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SIM [粗製] ボクの奴隷娼館 (RJ138742)

Re: Translation of [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館 3

I'm sorry but i feel a little stupid here finding the BSdiff windows port.
Each time I find a version to download none of the version contain a "bspatch.exe", the files are all .1 or .C type which I don't recognize.

If someone has a direct link to the BSdiff program or even an already patch version would be great.

thanks in advance!

View attachment bspatch.zip
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Thank you for your effort in translating this. It's not 100% perfect, but it's more than enough to be easily playable now.

EDIT: After 61 game days, I was trying to work out how to get the platinum room trophy, when I finally discovered YOU CAN BUILD UNDERGROUND.
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Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Just finished playing through again with the translation. There are a few awkward phrases here and there, but nothing incomprehensible, really.

I've also gotta say - holy shit, this game is a lot more sadistic than I thought. I certainly wasn't expecting the plot to be anything like what it turned out to be.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Makes sense, his last game was pretty dark too if I recall correctly. The only way to raise sanity is by gassing the girls after all. I'll maybe check out that translation later, seems good.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Just finished playing through again with the translation. There are a few awkward phrases here and there, but nothing incomprehensible, really.

I've also gotta say - holy shit, this game is a lot more sadistic than I thought. I certainly wasn't expecting the plot to be anything like what it turned out to be.

Well, it is a brothel game.

Can you give a summery of the plot or something?
I don't really want to redownload, install the patch and then play through the game again.

Mostly applying the patch, I don't mind doing extract stuff for rpgmaker games, but if I need to download an entirely new program just to run the patch, then i'll probably not bother, not for a game I already completed and deleted.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Well, it is a brothel game.

Can you give a summery of the plot or something?
I don't really want to redownload, install the patch and then play through the game again.

Mostly applying the patch, I don't mind doing extract stuff for rpgmaker games, but if I need to download an entirely new program just to run the patch, then i'll probably not bother, not for a game I already completed and deleted.

Yeah, sure. It's been a couple days now, but as far as I remember:

You and your blue-haired assistant start up your brothel together. Dark elf lady (guild leader) notices and says you can't run without the "guild tax" - presumably the slavers. She also takes food without paying for it while she's at your brothel, which makes your assistant mad. As time goes on, the guild leader decides you should be responsible for social security for slaves, because they end up on the street after they retire, and starts taking a tax for that. Then a client of your brothel falls in love with a girl and agrees to pay 30K for her once he has the money.
He comes back a couple days and your assistant tells him he owes more because of all the extra fees on the contract he signed. He puts some money down on the girl.
Fast forward a bit, and a gang of thieves are kidnapping slaves. You catch one of them, your assistant tries to interrogate him but ends up killing him (it's strongly implied this was on purpose despite her saying it was an accident). Guild leader says we need more money to help the police fight the thieves. The thieves disappear for a while, then the guild leader stops showing up and the thieves come back.
A few days before day 30, your assistant catches four guys trying to steal girls and interrogates them. There's a line about making one of the guy's balls sparkle as a threat. It scares one of the other thieves who admits the guild leader has been hiring them to kidnap slaves and get them out of the city.
At the end of day 30 you confront her. She calls for the guards but you've had all the corrupt guards on her side taken care of. She gets arrested for tampering with the guild's policies and the well-being of the city. You have a brief discussion with her where she says you and your business is disgusting and the entire city has no morality. You can choose to agree with her or agree with your assistant, who says the guild leader isn't cut out to lead anything.
If you agree with the guild leader, the game asks you if you're sure multiple times. If you keep agreeing with her, the game exits to desktop.
If you agree with your assistant, the guild leader gets sentenced to be pilloried and raped to death.

Throughout the game, slaves are always referred to as "it" and your assistant talks about her simple pleasures in life, like being woken up by slaves screaming or how relaxing it is to fall asleep to weeping slaves. She also keeps trying to put live insects in the guild master's food every time she stops by. There's also a really badly phrased joke about Biohazard/Resident Evil if one of your slaves catches an STD - I only saw it once and don't remember how it went, lol. Your assistant also expresses a preference for magical girls and a dislike for MILFs.

tl;dr: slave/brothel guild leader doesn't like the business she's in charge of, tries to destroy it through subterfuge, gets raped to death at the end
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Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Thank you for commenting for my translation. I was worried about the quality of translation (as this is my first translation), but it sounds acceptable.

Today I struggled with Linux command line and created a script to automate translation somewhat. I attach script itself and Japanese-English interlinear.
Hope anyone point out strange translation and/or clean the code.:p

EDIT: Below WAS help request for UNIX geek. (I found the solution).
EDIT: For people help me translate. Please make the translation SHORTER than original text. This will make update easier.
When finished, PM that file to me. I'll include the changes in the next update.


  • interlinear_v2.zip
    21.1 KB · Views: 44
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Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

So my first day of playing went ok.... I guess. I went 4 days first time around. Managed to get 6 next but I restarted because my house looked ugly. Made it to 6 this time but I could not for the life of me figure out how to get greens so I restarted. Tried everything and built everything I could and no greens but i made it to day 14 with around 33 slaves and a whole lot of in wall rooms. Was frustrated and went on to here only to find out that greens were one of the easiest things to get. How I managed to not get one after swapping 30 slaves or so around baffles me but it was an interesting night.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Thank you for commenting for my translation. I was worried about the quality of translation (as this is my first translation), but it sounds acceptable.

Today I struggled with Linux command line and created a script to automate translation somewhat. I attach script itself and Japanese-English interlinear.
Hope anyone point out strange translation and/or clean the code.:p

The translation is great. Some of the phrasing is kind of strange, but nothing incomprehensible, and the strange stuff is honestly pretty funny. The comment your assistant makes about running a "seedy brothel full of wallbutts forever" is probably my favorite.

I had the same problem once I unlocked the bedrooms. The game never explains minimum attractiveness requirements, which is unfortunate. The first time I played, I kept losing about a week in because the game doesn't explain how expensive the guild fee is going to be or how attractive slaves need to be to keep upgrading. If you give it another shot, get a few wallbutts with the cheapest slaves possible, then always buy the best you can for everything. Every room, even the restaurant/bar/casino, makes more money if it's staffed by a more attractive slave.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

I have one question how do you get the dark elf?
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Thank you for the translation, i really wanted it ^^.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Vista or newer for the game. On the DLSite page, right next to the spot for game images, it tells you a few things, the fifth one down is compatibility:

対応OS :

WindowsVista / Windows7 / Windows8

Thanks for the info.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

I have one question how do you get the dark elf?

doesnt exist in the game (as of yet). Possible the missing stuff (like the dance show, the sidways onahole wall, nudity and the dark elf) will be added in a future update.

On a side note, I have made a quick "hack" where instead of wearing slave cloths, the girls are completly naked. I did this by exchanging all the *dress0* files with a blank 2x2 sprite (to keep the file small), which works well with the game. Deleting the files would just make the game complain about missing files, and then it would crash when the game is loaded.

Installing it: Just extract the content of gr.zip directly into the DAT\GR\ folder, and replace all the existing files. If you want the slave cloths back, just extract the content from your original compressed files, or if you want to play around, just replace some races cloths.


  • gr.zip
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Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

can someone explain me how tax works? because I don't understand and sorry for my bad english :)
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Nice hack, jur07dbe! I like it.

saber6, there are three taxes I've had to deal with, but four listed. On the end of the day balance sheet:

First - guild fee. I don't know how this one is calculated, but it seems to max out at 18000 on day 31. After that, there's never a guild fee again.

Second - maintenance cost. This one is the upkeep of the rooms you have. Right-click and hold over a room and it's the upper-right number in the box that shows up. There's no minimum for it - it starts at zero and is only raised by building rooms, and lowered by deleting them.

Third - interest. This is calculated based on the loan amount you have out. If you don't have a loan, there isn't any. If you do, interest is 10% of the loan amount you have. This doesn't go towards paying off the loan, so try not to take out a loan if you don't have to.

Fourth - I've never had to deal with this one, I don't know if it's not implemented or just a tax for something that's never happened for me.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Does anyone know how to get this running in Linux? I'm trying to play it in WINE while using jp locale and all I get is a ton of エラー
Re: Translation of [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館 3

I finally finished translation! Below is patching procedure.
  1. Download BSdiff windows port. (Just google it).
  2. Copy bspatch.exe to game folder.
  3. Download attached file and extract it.
  4. Overwrite files in game folder with extracted files.
  5. Rename bokuno.exe to bokuno_org.exe.
  6. Shift + Right click on game folder and "open command window from here".
  7. Type "bspatch bokuno_org.exe bokuno.exe bokuno.pat" in command prompt and press enter.

That should work. Any comment is welcomed.
I'm native Japanese, so I need a comment from English speakers.
Please help me improve the translation.


I feel a bit silly, is it only supposed to translate menu and a few other things, or does it translate all the speech and building things as well and have i done it wrong?
Re: Translation of [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館 3

I feel a bit silly, is it only supposed to translate menu and a few other things, or does it translate all the speech and building things as well and have i done it wrong?

It should translate everything in the game. If it doesn't seem to be working right, use a clean, unedited copy of it. You can copy your saves over, but they won't work 100% right with the newest translation. If you have an old translation and install this one over it, some of the messages seem to get broken by it.
Re: [粗製]ボクの奴隷娼館

Nice hack, jur07dbe! I like it.

saber6, there are three taxes I've had to deal with, but four listed. On the end of the day balance sheet:

First - guild fee. I don't know how this one is calculated, but it seems to max out at 18000 on day 31. After that, there's never a guild fee again.

Second - maintenance cost. This one is the upkeep of the rooms you have. Right-click and hold over a room and it's the upper-right number in the box that shows up. There's no minimum for it - it starts at zero and is only raised by building rooms, and lowered by deleting them.

Third - interest. This is calculated based on the loan amount you have out. If you don't have a loan, there isn't any. If you do, interest is 10% of the loan amount you have. This doesn't go towards paying off the loan, so try not to take out a loan if you don't have to.

Fourth - I've never had to deal with this one, I don't know if it's not implemented or just a tax for something that's never happened for me.

velvet.velour thank you, I managed to finish the game in some way, thanks to your explanation :)