, the thought of which began to hammer home just how tired she was, though she was sure the others would have been worried about her being gone so late into the night. She would have to allay their fears, while also not drawing attention to her current state. As she turned the knob and stepped into the house, she called out, "Hi, everyone! I'm back!" while doing her best to appear completely sober and not like a woman who had just had a bit too much to drink and had a man rubbing against her for the past several minutes.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Entering into the official headquarters for the Academy mission to Acheron, Celeste found the building relatively quiet. Few mages failed to be night owls, the ability to conjure light at will and the need to study and practice ensuring that most magi ended up staying up late into the night, but for now she saw and heard no signs of the usual muted bustle that would hint at such activity. Serena was sitting at the greeting desk, her hands flat on the table and her eyes closed, her head slumped to the side. The demonic looking girl's chest rose and fell evenly, signalling that she was asleep, but she jumped as Celeste announced her arrival and her eyes snapped open.

"Oh! Miss Seheraszad! Welcome back! Everything went well on your date I hope?" she said, blinking the sleep out of her eyes. A moment later Robert poked his head around the corner of the doorway leading deeper into the house, the young man grinning at the sight of her and saying; "Oh, hey! You're back! We took your stuff up to your room earlier! Daniel and me I mean... We were supposed to do that right?" Even in her drunk state, Celeste would notice how his eyes lingered on her face for only a moment before drifting downwards, fairly unsubtly eyeing her chest even as he continued to grin nervously at her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Expecting the entire team to be hurriedly bustling around the building in a panicked state at her late arrival, Celeste was rather surprised to see Serena napping at the front desk. Celeste took a moment to quizzically look around the entrance for where everyone else must be hiding, before turning back to Serena. As soon as she laid eyes on the woman, she remembered her earlier embarrassing encounter with her and Gravus, and sheepishly let her gaze drop. Unfortunately, her gaze dropped to the desk, which only made her feel even more awkward, as her mind, still reeling from her contact with Danikles, began to concentrate on the state she had found the two in, Gravus sitting in front of the desk with Serena underneath. She drew a deep breath as thoughts of what such a scenario must feel like to those in it came unbidden to her mind. Celeste quickly looked back to Serena, and without thinking said, "My date was tasty- I mean, lovely!" before stuttering and attempting to save face with a hurried rejoinder. "I mean... that wasn't a date, I was learning more about demons and such..."

Celeste's hurried excuse was cut short by Robert's sudden appearance from around the corner. Thankful for an excuse to take her gaze away from Serena and the images she brought to mind, Celeste smiled at the young man and nodded in appreciation. "Thank you so much for doing so unasked, Robert!" she said sweetly, shuffling her feet awkwardly as she felt Serena's gaze still on her, "You're so sweet to help me out like that! I'll have to reward you for your selflessness." Celeste couldn't help but notice Robert's gaze settling on her chest, and she immediately grew worried that in her less than sober state she may have spilled some food or wine on herself without noticing. "O-oh, did I spill something?" she asked while looking down at her chest. Without waiting for a response, she began grabbing the delicate cloth and pulling it to and fro, looking for the offending stain, not noticing how easily it pulled away from her body each time she did so. "I didn't get too wet and dirty did I?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Tasty huh?" Serena replied, grinning knowingly at Celeste and briefly eyeing her lips with an almost conspiratorial look. Luckily Robert's entrance distracted her from that particular patch of awkwardness as her coworker seemed to make certain assumptions about how she had spent her time with Danikles, despite Celeste's insistence and indeed that truth that the only part of the demonic commander that she had tasted was his lips. "Well, from what I hear that's not terribly surprising... Anyway, it's a good thing your meeting went well~"

Unfortunately, Robert offered his own bit of awkwardness with his gaze, which only grew oddly excited as she promised him a reward. "Oh! uhhh.... I-it was nothing! You don't... I mean... I'd like that!" he stuttered awkwardly, blushing and managing to keep his eyes on her face for most of his response. Most of it. Her thoughts on why his gaze settled where it did caused him to realize his faux pas, however, and he hastily shook his head and came around the corner, approaching her to try and dissuade her from doing any more damage to her dress. "N-no! It's, uhm, nothing like that... It's just, hhhhummmm... A really nice dress!" He was still staring nakedly at her chest, and her shifting had caused a good bit more cleavage to show in the front, leaving her dress on the precipice of slipping to reveal maybe a little too much, having taken her bra down a bit with it already.

"Uhm... I only brought them upstairs... Would you... Like me to help you... Put them away?" he continued, one part nervous and another part excited. Serena, in the meantime, rolled her eyes knowingly and sighed. "Daniel and Gravis were both looking for you, but neither of them seemed urgent about it. They can probably wait until morning, if you want to go and get some rest."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Still not having found the offending stain, Celeste's drunken pawing at her own chest stopped when Robert approached and complimented her dress. "Oh, thank you, Robert!" she said, smiling sweetly as she drew her hands down and away from her chest to show the dress off even more, not noticing how disheveled her actions her left her looking. Robert's offer of help with her new lingerie caused her to bounce happily as she replied, "Aww, you're being so sweet and helpful tonight! That would be nice, but I really don't want to inconvenience you any more than I already have!"

Before any plans could be made, Serena interrupted the pair to inform Celeste about a bit of business she had waiting for her. "O-oh, thank you, Serena," she said, before pausing to think for a moment. Despite feeling tired, tipsy, and a bit stimulated after her busy day, the young mage still felt it was her responsibility to look into any matters that might require her attention as soon as possible. Unfortunately, both Gravus and Daniel were team members that filled her with a bit of awkwardness at the thought of them, the former for her run in with him and Serena just this morning, and the latter for the rather impromptu intimate encounter the day before. Still, she had promised Daniel to help him with his lascivious addiction when he needed it, while Gravus she had planned on speaking to about her new job and the money she had earned, but spent on her new underwear. A blush began to spread on her face as she considered both prospects, and it was only after a few moments that she realized she had yet to respond to Serena.

"Ah, of course, I may be t-tired but I still have responsibilities!" Celeste quickly cried while laughing nervously. "I suppose I should talk to Gravus before I head to bed," she said, looking away from Serena as she brought her hands together and twiddled her thumbs childishly at the thought of having to report to the somewhat stern man, even though he was her subordinate. "W-where can I find him?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Uh... Oh... Oh it's fine! It'd... Be my pleasure!" Robert insisted, or at least tried to, his voice still flat and nervous. Serena rolled her eyes again, and her answer was much steadier; "If he's not in his office, he's either downstairs, or in his bedroom. If he's in that last option, you'd be better off just letting it wait until morning."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Robert's nervous insistence brought a quick giggle from Celeste, her bubbly nature always ready to return even when awkwardness and embarrassment stifled it, and she waved dismissively towards him. "Oh, don't worry about it, Robert, it's just some underwear, I can handle it on my own!" She laughed a bit more, then added, "Besides, they're all quite thin and light, so they won't be hard to put away!" Too inebriated to realize how embarrassing what she was saying actually was, Celeste simply smiled at the sweet young boy's insistence. "I have to go see Gravus anyway, and I wouldn't want to keep you waiting for me!"

With Serena's instructions on where to find the man, Celeste nodded to her and gave a sincere, though slightly nervous reply. "T-thanks, Serena, I'll go find him now." With Robert still standing in front of her, still staring at her pretty dress, Celeste giggled and shuffled to move around him. "Good night, you two, thanks for the help!" she said as she passed them and moved down the hall. She walked steadily but daintily through the building towards Gravus' office, her legs still a little wobbly from her time with Danikles. As she headed towards his office, her drink addled mind once again drew forth the memory of what she had found under his desk that morning. The tingling still echoing through her body drew her imagination to what it must feel like for Serena in that position. She licked her lips as she pushed the door open, completely forgetting that not knocking was part of what had caused the embarrassment earlier, while breathily calling out, "Gravus, was there something you wanted from me?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Uhhh... Well, alright, if you insist," Robert said, doing an admirable enough job at concealing a measure of disappointment. He shifted aside slightly to let her past all the same, leaving only a brief period in which the tipsy mage was brushing against him on their way out of the entrance chamber. "Night," Serena dryly replied, "g-good night!" Robert hastily added as Celeste made to move past him.

Going to Gravus' office in the back of the building, the memory of how she had found him in their last meeting fresh in her mind while her imagination and spurred to greater vividness by the aftereffects of her time with Danikles, Celeste was there in only a handful of moments after crossing the currently empty dining room. The man was in his office, and luckily this time Serena wasn't kneeling under his desk, though that only left more room for Celeste to imagine herself assuming the other woman's place. What it might feel like, what it might taste like, what it might be like to be walked in on as Serena had earlier...

The former head of the Crolian expedition looked up in surprise as Celeste walked into the room, surprise on his face initially. He had been working on something, a quill in his hand and a parchment and inkwell in front of him, but put the quill aside and pushed himself slightly away from his desk. "Oh, Celeste! You're back! How did it go?" he asked initially, though before she answered he quickly added; "Well, yes, I was just looking to ask if you'd thought about... When you would like to try your hand at approaching the city officials. I know things are a little hectic right now, what with all the looking to earn our keep here, but we are a diplomatic mission after all!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Still struggling with her imagination, Celeste involuntarily looked down at the space underneath Gravus' desk as she entered, then drew in a deep breath as she turned her attention to the mage, trying to smile pleasantly in the hopes it might hide her lewd thoughts. "Uh, r-right! Diplomacy!" she said, her drink and arousal stricken mind sluggishly switching back to her responsibilities. "W-well, when I was at the tavern - oh, I found a job as a waitress! It's a really nice place, with the nicest bartender and servers. It's really lively too, with plenty of customers, and a wonderful set of baths in the back! The uniforms are cute too, with frilly parts at the chest and skirt. I think I did pretty well for my first day, I earned some nice tips!" Celeste smiled happily as she described the bar, and motioning with her hand to her own body while detailing the dress. Her cheeks flushed as she thought about the more lewd aspects of her new job, but she chose to keep those to herself for now. It wasn't until a few moments had passed that she realized that she had never answered Gravus' question.

"Oh, oh right!" Celeste laughed self-consciously before clearing her throat and beginning her answer again. "Well, while I was at the tavern I-I got the idea, myself, that I should just head down to the palace and ask to see the Queen!" she smiled nervously for a second, then added, "I mean, why waste time speaking to other officials when I could just request an audience with the Queen right away! So I figure I can head over there first thing in the morning, before my shift at the tavern, and talk to her. Then we can really start getting this mission underway!" With her barely thought out plan detailed, she smiled happily at Gravus, bouncing on her heels excitedly.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Gravus watched Celeste's hands in their wild motions, his expression fairly blank. "Oh.... Uhhh... Wonderful! It... It sounds lovely," he said slowly before clearing his throat awkwardly. "Well it's only necessary temporarily... And if you like it, well... Anyway!" he continued awkwardly, clearly not quite sure how to respond to her bubbly enthusiasm in relation to so menial a job, at least compared to what they had been trained to do at the Academy.

Her declaration that she simply intended to go down to the palace drew a nervous look from her fellow magus, and he tried to laugh off the emotion but only managed a slight chuckle that quickly died off while she bounced on her heels, causing a noticeable amount of jiggle in certain areas. "Well... Uhm... That's an idea I certainly... Hadn't considered!" he said with forced enthusiasm, though after a moment of pondering he seemed to harden slightly. "You know... Maybe you're right! This is a demon city, after all. Perhaps trying to play things by the rules of civility we're familiar with ISN'T the way to go!"

The more he spoke, the more enthusiastic he became with her plan, and after another moment he nodded. "Yes... Yes I think that's actually a good plan. Or at least, the best one we've had. I assume you bought something suitable for such a meeting today?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste watched as Gravus considered her idea, biting her lip nervously as he thought about it. When he finally enthusiastically agreed, she smiled brightly and bounced even higher than normal. "R-right? The demons seem to be much more relaxed in their attitudes, so why shouldn't we while we're here!" she explained energetically, taking short little hops towards Gravus' desk until her legs were pressed up against it and she was leaning forward slightly towards him. "I mean, back at the Academy I would get in trouble walking around naked, but here it's no problem!" She laughed playfully as she finished her observation, still bouncing as she brought her hands behind her back and smiled sweetly at the man.

Unfortunately, Gravus' question caught Celeste by surprise. Her laughter dropped off as her smile shifted to a nervous one, and she responded haltingly. "Uh, b-bought? Today?" she asked, before sudden realization dawned on her, "O-oh, the bags from earlier." While at the clothing store eralier, she had been so enraptured at the lovely lingerie she had found, that she had completely forgotten to look for any dress she could wear. Of course, as this was her first major assignment since her acceptance to the Crolian Academy, she couldn't admit such a lapse of judgement so early on. What if Gravus sent her back to Crolia before she learned more about her demonic transformation? "O-Of course I did, a-and I'm totally going to w-wear what I bought... tomorrow when I go to see the Queen!" Celeste stated forcefully, if a bit nervously. "Y-you can't go see a Queen without wearing something pretty, r-right? And I always wear pretty clothes, right?" She asked, spreading her arms wide as she showed off her skimpy and rumpled dress.

Hoping to forestall any questions about the subject, Celeste quickly leaned forward over the desk, putting her hands down on it's surface to stabilize herself as she said, "Oh, We need money for rent, right? Well, I made some money from my job today!" She smiled as she said this, hoping to impress the next senior mage in the team, though she suddenly remembered how she had wanted to avoid this subject originally. "I mean, I spent it on... my new clothes," she said, an apologetic look on her face, before she excitedly smiled and said, "But I can make it up! I still have some of the money from when I came down here!" With her drink addled mind, she couldn't remember just how much denarii she actually had anymore, so she softly added, "Although if I don't have enough, I'm sure we could figure something out..."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine
(This is why I keep a spending log on my character sheets! She spent 38 on clothes, I think that's all she spent post her day at work and you have that logged as your last edit.)

"......Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh..... Right," Gravus said nervously in response to Celeste's proclamation about walking around naked. "Well... I mean... It's illegal... Outside... I think," he muttered nervously, obviously trying not to look at her and imagine what she would look like without her clothes on.

Eventually, however, he brought up the one concern regarding her plan that she hadn't thought of. "Well... O-of course! You always wear... Nice clothes, and it would only do to wear your very best when going to see royalty!" Gravus began, gaining steam only for Celeste to complete her light display of her dress by bending over the desk. With how mussed up her outfit had been already, Celeste's choice of posture left her dress slipping significantly lower than it should have, and given the garment's demonic design it had been made to allow to show off quite a bit. That left a lot of cleavage on open display, her large breasts straining against the material as it tried to slide softly past her flesh, already dragging her bra down slightly so that it brushed softly over the tips of her breasts.

By the time she'd completed her shift and continued in her bluster, Celeste's dress was maybe an inch from slipping down over her bust entirely, and a too sudden shift might cause it to descend the rest of the way if she wasn't careful. And Gravus was staring right at it, a blush coloring his cheeks, his mouth agape, and thanks to his earlier backwards push a noticeable shift in his legs tried - and partially failed - to conceal a growing bulge in his robes. "Uhhh... W-well... Uhm.... I... Uh... I'm sure... It'll be fine," he stuttered slowly, "I mean... The rent isn't due... Until the end of the week. I'm sure we'll, uhm... Uh... Have enough... By then... Right?" He smiled nervously, eyes darting up to Celeste's face and managing to stay there for at least a few seconds, though any intense movements might drag his gaze right back downwards.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

(Hehe, that was a mainly in-character line, I wanted a reason for her to say something suggestive ;). But you're right, I needed to update my sheet.)

Celeste once again beamed happily as Gravus accepted her explanation leniently. "Oh, we have that long?" she asked, happily, bouncing on her toes lightly, causing her large breasts to jiggle back and forth slightly as her dress threatened to give way, "Well that's no problem at all! I'll just have to service every customer as hard as I can, and I'm sure they'll give me plenty of good tips!" She giggled and brought a hand up to her mouth, her drink and arousal laden mind realizing something was funny with what she had said, but not quite catching on to any meaning. The movement caused her dress' precarious positioning to be exacerbated further, though by some miracle it managed to remain in place. "Maybe you could come and give me your tip too, Gravus!" She then laughed harder, her face blushing bright red as she imagined the stoic man getting into the bath with her. Once again, her dress and bra barely managed to keep her weighty breasts in check.

It was at that moment that Celeste's stimulated mind drew her gaze down to Gravus' lap, where she saw the bulge he was adorably trying to hide. Her laughter quieted down, though she maintained a smile as she leaned forward to see the offending bulge better, both hands sliding forward to support her new position. This was the final straw, and Celeste's dress and bra, finally sliding back and allowing her heavy breasts to swing free from their confinement. With her mind addled with drink, and her arousal flaring up again, though, the bubbly blonde was completely oblivious to her wardrobe malfunction. Instead, she grinned mischievously at Gravus and teasingly denounced his state. "Graaavus," she said, as if disappointed in him, though her tone made it obvious she more amused, "I don't think that's an appropriate response to one of your team members." She giggled and looked at him before returning her gaze to his bulge, and said, "You really should be a bit more restrained in how you present yourself!" She laughed again, then leaned forward even more, her feet off the ground and as she now almost perched atop his desk as she conspiratorially whispered to him, "That must be why you like this desk so much, it can hide all kinds of fun things." She giggled and bit her lip, then playfully added, "Like girls!" With how much she was enjoying teasing the older man, it was becoming quite difficult to hide her drunken state.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Uhhh.... Y-y-yeah... Uhm... It's... Uhm," Gravus' voice petered out, his cheeks going redder by the moment as Celeste's bosom jiggled and threatened to spill out of her dress at any moment, exacerbated by her enthusiastic giggling and regular shifts in position. The older mage's gaze was drawn right back down to the blonde mage's swaying breasts as she leaned in further, her dress slipping just to the barest tipping point.

When she finally spotted his growing erection, that was all she wrote as far as her decency went, and with her hands on the table there was no stopping the descent of her garment. Celeste's dress fell halfway to her waist, fully freeing her full bosom and causing it to jiggle slightly. Gravus' jaw dropped, and his growing bulge twitched as he stared straight at her perfect chest. He only snapped out of it when she playfully intoned his name, at which point he began to babble while his eyes darted from her chest to her face and back repeatedly. "I... Uhm... But... I... Aahh... Didn't... Ahhh.... Your... Uhhh..."

He leaned back slightly as she climbed on top of his desk, his blush going from red to purple as he stared at her bare chest, his efforts to hide his growing arousal failing spectacularly. Her scent was hitting him at full force now, the subtle pheromones that her demonic transformation had caused her to exude only worsening his growing lusts. "Your... Uhm..." he began only to trail off again, his breath coming in quick pants. After a moment he swallowed audibly, and in a much quieter voice than his usual firm basetto he said; "Your dress..."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Unable to stop giggling at Gravus' embarrassment, Celeste still managed to stay completely blind to her own state of undress. "It's okay, Gravus, you don't have to be embarrassed, that happens a lot when I'm around boys," She said, still grinning mischievously as she gently rocked her body back and forth on the desk, still looking down at his growing bulge. To his credit, the disciplined older mage tried to clue the ditzy blonde in about her indecency, but she managed to misinterpret his few halting words. "Oh, you like my dress too?" she asked, her smile shifting to one of oblivious pride, "Thank you so much!" Drawing her legs up onto the desk, she pulled back to a sitting position, still managing to go without noticing as her dress fell down to pool at her waist. "You know a lot of people have been complimenting this dress!" she said, referencing the completely uncovering bundle of fabric, but still keeping her eyes flicking back between Gravus' slack jawed face and his growing bulge. She giggled as he still seemed unable to take his eyes off her fabulous dress, and said, "If it's that nice, maybe I should show up at the Palace just like this tomorrow! What do you think?"

As she asked her question, Celeste had a sudden realization. Since this was her first official assignment for the Croalian Academy, and it was rather important, maybe it would help to have someone else there with her. "Gravus! You know, I could use your help with something!" she said, her smile still strong, taking on an appearance of benevolence as she began to make an offer that she thought the older mage would find highly appealing. "Meeting the Queen is a pretty big responsibility, and it would really help if I had someone I could trust there with me," she said, finally managing to take her eyes off his twitching bulge and looking into his face. "Would you like to come?"

With her question finished, Celeste leaned back and pulled her hands behind her back to put on her best innocent look that always seemed to make her teachers more willing to forgive whatever wacky situation she happened to be disrupting classes with at the time. It was as she did this, sitting on her knees on the desk, leaning back with her hands clasped behind her and looking down at the older, goggling man that she finally noticed that both her bra and dress seemed to have taken on a surprisingly flesh colored tone without her noticing. She stared at the tops of her breasts for a second, her tipsy mind thinking for a second that perhaps she were back at the Academy, and one of the naughty boys had cast another invisibility spell on her clothing. It was only when she felt a sudden cold breeze brush across her arousal tented nipples that she realized the truth. Her smile faded instantly as she looked at Gravus with her eyes wide in shock and horror. "Uhhh, I... this... my..." she stuttered, in such a state of shock that she was unable to move as she realized just what Gravus had been staring at this whole time.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Celeste's reassuring didn't seem to have much effect, as Gravus was growing more visibly uncomfortable by the second. He fidgeted and twitched, legs shifting back and forth in a vain effort to hide his erection from her, and regular bouts of nonsensical stuttering burst from his lips with an occasional effort at an apology thrown in. His eyes only grew wider as the busty blonde mage continued with her brazen display of her generous assets, despite his efforts to warn her of her indecency. While to her it was simply a bout of obliviousness, to him it certainly seemed as if she were trying to goad him into the sort of action that a superior was most certainly not supposed to share with their subordinate.

"My... H-h-help? Wait... L-l-l-l-like t-t-t-that!?" he expressed, gaping in amazement at her face briefly. His eyes didn't linger on her playful expression long, however, as he soon directed them right back down. However lovely her face might be - and lovely it most certainly was - the air in the room had moved beyond artistic courtship already, and it was only getting father away. While he might normally have refused such advances, especially considering his relationship with the woman manning the front desk - who might come by through the wide open door at any moment - Celeste's actions and aura were steadily making his reasons to refuse his misinterpretation of her intentions seem smaller and smaller.

Her final inviting words before she sat on his desk with her hands clasped behind her back seemed to stun him completely for several seconds, and at that point he abandoned his efforts to hide his raging erection completely. For several long moments he simply stared at her, his expression blank, stupefied, but as her state of dress dawned upon Celeste the other mage finally lost whatever measure of restraint had been holding him back. Luckily his reason and restraint wasn't completely abandoned; he didn't tackle her and try to rut her on his desk, or anything similarly dramatic. Instead, as she stuttered her own reply, Celeste found the man's hands rising, settling upon her bosom and giving each of her soft orbs a testing squeeze.

Stimulation shot up her spine immediately from even that slight touch, and any positive reactions on her part only spurred Gravus onwards. His palms pressed into her soft flesh, cupping her breasts and weighing them in his palm while his thin fingers spread across her, squeezing lightly. His thumbs settled upon her tented peaks, gently rolling over both simultaneously as he panted and gaped like a dog eyeing food. But then, something made him draw back, not away but enough to pause, and he looked up at Celeste searchingly. He'd leaned forward, his face hardly a foot from her chest, her posture making it seem offered towards him, and if she didn't stop him then Celeste would feel his lips close over one of her vulnerable peaks, his tongue replacing one of his thumbs and rolling against the sensitive nub, every undulation sending a burst of stimulation rolling up her spine while his lips sealed against her areola and began to draw softly, the bursts of pressure only enhancing the pleasure further.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste watched with a mixture of embarrassment and fear as Gravus first ogled her naked chest, then began to slowly move towards her as she helplessly remained still as stone in her shock. "I... but... how... this..." she sputtered unintelligibly as she saw his inexorable advance on her unprotected flesh. Just as his hand was about to touch her breast, her shock lifted, allowing her to drop her hands from their position behind her back, and she immediately began bringing them around to cover her nudity. Before her arms could reach her chest though, Gravus' hands found their target, his fingers sinking into her soft skin. She shuddered as his touches sent pulses of stimulation shooting through her body, her orbs' natural sensitivity heightened dramatically by the supernatural arousal placed in her by the demonic commander's captivating eyes. She gasped in surprise, the movement causing her tremendous breasts to shake in Gravus' grasp, which only brought about more sensations rocketing up her spine. Her arms shook as they hung at her sides, their mid-reach to her torso halted as she stared with half-lidded eyes down at the older man as he squeezed and palmed her breasts.

With the suddenness and the strength of the stimulation racing through her body, Celeste found herself once again unable to speak or move. As Gravus' thumbs rolled over her nipples, she yelped softly, her body tensing at the feeling before she shivered in delight. When Gravus looked up her, Celeste found that, while before she had been unable to speak due to shock, she now could not catch her breath due to her lust. She simply watched, panting as his lips fell upon her nipple, then closed her eyes as she felt his tongue gently lapping at her sensitive nub. Each time his thumb or tongue flicked over her hard but yielding peaks, she let out another soft yelp, her whole body flinching as the stimulation shot up her spine, then raced back down A heat began to build inside of her. Whereas earlier she had simply felt a longing for closeness, she now began to yearn for more.

Slowly, Celeste's hands began to move again. Once more they moved towards her chest, but their destinations had changed. One hand settled onto Gravus' wrist, while the other came to rest on his neck. Softly they clamped down, though her strength had already been sapped out of her by the older mage's thumb and tongue. Instead, she weakly pulled forward, urging him closer as her body inched towards him, eager for more of what he seemed so enthusiastic to give to her.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Had he been in a less addled state of mind, Gravus might have noticed her shift in mannerisms just as he began his attentions upon her chest. As it was, however, he had interpreted her actions as a deliberate effort of seduction, and strove on bravely as he sought to intensify the encounter. He grew more bold with his touch by the second, pressing his thumbs into the tips of her breasts lightly just before he took one between his lips, and after only a few moments the crown of the blonde mage's left breast was suffering constant flicks of Gravus' tongue. Up and down, over and over, broken up by occasional bouts of circling it, and gently sucking constantly to intensify the sensations further. Celeste was under constant pleasure, and the louder she grew the more bold he became.

His thumb continued to circle her other tip, occasionally rubbing across its surface while the rest of his fingers gripped her soft flesh firmly. For a time his other hand remained on the breast on which he sucked, gripping it, but eventually he removed it in order to slide downwards, undoing his trousers and exposing himself. His erect length popped free, neither particularly large nor particularly small, with a defined upward curve and an exceptional number of veins pulsing along its shaft. He began to stroke himself slowly, causing a slight groan to vibrate through his lips and into her bosom, but his attentions to her chest remained.

Celeste had the opportunity there to decide just how far she was willing to let this go. She could attempt to gain some measure of control, but if she didn't the former head of the expedition would undoubtedly progress things even further. What's more, the door was still wide open behind her, allowing anyone who might walk by to view what was transpiring.