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Nov 27, 2013
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Building on from this guys partial
"Half assed partial" by f95zone user 8mes



THIS IS A VERY UNSTABLE BUILD :I appreciate all the help to fix it.

After the release of the tool Translator++ from

I thought I'd try it on a game I sat patiently to get translated but seeming to of been left on the wayside.

This is a rough Machine translations of the game with alot of areas I can't seem to translate (NPCs on maps I've FULLY translated still speak in Japanese around 30% of the time and I need help finding out why)

I am posting it here in case anyone wants my incomplete mess and to hopefully get help in finding the missing texts in the game files that refuse to get translated. I am new to translating and if this is a common issue then PLEASE educate me as all I want in this world is to get this thing fully translated so I can play along with you dorks.

Install: Standard RPGmaker Trans installation
Install: For now Extract your .exe with an extractor and replace the Data folder with the one I provide in this post. Will go back to RPGmaker trans once I fix the isssue
REPORT ANY CRASHES WITH AS MUCH INFO AS POSSIBLE Like what map you were on and what your were doing/ screenshots etc

Edit 1 (There be crashes and Script translations ARRRG!!): Fixed Many crashes when the game asked for any picture labeled ナオト(x,y) when I mistakenly translated every instance of "ナオト" to Naoto, even the scripts that ask for the picture, causing some times for the game to ask for "Naoto(x.y)" when there is none. Rookie mistake, please feel free to point out more.
Also worked on more translations for the UI, its not perfect but it's trial and error at this point
what crashes the game because Script fills are finicky

Edit 2 (Full Partial COMPLETE!): Fixed more crashes, and have now fully translated Items, spells, abilities, enemies, armour, etc. Dialog still getting worked on

Edit 3.5 (I fixed a hiccup) As pointed out by popel117 I made an error when making the dialog on map 047 and pasted the translation in between the Context code causing RPGMaker Trans to freak out understandably

Edit 3.6 (Putting a band-aid on a shotgun wound) Seems like RPGmaker trans doesn't apply the patch to the game correctly so I am just going to hand over my Data folder to the game untill I can try to fix the issue, Remember to extract your game and rename or move the rgss3 file
Edit 4 (VERY UNSTABLE BUILD): Ok so its translated now, but there are MANY Bugs, and so I recommend saving often and reporting bugs to me with as much info as possible. Thank you for being so patient with me guys!
Edit 5 (Clayman crash and many other bugs have been fixed): I have fixed the clayman crash aswell as the Ford Dancing scene, player bought house scenes, certain dog enemies, some crafting errors, cooking passive level up fixed, aswell as max sword skill not crashing the game, plus a feww others I would ASSUME crash the game but never got the change to see. (Some text had a left ofer "//" in the text leaving the game to get put in a senario where it would call for resources it would not have"
Edit 5.2 (Reverting the Trans on the scripts and fixing more " // " Errors (Atleast 6 maybe more) Bug fixes and QoL for future proofing from other bugs.
Edit 5.3 (Bug fixes galore): Should be last upload for a week, I have uni to catch up on. Please keep those posts coming!


  • Data.zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 1,351
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This is what I see on my end with all maps in the Data folder being 100% translated


  • Issue with the translation.jpg
    Issue with the translation.jpg
    334.6 KB · Views: 356
This is what I see on my end with all maps in the Data folder being 100% translated
I'll take a quick look at it. Have you tried using control f to find the Npc's name or any piece of their dialogue. usually helps me when im stuck
What I've noticed with translator is sometimes when you trying to scroll down it doesn't show the bottom of the whole category
I currently have a project open right now that i'm correcting I'll get back to you later on today alright, Keep on trucking.
These lines happen on nameless NPCs just as often as named ones but following your suggestion I still couldn't find any missing translated text. I have how ever fixed alot of crashes since I incorrectly translated some files that I shouldn't so now when ever a certain facial expression from the MC happens it no longer errors and crashes.

Tomorrow I might boot up RPGmaker Trans instead of Translator++ just to see the data file I "KNOW" has the beginning of the conversations since it has a tool to determine context/dependent files related to each file unlike Translator++

Will mean I'll be using two translators for a game, hope that wouldn't cause anymore headaches then its worth. I just want to find those damn hidden lines of Japanese.

Edit 1: Just checked some more and can confirm theres atleast something Translator++ or RPGmaker Trans cannot find. Searched for Tutorial in both English and the Japanese they use and I cannot find Tutorial 1-4, even when searching for keywords like "Coins, Floor" or "Boxes, 'D' key" that feature in both Tutorial quest 1 and 2 respectively.

Edit 2: Nvm only Translator++ is missing the Dialog, this is the cause of my misfortunes.
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I can't make heads or tales either, Haven't had this issue before..
Proof that Translator++ is missing some Dialogs when compared to RPGmaker Trans who shows all Tutorial quests 1 - 7 where Translator++ only has 5 - 7
(All these quests are on Map047)

Honestly not looking forward to rebuilding this Translation for another translating software so contacting Dreamsavior on his Patreon about this issue, hopefully he points out how to find the files in his software or hotfixes the current build of Translator++

Text Finder for Tutorial.jpg Map 047.jpg Tutorial 2 on map047.jpg
When trying to translate it with rpgmaker trans (4.5), i always get this message
Finished Unpacking - Deleting original archive

Encountered an error in file map047; traceback follows Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 523, in __init__

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 326, in fromString

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 326, in <listcomp>

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 362, in splitLines

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 131, in fromString

Exception: Invalid command > CTheo "If it is a battle that can escape, 100%


Quitting due to above errors encountered when loading patch"

Is it on my part (used rpgmaker trans before, so not doing it differently now) or is there something on the files part?
When trying to translate it with rpgmaker trans (4.5), i always get this message
Finished Unpacking - Deleting original archive

Encountered an error in file map047; traceback follows Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 523, in __init__

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 326, in fromString

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 326, in <listcomp>

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 362, in splitLines

File "C:\Users\Aleph Fell\Desktop\rpgmakertrans\librpgmakertrans\workers\translator\translator3.py", line 131, in fromString

Exception: Invalid command > CTheo "If it is a battle that can escape, 100%


Quitting due to above errors encountered when loading patch"

Is it on my part (used rpgmaker trans before, so not doing it differently now) or is there something on the files part?

That would be on my end sorry, editing as we speak. Seems a fix I made to the tutorial quest wasn't a fix at all.

Thanks for the heads up!

Edit 1: Fixed! Thanks for pointing out a bug, I am going to test things out before I go to bed but it should at least patch now, Sorry about that friend.
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Not sure if it is on my end (it's been a while since the last time I used rpgmaker trans...), or if it is the same error as previously reported, but I am getting this:

Finished Unpacking - Deleting original archive

Error parsing Script 共通スクリプト: Cannot parse heredoc; leaving untranslated

Error parsing Script スキルコンボ: String out of bounds: RubyParserState(string=..'d'.., index=10298, ruleStack=['Base', 'Bracket']) # 295:10291; leaving untranslated

Error parsing Script ポーカー: Cannot parse heredoc; leaving untranslated

Error parsing Script 手帳 RGSS3: String out of bounds: RubyParserState(string=..'\n'.., index=22439, ruleStack=['Base', 'Square']) # 632:22359; leaving untranslated

The translated folder is created, but when playing the game there nothing is translated, machine or partial. I have tried with a couple of torrents of the game, to make sure is not the game I downloaded that is corrupted.
Those are normal errors even I got them before working on the patch on both Transslator++ and RPGmaker Trans, I suspect there from the partial I used as a base.

I've patched the game and its works on my end even with those errors, I will try to see whats wrong. So please give me a moment.
What I see on my end. So you can see how I am a little confused
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@Dybbuk I have now just put the data folder in the OG post, its a temporary fix but I need more time to fix the issue with RPGmaker trans, for some reason any change I make with RPGmaker Trans seems to only work with my original game and I have no clue why.

For now please just extract your data folder and replace it with the one in the first post.

Sorry it was a hassle.
The torrent I downloaded from Nyaa had the data folder already extracted, could that be the issue? I got the same error too with rpgmakertrans, but the data folder just posted works fine.
I am happy to hear the data folder works! To be honest I am new to translating RPGmaker games, so your guess is as good as mine. Right now I am doing alot more trial and error testing then say, someone whose proficient with this software. Thanks for being patient with me guys! Until then I am thinking maybe my version is somehow diffrent then yalls since I too downloaded a new copy apart from my old one from 2017 and the translation from RPGmaker Trans didn't translate anything like you guys. perhaps its a diffrent version but I was under the impression that RPGmaker trans didn't need to have the game be the same version.
thank you for translating this i'm a huge fan of circle kame games and a machine translation is better then nothing to get the gist of the plot and knowing what to do
Thanks killjoy that means alot, I know I've been waiting for this one to get professionally translated for some years and it hasn't. I just hope you guys can be patient while I work on it, and excuse the bugs and errors. I am learning how to translate with this project basicly. Currently on Map078 out of 280, then it should be good enough to be labeled a full translation. After that I would need to fully go over the common event file to do alot of the battle/event pop in dialog
Ok the full translation should be up, tho keep in mind its machine translation, as well as my first translation ever so its very poor in terms of quality.

For bugs atm: I know a certain chest underground crashes the game, pressing the "S" key crashes the game (No real gameplay lost but I would still like to learn how to fix it), as well as a book in the church in the starting town crashes the game.

"When", rather than "IF" you guys encounter crashes I hope you don't think I neglected them, even when translating all 280 maps I've squashed at least 20 with the above mentioned three VERY hard to fix because I don't understand why it happens.

Also the game is VERY long and indepth so I havn't play tested it beyond the second town.

With all that said I hope you all enjoy! I will continue to update while I can but expect it to be slower as its not simply replacing text to fix this translation, alot is trial and error fixing on my end. (I've also yet to fully play the game since translating it so I'd want to play around with it)
If Clayman is the ghost on the cemetery for early quests, i get the same.
Also can't identify items at the shop with the coin and (but not sure on that one if it depends on quest progress) seem to just always teleport after losing fights (even outside vs the named ones) instead of getting kidnapped
This is a rough Machine translations of the game with alot of areas I can't seem to translate (NPCs on maps I've FULLY translated still speak in Japanese around 30% of the time and I need help finding out why)

So that means you are still working on a complete translation?
So that means you are still working on a complete translation?
Forgot to cross that out of the first post.

also I have seemed to fix the clayman issue, sorry about that gang.

As for the appraisal shop, and the kidnapping fights, I have no idea. I'd assume you can't get kidnapped untill you lose the "Innocent" passive ability making Battle H scenes impossible and locking away some of the naughtier stuff you can do like automated prostitution.

Edit 1:
Updated the OP with my fixes to at least 4 crashes.
I am learning alot from fixing these bugs, generally about the "Dos and Don't" of RPGmaker and what makes it freak out. Hope fully I can take care of more then a hand full of bugs at a time per release
With this I hope yall can make it past the tutorial! :)
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