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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Fuuuuuuuck." The ghoul swore loudly as Chris explain exactly WHAT was stolen. This was very, very bad. When the vampire asked him to find Magnus, he immediately began to sniff around, trying to track down her scent. "Right, right - I'm looking now!" Przemek wondered how she would react to the news. Probably not very well, but shit happened, and it was now their job to deal with it. Preferably by ridding the world of a cancerous bunch of idiots and scumbags.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As the other two suddenly grew even more pissed off, Sarah tilted her head. Source blood? What the heck? However, now wasn't the time for asking questions, and she quickly turned to Chris again. "Well, what am I to do then? Search for Magnus as well, or make sure we don't got anything else fucked up going on here?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The Big Guy looked at her for a moment before letting loose a furious roar and charging at her, very clearly intent on smashing something of her body in. She could dodge him, but he'd probably take out half the wall if she did. On the other hand, she couldn't know if his strength was enhanced by whatever was affecting him, so letting him hit her could prove a bad thing too.

The Big Guy's roar was powerful and loud enough to be heard half way across the Sanctuary, which meant hopefully someone else had heard it and would be coming.

Przemek's senses told him that Magnus was near the medical bay now, her scent leading there. However as he determined this, the loud roar of what could only be the Big Guy tore through the hallway ....

Chris opened his mouth to reply to Sarah, only to be cut off by the powerful roaring noise. Eyes bulging out in surprise he uttered "What the fuck?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah winced as the roar battered her ears. She hadn't heard something that loud in a long while, and determinately not from normal lungs.

"Good answer, headed on it!" she said quickly, before quickly moving towards the sound of the roar, pistols ready just in case it was a REALLY big problem.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki set her jaw and her stance as the big guy charged, not saying anything else. Normally she was almost his equal in strength, and she had better reach on top of that, but now... She just settled for trying to grab his hands and keep him busy somewhat. Just until Henry got there with help... Ooh, this was going to hurt...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek froze. He had no trouble with identifying the source of the roar. he slowly turned his head to Chris, face paling as an expression of pure terror settled in. "I'll look for Magnus. You deal with that." Without waiting for a confirmation, he turned around and bolted in the opposite direction, opting to take a longer route if necessary rather than try to face a being that terrified him on such a primal level.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris took off behind Sarah after a quick "got ya," to the ghoul. He had little trouble keeping up with her, in fact seeming to pace slightly ahead of her as they neared the last corner, whipping around ...

And there he was, in the middle of charging towards Mikki. Taking the chance, Chris stepped forward and yelled out, "Hey, big guy, what the hell?"

At that point, Mikki was bracing for a collision that never came. The big guy stopped even as she heard Chris yell, and slowly he turned around to face him.

When he finished turning around, Chris froze for a moment.

"Oh shit, that can't be good. Sarah do you still have that stun pistol?"

Przemek found Magnus in the medical bay, gently covering the woman who had been murdered there with a sheet. She appeared to have not noticed the ghoul just yet though.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul appeared quietly - he had a habit of going into "stealth mode" whenever running away from Big Guy. When he noticed the doctor, he spent a good moment catching his breath, letting her finish her task, before coming closer, deliberately taking louder steps to alert the woman to his presence. "Hey doc, it's me. I've got news on what happened." He cast one last glance towards the victim on the floor. "You're not going to like it."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Magnus turned around, a horrified expression on her face at the carnage. The ghoul suspected it wasn't the carnage that had her horrified, but rather the fact it had essentially happened in her own home, a place that was supposed to be a safe haven. When she spoke, it was with a barely contained rage he hadn't heard from her in years.

"Start ... Talking. Now. Everything."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul paused for a moment, but didn't let the doctor's rage phase him. Hell, he'd have been reduced to a berserk state for days if he had been in her shoes. "Cabal managed to get their hands on one of us and brought them to a facility they've set up in this city." That alone would probably shock her a lot, in case she was unaware of it. "Stallers was there, and had the captive injected with something. We've managed to run a successful rescue mission, though Miranda was wounded by the Cabal operatives bailing from the base. Unfortunately, whatever they've used..." Przemek suddenly realized he had been subconsciously beating around the bush. Grimacing, he decided he had to be honest. "The one they've caught was Ashley. She's turned into some kind of rabid vampire thing, and appears to be under Cabal control now. I saw her grab a vial of blood, Chris called it the source blood, and teleport out of here. She's the one who did all this damage, too." The ghoul fell silent, waiting for a reaction.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As Sarah skidded around the corner, her jaw dropped upon seeing the huge creature. "Holy..."

Luckily, Chris got her attention from standing still. "R-right!" she replied, quickly grabbing into her bag and pulling out the stun weapon, quickly aiming at the yeti and preparing to fire if he charged.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki stood halfway back up when the big guy came to a stop and turned. She spotted the pair he was now focused on, and her eyes widened a bit. She knew Chris could probably stay safe, but the other girl... What was her name again? She'd just have to keep helping.

Moving forwards, Mikki attempted to wrap her arms around the big guy from behind and lift him off his feet. with luck, she'd catch his upper arms as well, and she could take some headbutting and kicking if it meant they could calm the Big Guy down somehow...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Magnus's features went from a 'I know half of this already' expression to one of complete shock, and then her features went Ghostly white.

"She turned into a Vampire? Like Nikola you mean? And dear god if she's stolen the source blood ...."

She trailed off, and suddenly a look of horror crossed her face.

"Dear god, the Montana subjects. That's what they plan to do. Dammit, we walked right into this."

Mikki managed to get a wrap on the big guy, but it was like trying to hold a bucking bull. She found it difficult at first to contain him, but then suddenly he went still, letting loose a ragged gasp before seeming to pass out completely.

Chris just stood there and looked at Mikki.

"OK, what the hell was that all about?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki held onto the Big Guy with all her strength, having to dig her claws into her own forearms to keep him from breaking free anyways. She let out a low howl of pain and fear escaped her, and then he just went limp in her arms, passing out. She loosened up immediately, fearing she had hurt him, and put him down oin the couch again, the gashes she had torn into her own arms sealing over fast enough to watch.

Turning to Chris, she answered him, shock and fear evident in her features. "I dunno Kriss, 'Igguy 'as ssick, I called 'Enry, he 'as ssupossed to co' here, then 'Igguy 'oke all angry. I dunno 'at I did, I ssory Kriss!" She said in a panic, looking worried.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"What do you mean?" Przemek growled out, some of his nigh-permanent anger slipping out at last. Considering it sounded as if things were even worse than he thought before, this was a understandable reaction for him. Anger was a ghoul's default reaction to everything. "Walked into what? And more importantly, what the Hell should we do?" He asked with a scowl. "And please tell me that you at least know where to look for those bastards if we're gonna tear them a new one..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

With the danger somewhat over, Sarah lowered the stun gun a little, but didn't put it away. "Damn, everything's going to shit around here..." she muttered to herself, but quietly stood ready in case she was told to do something.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris didn't reply at first, but rather bent down to check on the Big Guy. What he found were clear indicators of something he had hoped would never find it's way to a Sanctuary.

"Oh ... crap. Well I know why he went Berserk. You'd better radio Henry and tell him not to come unless he's in a suit. Biggie's infected with Lazarus."

Magnus opened her mouth to speak, but it was a male voice from behind the Ghoul that answered him.

"Oh they've undoubtedly packed up and relocated their core facilities by now. The Cabal has been planning this for years. As for what she means, let me ask you ghoulie, what's a blank slate good for? Short answer, to be over written. Smart move actually, turning the creation of two source blood abnormals into a combination of both parents with the vampiric kick. Now, with the source blood, they'll be able to enhance her power further, and then, they'll use genetic grafting to over write the Montana test subjects' DNA and make copies. There were six subjects, which means soon if they capture them all, they'll have seven including Ashley. I have to admit, rather clever of them."

A quick look confirmed the fact the voice belonged to none other than Nikola Tesla.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki grabbed her radio from where it had fallen, then thought better of it and held it out towards Chris. "Oo should. Iss 'aster. 'Ut, that viruss... 'at a'out uss?" She asked, looking worried.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah cocked her head a bit at the mention of the name. Giving a long deep thought, she gave a somewhat muted sigh. "Guess on the bright side, it doesn't sound familiar to me... Still, what's the threat of this? I know ya mentioned it on the sub, but what should we be doing?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek turned towards Tesla, instantly on guard and looking hostile even when listening to the explanation. He really didn't like being startled like that, especially when angry, and anything that could sneak up on him was immediately treated as a threat. The only thing that saved the old bastard from getting his ass maimed on reflex by the ghoul was the fact that the younger anbormal had learned how to pick his fights and avoid attacking without due cause. That didn't stop him from getting aggressive in a different way, though - namely, through words. "You knew this much... For how long?" He growled out, tense and on verge of snapping. "And you didn't stop them... WHY?" The last question came with a healthy dose of bloodlust behind it - today's events ensured that Przemek would not calm down for a while.
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