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Amber Auction Thread


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Princes and Princesses of Amber,

To you was given life immortal, and the birthright of creation. The secrets of the Pattern are yours for the taking, and you walk as gods and goddesses amongst lesser beings. Yet still an arrow can bring you low, a sword cut you deep, and a bullet forever silence you if they are wielded by a skilled hand.

With years of rivalry between you, how do you stack up to one another?

First let us introduce one another: Please respond here with your name and proper title (prince or princess.)

Who am I? I am the Lady Azure, ambassador of good will from the Courts of Chaos. Recorder and Historian and in no way shape or form a threat to Amber. I am here to merely record a momentous occassion in history - the very first succession to the throne of Amber. As you of course already know, your paternal grandfather, Deworin, was the one who first drew the Pattern, creating the universe as we know it, but he never chose to be king - it was your father Olin who was the first to take the throne. Now one of you will be the second.

There are five attributes by which you have all been measured:

The first is PSYCHE.

For a sorcerer like myself, or anyone who is keen on developing powers of Pattern, Logrus, Trump, or any sort of Magic, this is a key attribute. It is the force of your will. It is also the key factor in psychic combat. This is nothing to sniff at! There are many ways to form a psychic link with someone and once the connection is made, a person with a signficantly higher PSYCHE can do nasty things - implanting suggestions, stealing memories, possessing your body, or even outright killing you with a psychic assault! The uses for Psyche within specific power categories are many. Some would argue that this is the most important attribute.

The second is STRENGTH.

The measure of your brawn and hand-to-hand skill. Strength can be and often is a finisher. If you can wrap your hands around the neck of someone with inferior strength, things can be over in a *snap.* Strength can also let you break blades, and absorb hits, particularly from blunt objects or falling damage. Because a stronger person can literally break someone else, some would argue that this is the most important attribute.

The third is ENDURANCE.

This is your will to keep on going. To not drop. To weather the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Ali vs Frazier in the 14th round sort of stuff. It also measures how well you heal. Provided that you don't actually die instantly, an Amberite of high enough ENDURANCE can knit deadly wounds together and even, given enough time, regenerate seriously maiming injuries, like regrowing an eye. Endurance is also the ultimate tie-breaker. If you can push things to go on long enough in some other contest, Endurance becomes the winning factor. It's also used to determine how many spells or feats of strength you can do without needing rest. Because it's used in just about everything, some would argue that this is the most important attribute.

The fourth is WEAPON SKILL

This is your martial ability and weapons knowledge. All Amberites have had the time and opportunity to handle and practice with a multitude of weapons. This attribute tells us who was the best at them all. This represents, accuracy, finesses, physical reaction time, and deadliness with weapons. A high enough Weapon Skill can cut even the strongest to ribbons before they can lay a finger on you, unless they're also skilled or have some other factor to help them get close. Since pretty much every Amberite carries a sword, this skill lets us know who wins the duel. Since it obviously determines the winner in a melee fight, some would argue that this is the most important attribute.

The fifth is TACTICS.

This covers the broader knowledge of warfare. It combines your tactical vision, leadership, and strategy. With armies at your command, the greatest in TACTICS will win the battle. Armies are as much a weapon as a sword or a fist. Enough quantity can make up for a lack of quality, and if wielded correctly, can bring down even the best of fighters. This skill doesn't contain itself to warfare alone. TACTICS also represents your cleverness and ability to outwit. Whereas Psyche is mental strength, TACTICS is your mental dexterity, your wits, your ability to see the danger before it gets to you. A person with higher tactics will see the signs of a trap lain by a lesser tactician. Because of the wide ranging benefits, some would argue that this is the most important attribute.

Link to the unofficial amber info page (so that you can plan your character builds and familiarize yourself with what powers do. Be aware that I am not doing the partial power buy that is listed on the various links in this page.):


So. Introduce yourselves and then let us begin with the PSYCHE auction. Remember that if you do not bid, you will have Amber Rank in the attribute and may buy it down to Chaos or Human Rank for an extra 10 or 25 character points respectively. Everyone starts with 250 character points, and remember that there's a list of goodies and powers and items/advantages to select from afterwards, so be careful not to spend it all in one place. Rank is the important thing, but a Rank 1 that is 50 points higher than the Rank 2 is a much better advantage than a Rank 1 that is only one point higher than Rank 2.

PSYCHE is officially up for bid. Please PM me your INITIAL BIDS for it. Once I have a bid from everyone, I'll post the starting values and people can feel free to bid more. If you bid 0 or buy down, you may not bid again on this attribute.
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Re: Amber Auction Thread

I am Prince Bator, known as The Righteous. I will become king, and I will rule with honor, with integrity, and in the interest of justice, which is more than can be said of the rest of you. Of course, my brothers and sisters, should you conduct yourselves bravely and forthrightly, when I am crowned I assure you there will be a place for you in my court. Should you cower in shadows and attempt to stab at my back; well, there will be a place for you in my dungeons.

I am Prince Bator, The Righteous, and soon I shall be known as King Bator, The Fierce!

((Initial bid on Psyche has been sent.))
Re: Amber Auction Thread

Prince Vaelus here. What kind of prince am I? Well, why don't we find out before I shoot my mouth off ;)
Re: Amber Auction Thread

Princess Dubiel here. Hopefully The Bard! But maybe not.
Re: Amber Auction Thread

Prince Bator (Alpacalypse), Prince Vaelus (Incubus), Prince Even (Takimaru), and Princess Dubiel (Gargantua Blarg) have sent me their bids. as has the yet unnamed royal sibling that MBS is controlling. We await a name from that one and also the name and bid of Farren.

All your names are fine. Canonically examples of names were Corwin, Eric, Benedict, Gerard, Fiona, Llewella, Deidre, Random, Brand, Martin, Merlin, Dara... and so on in that vein.
Re: Amber Auction Thread

I, Princess Vivianna, will grace you with my presence dear siblings. I would hope to not have to explain myself to my closest kin, though I suppose we'll all show our true colours soon enough. May you all be well through the coming trials, it would not make me happy to be deprived of more of my family.
Re: Amber Auction Thread


1st Rank: Prince Bator (Alpaca) - 56
2nd and 3rd Rank: Tied for 45
4th Rank: 31
5th Rank: 25
6th Rank: 9

You may all at any time bid higher than the 1st Rank or Pass at your current location. At the end of Bidding, all unknowns will be revealed and shown where they rank up. But for now you don't have to state where you currently are in this initial ranking. If you Pass, you may not come back in. Place all higher bids here in this thread, no need to PM them to me.

MBS, still need your character's name.
Re: Amber Auction Thread


Pass. I'm sure I'll regret this.
Re: Amber Auction Thread

So it looks like we can't bid under the lead, only bid above it?

57 is a bit rich for me, I think, I'm happy where I am~
Re: Amber Auction Thread

I am Prince Even. Brothers and sisters, my mission is less about the throne and more about what can be done to change the injustices of the Courts. Hopefully, with some necessary sacrifice, I hope to be able to usher in a new era of progress and clean its slate from the mistakes of our late father.

Re: Amber Auction Thread

I'll pass, 57 is a little more than I'd like to invest so early.
Re: Amber Auction Thread

While I wouldn't mind bidding higher... I think it's best for Svaltus to just give Bator this victory...
Re: Amber Auction Thread

That's everyone... I suppose everyone was just happy to know that Prince Bator is the master of the mind over them, and by a significant margin no less...

Prince Svaltus and Prince Vaelus are not shabby when it comes to mental strength however. The two of them match one another almost completely and thus are both effectively Rank 2 and Rank 3 combined. The only thing that could really break the tie here in a mental contest between the two would be their Endurance trait...

Prince Even is Rank 4 and has applied himself well to the psychic arts, but still trails behind the other male mentalists of the Amber line.

Princess Vivianna is Rank 5, also knowing enough mental tricks to be impressive against most of the inhabitants of creation, but her brothers and half brothers easily eclipse her here.

Princess Dubiel comes in last at Rank 6, but that's because she never really gave much thought or effort into developing her psychic abilities. She has other interests.


The next bid is STRENGTH!

Please send me a PM with your initial bids.
Re: Amber Auction Thread

Well, well! This is interesting. It seems Prince Even is quite the stud! I wonder if once they see the size of his guns that his siblings won't want to work out harder? And just like last time, there appears to be a tie for 2nd and 3rd rank.

Oh and look at that, Princess Vivianna! Such a delicate rose she is...


Rank 1: Prince Even (Taki) -- 40
Rank 2 and 3: -- 20
Rank 4: --16
Rank 5: -- 3

Princess Vivianna is Chaos Rank and may not bid further.
Re: Amber Auction Thread

Prince Vaelus is content where he is~
Re: Amber Auction Thread

And the official STRENGTH results are:

Rank 1 -- Prince Even 40
Rank 2 -- Princess Dubiel 20
Rank 2 -- Prince Svaltus 20
Rank 4 -- Prince Bator 16
Rank 5 -- Prince Vaelus 3
Chaos Rank -- Princess Vivianna -10

"Clearly Prince Even is the strongest in the land, but Svaltus seems to be quite brawny as well as brainy, and the athletic Princess Dubiel is equally sportive. Prince Bator is decently built, considering how much effort he put into his mental prowess. Vaelus is not as well developed, but of course, compared to most beings in the universe, he's still mighty. Vivianna however is quite weak for someone of the Amberite bloodline. She's about as strong as a common demon... and that means she's very fragile when dealing with Amberites.. but that does mean she's got some other qualities...

ENDURANCE Auction is now open. PM me your opening bids.
Re: Amber Auction Thread

"They're going the distance! Wow, seems that this generation of Amberites have all decided to pursue a steady training regime of at least three triathalons per year.

Of particular note is the Princess Dubiel. It would appear that she can take almost anything and keep on going.

ENDURANCE Initial Auction Results:

Rank 1 -- 40 (Princess Dubiel)
Rank 2 -- 35
Rank 3 -- 31
Rank 4 -- 30
Rank 5 and 6 -- 19