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ACT [White Peach] イドラの影~The Shadow of Yidhra~ (RJ312493)


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
image-web.jpg 3.jpg f.jpg

A new game in development from the same creators as Azur ring, treasure corps, and necromancy. It's a zombie game which has clothing destruction that is health based and in game H animations. It also contains game over full screen animations controlled by mouse similar to treasure corps. From the demo it will have several types of weapons which can be assigned to her. Also, there is a pic of a loli I'm not sure if she would be included in H as he hasn't done it before. So unsure if loli tag applies or not.

The demo contains a pretty sizable stage with 2 enemies a slow moving zombie scientist, and fast moving grotesque zombie. Each have 2 animations with single and gangbang. Also there are 3 gor full screen scenes. So far I've found a pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, grenades and an smg. There is a gold card that you have to find to unlock the huge door near the beginning, however that's just the end of the demo. So far the gameplay feels fluid and controls can be changed. Headshots also deal more damage than body shots.

Mouse to aim, left clock to shoot
move - w,s,a,d
Jump - Space
dash - shift
enter doors or pick up items - f
Reload - r
grenade - q
Heal - c
struggle- w,d
Equipment screen - e (be careful when you bring it up as screen is not paused and she can still be attacked)
Pause and get out of menu and H gov screen - ESC

Main -
Demo -
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The gameplay's alright. Well it's a little generic to be honest.
White peach games are basically

Porn = Good
Gameplay = Mediocre or straight up bad

But this one atleast plays better than their previous entries
White peach games are basically

Porn = Good
Gameplay = Mediocre or straight up bad

But this one atleast plays better than their previous entries
That's what's standing out for me the most in this game. It feels very fluid. Like as I was backed into a wall I dashed over them shot them in the back switched to the knife and ganked them. Also, having the equipment screen not pause the action makes it so it feels like you're part of the world and can't just stop time to take out what's in her arsenal bag. Definitely high hopes for this one.
I found the hit reg to be jank as hell. Seriously, it's spottier than a leopard in polka dots.
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The gameplay are just okay, too bad melee does more dmg to weapon (the lack of ammo at start are sad)

For the moment the art are pretty good (like always) but animation,voice and CG are... Nothing very exciting and very basic at same time.

I'm not entirely sure what the difference is, but the creator has announced it on Dlsite ( ). According to that, it's marked for a Late Jan 2021 release. There's also a new Trial, available both on that ci-en page and the Dlsite page.
Gameplay in the new demo is pretty much the same as the previous, besides the new area, pistol, and enemy. Though one new addition is some kind of passive boost system with 3 slots. You can buy them from the vending machine and they increase some stats like SP and magazine size. Also, maybe it's just my playstyle but guns feel kinda weak compared to the knife. The knife doesn't require ammo, can hit multiple enemies, and does pretty solid damage. With how often the game throws mobs at me, I felt that knifing them all was easier than shooting. It could also just be the early game enemies being really easy to kite, perhaps this will change in the later stages.
Some minor (personal) issues I have with the current gameplay:
  • Left click to advance dialogue will fire the weapon at the end of the dialogue. This will waste a bullet unless player equips a knife beforehand. Space will also advance the dialogue so not really a problem. Though space oddly doesn't work for advancing the game over scene dialogue.
  • No minimap, might be added later on when game map is finalized. It's fairly straightforward now but there are several doorways to other paths. And you will have to backtrack to some areas if you don't grab a certain item first. If some kind of map doesn't get added, then the areas can't get very complex otherwise it just becomes confusing to navigate.
  • The bullet projectile is spawned in front of the gun barrel. Makes sense visually and realistically. But it feels weird having bullets "go through" an enemy because the character is too close. I mainly notice this with shotguns where I want to get close to maximize damage, but get too close and my bullets will skip over the enemy. I guess guns shouldn't be used at point blank anyways. Personally though, I would just make the gun hit the enemy anyways if it's right in front of me.

I'm also not really a fan of the current way of unlocking h-content. The player has to get knocked down and individually view every scene to unlock them. There's even (hopefully) a bug where h-animations that start after death won't count for unlocking. Plus the game is "unforgiving" in that a game over kicks you back to title and you must resume from a save file. So unlocking the game over scenes is a tedious process of loading a save and dying to a specific thing. And to unlock the in-game h-animations, you must have enough healing to tank hits until the character gets knocked down then view it. In the full game, I can see myself having to save in an area and intentionally die several times just to view everything. Perhaps there will be some kind of full unlock in the final game, but we'll wait and see.
Also, maybe it's just my playstyle but guns feel kinda weak compared to the knife. The knife doesn't require ammo, can hit multiple enemies, and does pretty solid damage. With how often the game throws mobs at me, I felt that knifing them all was easier than shooting. It could also just be the early game enemies being really easy to kite, perhaps this will change in the later stages.

Yeah, I did the same until I got sufficient ammo to use the weapons. Also, starter pistol is trash, but the second one is solid. Still roughly as powerful as the knife with the ATK upgrade, but at least you don't have to worry about kiting.

The bullet projectile is spawned in front of the gun barrel. Makes sense visually and realistically. But it feels weird having bullets "go through" an enemy because the character is too close. I mainly notice this with shotguns where I want to get close to maximize damage, but get too close and my bullets will skip over the enemy. I guess guns shouldn't be used at point blank anyways. Personally though, I would just make the gun hit the enemy anyways if it's right in front of me.

While I agree in theory, that would be one hell of a hit box. If you let them come to you, though, and get that headshot lined up, it's easy enough to stun them and not have to worry about this issue on the follow-up shot. They seem to have a limited time of stun resist after getting stunned, though.

I'm also not really a fan of the current way of unlocking h-content. The player has to get knocked down and individually view every scene to unlock them. There's even (hopefully) a bug where h-animations that start after death won't count for unlocking. Plus the game is "unforgiving" in that a game over kicks you back to title and you must resume from a save file. So unlocking the game over scenes is a tedious process of loading a save and dying to a specific thing. And to unlock the in-game h-animations, you must have enough healing to tank hits until the character gets knocked down then view it. In the full game, I can see myself having to save in an area and intentionally die several times just to view everything. Perhaps there will be some kind of full unlock in the final game, but we'll wait and see.

Easily my biggest gripe with the game. It's not even that seeing a scene with an enemy unlocks all scenes with them in it. As an example, I only got scenes from the scientist and the grotesque when there were multiples of them, and it went to full on gangbang mode, not even unlocking the gallery animation for just one enemy. I'm thinking it should be unlocked on killing the enemy, or maybe after killing x number of them.

And so far, the loli is just an objective to rescue and escape with, so not sure if there'll be anything beyond that with her. no tag for the demo, at least.
Compared to his previous titles, I feel like this one plays out rather smoothly, there are some minor issues here and there, I'm not a fan of the "you unlock the gallery by losing the game" thing either I just feel like his artstyle is wasted on the boring enemy design, across all of his games the enemies just feel the same.

I can't help but to feel like I'm walking on a really nice bar that only serves cheap/shitty drinks. "how mutated would you like your ugly bastard/goblin to be?"
Wish he would try for more interesting designs, I can already tell there will be 3 different types of ugly/fat bastards aswell as at least the same infected/cursed doberman dog and one tentacle monster
[QUOTE =“ monomulti,帖子:1130998,成员:242823”]
保存位于 [USERNAME] / AppData / LocalLow / WhitePeach / Yidhra的影子/保存[/ ICODE] 如果不在您的LocalLow文件夹中,则该文件夹可能在本地或漫游中。 [/引用] Any save?
Anyone know what to do after beating the swordswoman a second time and returning to the survivor base?
Anyone know what to do after beating the swordswoman a second time and returning to the survivor base?

I would also like to know this, previously this area would not let you go in the wrong direction.
Has anyone managed to make xunity auto translator reipatcher work with this game?
Edit: I meant from chinese. Turns out Fromlanguage is zh, not ch.
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