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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Erik gave Kala a strange look, before he twisted a little inside of her, letting out a slight groan as he lifted his head, looking down at his wound. His eyes widening a little as he saw the effects of Kala's substance. Laying his head back down, looking back up at her, there was nothing but confusion in his eyes.

"I'm not... Going to die?" he asked, dumbfounded. A moment later, his hands went to his face, covering his expression as he lets out a grunt of frustration, "I can't believe I said all of that stuff for nothing!" he exclaimed through his hands.

Letting his hands fall away from his face, he returned to laying flat on the ground, looking up at Kala with a silent stare. "But... If you're not going to kill me... What are you going to do with me?" he inquired, his face flushing as his eyes glanced at her substance, which could easily hold him in place.

Getting down to her knees, putting a hand on his shoulder, Undine looked down at the boy with the answer he sought. "I mean no harm in saying this, but you are not permitted to return to the Magi," Undine informed him, "All we want in this temple is peace, and the Magi would seek to disturb that peace." Her head raised, looking up at Kala, "Watch over him, Kala. And remember what I told you..." she told her, a slight twinkle in her eye reminding Kala about the Mamono's true, inescapable nature.

A splash nearby sounded, as a blue haired girl with clams over her breasts arose from the water, looking at Undine. "Goddess, we've prepared a place in the temple for our guests." the mermaid told her with a shy tone, her face flushed red as she looked at Kala over Erik, seeing something embarrassing from the way Kala was making contact with him.

Undine giggled, "I didn't even have to ask. Thank you very much, Sapphire." she thanked the girl.

The mermaid, Sapphire, lowered herself slightly, her hands gripping the edge of the 'island' they were on, her eyes mostly focused on Erik and Kala, "Y... You're welcome..." she said shyly, before quickly splashing into the water. It was only slight, but she looked a bit jealous.

Undine rose upon the mermaid's departure, smiling down at the two laying on the ground together. "I have some things I must see to. I must ask the waters of the events happening beyond our eye sight." she told them, before raising a finger, pointing at a large structure far above them, on a much larger, more sturdy looking island. "That is our sanctuary for all who visit my temple. Please, stay the night, and address the situation with each other. I'm sure you two have much to say to each other." Undine assumed, smiling at Kala in a suggestive way.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

As Erik looked down at his wound and recognized what her body had done, the slime girl eased her hold on him, becoming completely humanoid in shape with only a small bit of excess goo dripping from her occasionally. She stroked his brow reassuringly, and her mouth opened, preparing to tell him that no, he wasn't going to die, and that those things he had said, while silly, were nothing to be ashamed about.

Yet before she could say this, Undine had knelt beside Erik and put a hand on his shoulder. The confused red gaze shifted from Kala over to the water goddess. Her words to him also instructed Kala. Erik was not to be allowed to return to the Magi. It was just as well. They might think him corrupted and subject him to horrific tests and imprisonment, all due to their extreme ignorance and paranoia. How had she given herself over to them in her past life? She had to have been smarter than that... then again, maybe she had not had a choice? Her memory was still fuzzy on the subject of her own human origins.

When Undine told her to watch over Erik, Kala nodded, then blushed as the goddess' previous words struck her. Me... with Erik? Lavender tint rose unexpectedly on her face. The idea of being with Erik seemed familiar somehow, as if she had considered it before, a long time ago. Now she turned back to gaze at the half demon. He was a very handsome young man, after all. The red demon's eyes did not bother her now as they might have in the past. She found that the idea of sex seemed to heighten sensitivity within her substance, as pockets of reactive cells began to awaken and crave foreign contact.

A splash arose from the water nearby and Kala watched as the pretty, blue haired mermaid pushed herself onto the rock and informed Undine that a place had been set aside for Kala and Erik. Kala recognized the lingering look that the mermaid, Sapphire, gave to Erik and herself. She knew why there was jealousy. She could feel the Mamono instinct working inside her now, felt the urge to grab and hold Erik close and claim him as her own before someone else took him. She found that she could not meet Sapphire's gaze and turned to admire Erik's strong, lean chest.

Sapphire quickly took her leave of them, and after pointing out the sanctuary for visitors and pilgrims, so too did Undine, but not before sending a suggestive smile Kala's way, which made the lavender blush turn rosy in the middle. The memories of human shame and propriety now conflicted with the very real Mamono nature that now possessed Kala. In the end, she supposed it was not a bad thing, to want to feel and express love. As long as it truly was love.

She looked back at Erik, finally able to speak to him alone. She slowly rose and helped him to a sitting position beside her.

"We had better take Undine up on her offer." Kala spoke softly, her hands supporting the weakened, confused Erik, while her body still covered the wound at his side. "Do not worry, Erik. I will not let any harm come to you. I would never... let anyone hurt you."

Without thinking about why she did it, Kala leaned in and kissed him, her lips and tongue pressing against Erik's own. Pulling away after the tender kiss, she smiled, her cheeks still rosy. "Um... I... I think we should go see about that room prepared for us. We'll talk more there. I'll tell you everything I know," she promised, though as soon as the sudden urge to kiss him had taken effect, stronger urges had begun to hammer home he in her heart. There was an outpouring of affection for Erik, and the last vestiges of her propriety were screaming at her to take the man to a private place.

She felt those isolated pockets of sensitivity within her begin to shift instinctively, many going to her breasts and converging at her nipples, while even more shot down to between her legs. She felt that with enough effort, she might be able to send these sensitive areas anywhere, or disperse them evenly along her body, but she was satisfied to have them concentrate in familiar erogenous zones. It would make things... easier with Erik, should he be receptive to the idea of...

Kala shivered with sudden anticipation, and formed a tendril from her waist to wrap around Erik's own as she helped him up. It was for keeping him close as much as it was for his support.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Erik blinked several times over at Undine departure. His eyes looked to Kala, as if to try and interpret the unsaid exchange the two shared in that moment. Hanging his head forward, he let out a sigh. "In a situation like this, I do not appreciate feeling like something is being hidden from me..." Erik complains softly.

He looks to Kala as she speaks to him. Taking Undine up on her offer, he had no reason to refuse, and so nodded his head to her. His lips parted slightly, about to speak, before Kala did so before he could find his own words. 'Do not worry, Erik. I will not let any harm come to you. I would never... let anyone hurt you.' she told him, her words washing over him, and leaving him confused. Certainly confused enough to be taken by surprise by her sudden kiss.

Letting out a startled moan, Erik pulled back slightly from her, only to find his motion reduced to a slight gesture in the arms of the slime girl. His face flushing deep red, his eyes closed shut when he felt the taste of Kala's formed 'tongue' enter his mouth. The sweet, yet bitter taste of the pure liquid that was Kala's body swirling in his mouth, he tried his best, to no avail, to prevent his quickly hardening excitement from touching Kala's body.

And that distortion coming from the lower region of Erik's body would become known to Kala via a most strange sensation. The presence of the source of his seed so close to her body evoked an instinctual reaction from her body. Around the edges of her vision, Kala would notice Erik's clothes slowly vanishing from the touch of her slime.

Once he was freed, Erik answered her with a flustered tone. "Y-yes! I agree!" he answered quickly, almost rising to his feet on his own as Kala motioned to take him. Feeling his heavy breath, and seeing his flushed face, she would be able to tell her kiss had quite an impact. Perhaps even abnormally so.

Crossing the bridge, and stepping onto the vast cliff that supported the large sanctuary, Kala and Erik made their way in together, stepping up to the building of gray bricks, conveniently made of the same stone as the temple cavern. Out of several windows, each organized in a similar fashion along the rectangular shaped building, faces of women, and only women gazed out. Many of them, if not all, looked at the pair approaching. Though Kala would not feel such pressure on herself, rather, would be overcome with the feeling of being completely invisible, with Erik next to her.

Stepping inside, Erik's feet created noise on the tile flooring, while Kala's made the same, no matter what surface she stood on. A copper chandelier, with lit candles hung over head, granting the room most of it's light, save for a few other candles along a desk, granting specific light to the few papers that lay on top. Despite looking like a fancy hotel, it did not appear very busy, much like a real hotel. But there was a reason for that, surely.

On the other side of the counter, a seemingly normal girl looked at the pair entering with a smile. Her large breasts were barely contained by the maid's gown she wore. And her long, red, curly hair only seemed to directly point at her cleavage. The size of her chest alone was enough indication that she wasn't human.

"Welcome," she greeted. And without hesitation, was already handing them a key to a private room. "Is there anything you'd like during your stay? A hot, or cold bath? Grilled fish?" she inquired with a smile.

Still blushing, seeming oddly disturbed by something, Erik responded shyly. "... Hot bath... A-and grilled fish is fine..." he answered her.

She giggled, "Very well, your room and it's floor is labeled on the key. Please be respectful to the other guests." she instructed them both.

"Let's hurry, Kala..." Erik suddenly urged her, "I feel feverish..."
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala could feel her own body temperature rise with the impact of the kiss, and his failed attempts to pull himself away before giving into the kiss set her mind alight with a sudden flame of passion. She felt a yearning... a need for fulfillment.

When they pulled away and she made her suggestion to him - which he readily agreed to - her eyes were locked onto the bulge in Erik's partly dissolved pants.

"Oh my...~" she realized suddenly that it had been her body that had instinctively removed the clothing between herself and her quarry. She could almost sense the seed within Erik, and she realized that had noticed her staring as well. "Yes... let's hurry."

She took Erik's hand in her own, forming her fingers to interlock with his. She brushed against his shoulder with her body, and as they made their way across the bridge, she began to adjust herself to be more appealing to him... her petite bust more than doubling in size, becoming pleasantly jiggly, and her buttocks becoming rounder and slightly more pronounced.

She noticed the female faces staring down at Erik from the windows above. The man was hers... hers... not theirs... She instinctively gripped him tighter, sending more of her aphrodisiac over him. Wanting him to want her over all others.

She noticed with dismay how wonderfully sexual the pretty red-haired maid was who greeted them at the hotel lobby. She saw the way Erik's eyes were guided to the girl's amazing rack, and Kala decided to increase her breast size even more, to make sure that Erik wouldn't feel short changed when they got to their private room.

"Some grilled fish would be nice for me too..." she mumbled, before squeezing him again. She smiled at him. "We'll get you into a nice hot bath, Erik... it will do wonders for you."

As they hurried along up to the room that had been put aside for them, Kala looked at Erik with concern.

"Feverish? Really?" As they reached their door, Kala pulled Erik's face into her fully formed breasts, folding the massive globes over his face and brow. His face was flush she realized... but it didn't seem like a fever, then she realized that perhaps he meant that he was... eager to begin. She quickly fumbled the key into the door and brought him inside.

Once they were in she wrapped her body around him, clinging to his body like an adhesive and squishing her gelatinous form against him passionately, dripping bits of slime over his impressive masculine form. Once again she kissed his mouth, her 'tongue' swirling with his own, working its natural magic on the poor half-demon, half-man.

Her slime made quick work of the rest of his clothes, and she then pulled away for a moment to admire him... all of him. Her eyes focused on his massive erection.

"So this is what yours looks like..." she said out loud, genuinely admiring his length, worshiping his phallus with her eyes. "You must leave this to me," she murmured, as she wrapped a soft, giving hand around the base of his cock, stroking it gently at first. Then, she receded back and let her massive breasts slip down to the level of his waist, before mashing them together, his throbbing manhood between them. Using her hands to move her breasts up and down, she began to titfuck him.

"Did you ever imagine me doing this for you, Erik? Did you ever dream of it?~" she teased, and then without warning, unable to keep away from it any longer, she opened her mouth and took him inside it, slurping noisily at his shaft, putting all her concentration into loving and caressing his cock with her malleable body, doing whatever she could to make him feel good.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

"Kala..." Erik called out her name, with a slight sound of worry as they went together, and neared their room. And the moment they were inside, Erik let out a gasp of shock as Kala suddenly attacked him. "Kala...!" he exclaimed softly, before she glued herself to him, and trapped him in an embrace, kissing him deeply. Erik moaned from under her kiss, each moan an attempt to talk, and speak, while only serving to mix around, and even worse, ingest some of Kala's body into his system. With some of her own essence inside of him, he was quick to share her disposition.

Pulled away, Erik's eyes were glazed over, the slime absorbed into his bloodstream already having reached his brain. "Kala... My chest... It's really tight..." he told her, while a single tear rolled down his eye. Asked if he dreamed of her doing this to him, as she smoothed her slimy hand along his length, and proceeded to trap his manhood between her breasts, his face was blood red, as his body, and his hands searched for anything to use to stabilize himself.

He ended up falling backwards, onto a carpet, though it was a soft landing, as his hands, and body prepared for it. In a sitting position, Erik finally let out a moan. "Kala... I don't know what's happening... I cannot think straight... I... I truly feel ill." he told her, panting as if the 'fever' he was afflicted with was making him very hot. Looking down at his length being massaged by her chest, he let out another moan. "This must be a dream..." he finally answered her. "But it feels...!" he grunted, his legs trying to shift from where they were trapped by her body.

Arching his back, his pleasure seemed to increase rapidly, before he suddenly erupted between her globes. The tip of his cock between her blue orbs, a white stream began to seep, and stream through Kala's body, instantly taken into her form, as Erik's seed spread out through her entire body, the instinctual process within Kala, absorbing the man's spunk.

With incredible speed, Erik had only lasted a few minutes under Kala's attack. Her hand and her breast were enough to make him cum, and with her slime still in his system, Erik lifted his head, some of the glaze in his eyes gone, but still with an erect cock, ready to cum once more.

"Kala, what is happening to my body?" he asked her, his expression, and voice sounding more clear. "Why does being swallowed by your form make me feel this way? My legs... My mouth..." he let another moan, shifting his legs inside of her, "Why... Does every place you touch feel so good? If you keep like this... I feel like I may melt inside of you, Kala..." he told her, somehow describing the fate as both a good, and bad event. While her slime seeped into his pours, sharing more and more of the aphrodisiac with him, he squirmed, and shifted his manhood around between her breasts.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala had indulged in Erik's moans, appreciating the sound of his acceptance, his surrendering of his seed to her. With her sweet kisses, she had fed him some of her slime, sent it into him to mingle with his own blood stream. It would not harm him, she would not allow it, but it would cross the barriers of his modesty, of his shame.

She could tell by the way his face turned red that he had thought of being intimate with her many times before. He had wanted the human Kala, had thought of taking her to bed, of embracing her and holding her soft flesh in his arms. She could not give him that Kala, but she could and would give him every bit of the new Kala. She sent her love into him again with another kiss, and the constant caress of his skin with her absorbing slime body.

His talk of illness was worrying her however, and when he still complained after she had given him some of her slime, she thought that she should probably slow down... but she had already placed his wonderful cock between her enormous globes and could sense his need rising. She had wrapped her mouth around it and then let it erupt in several thick ropes inside of her body, quickly absorbing the white liquid into herself. She cooed appreciatively as he came.

She began to focus on his words. "Ah... I do not know, Erik. My body is a natural healing agent in addition to being an aphrodisiac, I'd hoped that your fever would subside with my touch and my... help." She looked down at his still erect cock, amazed at how it retained its size after having just ejaculated such a short time ago. "I don't want you to melt into me though..."

Cautiously and hesitantly, Kala unwrapped herself from Erik, allowing his skin to get more clean air, but she still kept in contact with his rigid manhood. Pulling Erik up into a sitting position, she began to stroke him with her hand again, keeping all other slime away from him and trying to focus on keeping herself more substantial.

She looked him in the eyes, her face blushing modestly. "I'm sorry for being so forward... I... just couldn't help myself. I'll try to be more gentle. Maybe you could, take the lead? If you're feeling up to it?"

Kala smiled encouragingly and then she slowly lied down on her back and then spread her legs out to allow Erik a full view of her formed body. She'd tried to make herself look as appealing as she could.

"Please Erik, I want you to do whatever you want to me. Anything at all. My body can take it. Just be with me. Like I know you've wanted..." She let her arms rest against the floor, putting herself in a defenseless position. There would be enough aphrodisiac in him that he would lust after her, but she wanted him to enjoy it at his own pace. Making love to her the way he wanted to. She hoped then that he wouldn't melt inside her and maybe his feelings of illness would subside. In truth she had no idea what was wrong with him.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

"Kala..." Erik called out her name as Kala suddenly backed away in respect to his plight. Though as her attention still focused on his manhood, he moaned, even as he was pulled up, his legs bucking as Kala still kept at the very least, her hand around him. He let out a light moan, before closing his mouth. "M-my throat was...!" he stuttered quickly after the moan, trying to mask an excuse over the fact that it would have sounded like a girl to someone that might have been listening.

Before he could finish however, Kala was unwrapping from him, and retreating from his body. His mouth agape, he looked clearly confused by the sudden change, even looking to have been slightly comfortable on his little spot on the floor. Beckoned, Erik blinked several times over, a clear blush on his face. Taking it all in, and realizing Kala's intention, his face suddenly began to look as if he'd been burned by steam recently, taking a deep shade of red at the invitation, and the display.

"I... I feel..." he announced with a choked voice, a hand suddenly grasping at his chest as his erection throbbed, pulsating with lust. Cringing, his eyes closed, and his back curled, as if trying to make a final stand against some overwhelming mental force, "It's getting worse...! I'm going crazy!" he exclaimed, before leaping at Kala like an animal, grabbing as much of her slimy body as he could, and diving his head in towards her own, taking her lips, as she felt his tongue worm into her, mixing her juices into his mouth.

"My body is pulsing... I'm sweating terribly, I feel like I should have fainted long ago..." he tells her through their oral contact. "My fever... Everything you do makes it worse..."

Adjusting his hips, Kala would suddenly feel her instinctual body shudder, even the puddles on the ground shivering with pleasure, as the invading length pierced into her body. The instincts of her inhuman body responding, and tightening around his length. As if of a separate mind, just as her stomach would digest it's food without her controlling it, it locked onto Erik, seeking sustenance from him. Even presenting herself as she did, her instincts knew nothing other than attack.

And as a result, Erik moaned especially loud, it'd be impossible for a neighbor not to hear. His mouth breaking from contact as he fell forward, landing on top of her form, his hands became absorbed into her back from the pressure of his body on her, but even then, he did not pull away. With a drained look on his face, as if he relieved a great pressure, he stared at Kala with half closed eyes, "You were my fever after all..." he announced to her with a slight smile, before leaning against her, and moving his hips...
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala had been confused by Erik's words. His 'fever' was something she had not expected, for she had underestimated the power of her lust-inducing aphrodisiac. Had it felt like that to her when she was drowning in the corrupted dark slime? She shook her head and didn't even try to summon up the memory - instead she looked at Erik. Sweet Erik. She studied the expression on his face, the look of exhaustion, pain, and yet really it was pleasure that he was feeling. She feared that she was in danger of overwhelming him, and so she pulled back, but her instincts knew only aggression in these matters.

She squealed in delight when his lust took over him and he attacked her savagely, kissing her deeply as he positioned himself to take her. His sudden enthusiasm added to her own, and she felt for a moment as if she were an irresistible goddess of love and sex, whom no man could deny.

When Erik entered her, however, it was as if she were experiencing sex for the first time again, all anew, but without the pain of a broken hymen. Only the amazing, rippling sensation remained, a pleasure that scattered throughout every part of her body, causing each cell to react as if it were its own minuscule pleasure center.

"Oh Erik!" she moaned as her body instinctively wrapped a ring of hardened goo around his shaft and stroked it from inside her flower, wanting to milk him for every last drop he could put inside of her. "I'm your cure~."

She bucked her body in time with his thrusts, but her inner walls provided additional pressure that would soon have him gushing inside of her. She licked her lips in anticipation of his seed and then kissed him again, wanting to lock lips with the man as he came inside her.

Her instincts new that even if he came once inside her she would not be satisfied. She would immediately be looking to make him hard again and prepare for a second 'meal.'
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Though he was perfectly willing, Kala's body, on it's own, was quickly making her outer layer of slime very sticky, doing all it could to prevent him from stopping the session of passion. His face flushed from the chemicals of Kala's body flowing through his veins, Erik's eyes looked upon Kala's slimy shape with adoration. His hips thrusting into the suction cup that was Kala's lower body, he leaned down to steal the kiss she planned to give the moment his climax erupted. His tongue worming into her mouth, he seemed eager to taste more of her.

Amidst his thrusts, Kala suddenly felt him moan in her mouth, as well as an invigorating sensation in her body, the length inside of her spilling out even more seed, more of Erik's essence into her body. With that sensation, Kala felt her liquid, slimy body solidifying even more. As if all of the goop that made up her substance was growing even stronger, and more solid. Growing in quantity, not only was such a feeling unlike any other, she was also feeling stronger from it!

Breaking from the kiss, Erik let out a gasp as he pulled back, Kala's slime stretching, and pulling as his force fought hers, only ending up dragging her on top of himself as he tried collapsing to his back to rest. "Woah!" he exclaimed as Kala stuck to him, "That's weird... Ha-ha!" he laughed nervously. "You're body is stuck to me..."

Upon his observation, it seemed his body wanted to rest, especially after having given Kala his semen twice... However, her body was still reacting to the nourishment he still had not released. Despite the loss of his spirit, the hunger didn't cease. And most importantly of all, her body was stuck to his. "K-Kala..." he stuttered, looking at her with a flush as Kala's body continued to react to him, "I... I don't think I can keep up with you..." he announced to her, as if saying that her skills were beyond his own.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

The sensation of Erik erupting inside of her was unlike anything Kala had ever experienced before. It was pure magic and bliss wrapped into one. Her entire body felt more real, more tangible, more solid than it had been up to that point. Making it even more perfect was the enthusiasm and love she sensed from Erik as his eyes skated over her curvy, slime form and his lips eagerly sought out and sealed over her mouth, his tongue drinking deeply of her essence.

When he moaned she moaned as well, sharing the moment with him, doing what she could to bond and share in his love. Her body seemed to take this desire to bond to a literal level, as her sticky outer layer adhered to his skin, not wanting to give way when he pulled back. Instead she found herself flopping right back on top of him, a position that she did not mind in the slightest. She began to nibble and lick at his neck, prepared immediately for another go. His climax had been so powerful, so sticky, so warm and wonderfully filling, that she couldn't wait to work him up to another.

He laughed nervously, pointing out how they were stuck together. "It seems my new form doesn't want to give you up that easily. You make me feel so good, Erik. I feel stronger, more solid. Your love is like its own form of magic."

Her eyes were half lidded as she closed in for another kiss. She sensed him relaxing, his body easing away and wanting to rest, but she knew that somewhere inside him, more cum waited to be released. She could sense it, and wanted it, like a spoiled child. She didn't want to be denied.

Then he told her that he was indeed tired... that he couldn't keep up with her.

"You'll be fine," she said, adjusting her body to a slower pace as she started to bob up and down on his softening manhood. "Food will be coming soon, and you'll regain your strength, in the mean time... I'll continue to give you pleasure. You just lie back and let me work."

Creatning several tendrils from the pool of slime beneath her, Kala had them slip along Erik's ball sack and along the sensitive flesh between there and his asshole. The wet, slimy tendrils would push and rub against these tender bits while her own love hole continued to work his shaft in many varied ways, not aggressively, but slowly and gently, determined to ease him back into another round of lovemaking.

She did not fight her body's instincts to adhere to Erik. She wanted to keep him close, to be melded with him. She felt close to him while like this. It was better than the tightest hug that a human could give another human. She was his and he was hers.

Slowly and with great care for his tiredness, Kala worked herself against Erik's loins, concentrating on her own desires and her own needs. She was hungry still, and hoped that the food would come to Erik so he too could regain his strength in time to donate more energy to her.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Hearing Kala say those words, she made it plenty clear that she meant to continue, even despite his fatigue. Before she was meek, offering herself to him in a seductive way, and now her body stuck to his, refusing to end the session, no matter how tired he was. "Wait, Kala...!" he pleaded softly, before his eyes shut, and a moan escaped him as slimy tentacles toyed with him in shameful places. Looking up at her face, all thought put into words had left him as he saw her hungry expression. The way her tongue moved from within her open mouth made him slowly realize the position he was in, and remember that Kala was no longer human.

As she gently went about milking his slightly strained organ for more of it's seed, Erik's expression looked fearful, but only a little. Ignoring the fact that he could not move under her sticky slime, which clung to his body in a light embrace, like a second layer of skin, he remembered the choice he made. Kala had laid back, offering him the choice. And after all this time, how could he take back his words to her, no matter if she was human or not? As a monster, she will crave for human attention. There was no ability in his heart to abandon her now to suffer the loneliness that is a monster's curse.

And as a result of his choice, Erik let himself relax under Kala, and allow the pleasure to consume him. Even though he was sure he didn't have much choice, he pretended he did. And despite not being human, once he took in the sight of Kala's body, his already red face flushed even deeper. When he looked at her proportions, he wondered just how close to her real body she was. Seeing her waist, which he recalled seeing when she was human, made him believe that the rest was true, even if she emphasized her breasts a little, which he didn't mind entirely...

Consumed in the sight of her body, he tensed, and before he could even comprehend what was happening, suddenly moved his hips upwards, pushing into Kala's body as another stream of sperm leaked into her body, seeping out of his length as her body wasted no time absorbing it, like a thick, nutritious milk.

"It feels sore..." Erik said, while panting in the glow of aftersex. "I can't even move... But... You seem even more energized..." he noted, looking at Kala, who looked brighter, livelier, and even more solid than before once all of his spunk quickly dissolved into her body.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala saw the war of emotions in Erik's eyes, his innermost fears battling against his memories and cares for the woman she had once been, the woman he had loved. The struggle was tumultuous and played out before Kala like a staged performance set within Erik's red eyes. In the end his resistance gave out and Kala knew that he was hers. She had imprinted herself upon him, and like a rush, she felt his aching hips move once again against her more solid form.

Her body bounced and jiggled and slapped against him with a pleasing, squishy sound, and the phallus penetrating her was once again worked into a full erection. Her body responded naturally to it, and for a wonderful moment she could close her eyes and be a woman again, the cascade of her own climax washing over her, only to be followed quickly by the pleasantly warm slap of Erik's cum erupting over her insides, to be quickly absorbed into her body, solidifying it almost completely. It was as if she had true definition now.

She realized as she came down off of her own climax that her body would not stop lusting for Erik's seed, but she had to muster her resolve and stop to allow Erik some recovery time. She willed her adhesive slime to let go of Erik, and it did so, slipping back into her solid form, leaving her as a gel girl. The pool of slime beneath her had likewise been absorbed into her humanoid figure, compacting into her solid shape which was now appearing exactly as Kala had been in her former life, save that she was now blue. Even her breasts began to shrink back into her modest size. She supposed that her unconscious memory of her true self was somehow ingrained into her soul, which was housed now within her diamond heart. It shone through her body, in between her breasts, like a locket almost.

She lifted herself off of Erik's shaft and then settled down beside him. He was exhausted, and she looked on him now with care and pity, caressing him.

"You poor thing. Don't worry, I've stopped myself... it was harder than I thought it would be. My body just has this... instinct to mate. But I think I can control it. And I will, I promise." She looked at him with an apologetic glance. She knew he thought her a monster. Maybe not an evil monster, but a monster nonetheless. And she could not tell him otherwise, for the truth was that she had changed. She was not the same, and there could be no going back. But she still had human memories, and human compassion, and she had a strength of will. She could master her body and strike a balance.

She lidded her eyes half-closed and kissed Erik tenderly on his lips. He had a strong jawline and even in kissing him she could sense his power as he kissed her back. How wonderful it might have been to give into his advanced while she was still human. Why hadn't she? No memory could be conjured to give an adequate answer.

"Your love makes me stronger," she told him in response to his observations. "I seem to remember my true form, and I feel more solid. But I won't take anything more from you just yet. I don't want to harm you." She paused and then said tentatively, "Erik... thank you. For trusting me. It must be difficult. I only hope you won't resent this form of mine too much."
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Erik flushed as he looked up at her, "Kala... It's not like I really resent you at all... But... You really have changed." he stated. Although, it sounded like there was more to it than just what he said. "I mean... Before, you never even gave me a chance. I was so excited to think of the possibility that you might say yes. And I guess I should be happy like this, but... This feels so much different. I know it's you, you're the one I'm talking to. But... The person I just did it with... It isn't you at all..." he said slowly, turning his head away in shame. "Instead of you, Kala, I feel like the experience I had actually had nothing to do with you at all. Your strange passion... And... And this... Body... I guess it's just not the Kala I remember."

He sighed with depression, leaning back to the floor. "I'm sorry for saying such things... I should be more grateful to get what I originally asked for I suppose... Though I do hope my wish didn't invoke fate to cause this upon you..." he said, sounding even more depressed.

A knock suddenly came to the door, "Room service!" a friendly female voice announced from the other side, before a woman with many tentacles as legs suddenly came in, much to Erik's shock as he tried to cover himself.

"H-hey!" he cried out. "I'm naked here!"

The woman giggled, resting a silver platter of food onto the dining table. "You and everyone else," she stated, before returning for the door, "Enjoy your meal. Oh!" she suddenly blinked, looking over to Kala, "And you have a guest waiting for you at the Inn. They seem to be with those people who invaded a while ago. They claim to have halted their attack because they wish to communicate specifically with 'Erik' or 'Kala,' both if possible. I don't mean to be a rush, but I don't want them attacking again... So could you please see them quickly?" she requested of them, before repeating, "Enjoy your meal," and closing the door.

Erik groaned knowingly, "It's her..." he stated, "Of course... They pulled back because my sister showed up." Pushing himself up to a sitting position, he looked at Kala directly, "You probably don't remember, but she really doesn't like you. Probably even less now that you aren't human..." he sighed, "I'm really gonna take a beating from her unless I do something... But she's really strict..."

He blinks, "And you dissolved all of my clothes!!!" he exclaimed.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Even though Erik didn't mean his words to hurt, they still ended up cutting deeper than Kala thought possible. Worst of all, she couldn't blame Erik for what he said. She was still Kala, but she was also something more, or possibly less, depending on how you looked at things. She lacked her old memories to give her a sense of her human mindset. And she had new needs and desires that shaped her personality. Even her physical body made her think about things in a different way. The world appeared a fluid and insubstantial thing, something to be changed, just as she might changer her own body to suit a new situation.

"Erik..." Kala said, sorrow in her voice, her bright eyes dulling in their normally sparkling light. Her words would not form. She couldn't tell him how she felt. Eventually all she could mutter was. "I'm sorry. I didn't choose this either. I can only make the best of what I now am." She placed a hand over the part her body that covered her jewel heart.

"I don't remember much from my old life. Only flashes. I don't remember your sister, but I did remember you. That at least must mean something."

Suddenly Erik had realized that his clothes were all gone and shared his discovery with Kala, who balked and blushed lavender with understanding.

"Oh, sorry! Maybe... maybe we can find you something." Kala looked around for something to cover Erik's nudity with.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

A quick fish around inside of a drawer revealed several full sets of men's clothing waiting to be worn. However, it seemed women's apparel was in less demand. Taking it back to him, Erik stared at the stack of replacement clothes, mostly colored blue to represent aqua. Staring... And staring at the stack in her hand, he hesitated on taking them. As if he was waiting for something else.

Scratching his head, he took the completely intact clothes into his arms. "I don't get it..." he murmured with confusion, before quickly slipping the light clothing on. "I'd be better off wearing my old clothes... But I guess this is better than naked." he decided. "Listen, Kala," he looked to his blue lover, "My sister doesn't pull punches. She's really possibly the meanest thing alive, short of a minotauress. She might just greet you with a pure insult when she sees you, and that's if she speaks to you first and not me, else I'd get insulted. Her fuse is shorter than my little toe, and..." He shook his head, "I think you get the idea..." he shrugged with worry.

"She never really did agree with my affections for you, but she's just mean spirited. I guess because she's always had it in for you, since you always topped her in training, she scorned the idea of me liking you. If you just act like you always have, cool and composed, I think I'll be alright. That's how you handled her before. You can't let her get to you, since she'll be new to you again." he warned her. "Let's take the food with us," he gestured to the table. "And eat it with them. Give us something else to focus on. I don't know what's going to happen... So a distraction would be nice."
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala waited expectantly as she held out the new aqua colored clothes for Erik to wear. She was partial to the color for obvious reasons and thought that they would suit him. Especially now that the two of them had formed a bond. She smiled inwardly.

Finally he took them and seemed surprised that they were intact. "I don't think my body automatically dissolves things... not if I don't want it to... although I think I got carried away before. Um... consider it a compliment? You're very handsome. I've always thought so. Just that now... well... I could have you." She laughed softly, then tilted her head. Now why had she put it that way? Did that mean that there was a reason that she couldn't have had him when she was a human? He didn't seem to think that was the case, and certainly she remembered him trying very hard to court her. There must have been something or someone else. And she just couldn't remember! It was frustrating, so she decided to put it far from her mind.

"Well, your sister sounds just lovely. I'll do my best to 'just be myself.' I promise to help you stand up to her though. You've got nothing to be ashamed of. You've done nothing wrong." Kala told him earnestly, wanting him to believe that.

She nodded to his suggestion of bringing the food with them. She wasn't really hungry, having just had her own sort of meal, but she wanted him to recover his strength. She decided to follow his advice though and play it cool with this sister of his. Waitaminute... if he's half demon, then she must be as well, right?

She lifted a couple of the plates and walked downstairs with Erik. "Umm... your sister isn't going to try and kill me for having sex with you, is she?"
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

A droplet of sweat visibly trailed down the side of Erik's face as she mentioned that, his voice nervous as he made his response. "Well... Actually, she'd kill me too..." he added to her worries. "Because of what I am, what's expected of me, and my capabilities, if anyone found out I had a relation with a monster... I don't think I'd ever live it down. She's the seventh generation of a long lineage of noblewomen, and once she marries, she'll be a very outstanding figure among Magi. But someone like me can either do nothing, or dirty her image by being seen as a monster sympathizer. I'm not even sure what to think about monsters anymore. I've been lead for so long to think that any human who turned into a monster was no longer what they used to be, and any attempt to identify with them would lead to being taken as the monster's lover..." he trailed off, flushing as he realized what he was saying was exactly as it happened for him and Kala.

"... Anyway, I at least thought it'd be more forceful," 'if you don't count the fact that I was drugged,' he would have added.

"T-that's not the point anyway..." he stuttered nervously. "Some of what the magi have said may be valid, but I'm not in some slime pit or prison, held only to be your slave. That's the kind of image that was painted for us. Captured men were slaves, and women were turned into monsters who completely forget their past lives. I also remember reading that some monsters kept certain memories, when it involved helping them entice a previous lover..." he trailed off again, hanging his head with a sigh as yet another thing applied to Kala, and their relationship thus far.

"The Magi's teachings are flawed, even if only a little!" He concluded in a flush. "If I don't have my sister understand that, she won't leave without me. And you certainly won't be shown any mercy. I think at the very least a conversation with you would help her comprehend that you aren't just some mindless sex creature! I-if you don't mind me saying..." he added nervously, indicating that he didn't want to upset the lewd creature next to him.

By the time their exchange was finished, they had arrived at the Inn after passing several bridges, and stepping onto the largest pillar of land in the center of the large hollow in the earth. A pair of women dressed in heavy armor stood watch at the entrance to the Inn, both of them looking to Kala and Erik. "What a horrible sight." one girl directed at Kala. "An Incubus and his master?" the other suggested, directed at Erik.

"I have a thousand and one different things to say to you, but my sister is more important than dealing with your remarks." Erik announced, a business expression on his face, nothing but serious. "I can inform her you were giving me trouble, if you will not let Kala and I pass."

Looking to each other, the armored women stood further apart, letting the man and slime by, which Erik did quickly, not wishing to be near the judgmental women. And upon stepping inside with Kala, standing upright next to the bar, with no patrons or innkeep to be seen in the large room, was a tall woman wearing a heavy set of armor similar to the armor the other two women were wearing, but with select differences that made her seem superior, mainly the design of a four legged beast with a lion's mane pulling a war wagon on her left shoulder plate, and the long, powerful looking spear attached to her armor itself hanging from her left arm. Her hair was of a light blond, almost white, much like Erik's. But her eyes were blue, that of a human's. And unlike any half-demon, she displayed no signs of demonic ancestry.

Upon stepping in front of this woman, despite the unwavering look on his face, Erik took a knee in an elegant bow to her. "I have come in answer to your summons, Alexis." he regarded her respectfully. However, despite showing such respect, her expression remained that of a noble's, unchanging, cool, and composed as she looked down at him in such a way that suggested she thought he belonged there, on a knee, below her.

And as Erik said her name, another flash returned to Kala's mind. A woman dressed in that exact same armor was standing beside her, the woman herself none other than Alexis...

"Alexis Marthadonia the Seventh," the light blond haired noble announced next to Kala, standing together before a woman Kala knew, but seemed a blur in her memory as she could not remember any of her features. "If I may," Alexis requested to their superiors, "May I inquire as to why Kala was summoned here as well? This is my promotion, after all."

"Yes... It was..." announced the woman in front of them. "You've sent your formal request to be noticed. But... It's not like we've been ignoring you. The position of Admiral within our sky fleet belongs to the most suited of individuals. Nobility has no merit in such an important position. And to that end, Kala is the most suited to lead our fleet. And with the endorsement of Prince Erik, there is no reason to say otherwise, as he is already captain himself. We need such unity and trust to prove our might over our reckless and chaotic enemies." she announced, her meaning of enemies directed at at mamono.

After being informed that Kala was more worthy than her, Alexis left in a fury. Later that day, she confronted Kala directly, her normal, noble expression broken into a furious frown. "You seduced him," she accused harshly. "And not only him, am I correct? You've used your body to entice every other official into doing as you say. Not only are you taking my aspirations, as if that wasn't enough, but you seek to steal my brother as well?" she shook her head, "That will never happen. You can take my pride, but you will never take my love," she announced passionately, tears forming in her otherwise cold eyes, as if the emotional barrier she had placed was melting, exposing her heart. "I will see you dead if you attempt to merge your family name with his. Do you understand? He belongs to Marthadonia. Not a harlot like you."

Her harsh accusations rang from the lost corners of Kala's memory, coming back to her now that she set eyes on the woman who claimed Erik so passionately. But at the same time, Erik himself seemed oblivious to such emotions that only Kala and Alexis knew of.

"You've taken a fitting form, Kala," she commented insultingly at Kala's new form. "You have already soiled my brother, no doubt. Did you come with him to gloat? Do you claim him now as your property, monster?" she announced Kala's title harshly.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

While they were still walking out of their room and Erik was coming to some odd conclusions about their current relationship and the skewed teachings of the Magi - teachings she had swiftly concluded were inaccurate once she had herself become a mamono - Kala maintained a thoughtful expression.

When Erik had looked hastily over to her and said he meant no offense by calling her a mindless, sex creature, Kala gave him a quirky smile that suggested he'd put his foot in his mouth, but she was willing to forgive him.

"No offense taken, Erik, but let me try to explain the nature of the sex, at least in how I view it. Humans like yourself can go without sex if need be. It's an option. Not having it won't change your personality or even your physical well-being. This isn't the same for mamono, and for my type especially. You've felt the difference before and after. I'm healthier now, more energetic, more solid. For me, sex is as much a need as food is to you. I didn't choose it, but my form is designed to acquire my needs. Hence the aphrodisiac effect, hence the clothes dissolving, and hence the general adhesiveness."

She grinned and patted Erik on the shoulder, like a friend, not a lover. This attitude seemed familiar to her, and she realized that she might be falling back into her old patterns with Erik. "It's simple biology, if you think about it. A form follows function. If sex is required for survival, then the form adopts methods to facilitate it, otherwise we would not be fit for survival. It's why you've got teeth, so you can swallow your food, or a gag reflex, so you can expel non agreeable and possibly poisonous content from your stomach. It is no more and no less. How an individual mamono chooses to treat her partner is very much up to her. However, as with all things in a world with dark magic, there is evil among us - just as there is evil in humans."

As they walked on, Kala formed her outer skin in the fashion of wearing a simple dress, flattening out the curves of her breasts and covering herself in a mimicry of human modesty. "When it comes to me, however, I can assure you, I've still got my mind in the right place. I intend to show the Magi that they're wrong about treating all mamono as the enemy, but I know it will be hard. I'll try to start with your sister and if I fail with her, I'll just have to try everyone else. Perhaps the best I can hope for is just to put the idea into the magi's heads, and let them argue it out for themselves."

The two of them reached the inn and met the two armored guards. They were apparently determined to give Erik a hard time. He was having none of it, and quickly told them off. He passed them quickly as they stepped aside but Kala walked slowly between them and then stopped, looking from one to the other.

"Soldiers should exercise discipline and ought to hold their tongues about subjects they do not understand. I was a Magi once, and I knew that lesson well. I still know it." She admonished them, and then continued on with a graceful gait. She was all business now, channeling all she could remember about reflecting an air of authority - one gained from respect and merit.

When she saw Alexis and had her memory flash, it explained a great deal about the rift between them, as well as where she had gotten that natural air of command. So, she had not merely been a Magi. She had been an admiral. How indeed that would rankle the high command, to have lost such an officer. How much more would it rankle them to realize that she was not a mindless mamono, but something far more. Something that was still useful, if they would give her the chance to prove it. Though Erik bowed to his sister, Kala remained standing tall. She was not going to be treated as one of them, and she did not intend to show Alexis any respect until she earned it.

"Bitterness does not suit you, Alexis. Not on the day we last spoke together about Prince Erik, and not now." Kala spoke evenly and with cool grace. Alexis was a dangerous and reckless opponent. She decided to find a way to shift the conversation to her advantage. "You'll find your brother unspoiled and not poisoned against you. You should however be grateful that I used my new form's healing abilities to save his life. He would have bled out had I not done so. As for your petty assumptions: Erik has always been a dear friend, Alexis. He is free to go where he wills, provided these needless hostilities cease immediately." Kala stepped forward and never took her eyes off of Alexis as she spoke.

"I do not know who was in charge of the foolish assault on this temple complex, but the Magi should consider themselves lucky that there were not more casualties. You've managed to enter the domain of a peaceful, though by no means powerless collective - were that not so, a lot of good men and women would have died today, and for nothing. Inform your commander that I would not have acted with such clumsiness."

Her instincts and memory flash suggested that most likely Alexis herself was in charge of this mission. It made a lot of sense - the opportunity for Alexis to wipe out the woman who had in her mind stolen her brother from her as well as robbed her of her promotion. Kala had never targeted Alexis, she was certain, but this noblewoman had chosen to make herself a victim. This whole idiotic attack had been a plot for vengeance. Kala saw through it, and wanted Alexis to know that she saw through it. She challenged the noblewoman by simply being in possession of all her mental faculties - but more than that - she possessed memories that flew in the face of Magi teachings. What would Alexis think of that. The woman was no fool... but if her hatred of Kala had gone far enough, it might make her overlook such obvious errors in Magi assumptions. Erik at least had begun to see it. She resolved to handle him better and with more restraint in the future. And she would not betray their relationship to his sister or the others. As far as she was concerned, she had applied her body to his to heal him. His clothes had been damaged during the assault, and that was why he was wearing spare clothing. She trusted Erik to not ruin any of this by claiming a relationship with her. Better that he be accepted back into the Magi fold. That way he could spread the idea that the mamono view was wrong.

It pained her though to think she might need to give Erik up. A part of her wondered if it were safe to go with him, but decided quickly that it would be tantamount to suicide or a lengthy and tortuous imprisonment. Better to remain on friendly ground and press her advantage with diplomacy. Words were needed now, not violence.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Alexis' expression did not change throughout Kala's refined speech to her. Calm and collected, though well with thorns to prick at the Magi noble's reckless beliefs, Alexis seemed to take it all in stride. However, all that simple meant, was that she had some other means of attack at her disposal. Never on the defensive, always attacking. In conversation, in battle, she didn't see the difference. Even when it came to her brother.

"The fool you speak of, the one who ordered the attack, is the man you so covet." she announced without hesitation, her meaning directed at, but eyes not following, the white haired man kneeling on the floor. Though now, not with respect, but shame. "Your kin, the ones who suffered the attack, was due to the fact that Erik was distraught to happen upon the knowledge of your fate. And it was I who called the attack off when I learned of his actions." she stated, lifting her right arm to brush a few strands of hair from her face in a graceful motion.

"I am here to imprison Erik, until proper punishment has been decided," she announced in a tone that almost suggested his death sentence.

Erik looked up with shock, the shame of his actions still evident on his face, his eyes glancing at Kala faintly suggesting that he did not want her to know that fact. "Alexis!!!" he exclaimed, "You've truly come to put your own brother in prison!? I was doing what anyone would have thought was just!"

"Of course not," Alexis replied with a calm glance to him. "That is why I arrived, and not the guard. I will personally imprison you inside my estate. Now that I am Admiral of the sky fleet, we can properly discuss our family's future together. And this time, you will not rogue your way out of your destined responsibility to the Marthadonia family for the sake of a mutilated human." Her voice was strict, and firm. Resolute, she spoke as if her word was law. She offered no room for negotiation.

Eyes wide, Erik lowered his head, staring at the floor in astonished defeat. Years of being controlled by his sister has led him to find her words as absolute as the tone she speaks them in. And in noble terms, discussing one's futures together only meant one thing.

"That's final," Alexis concluded, before turning to Kala. "Since we had no business together, I have nothing else to say to you. I would grant you a mercy and slay you, but unfortunately, for now, I must continue to let you prey upon innocent men and women. Thankfully, your victim will not be Erik anymore. I needn't even ask to know you have attacked him for his seed. You are a monster now. Not that you're any different now, than you were before."

With that, Alexis reached down with her right arm, grabbing Erik's collar harshly as she lifted him to his feet, and began to push him towards the exit to the Inn. And as he was shoved, Erik glanced to Kala with an expression of desperation. He knew for certain he'd never see Kala again once Alexis took him.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

"I said Erik was free to go where he willed, Alexis - not where you will him to go. He will not be going to your estate and you shall exert no such personal authority on him - as you well know, I am aware of what an Admiral can and cannot do within the bounds of Magi law. Imprisonment without due process is kidnapping. No matter how high your birth. Unhand your brother, or you won't be leaving this place."

Damn you Alexis! Kala thought, lamenting the brashness exerted by Erik's sister. The two of them were quite a pair! Both prone to foolish actions without thought. Alexis' brilliant scheme seemed to be that she wanted to come in here, antagonize Kala into making a dangerous move against her, and felt confident about her chances to get away with both herself AND her brother. If that had been her plan, she was going about it all wrong. And as for Erik... the way his sister had so quickly placed the blame for the attack on him made her suspicious that Erik had indeed been the one to order such an advance. It stung a little to know she had inadvertently attacked him, but he HAD been foolish. Still, it didn't give his sister the right to take him and lock him away in a prison of her own design. She was not going to let herself be robbed of Erik if she could help it. Perhaps before, when she was only human, she hadn't been interested in a relationship... maybe because of the way it would have upset his sister. But now that they had bonded, her mamono self was refusing to give the man up without a fight. She didn't want to have to attack Alexis though. Misguided though she might be, Kala didn't really think she was all that horrible. And she didn't want to get the full brunt of the Magi attack force retaliating against Kala if she assaulted the admiral of their sky fleet under a flag of truce. She needed to convince Erik to stand up to his sister.

"And Erik, you have a spine. Use it, will you? If you don't want to go with your sister, stand up to her and tell her no. You can stay here with us under our protection until a more reasonable solution is arranged. You're on our grounds, your sister's authority doesn't extend here. You can stay with us, with me, if you like."
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