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ADV [ アンコクマリモカン / ankoku mar] Metal Edge Girl Blazer -Tsundere Trainsforming Heroine Assault AVG- / 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~ (RJ086901, RE086901)

Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

It was the second link down on google (facepalm) I was searching the wrong name XD

I usually try and look my self but often times im just lazy and post to get teh link :p
Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

There's a variety of reasons, but it's doubtful it makes my statement any less rude to people who'd prefer I put my money where my mouth is.

In any case, thank you - and sorry - for waiting. The is now available. Just simply store it in the same location as the .exe and you're golden.

The save file works, unlocks all CGs, however all sound is gone. Anyone else encounters the same problem?
Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

Sorry for the bump(not like you expected this to be updated anyway) but does anyone have a synopsis on this storyline or the general plot? I'm just wondering for my new game idea.
Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

Sorry for the bump(not like you expected this to be updated anyway) but does anyone have a synopsis on this storyline or the general plot? I'm just wondering for my new game idea.

The game's name is Tetsu ha Shoujou Blazer

It's about a girl who basically goes about town, protecting it from monsters that have suddenly appeared.

As you perform actions, the number in the bottom corner of the screen decreases, which I am assuming to be the level of public order in the city. when it hits zero, game over (And a CG, by the way, so it's worth a try)

oh, and my advice.

SAVE. OFTEN. you will be doing a lot of dying if you don't level your character.
Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

It's about a girl who basically goes about town, protecting it from monsters that have suddenly appeared.

So simple :eek: ? Anything on how she gets that suit or who the guys in the black uniforms are? Also, did rape just occur from battle sequences or story events as well, for example when she's being raped in the gym? (I know that the game is in jap, which is why I'm asking if anybodies gotten something of the overall plot since this game's been posted.)
Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

Ann Kang rich Marimo? Seriously? How did you even get that? Of course you`re going to have trouble finding anything if you don`t even get the name right in the first place.

The author is called アンコクマリモカン -> ankoku marimo kan, not ann kang rich marimo.

The game is called 鉄刃少女ブレイザー -> tetsu haiba shojo blazer (more or less blazer, the young girl with the metal blade)
so I found this game. Its kind of like a visual novel/battle game. It is a GOR but also form what I can tell light gory style.

If you extract the game and its not in japnese, the game will not run unless you do this.

Note: you must be in japnese mode which for our H-game veterans is a given.

First: You will need the demo and the full game extracted.
Second: Once you extracted them, the demo will be in japnese but the full game will not. Thus you will use the demo's names and simple copy and paste. You must use the demo's folder name and rename the full game's folder. Then you must rename the exe file (the game running file) with the demo's exe file. This should do the trick.
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Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

First: You will need the demo and the full game extracted.
Second: Once you extracted them, the demo will be in japnese but the full game will not. Thus you will use the demo's names and simple copy and paste. You must use the demo's folder name and rename the full game's folder. Then you must rename the exe file (the game running file) with the demo's exe file. This should do the trick.

...Why the massive work around...? That's all I'm interested in learning.
Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

Spent like five hours downloading it and it was corrupted when I finally got it.. goddamnit.
Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

try this one.

checked the link. again, its from some idiot who doesn't know how to rar japanese files and still chooses to share his incompetence with the world, but renaming the files and folder to whatever seems to work. gosh, those guys are annoying.
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Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

Wasn't me who uploaded it. I was just another downloader who thought it should be shared.

Try those
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Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

my apologies, i wasn't referring to you. i was merely ranting about all those people who do not rar japanese filenames while using japanese regional settings so the unpacking process gets all fucked up and hours of downloading might be a total waste. happened a lot.
Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

There's actually already a topic about this game. It's old, though, and doesn't even have the proper name of the game so I can certainly see why you made a new one. If none of those download links work properly I can probably upload it if need be. Here's a link to the old topic just for fun:

Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

my apologies, i wasn't referring to you. i was merely ranting about all those people who do not rar japanese filenames while using japanese regional settings so the unpacking process gets all fucked up and hours of downloading might be a total waste. happened a lot.

it's cool. I know how it feels, especially when i use to use 56k. It was horrible when I found out it didn't work.
Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

Do I still need the demo first for these new links?
Re: 鉄刃少女ブレイザー ~ツンデレ変身ヒロイン陵辱AVG~

Do I still need the demo first for these new links?

not sure. I only used one of them and it had the non japanese letters so i dowloaded the demo. didn't try them all, just posting the links to what my source put up.
Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

Does anyone have a save game for this? I have been searching for a while with no luck.
Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

i think all the scenes are up on arrer21's blog too
Re: Ann Kang rich Marimo

Gotta say, I can't help but feel sorry for the guy on the last page who posted a slightly misguided complaint and was dogpiled for it. Jeeze, guys, the man with the save himself was gracious about a bout of clear ignorance, the least you all could do would be to teach, rather than torture.

This whole thread was kind of a mess, actually, with some guy posting that they found a link but not posting it, then trying to play a moral card when - true to the pattern of this site - everybody decided that he should burn for it. Oh, well. Not every discussion can be a winner, I guess. Now I know who my friends are, at least.

As for the game, it's alright. Nothing to get too excited about, in my opinion.