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Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Izzy pinches at the bridge of her nose as Ronny says that, very glad that Claire doesn't have a Brujah temper to go along with her already volitile attitude and that violence in here is forbidden. Not that it would stop her, but still...

"Oh, charming as ever. Well, maybe if you can figure it out, it'll help figure out who really did it." She gives the man beside her a jab in the arm with a finger.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve flops down in a seat with her coterie. "Oy. That was a rather nervous meeting. Is everyone here caught up on what happened to me 'n Claire the other night? Did you tell them who I think did it?" Her voice is low, and she 's hoping no one can overhear her, though if Ronny asks she'll pull a pencil from her pocket and scratch the name down on his paper.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"No I haven't," Claire told Eve in a dead pan voice, her glare not leaving Ronny, lips pulled back into a silent snarl, fingers now clutching at her knee.

She eventually tore her gaze away and crossed her arms over her chest and went silent, eyes wandering the room in an almost predatory fashion.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Really my meeting with Primogen Dumont wasn't that nerve-wracking, just a little confusing since he talks in metaphors all the time."

Ronny says in response to Eve as she sits down before addressing the others.

"Hey, I would have thought you'd be used to it by now."

Ronny remarks as Izzy jabs her finger into his arm, his ill concealed smile never leaving his face as he stares back at Claire. Handing Eve the notebook and pencil he lets her write the name down while he continues.

"If she doesn't want me to point it out, she should stop wearing her heart on her sleeve. Could be whoever set her up saw the same thing and decided to fuck with her for shits and giggles. We're not exactly playing with nice people here you know. They lie, cheat, and manipulate others simply because they can."

When Eve finishes writing the name down he takes a look at the name and raises an eyebrow in thought. Taking a look around the room which is still somewhat empty he stands up and says.

"We've got some time before Prince Ken makes his appearance from the look of things. Let's just go and find a side office to talk the problem over, at least we'll cut down on most people who may be spying on us."

If the others agree he'll grab his jacket and notebook and go looking for a private place with the others.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Claire snorted but stood up to follow regardless.

"All the more reason the assholes instead of slapping their wrist," Claire muttered.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Guess it might take me a good couple dozen years. We'll see." She chuckles a little and seems to be all for going somewhere private and talking. She does seem to glance around to see if Raven's back from talking with Alexander yet, but other than that, she's willing to head into one of the little offices and find somewhere to perch.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

They pass a couple of the other kindred as they enter but it still looks as if it will be a while before the Prince makes his appearance. Ronny leads the group towards the other offices and stops to listen at a few doors before he finally picks one and tries the handle. Opening the door he flips a light switch to reveal a smaller conference room with enough chairs for all of them.

Walking into the room he takes a walk around the perimeter of the room as if he's looking for something and says.

"This looks like it should do. Would one of you check under the table. i don't think we want any spies in here with us."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve nods and peeks under the table. "What we're going to talk about it for us only. I spoke to Alexander that night and he told me how I should go about this. That's going to be the extent of his involvement though." She sighs and rubs her face. She still clings to these gestures of humanity, but they are getting few and far between.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"So, what exactly is going on? Claire gave me an abbreviated version, but I don't quite get what's up, other than somebody's fucking with the two of you."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Everywhere above and below the table seems to be clear as Ronny completes a circle of the wall before grabbing a chair and taking a seat. He sits there reading one of the pages in his notebook while he says.

"Yeah what Izzy said, I know even less than she does. Also we're going to have to be damned sure he's the guy who set you up, cause he won't be an easy one to prove did anything."
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Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Claire sits herself in one of the chairs, and perches her feet up on the table, crossing them over one another.

"Then we all better be sure we're willing to go through with this. Anyone want to back out now? I'll silently judge you, but I'll understand," Claire said, folding her arms behind her head.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

After everybody is in the office, Fletch comes in last and leans next to the door. He occasionally takes a quick look out the door to make sure no one is spying on them. "I'd really like to know the reason some Camarilla guy is trying to screw us over, if it is him," Fletch grumbles. "Maybe he's a Sabbat double agent or something. That'd be one hell of a plant though."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"I'm with Fletch. Right now, I'm willing to give you guys what help I can, but I'm not backing out or charging ahead without knowing the full on of what's going on, what happened...y'know...details. All I know from Claire is that you two were set up and somebody's taunting you about it. Doesn't seem quite the thing a bigwig would do, does it? No matter how untouchable they think they are."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Ronny listens to the others speak up still flipping through his notebook as if the notebook is going to tell him who set his coterie mates up. Finally he closes it and sits back while loosening his tie with his eyes closed.

"Look I'm never going to be any of your best buddies, never been anyone's best buddy. In fact I'll probably stab one of you in the back the first chance I ever get. However you are the only ones I trust right now so I'll help you in any way that I can."

Ronny's eyes open after he says that and he locks gaze with whoever stares at him the hardest. Whichever one it is can tell that for the first time since you've known him that he's being honest.

"Of course if you don't want my help, I'll understand. Though if that's the case I can still provide what information I have on Heidrich for a boon before I leave."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Claire's eyes linger on Ronny for a moment, a scowl on her features, but she said nothing. Instead she simply formed a gun with her thumb and forefinger and mimed shooting at Ronny.

"Keep that attitude and me and Eve won't be the only ones on the shitlist for long," Claire said dryly.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Fletch harrumphs and shakes his head from where he stands. "Fuck this boon stuff," he grumbles. "We're still a coterie, we shouldn't start owing each other boons. Now, what are we going to do about Heidrich? Or whoever wants to see us fry?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"There's nothing wrong with my attitude, you just have to be a bit smarter about who you show it to is all. Oh and I suggest if you ever do decide to kill me that you make sure no one ever finds out, unless you want to be the one to pay off all the boons I owe."

Ronny says to Claire with a smile before adding.

"Well as long as we're still a coterie any information I get is free. Of course what I already have might not help much till we all hear what happened to you and Eve."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Ronny's right," Izzy chimes up in a tone that does it's best to cut through the growing tension. "Claire, Eve, why don't you tell us what happened, why you think it's who you think it is, and then maybe we can start throwing ideas around instead of, y'know, veiled threats, hmm?" Her hands turn around one another at the last few words and then spread out into a gesture that's slightly placating and prompting at the same time.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve watches everything going on around her. When Alize told her that the coterie was a miniature version of the Camarilla thoughts began tumbling over and over in her head. Maybe by observing the issues in her coterie and the issues in the Camarilla at large she can figure out another way to deal with Heidrich.

"Someone used our teachers to lure us out to the fort. I had a message which I thought was from a ghoul of Alexander's. I drove out in my bug and that's when Claire showed up and scared the hell out of me. We tore out of there when we heard shotgun blasts and nearly ran over Jack." She pauses to gather her thoughts a little before continuing. "The kine were massacred but it looked... contrived to me. Like someone had smeared the oils on a painting. Claire remembered that she'd heard more than just three people and after I heightened my hearing we took off after a kine that had escaped. We took her back to the campsite, got the information we needed and Claire killed her to protect the Masquerade." Eve shrugs. "The man she described sounded too much like Heidrich to be coincidence. How many other pretty hawk-nosed Kindred are there in the city?" She laughs. "Not to mention it fits. We stood up to him at the last meeting, didn't we?" She kicks her feet a little in agitation. "But position and power are important. We have none. We can't accuse him of anything or he'll turn it on us and we'll be fried, even if we have irrefutable proof." She looks around at her coterie. "We have to do this quietly. Claire wants his head on a spike in Hawaii, and quite frankly so do I."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"I had no idea you liked that plan so much. Good thing spikes are easy to make," Claire said with a raised eyebrow.

"But yes, that's pretty much what happened. After I killed the kine we found the note in a tree not too far away. Even if its not Heidrich, whoever it is knows where we live. He called Eve, but he showed up at my haven to drop off the note," she continued, pulling her feet down from the table and leaning forward.