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Alexis (Xivvix)

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Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Alexis
Apparent age: 22
Brief physical/personality description: Slightly tall, with mid-back length dark hair, kept in a high ponytail. A curvy build, with tan skin and dark eyes. Impulsive and impatient, with a smart mouth to boot.
Defense: 4
Constitution: 3

Alexis wakes to a startle in a spartan cell. The first thing she discovers is that she has been changed into a black sports bra and creme colored boyshorts. She knows for a fact that she wasn't dressed like this before. Looking around, she finds a note tied to her wrist. Reading it it simply says:

"Welcome. You are now my guinea pig. I have been looking for a proper host for my devious experiments. If you can, try to make it to the top. Welcome to My Pit.

-Dr. D"

Examining the room, she discovers that the door to her south is unlocked.

Search the area
Travel South
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Wha? Guinea pig? Experiments?" Alexis stares quizzically at the note, even turning it over to see if there was anymore of it on the other side. Sighing at... whatever her current predicament was, she looks around the room curious about what kind of place this 'Pit' is.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis immediately spots what looks like a piece of fabric sticking out of the lone dresser in the cell. Opening the drawer, she is pleased to find a baby blue tank top. She puts it on and discovers that, while very form fitting, the tank top fits pretty well.

Search again
Travel South
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis slips the tank top on, taking care to try to hide the bra straps with the top straps, then returns to rummaging through the dresser for something a bit more covering than underwear.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Searching the lower drawers, she comes across a pair of green exercise shorts. Trying them on, she is a little disappointing at the tightness of them and that they only go to just above the knees, but they are better than nothing she thinks...

Search again
Travel South
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Black, blue, creme, and now green? Someone needs to work on color coordination," she says sarcastically as she squeezes into the tight pants. She grunts as she pulls them up the rest of the way, then sighs. "Better find out who this Dr. D. is so I can yell at him for putting me in this place," she says. walking out the room.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Agitated at Dr D's color scheme, she set out from her cell to the south. Entering a very dark hallway, she can only see about 10 feet in any direction. She does notice that the hallway travels both to the east and west. There are a large number of black bags in the hallway, many of them already open.

Search the area
Travel N/E/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Ugh, not only do I get taken against my will, I get taken to someplace that can't even afford lights." She rolls her eyes, then sets off to the east, ignoring the black bags.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

After only a few moments of walking she comes across an intersection of two hallways, one traveling esat and west, while the other travels north. Looking around, she doesn't see anything that immediatyl strikes her fancy, but does notice many black bags and some boxes lining the walls.

Travel N/E/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Helloooooo?" Alexis calls into the darkness. "I'm ready to leave your ratty building. I won't sue if you make it fast and give me a blank check!" She yells the last bit with a lilt. Finally she sighs and continues east, brushing the sides of the boxes with her fingertips, though not paying them any mind.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Nor surprisingly, no one responds to her inital query. That is, until she moves farther down the hallway. She reaches the end of the hallway with a door to both her North and South when she feels a sharp crack on the back of her head. She falls to her knees and grabs the back of her dark hair. "Now now young lady, what are you doing out hear all by your lonesome?" a voice says witha southern twang from behind her. She looks over her shoulder at a small man dressed as police, guard or something.

(crit hit)

Alexis DEF 2 + 2
Guard HP 2

Wait (talk)
Can't flee - on the ground
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis falls to the ground with her hands clutching the back of her head. "OW! What the? What the hell is wrong with you?" She yells incredulously at the guard. Slowly getting back to her feet, she turns around and stares at him angrily. "That hurt! You are all so getting sued." Without waiting to hear a response she moves forward and aims a slap at the guards cheek.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis' slap catches the guard off... well, guard. It is his turn to recoil as the expression on his face goes from one of smug authority to one of pain. "Damn woman, I ain't s'ppose to hit a lady, but you ain't no lady with a slap like that," he says, after recovering.

Alexis DEF 2 + 2
Guard HP 1

Wait (talk)
Flee N/S/W(83%)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis gasps at the guard's comment, her cheeks flushing in anger. "Yeah? Well you won't be a man when I'm done with you!" she yells, her foot flying out to his groin.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis tries to connect her knee with the guard's crotch. The guard, still reeling, stuns her when he reaches out and grabs her mid-kick. She looks at him and sees a smirk cross his face before he pulls hard backward, throwing Alexis to the ground. She is able to recover quickly, getting on one knee before the guard is able to strike her again.


Alexis DEF 1 + 2
Guard HP 1

Wait (talk)
Can't flee, grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"You son of a bitch!" she yells. In the same motion she uses to push herself off the ground, Alexis launches herself at the guard, attempting to tackle him to the ground while she swings her fists at his face.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Flying through the air at the guard, Alexis lets her blind rage get the best of her. She doesn't plan her leap quite right, and flies right past the guard. She lands on her stomach and almost immediately after feels the Guard land on top of her; his body weight pinning her to the floor. He grabs her ponytail and pulls backward, forcing her head painfully far back. "Now, this is gettin' right frun now!" He says with a laugh.


Alexis DEF 0 + 2
Guard HP 1

Wait (talk)
Can't flee, grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Ah, ah!" Alexis cries out as she guard tugs on her hair. "Stop it asshole!" The guard may have her pinned under him, but she can still move her arms. Twisting her body, she attempts to swing back at him, while trying to keep her head still and the hair tugging at a minimum.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis flails both her arms, trying to get a hit on her assailant. Each one of her attacks is parried by the guard's free hand. She is unable to land a decent hit on the guard as he begins to laugh uncontrollably. Much to her shock and fear, the tugging of her hair begins a little spark of warmth in the back of her mind and in the depths of her belly.

"Woo-ey! You sure do know how to have fun there missy!" He says in a very sarcastic tone.


Alexis DEF 0 + 2
Alexis CONST: 3
Guard HP 1

Wait (talk)
Can't flee, grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Breathing heavily between gritted teeth, Alexis sits for a second under the man. She had no idea that being treated like this was something she might enjoy. Maybe if the guy weren't such a dick, I'd entertain the thought of seeing how far it went, she thought as she began to thrash about, trying to throw the man off her.
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