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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nanaly soloed the gargoyle wave on map 5.
Karma > dark elf on map 6. (Otoh, failed to blind 3 star my first try, red goblin archer killed karma after her skill and before I could retreat her)

Also, too many Yurina taking up inventory *sweat drops*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I used a modified version of this:

Sorry there's no image for the map yet on the wiki to better explain positioning.

1. CC'd Archer (Recommended to have high attack boost) (CC'd Daniela used) where their Nanally is
2. 2nd strongest CC'd Archer (Recommended to have range extension) (CC'd Soma used) where they put their 2nd archer (On the middle island)
3. Soldier (Top right exit) (Un CC'd level 40 Phylis used)
4. CC'd Archer or Pirate (Un CC'd level 47 Monica used) below the 2nd archer
5. Prince (Level 100) left exit
6. CC'd Healer placed where they put their Despuia/Witch, you'll need it there if you don't have an OP archer
7. 2nd CC'd Healer under Prince

Then you just use HA and mages as needed on the bottom area, activate skills at the right times, etc, etc. You will need to retreat most likely your 2nd healer near the prince, your HA, and maybe even any mages you put down. I used Karma to finish the boss before the mages came as well. It's pretty flimsy without the OP units that guy has, but it was a 3 star nontheless and the video should give you a good idea of what's possible anyways. A CC'd HA + CC'd Odette where your 2nd healer was (Left and under the Prince) will decimate the mages fairly quickly.

Now I gotta hope there'll be a good lower requirement video for 60/5, shit looks intense. It seems like you need to brute force it more than anything.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Some brute strength required, but wasn't that bad actually. Main thing is you might need 3 healers if you don't have a samurai or a good valkyrie (that can shrug off red goblin arrows)
Avenger's skill damage boost only kicks in when less than 50% hp. Hence even mischa can tank her before then.

Update: Since when does Phalanx 2 drop nothing after a run? orz
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Some brute strength required, but wasn't that bad actually. Main thing is you might need 3 healers if you don't have a samurai or a good valkyrie (that can shrug off red goblin arrows)
Avenger's skill damage boost only kicks in when less than 50% hp. Hence even mischa can tank her before then.

Update: Since when does Phalanx 2 drop nothing after a run? orz

Could only 1 star it with that with my current team. Think I'm back to needing to CC Carry. Looks like I'm farming gold fairies for a could days now. I don't think my other duelists have the attack speed and stats to deal with the spam there, but Carry right now is too weak on defense. I was just a second or two off from being able to get a healer on her, but I had to retreat her. Only had a HA to cover for her and that didn't work well and ate my sortie. Just barely couldn't stop the first boss that comes, at least I got the 2nd one. 67/68.

I think that strategy is a bit better for my team than the one I had planned anywho, so going to just work on building up my team. The other close one used Nannaly at really key moments, doubt my archers could handle two of the times her skill activated in the video I was planning on using/modifying.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

One interesting way to exploit the dark elf is just to have some weak heavy armour tank her. Since the heavy armour does so little damage, you can peacefully finish off everything else before changing your focus to her.

Currently got 3-stars on Avenger and Ailanthus Defence by doing this. I need to wait until my stamina recovers before I can think about how to do Ailanthus Extreme, since the heavy armour trick might not work so well due to the larger number dark elves on that map.

Just to give an idea how effective plain 'ol heavy armours can be for Ailanthus Defence:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

One interesting way to exploit the dark elf is just to have some weak heavy armour tank her. Since the heavy armour does so little damage, you can peacefully finish off everything else before changing your focus to her.

Currently got 3-stars on Avenger and Ailanthus Defence by doing this. I need to wait until my stamina recovers before I can think about how to do Ailanthus Extreme, since the heavy armour trick might not work so well due to the larger number dark elves on that map.

Just to give an idea how effective plain 'ol heavy armours can be for Ailanthus Defence:

Haha, pretty funny.

I assume the tutorial levels are permanent? Don't know why they'd be limited with being a tutorial and all. It's weird having a new npc in the menus now though.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's weird having a new npc in the menus now though.

Could someone more skilled in moonrunes explain who she is, lorewise? I know Anna was a chancellor for the deceased king, who now pledged her loyalty to prince / new king. But the new girl? Is she someone from the original court, or did she join us on the way?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

3 starred everything, last map's fairly easy once you figure out the 50% hp damage increase from the avenger.

Was going to take a video and it was gonna be an easy 3 stars, and then the avenger accidentally touched my Prince with <1% hp and he died in one hit. *fp*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Could someone more skilled in moonrunes explain who she is, lorewise? I know Anna was a chancellor for the deceased king, who now pledged her loyalty to prince / new king. But the new girl? Is she someone from the original court, or did she join us on the way?
No one uploaded videos of her introductory scene, so the only thing I can tell you based on my lousy memory—since I skimmed past her introductory scene—is that her name is Katy.

Though, there's a chance a recording of it will be released by JohnDoe on Nicovideo later, since he didn't activate the tutorial quests yet. In his latest video, he was more interested in doing the mid-tier daily mission, and one of the new emergency missions. That being said, if you find a recording before then, let me know.

JohnDoe uploaded a video, but it appears my memory is so lousy that Katy's introductory scene was a complete fabrication of my own imagination. Unless she reveals a little of her background during a later tutorial quest, then she's just a name and an illustration on the screen to explain game mechanics to the player.

Here's JohnDoe's video in case anyone is interested:

I like his reactions during Avenger and Ailanthus Defence. Especially when he sees the second dark elf accompanied by the lich-like dark elf mage on the latter map.

Moonrunes isn't another name for the Japanese kana and kanji sets, but rather it is the name of text that is improperly encoded. Moonrunes come from the indecipherable text that appears when you try to read something without East Asian fonts installed on your PC.

Japanese: 小説投稿の際のご注意
Moonrunes: ¬￾à“Š￾e‚Ì￾Û‚Ì‚²’￾ˆÓ
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Confirmed that 60/6 is easier than 60/5. Mostly because you get used to how an avenger works from 60/5.

Then it's just having a bunch of swap-able melee of decent hp/armor.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got 3-stars on Ailanthus Defence Extreme:

I used the heavy armour trick with great success due to the fact that I think this map has it so the first couple dark elves have to be killed to trigger the rest of the enemy forces.

Thanks to the tutorial quest rewarding a silver heavy armour, I don't think I need to grind any of the event maps. So, I'm going to class-change the silver dragonewt, and then start feeding my extra Yurina copies to herself with silver fairies to make room before grinding Phalanx 2/Spirit Rescue Mid-tier for platinum fairies to feed the dragonewt to Hina. I think my next project will be getting Echidna and Iris to lvl 40, and then work on getting the platinum elf archer Spica to lvl 50 before the next event hopefully.

Speaking of which, there's going to be a maintenance on the 10th.

Maintenance (10th 10:00~12:00):
- Additional tutorial quests.
- Reduced sacred crystal cost for the event buffs.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

hi all is any1close of getting that 200 maiden elf. As for map 5of the event u need two cc archer and 1cc witch to get a 3star. for 2star all u need is 3 knight( damage around 350-400) 1heavy (350 and higher) 2archer and 1witch around 35 and above last its healer need at least ( 250 power point) . orge hit like 650 to 700 damage
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for all the explanations, Petite Soeur. I sort of liked the Anna backstory, so I hoped this Katy would be more than just a new illustration. Sorry for the slang misuse as well.


After the grinding I did to get my low level team through fourth mission, fifth one was relatively easy. Double archer left side, double witch right side, than dismiss one of the archers to get enough sortie points to put a mage near exit to finish off red gargs. Prince on first melee spots after ogres pass, Misha behind him and healer on the left side to deal with archers and black armor that come afterwards. Dealing with dragons was more about making sure to recall those of my low level characters that die in second hit, than it was about having enough DPS. Same party as in my previous post on fourth mission.

I made two attempts on sixth mission and most of it seemed fairly manageable, except for the dark elf casters. If only they moved faster... I thought about trying to put Soma in the top archer spot, and hope she could kill mages approaching from top with her range-up skill, but at this point I think I am just better off spending some stamina on fairy farming and getting my first CC - an archer.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thank god finally managed to clear mission 7 with 3 star.

I found mission 8 to be considerably easier and the reason being is probably the lack of goblin archers I could drop my good cc archer on the left side with monica backing her up and be confident they'd kill the avengers before they got all the way round.

Tip for mission 7 and 8 WATCH THE DARK ELF MAGES they are a pain in the ass cause there so slow and attack so often go out of your way to drop a unit on there head and kill them before they cause you problems cause they will lol.

That's my advice take into account about what everyones said about the Avengers dropping bellow 50% and keep an eye on those evil mages.

Further more is it just me or do the dark elf units have a truck tone of magic resistance I dropped all my single target mages and found things 20x easier.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

- New daily mission that lasts for just two days between 12th 0:00~13th 23:59. Looks like they're bringing back the gold witch Chloris from an old event.
- New quests added to the tutorial quests for beginners. The unit reward is the Tactics Instructor Katy, who is a gold soldier with the same skill as Aria and Julian.
- The sacred crystal cost for the event buffs has been decreased.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

- New daily mission that lasts for just two days that lasts between 12th 0:00~13 23:59. Looks like they're bringing back the gold witch from an old event.
Considering that I STILL don't have a witch better than silver rarity, that's much appreciated. (Especially the gold rarity, since platinum fairies has a giant backlog)

*Sheep mode on* Aniya~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

She is the Gold Unit reward in the new mission of the tutorial.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite Soeur - The time bracket is in Japanese Standard time, I assume?


As expected, class changing my Soma (she is now 50cc25) was enough to gain three stars on sixth mission. She lands on topmost spot and is enough to handle mages approaching from north direction. To handle mages from bottom I still needed to drop four (level 2x) characters on them, but since not much else happens in this mission, I had room in my roster. I also used a secondary healer, that assisted the melee dropped on south mages, but it was risky (sometimes they would just start attacking her) and in retrospective I would probably be better off just using another melee.

I also did two attempts on seventh mission (the first mission with sacred tree) and actually managed to 1 star them on first attempt. From this point not loosing anyone is just a matter of paying attention, but I wonder how to attempt to kill those avengers.

Obviously I tank them to 50% while I kill everything else. However, unlike the previous mission, they walk relatively short distance and I am unable to kill them in time. I had quite good success tanking her with rogue, but that I reserve for last ditch attempt.

Is it true, that they have high mdef and I should only focus on leveling archers to dish out damage (I don't have any pirates, ninjas, or whatever else can dish out physical ranged damage, that is not an archer) or is it just a rumor and I am better of leveling my best DPSers - witches and mages?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just ran a couple of extra rounds trying to get a few silvers and confirmed yes the dark elf units have a heck of alot of magic def a team with archers just makes it easier, plat archer with 400 ish attack can 4 shot a mage while plat witch with around 600 with ability active and prince buff took around 8 hits to kill the same unit.

That's a difference that can decide the fate of a few units considering how many attacks those mages can get off.

The new gold soldier girl from tutorial is a life safer for me I have no real melee units apart from prince and the silver soldier. Further more her ability increases unit pool by 10 points double the silver soldier girls at level 1. I'm praying she keeps that ability when she cc's cause that's going to be really useful for everyone.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just ran a couple of extra rounds trying to get a few silvers and confirmed yes the dark elf units have a heck of alot of magic def a team with archers just makes it easier, plat archer with 400 ish attack can 4 shot a mage while plat witch with around 600 with ability active and prince buff took around 8 hits to kill the same unit.

Sorry to ask for clarification - have you observed this property on Avenger as well, or perhaps this is a trait of dark elf casters only?