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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Supposedly in the next maintenance they will put the other stages of the event? right?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Supposedly in the next maintenance they will put the other stages of the event? right?
Yes, that is correct. While it isn't certain, the next maintenance might be tomorrow on the 8th (one week for the first phase, and another week for the second phase).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yes, that is correct. While it isn't certain, the next maintenance might be tomorrow on the 8th (one week for the first phase, and another week for the second phase).

ok Thanks :)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally a "wild Valerie appeared !" in the last map, not really farming the map it's like 12-13 runs before he drop.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

According to the latest report, maintenance begins at 10:00 on the 8th and ends at 15:00 as per usual.

- New missions for the "Crisis in the Fairy Country" event.
- Tutorial quests for beginners.

I managed to raise a 50CC20 Gold Assassin Betty. Her skill is at 4/5, so once I get her attack to around 420 (currently 412), she'll be able to deal 700 damage with her skill active. Betty can almost solo Rural Gate, but she can't quite kill the goblins fast enough during their thickest rush despite being able to one-hit them with her skill active. Not quite certain Betty would find much use during this specific event, but she's going to be immensely useful during any future events with vampires in them.

Hm, I just learned that the game calculates damage even with the hidden decimal values. So, Betty at lvl 28 deals 703 damage with her skill at 4/5 instead of 702. Now I'm curious if the developers made it so maximum stats of the characters ends with an integer. I'm hoping this is the case, since it would be difficult to calculate their stat growth otherwise. For example, Betty's max attack is 351, so if it's an integer, then her attack growth is 1.15 per level. However, if her attack growth is really 1.16 per level, then she would have a max attack of 351.6, which would affect the damage she deals with the Prince's buff and her skill activated (i.e. 418.404 attack with the 1.19x Prince buff instead of 417.69).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I understood the word expect to mean that something is more likely in your favour. Basically, anything above 50%. That's what I mean by expect him around every 10 trips (Though, I think it's 7 trips before it starts going over 50%).

Yeah I just didn't want that guy or anybody else to get too excited. Expect is "Likely to happen", but a lot of people think that it means it's a guarantee. Drop rate for silvers this event sucks, I still haven't found a Valerie. I'm mostly just running 60/3 for the red crystals, I still need like 110 x.X

I came to mention the maintenance, but Petite beat me to it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

OK, just at the week end I managed to three star fourth event map. Not without burning some gems and leveling my team though.

Surprisingly the main problem was not the archer push. While on first attempts, when I was unprepared, they made short work of my entire team, eventually they were not that tough to handle. I used Misha (on first spot) and Yurina (though it could be any half decent valk, rogue or bandit) on, respectively, first and second melee spots during the main archer push (right before black ogres). They had a support of healer and archer.

Surprisingly, the main problem was handling the air push. While it seems like double witch can handle it, that is not strictly the case.

There are two reasons, why the 'lvl 30' strategy from wiki doesn't work. First of all, his prince is level 100, and manages to kill the ogre before goblins reach him. My lvl 64 prince was not able to do so, and first goblins not only leaked through, but also soaked a lot of witch shots that should be aimed at gargoyles. Second reason is, while everything is level 30 tops, he has a lot of cost reduction. Both his witches are cost reduced by 2, so is his Phillis. His Soma is -1 cost as well. This may not seem like a lot, but even in the vid you see, that one of the gargs dies to last shot, almost reaching the base. Clearly, for a beginning player, so many reductions are not available.

So, the main issue for me was initial deployment, that wouldn't allow any flier (nor initial gobs) to score a point. For that I needed to level my ranged DPS, build their affection and also cost reduce them. Thankfully few Valeries that dropped from 1/2 star attempts helped here a lot.

Eventually I placed my (now lvl 40, -1cost) Soma on first ranged spot, then lvl 41 Calliope near prince spot, followed by lvl 30 Calliope (no affection) on leftmost spot (not the one near exit, as in video). Then, as soon as I can fire Phillis skill I dismiss her (careful not to loose ranged on first spot to mage that comes soon, followed by dragon) to place lvl 40 -1cost Valerie on ranged spot near your base. He barely manages to finish the red gargs with last shot, so any -1 cost you can accumulate on any units deployed thus far helps a lot.

From that point it is just making sure to not make any silly mistake, like loosing units to black ogres or forgetting to drop a melee on some ranged unit (Lvl 22 Mortima with helaer support was enough to handle anything that came after the ogres).

One more issue I needed to initially address was my lvl 20 Phillis dying to first two goblin archer _^_. However, once I got her to proper lvl 30, she was fine (though again - clicks needed to be very precise - she couldn't be dropped too early and healer needed to come asap).

Final team used (full affection = 50%, as they are not CCed):

Melee: Lvl 67 Prince, Lvl 32 Phillis (half affection), Lvl 23 Clave, Lvl 36 Misha (full affection), Lvl 22 Mortima, Lvl 28 Yurina, Lvl 35 Rean (full affection, irrelevant in this case), Lvl 20 Bernard.

Ranged: Lvl 40 Soma (full affection, -1 cost), Lvl 31 Daniela (half affection, wasn't that important), Lvl 41 Calliope (full affection), Lvl 30 Calliope, Lvl 40 Valerie (-1 cost), Lvl 22 Valerie, Lvl 26 Roy.

Healer: Lvl 34 Doreka (-1 cost, half affection).

Lets see, if I can handle new maps tomorrow...

In campaign I have reached the mission where I am supposed to finally retake my castle (34 stam) and ... WTF. Battle at castle gate was tough, but it always seemed like I can try different arrangements or level my chars a bit to handle few more swings. This one I can't even survive the first red garg push, and from what I have seen there is some crazy strong stuff coming afterwards. Maybe I need to get some cost reduced Hectors to handle initial goblins and have more resources up for anti-air defense, but even 1 starring this map seems to be a song of a far future...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Did anyone manage to get the Elf Queen from the red crystal exchange? Is there any other way to get her? :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Did anyone manage to get the Elf Queen from the red crystal exchange? Is there any other way to get her? :(
No, she's only available from the magical crystal exchange. She isn't listed among the units that can be gained from summoning. Fortunately, she'll still be there when this event is over, so it's less a matter of grinding to gain a copy of her, and more a matter of grinding to get multiple copies to feed them to each other like the black ninja from the event that introduced the magical crystals.

Speaking of which, the gold male ninja from the previous gold rush event also hasn't been listed as a summonable unit, so he's currently a one-of-a-kind.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No, she's only available from the magical crystal exchange. She isn't listed among the units that can be gained from summoning. Fortunately, she'll still be there when this event is over, so it's less a matter of grinding to gain a copy of her, and more a matter of grinding to get multiple copies to feed them to each other like the black ninja from the event that introduced the magical crystals.

Speaking of which, the gold male ninja from the previous gold rush event also hasn't been listed as a summonable unit, so he's currently a one-of-a-kind.

He's the only ninja i got, and has served me with great use. Having an extra ranged in a melee spot helps a lot. :D
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aegis unit popularity contest. Let's vote for Nanaly~

Joking aside, I can never understand the below:
#9 弓ゴブリン(赤)
Apparently red goblin archer defeated Karma in the popularity contest. *sweat drops*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aegis unit popularity contest. Let's vote for Nanaly~

Joking aside, I can never understand the below:
#9 弓ゴブリン(赤)
Apparently red goblin archer defeated Karma in the popularity contest. *sweat drops*

I actually got two copies of シビラ in 5 premium tries... o_o; so... i'll vote for her...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new tutorial quests give out silver units as a reward for 3-starring them. Though, you're only allowed to use a prebuilt party, so they're like puzzle missions. This sounds like it could be pretty fun.

Tutorial Quest
1 - Blocking Basics: Silver Heavy Armour Lean
2- Healing Power: Silver Healer Christopher
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The new tutorial quests give out silver units as a reward for 3-starring them. Though, you're only allowed to use a prebuilt party, so they're like puzzle missions. This sounds like it could be pretty fun.

Tutorial Quest
1 - Blocking Basics: Silver Heavy Armour Lean
2- Healing Power: Silver Healer Christopher

Daniela is in the 3rd map and Valerie is in the 4th map.

Now I'm the 5th map XD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 5th emergency mission map "Great Invasion 2" drops:
Silver Healer Dolka
Bronze Heavy Armour Russel
Magical Crystal x2

@Keima: Awesome, my unit box is close to full, so I'm going to stay away from the tutorial quests for now. However, I'm curious if they're going to end with Phillis and Calliope, or if there's more quests for the other silver units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The 5th emergency mission map "Great Invasion 2" drops:
Silver Healer Dolka
Bronze Heavy Armour Russel
Magical Crystal x2

@Keima: Awesome, my unit box is close to full, so I'm going to stay away from the tutorial quests for now. However, I'm curious if they're going to end with Phillis and Calliope, or if there's more quests for the other silver units.

Calliope is in the 5th Tutorial map.

I am also in the same situation with my units XD
and besides I prefer to progress in the Emergency Mission maps for now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

5th map wasn't too bad, I'm waiting on a decent video for the 6th map though, looks like it'll need a pretty specific strategy.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

5th map wasn't too bad, I'm waiting on a decent video for the 6th map though, looks like it'll need a pretty specific strategy.

yeah, I'm watching a video of the 6th map and looks hard.
Besides that the dark elf is strong. :eek:
so I will wait a while XD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well 3 stars on all event map the 60/5 is a real pain more than the 60/6, the two 60/3 are "friendly" (for me) the dark elf hit like a dynamite truck (like black oni) once she is near death.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

6th map can be really easy once you know the dark elf won't go into the right exits, no need to tank her too (she walks around like the princess from previous events).

3 star'd it by tweaking this video's strategy.

-Strongest range as the first slot (used a 50CC21 Bashira)
-50CC38 Soma in the slot just below that of the video
-Soldier/Phyllis at top-rightmost slot
-Prince at leftmost exit
-Healer at right side (50CC30 Arisa)
-Soldier at bottom-rightmost slot if needed, or a witch at bottom works too
-Healer with at least 260 power left of prince

Then the dark elf should die before the 2 lichs at bottom pop out - activate soma's skill when they do. That should do it.
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