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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Pretty much what Tassadar said. Sorry to hear you leaving, then glad you aren't actually leaving after all... mildly curious as to the reasons, but the info that it's personal and more internet-access-related than specific to AWMBI, means I don't really want to know any more.

Hm. We're pretty near a good break-point, if taking a break from AWMBI now would result in a better chance at long-term AWMBI play. What with the Zoo missions drawing to a close and all.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Whew, that was almost a serious boner-killer
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, glad your problems got fixed Raptor.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh. Right then. I'll have to post later today then...

Edit: Ah, and I see Mina has found David sleeping on the bed and is confused? Well, I suppose something else could have happened that I'm not aware of, but I always think I'm right.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If the reproductives are demonic, wouldnt that mean so is the semen, and by extension, the pregnancy?

Sorry if personal stuff biases me here, I just happen to think real pregnancy just is not sexy. Eggs being pumped into your holes? Sure, but months of gestation? Idk
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

RJ said:
(Futas are technically human, with only their reproductive agents as demonic entities.)

I agree with toxic. This makes it seem like they ought to have monster-style impregnation, though that's obviously not the case since if it were Ashley would have already given birth and we'd see a lot more swollen bellies about the prison, not to mention whatever comes out of them...

Given that this is *not* what we see, I guess I can only assume that the little surprise at the end is going to have wings and a tail? Also that in 9 months time there's going to be a *lot* of the little buggers running around...

I wonder what percentage of the prison population is pregnant right now, or will be by the end of the first month? One in twenty? One in 10? One in 4? It would seem like no matter what there will be some *real* problems once a significant portion of them are far enough along to be incapacitated... Or did they raid pharmacies for lots of condoms and pills and Ashley just didn't get her hands on any?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

(Futas are technically human, with only their reproductive agents as demonic entities. Ashley's looking at a nine month waiting period, as per usual human birth. The outcome of the child though, that's a surprise! ;))
I guess I can only assume that the little surprise at the end is going to have wings and a tail? Also that in 9 months time there's going to be a *lot* of the little buggers running around...

I wonder what percentage of the prison population is pregnant right now, or will be by the end of the first month? One in twenty? One in 10? One in 4? It would seem like no matter what there will be some *real* problems once a significant portion of them are far enough along to be incapacitated... Or did they raid pharmacies for lots of condoms and pills and Ashley just didn't get her hands on any?
Well, I know what outcome I'm hoping for:
A) a futa (does not become sexually dependent until reaching puberty, at which point getting them into bed becomes a matter of asking "Wanna have sex?")
B) a girl (heightened sex-drive, wider pelvis, bigger breasts... stuff to make pregnancy easier and more common)​
Both of which end up settling down as they get into their thirties and beyond.

The condom idea would probably result in a lot of burst condoms. See, futas put out demonic amounts of semen - cups, rather than the teaspoons that are typical of human males. So they might've tried it early on, but gave up when all they got was broken latex tubes. Pills, maybe, particularly those women who were already on the pill and kept it up.

After reading up on fertility cycles, I'm a bit surprised that Ashley actually realized she was pregnant. The fertile portion of the cycle seems to end about a week before menstruation begins... which means Ashley would've "caught" on her first or second night after the disaster, and would've hit her period today. Variation in the cycle is not uncommon, so her not getting it for a few days more wouldn't be a surprise.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

After reading up on fertility cycles, I'm a bit surprised that Ashley actually realized she was pregnant.

Aw, don't be too hard on RJ's accuracy. First off, we don't really know what's in there. You think girl/futa, but *something* about the futa reproductive system is demonic: at 'best' it's just they're way more likely to score a 'hit' then a regular man due to volume (in which case Melissa is probably already pregnant, and even Jenn might be worried...), but I already stated my personal prediction that it's the result of the union that's the demonic bit: succubus, eventually. I mean, you don't get much more literal then that! Next up: morning sickness after 1 week? No. But in his defense some women are more regular then others...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lol, it's only been about a day since he last posted.

Sorry getting questions answered. So although you haven't seen the results, I've technically been working on the post for an entire day.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Wow Rj, your last post really saddened me. I think a lot of us will jump to conclusions when you say that, and we all have some futa characters we love.

I wish not to think of what might become of them
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

where do you think the energy goes? I mean, It can't just cease to exist...."

Probably to wherever it is that the mass/energy involved in having a full pregnancy in every few hours comes from. :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ashley doesn't know anything about that. :p

I just assumed it went to whoever bosses the goddess around and made the futas in the first place.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Maybe they just have quicker metabolism? That's the kind of thing that would occur to Jenn before the conservation of mass-energy equivalence.

Of course, the real answer is probably "metaphysics" (magic) or "I didn't think about it."
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I wish the infiltration thread would come to an end already after going on for over a month. With Weird likely gone for good, which really sucks, and Keylo just not posting it's come to a halt and hasn't moved for about a week now...
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I don't know why Dixie was brought in. Jo's a bit of a closet girl, very non-confrontational to personal things, she could be raped and walk away and whimper about it, but the second Dixie's let go... I don't really see any way this can turn out positively for Selena and party.

The other npc's can be convinced "off-camera" so to speak to keep their mouths shut, but after this, I don't really see any type of "Oh it's ok, I'll let you go this time silly."

At least with David, it was to save Selena's life, and with Violet, it was kinda to cover up that secret. This was just for fun.

Also, I really don't know how to post there anymore. The attention is completely off of us, unless I decide now's a good time to make an escape, which I honestly don't think it is.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Maybe Raptor will decide to have the guards show up now like they did when David was being raped. Seems fitting enough.

I will also agree that once Dixie and Jo escape things will likely get bad for Selena and her clone/sister. Jo ends up telling everyone that two twins raped her friend and herself and currently have a slave or whatever, you know, Kitty. Guards show up and bust them, likely put them in the cell or something. Director finds out and then... The unknown happens. I just wonder how Jesse would react if she found out Selena raped Jo.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Maybe Raptor will decide to have the guards show up now like they did when David was being raped. Seems fitting enough.

I will also agree that once Dixie and Jo escape things will likely get bad for Selena and her clone/sister. Jo ends up telling everyone that two twins raped her friend and herself and currently have a slave or whatever, you know, Kitty. Guards show up and bust them, likely put them in the cell or something. Director finds out and then... The unknown happens. I just wonder how Jesse would react if she found out Selena raped Jo.

Honestly that's what I'm worried about. I like Jesse for the most part, but she scares the crap out of me. I feel like if Jo were to just escape and go straight to Jesse in a panic, which is actually very possible, considering she doesn't know the director, I'm afraid she might try to "Kitty" us, which really doesn't fit my character. She's sheepish, but she's not an addict of sorts, and I don't see that working with dixie.

Jesse would of course have to act surprised, but how many times does the puppy you're covering up for make a mess before you realize you can't take care of it all.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Honestly that's what I'm worried about. I like Jesse for the most part, but she scares the crap out of me. I feel like if Jo were to just escape and go straight to Jesse in a panic, which is actually very possible, considering she doesn't know the director, I'm afraid she might try to "Kitty" us, which really doesn't fit my character. She's sheepish, but she's not an addict of sorts, and I don't see that working with dixie.

Jesse would of course have to act surprised, but how many times does the puppy you're covering up for make a mess before you realize you can't take care of it all.

I could see Jesse trying to do to Jo and Dixie what she did to the purple haired doctor. I don't think she would try and "Kitty" them. To be honest, I'm not completely sure if Jesse would even try and protect Selena and her sister after this. Selena and her sister went and raped two people for no reason other then for the fun of it. I don't understand why Jesse would want to protect Selena or her sister after that.