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Beta Sign Up Thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
For people interested in being PCs in the test run of Jumpers, the game system having been developed by SilentSlith. The game is slightly unfinished as of yet, so this is a trial run. Just post your characters name here if you're interested, post actual sheets in the character creation thread.
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

Quetzacoatl Rhinehart (a.k.a. Quetz)
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

I got a fighter girl who's itching for fun ;3
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

(I presume you mean character sheet thread and not character creation?)
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

Broken Mage Alert
Sydia Godforsaken.
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

I'd be interested but I would have no idea what I'm doing....

EDIT: Name: Siehydra
Last edited:
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

Stat Breakdown
To roll for your stats, either use the dice roller here, or go to invisiblecastle.com/roller/ to roll 3d10 for each colored stat except orange. These numbers will be how much you have to distribute to your stats.

For example… I roll a 27 for Red Stats, 11 for Green Stats, and a 16 for Blue stats. I can now take 27 points and split them up in Strength, Dexterity and Stamina; 11 points in Speed, Finesse and Senses; and 15 in Mind, Intelligence and Depth. If you have your heart set on a certain class (Ninja, for example), you can reroll your numbers – But you have to reroll for all three colors. All stats begin with five points on them already, which cannot be removed.

Seeing as how this is starting up again, I'd like to ask for an official call on the quoted text. The way I read it (Especially because of the statement about wanting a specific class) is that, if your roll was as follows:
It means that your stat points in each color are as follows are as follows
Red Stats: 12
Green Stats: 23
Blue Stats: 29
And you aren't supposed to rearrange those numbers to suite your character, such as if you wanted a fighter, you can't assign your stats to be:
Red: 29
Green: 23
Blue: 12
Therefore, if you wanted a fighter you would have to reroll until you got a set of numbers with high red and high green numbers.

However, a portion of the character sheets made the last time it looked like this would start up have the numbers assigned however they want. Seeing as how we now have new leadership. Would one of the GM's give their call on this.
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

Marina is in on this.
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

You did, but there 8 people didn't, that is including two people who have already posted that they want in on this round. (Or rather one person, and then another person who has more points than they actually rolled.)
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

eh? was one of them Blazetail? ^^;
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

Seeing as how this is starting up again, I'd like to ask for an official call on the quoted text. The way I read it (Especially because of the statement about wanting a specific class) is that, if your roll was as follows:
It means that your stat points in each color are as follows are as follows
Red Stats: 12
Green Stats: 23
Blue Stats: 29
And you aren't supposed to rearrange those numbers to suite your character, such as if you wanted a fighter, you can't assign your stats to be:
Red: 29
Green: 23
Blue: 12
Therefore, if you wanted a fighter you would have to reroll until you got a set of numbers with high red and high green numbers.

However, a portion of the character sheets made the last time it looked like this would start up have the numbers assigned however they want. Seeing as how we now have new leadership. Would one of the GM's give their call on this.
And this is what I was confused on <.<
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

Use this dice roller:
Put your character's name in the first field,
3 in the second field,
and 3d10 in the third field.

You should get an array of three numbers. The first is the amount of stat points you get to spend on your red stats, the second for your green, and the third on your blue. All this is done on a one-for-one basis, so one statpoint = one higher point in one of the three substats. You also start with an automatic 5 points in each substat

The ability scores are thus:

Red Stats

Green Stats

Blue Stats
Will Power:

Therefor if you rolled a 15 for, say, your red stat, you would have 15 points total to spend on all of the red sub-stats. If you don't like the three numbers you roller, you have to roll them all over again, and from what I believe the rules say, you don't get to deide which number goes to which color stat, instead that is determined by the order you rolled them.
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

Ahh yeah I've been rolling for since I made that post. You pretty much just cleared up all my confusion with it.
Re: Beta Sign Up Thread

OK, I'll try and give your sheet a once over when you're finished, just realize that I'm not a GM, so they may want to state their own vision of things, and RJ, shiva's fine.