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AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Some do, Casey is on one of those rare teams that allow female players. If it's a big deal for you I could edit the profile to say she plays on her collages female team.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

didnt i say Vina played softball and baseball? :/ admittidly less of a background for Vina that way though.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I just wrote Vina down under softball though, but Casey here is going on one of the bigger circuits, which, based on the part of the world they're in, would only allow female only players, or male only. It'd be a lot better if that little bit was changed in order to make a lot more sense.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation


Name: Isa Farce

Strength: 21
Dexterity: 1
Constitution: 1
Intelligence: 1
Perception: 1
Willpower: 1

I'll work on the other stats later
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation


I don't get it.


Ill change it to say she played for her collages female softball team.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation


Name: Olga Blubber

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Constitution: 99
Intelligence: 1
Perception: 99 (For finding food inside her fat rolls)
Willpower: -12

Orgasm: 1 / 1

I'll work on the other stats later
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Are you guys trying to make everyone sick?

Oh and Raptor. Is Casey worthy of a starting scenario?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Kind of... but so many people seem to not want to include, where their character is during the night of the attack...
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I edit her bio to say she was leaving for a softball game with her brother on the night of the attack. Is that acceptable?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Level 3 contact. (( Yes the contact is her brother. Seeing that SilentSilth got to pick out who his contact was I decided to do the same. ))

I think you're actually supposed to
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

My god I wake up to this shit...
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Oh comon, mine was sexy, his was just.. oh god... just way too attractive to comprehend
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Oh comon, mine was sexy, his was just.. oh god... just way too attractive to comprehend

What would you say if I told you that was like the fifth time I've seen that picture TS?
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I'd say stop abbreviating my name cuz I don't know what TS stands for, then I spend the next five minutes looking up all possible abbreviations and trying to see how it fits.
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

Oh my pure and poor eyes...im going to have nightmares for the rest of the week.:(
Re: AWMBI - Character Creation

I'd say stop abbreviating my name cuz I don't know what TS stands for, then I spend the next five minutes looking up all possible abbreviations and trying to see how it fits.

Shut up TS.