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RPG RPG Maker Loli [BLACK PANDA] ロリクエ2~純白~ (RJ119910)

Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

what's this Erotic Book key item I found in bookshelves on the second floor castle used for?

the soldier keep chasing me.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

what's this Erotic Book key item I found in bookshelves on the second floor castle used for?

the soldier keep chasing me.

Its quest item if you do that thief quest steal erotic books
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Finally, full CG save is available on Date 8.13
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

I really hope someone picks this up for a full translation once the author slows down with content updates. Its pretty lengthy, got a good variety of H, good gameplay, and good music. Machine translation just doesn't cut it for this one. There's enough detail in the dialogue where you can miss a lot of content/secrets if you don't know exactly whats being said.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

According to google translate on his twitter: I have filed [2] Rorikue the [VER111]. A fix will be made of the werewolf at the same time, we also re-apply to the DMM.

So I remember a quest to kill a werewolf and the rare werewolf spawns on the overworld so I dunno if one was added or what.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

The rate of "real" updates in the sense of new content seems to have crawled to a stop, seeing as its mostly bugfixes/balance issues by now it seems. Is there any chance that the (partial) translation can be updated? Since I've never tried my hand at it I don't know how complicated/tedious a process that is, so if its too much hassle we'll just to wait till it's done like with Virgin Island :D
Belatedly and by the way: great job you guys on the partial, I would've been totally lost without it and missed out on a pretty good game.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Sorry for asking stupid question... but where's the location for the Golden keys?
and how to reach the pirate island?
Really got stuck here. I already got the Love Letter quest from Emily (Inn Girl) though...
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Sorry about asking this a second time but i've got a list of questions.

1.Could somebody post a complete guide (costumes, H-Scenes, Quests, etc.)

2. Could Somebody at least post a guide to any one of the above?

3. For the second quest the bartender tells me to go to see somebody, but as i cannot read japanese i haven't got a clue where to go. Went to the city under attack by pirates (forgot name) but that seems to have broken quest, at least in v1.04 anyways, havent gotten that far in v1.11 yet.

4. Thank you very much!

PS-translator update too if possible:)
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

1.11 doesn't have any new CG but it does have at least two new quests, the holy grail and the 666 prisoner, the ruined monument at the volcano is for the grail and the 666 prisoner is from the castle jail.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Sorry about asking this a second time but i've got a list of questions.

1.Could somebody post a complete guide (costumes, H-Scenes, Quests, etc.)

2. Could Somebody at least post a guide to any one of the above?

3. For the second quest the bartender tells me to go to see somebody, but as i cannot read japanese i haven't got a clue where to go. Went to the city under attack by pirates (forgot name) but that seems to have broken quest, at least in v1.04 anyways, havent gotten that far in v1.11 yet.

4. Thank you very much!

PS-translator update too if possible:)

The Costumes (as of 1.04) I can do:
Regular robe is what you start out with.
Maid outfit you can get after you have progressed some in the main story: The guy in the casino will assign you a quest to round up some dudes messing around in there. beat them in the time limit and you're done.
Magic School outfit: youll need to pay the receptionist of the magic school 100k gold.
SM outfit: you'll need quite a bit of lust for this: simply do the quests for the succubus queen or whatever she is (the house in the forest)
The racy swimsuit you get by trying to steal an ornamental sword on the island. The npc will "catch" you and after a short H scene you're free to go with the swimsuit.
Kimono you'll have to gather 3 parts of it (where they are you can find in earlier posts here, i kinda forgot) and get the npc you "get" the swimsuit from to assemble it.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~


Partial english translation of version 1.11.

Menu, Items and Skills are completely translated I think. Maybe you guys can check it out and tell me if I missed something. There should be some errors in some of quest descriptions but I can't remember which quest it was.
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Re: ロリクエ2~純白~


Partial english translation of version 1.11.

Menu, Items and Skills are completely translated I think. Maybe you guys can check it out and tell me if I missed something. There should be some errors in some of quest descriptions but I can't remember which quest it was.

A scholar and a gentleman, sir. That is what you are.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

1.12 out.
Any new content?
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

1.12 patch notes:





1.12 patch notes machine translated:

◆ Modify the VER112
· Recalls in "prostitution 2 Other", there are cases where virgin difference only look. (I happen to etch open after Paris)
• After you visit the upper left recollection most, it will not be moved the cursor to go to funny Toko
Bing-round, specifications adjusted. And the game is over when you died to use in the field (Nasty added to status)
· No longer dig and dug plenty mining point of two places first of Doguru mine, Karutata and mine once
• Do not become a quest also achieved defeat at Sukirukue in two laps later
Freeze state and attempted to issue an item detail items when browsing in the "A" key in combat
• Do not go out with only the sound if you try to Toro key system available after Titan room types in Shirookami fortress
- It means that stole the potion of magic to steal what is put the plug on the buggy in goods steal the old man of the upper left corner of the Powatto later underground facility
• Does not pregnant when you win in such a rush after be Uetamago and ejaculation in the tentacles defeat

◆ unmodified portion of the current phenomenon unconfirmed
-Killed enemy encounter after RGSS error in Garutea
Omission error "NoMethodError On line 50 of Sprite_Picture" in the rush of the final boss after defeat
(Cause has not yet fully identified and seems out very rarely this fact. It's not that it was only in the final boss)
·? sectional view does not appear in the etch scene when you turn on the setting of a cross-sectional view from getting to ver.1.04
※ The phenomenon unconfirmed at VER105
· Even while wearing clothes but the character of around unchanged conversation with naked state
• Do not be taken to the fortress after escaping from the fortress in the fast travel, even if taken to the office to scary people

◆ specifications of the current situation, consider specifications

· Titan of room to go the third time after jailbreak Shirookami Fortress BADEND
Event is not implementation of the secret base related Reottsu Shokai Left
• Do not event proceeds is said tits boobs and talk to the king in the nude (specification)
• If you lose the pink slime door of the shortcut does not open (specification)
• Open menu Esc battered and recalls completion after selection at flashback
· Enemy encounter adjustment of level difference

Looks like no new content if I read that correctly. Just bugfixes.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

I can't seem to find this father (the person who i give the material to for the kimono). I thought it was the bartender in purun island but no matter what I choose nothing happens.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Anyone know if the new updates add anything substantial? Or is it mostly bugfixes?

I can't seem to find this father (the person who i give the material to for the kimono). I thought it was the bartender in purun island but no matter what I choose nothing happens.

iirc If you enter the town from the north, he'll be the first stall on your right. It should have a sword next to it.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Hello:) here is a partial english translate... most of it is the menu.. and other few things..
PS: Sorry for the grammar and poor english i'm not an english speaker and either a Japanese...so i tryed my best with atlas and google
PS2: Only problem i get is the Name and Nickname of maincharacter... it won't change in the menu page.. idk why:( ... so hope that isn't that big of a problem...i will let you below the translation..
コノハ - Konoha (name of the maincharacter)
処女 - Virgin (was passed on the nickname, but i think that will be change after...you know what a mean...)
非処女 - Non-Virgin (in case someone want to know it)
EDITED: Fixed some bugs on invetory...everything work fine now:)

Thanks for the trainslation, lota stuff missing but still thanks.
Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Got a question on where are the location for the quest. Not sure =_=

Diere Forest
Labyrith of the witch furagisu
There is one quest on "extreme magic" - somewhere in the ruins? (which ruins?)
Gadisu treasure (not we have to unlock the very long password in the castle, if yes i am screwed, no idea what's the password and where to get the complete set, got a few of them only).

Re: ロリクエ2~純白~

Here's the partial translation I did for 1.12 version.

This translates:
-> UI
-> Skills, Weapons, Items, Enemies, Armors
-> Some messages (like when you mine and such)
-> Part of the intro(I get bored really quick translating story...)
-> Some Choices in first town

Distant Future Plans:
-> Translate Quests
-> Correct grammar mistakes
-> Choices and short dialog.
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