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Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

Eh, I know I'm piggybacking off a simi-necropost, but maybe this could resurrect actual discussion, and my view is a bit nuanced and not quite represented here.

Overall, I would say I am NOT turned off by futa. I've seen a few pics that were quite nice, pretty hot, etc (really, what's more to say about hentai that's good? It's likely not the next Mona Lisa even if it's the best hentai ever). What does turn me off, 9 times out of 10, is the way it's presented. A lot of the futa I've seen has been presented, for lack of a better word as a "surprise", whether it was trying to be or not, and surprises are typically not a good thing in porn. Scrolling through thumbnails, especially for someone who's eyesight isn't the best, it's easy to miss some of the details. Typically what I'll do is load the page, quickly scan, mentally check hot or not and then physically check by doing right click, new tab. Do the entire page, click next page, then check the new tabs while the next page loads (my internet is crappy a times, so sometimes there really is a wait element :rolleyes: ). Now, when a pic that I thought was going to involve standard females doesn't, it's a bit of a let down. Not because I'm only interested in that sort of picture, but because it's not what I expected. There's nothing exactly wrong with the picture, probably (the 95% of everything being crap applies across all genres of course), but it isn't what I was looking for, and in a lot of ways browsing is a lot like a customer's experience. I'm looking to buy a specific thing and the product was not up to my expectations.

I myself am rather mellow. It takes a lot to get me in an uproar. Sadly, the vast majority of the human race is not like-minded. Yes, there's a few things that can be done to avoid the scenario I mentioned above, with a bit more effort, but people are naturally a bit lazy, *especially* when it comes time to search the gallery. You aren't dealing with the average consumer, you're dealing with the guy who's screaming his head off at returns because he had to clean his brand new DVD set before they would play, or any number of other reasons. Likewise, there's other ways that the above scenario that this can play out. Take newgrounds for instance, which is a horrible horrible place to be getting your hentai from. There's still a few gems there, though, which makes it worth browsing from time to time. The way their art system is set up, though, is that the thumbnail is hyper zoomed up on one part of the pic. Forget futa or other surprises of that nature for a moment and just think of the trolls. There's tons of pics there for instance that the thumbnail is a close up of something really hot, but when you click on it the rest of the picture is designed deliberately to be as offensive as possible. It's a whole different level of "surprise", but most people really don't care to make the distinction. Is that right? Perhaps not. IMO though, that type of reaction is base enough to classify it in with jumping when startled by a loud noise, IE, not going to change for a long, long time. And that's coming from someone who's a big believer that we can change human behavior overall.

That being said, there are quite a few other reasons too. Closely related to this, and maybe related to the "supersized" issue mentioned before, is the fact that at times it's felt like futa artwork is "aggressive". Some seems to be focusing on the futa for "shock" value, and not really for the traditional merits someone would legitimately be interested in the picture for. Of course I'm absolutely not saying this is a trait of the genre itself, but merely that some people trying to be edgy have coopted the concept, which makes me legitimately mad for GOOD futa art. I know it's a hard point to get across, so let me tell this story from a few years ago. I was walking on campus when a guy with pamphlets approached me, as people sometimes do. "Help End Slavery!" He said, and held the handout towards me. Of course I took that. Who would be against ending slavery, which is still a really big problem in the modern world (see Qatar 2022, sex trafficking, etc), just hidden. I keep walking and open the pamphlet to see what he was specifically about, and find it's really a PETA booklet about factory farming. Now, I'm against factory farming too, that's a legitimate and good cause, but I really couldn't help but be offended at how this had been presented to me because I felt it was devaluing the human beings that are still legitimately in slavery in the 21st century. That's kinda how I feel when I see some futa artwork that appears to only contain futa to be as obnoxious as possible about it. I *personally* know this is a small fragment of the overall genre, but the average hentai surfer sees a lot of it because as would be natural, those trying to be loud are heard by the most. Most people, however, are quite prone to quickly categorizing their experiences and thus project that onto every other futa picture they see.

I guess to close it off, I'll also say in terms of general preference there's a bit of the "realism" aspect to it. Personally I prefer things to be fairly realistic, or barring that, at least explained. A single futa here or there, sure, that could happen. Two in one pic? Maybe, I guess. That's about where I start having the same feelings as with unrealistic breast size, and what have you. It breaks my ability to feel as if I could be in that situation, in any role. The sad thing is, a lot of it could be averted with just a *little* bit more effort on the creators part. Special mention goes to canon character that are suddenly futa with no explanation. I get why someone would draw them as futa, completely, 100%, but when it's presented as "oh yeah, surprise!", once again, I get skeptical, not aroused. I'm not saying every single instance needs a "Character X had a lab accident!" attached to the description, but it most certainly helps. How did we get from A to B? I'm a person that likes to think, and scenario building is very important even in these situations.

At the end of the day though, if you had to ask me "Why DON'T you generally like futa?" I could just and easily turn around and ask you "Why DO you generally like futa?" I'm ordering a double cheese burger, you're ordering a chicken sandwich. There's nothing wrong with one or the other, but I'm going to be slightly disgruntled if the waiter gets my order wrong. There are very few things I don't like, both in food and porn. However, while I absolutely love trying new food, I pretty much always order the exact same thing when I go to a specific restaurant. I have my favorites, that's what I want, and I don't really want my plate filled with other stuff when I'm trying to eat what I ordered in the first place.


Jungle Girl
Jan 26, 2011
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

A lot of people are attached to gender roles and segregation and futa crosses boundaries with that, makes people question bisexuality, makes them fearful of homosexual in most cases, I figure.

Like "I am attracted to this cute girl but she has a penis"

or "I am attracted to this cute boy but he has boobs"


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

Honestly I don't think it's that. Granted, I'm using anecdotal evidence, which is a methodology cardinal sin, but I'm bi and futa still doesn't do it for me. You'd think having everything in once place would make it a rather efficient experience, but eh, just doesn't seem to work. Similarly, my friends who are most in to futa seem to really not like yaoi or gay porn.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

*throws in a couple of pennies*

When I go looking at any porn in general my focus is always on the woman. I like seeing her or them obviously enjoying every little sensation they feel, and writhing in general just sets me off. Now when I look at futa I'm faced with a woman/women who in part share the same sexual sensations that I do. It helps me relate to her.

It probably also helps that I'm extremely curious about female sexuality, enough so that I wouldn't mind spending a day or two as one to learn about sensitivity and sensation and all that. If that happened and I kept the same mentality I wouldn't let a man anywhere near me, but a lady with a dick? No problem.

*doesn't remember if any one already said anything like that and doesn't bother to check*


Demon Girl
Aug 17, 2011
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

I have very few problem with Futa; oversized Dicks and the ability to shoot Olympic Swimming Pool load of cum.

and when "not exactly futa" are labeled as Futa.
That drives me up a wall. People categorize Shemales and Futas into the same boat and then call me a homo for enjoying Futas, thinking they're just dudes with tits. After I explain it, along with my point of view (mine being that it has the excitement of penetration, but without the manly man physiques, as I don't view futa on male or male on futa(except for one manga, but the story was cute, so I made an exception.) and just stick to femaleXfuta), they just look like they're thinking it over and considering how I can enjoy it, but it's still a nuisance having to explain it to everyone (sometimes multiple times).

On the other subject: I'm not a fan of oversized dicks, but the cum part doesn't bother me unless it's too an extremely ridiculous extreme, but I also don't mind seeing my women covered in cum, so that's probably why I don't get turned off by it.


May 7, 2013
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

I'm pretty mellow and for some reason it has never really bothered me. I have seen instances where people deliberately go to futa images to rail on how disgusting they are. If it's not for you why go looking for it?


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

Eh, there's some people that do that with everything. Though it depends on what you're seeing. If it's a futa specific site, I'd say that's a reasonable assumption, but if it's a general site, not so much. This is the freaking internet, it's pretty easy to find stuff you weren't looking for by accident.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

Futa's great, it's probably like one of my biggest fetishes. I also enjoy traps and cock in general, so I'm not very bothered that they 'might be men' or 'it makes me gay' or whatever. I'm just go with the easy answer of "they're probably thinking 'there's MAN PARTS on that woman, I don't want to fuck things with man parts'" or something.

There's also a reason I've seen that's probably applicable to other communities very applicable to 4chan's /d/: People fucking spam the board with futa like dipshits, and it basically crowds out all the other fetishes. It's also pretty compatible with every other fetish, so if you're not into it and suddenly your tentacle or bondage thread or whatever has futa in it, it's kind of a bummer.


Mystic Girl
Feb 16, 2015
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

I guess what I like about futa is that, it's easy for guys to relate to and understand from personal experience, how something might feel for a dick, whereas with a vagina/clit, it's a lot murkier.

Now that it's mentioned, I never really cared for the futa on male stuff, and I can see why it turns a lot of people off (especially with huge size differences). I guess it caters more to humiliation type fetishes?

an anonymous

May 8, 2013
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

well i say the less dicks are on the screen the better:D
though strapon and double dildos doesn't count because they're youst toys:)


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

HAHA what the fuck does that mean? A study says a behavior isn't gay? It's largely a fucking social concept. That makes no sense at all.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

The process to learning to love yourself starts with your penis.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

When you masturbate, are you gay because you like the feeling of a strong manly hand wrapping around your penis, or is it just cuz you love holding dicks?

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

I'd say that's not gay, but in that context that'd also mean I don't think grasping another man's penis and jerking them off is gay.

an anonymous

May 8, 2013
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

When you masturbate, are you gay because you like the feeling of a strong manly hand wrapping around your penis, or is it just cuz you love holding dicks?
that's a real good question that you should make a new thread about it,

i mostly use toys like pleasure(lust) pussys or electric masturbator(pump)
they're still hand operated but i don't need to touch myself,:)
(tough using once own hand feels more natural for mastrubading)

(by the way isn't it kinda weird that were talking about faping and gay stuff on a thread about females with cocks)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

This got real stupid real fast.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

When you masturbate, are you gay because you like the feeling of a strong manly hand wrapping around your penis, or is it just cuz you love holding dicks?
I'd think that most would prefer to have a woman doing it, but either don't have access to one, or can't get her to do it.


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

I'd think that most would prefer to have a woman doing it, but either don't have access to one, or can't get her to do it.
What he said, we just basically don't have anything else at "hand".

Back on topic, I don't enjoy futanari simply because I prefer the fairer, feminine attributes. I've never particularly thought of male bits as all that good looking, though they're remarkably convenient, and don't quite get why women let us near with them... of their own will ;).


Jungle Girl
Mar 22, 2015
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Re: Question and Discussion: Futa, why do some people seem almost afraid of it?

I for one do find Futa attractive, but that doesn't mean I want to go and have sex with another man. Even though I do enjoy Male x Futa porn or vice-verse and Fem x Futa.

Shemales however I do not mostly because shemale implies they were male and balls do nothing for me. I have nothing against shemales just not my cup of tea.

I do think a lot of it is to do with things already said and lets be honest that's fine, we all have things we don't like as long as we accept each other then what's the problem?