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Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

(Oh, I dunno. Founding fathers and all...)

The girl relays the information to the others about what the quick search comes up with. "I suppose the museum or the village might be a meeting place. Or, y'know, a good place to spring a trap," she adds with a touch of a chuckle. "What do you think, folks? Should we go check this out? Little road trip?"

At that point, she brings up another window and begins googlemapping the distance. If it's someplace that can be reached within the span of a night or less, then the chances of there being other vampires there might be decently high.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

The quick map search reveals that Innisfail is a half hour away, straight down the highway.

Ronny nods his head and says.

"I'm up for it, just so long as we make sure to head back this way in time. Sun and all that."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Fletch grumbles quietly during all of this, not sure what to make of it, but never forgets checking in front of the door. "So what are we going to do then? Are we heading to Heidrich's place and sniff around, or to Innisfail? Or both, or one after the other?" He just wishes his rolling haven would be done yet, he could use it as a troop transport for Innisfail if it's too far.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"I'm not old... just older," Claire says grumpily, crossing her arms once more and leaning against one of the back walls.

"Still, if nothing other than the town is popping up in your search, than that must be the place. I'm up for a bit of a meander down there, see what we can see. We've got a few days before Ronny's little dinner meeting, so we can make some sort of plan,"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

She'll relay the time to the others. "Should, in theory, only take about half an hour to get there. On the highway, no less, so might even take a little less time, given that there won't be much traffic. Just probably our finest looking for speeders." She chuckles. She starts poking around on a different search, trying the words separately, just in case they happen to be a trigger for something else on their own. "If we've got enough time after Elysium tonight, we could always head down. And as for checking Heidrich's place, if he's the one that set up Claire and Eve, then there's a good chance we might find something against him here."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve frowns. "The more and more I think about it, it's possible he'd been set up too. It all just seems too easy. The note said we should be clever. I know the description the kine gave us sounds like him, but she'd have been easily fooled by an illusion, wouldn't she? And there are clans that do that, right?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Izzy's other searches don't seem to bring up anything of relevance all of them being places out of the country.

Ronny nods and says.

"Yeah the party is a few days off, which gives us time to plan for that. We could searching his place here in town some other time but I think it would be easier while he's there and distracted. So after the prince makes his appearance tonight we can head down and at least do a quick scout of the town and the house. We can always head back another night to do a thorough exploration of the clue."

He thinks for a second after listening to Eve and says.

"I guess there are clans that can make illusions after that ghost fire last week though I don't remember River covering it. I'm pretty sure at higher levels that hiding power that Fletch uses can change appearances. The hypnosis power can be used to change memories I think. Haven't tried it myself yet tho...ugh. So anybody else have anything to add before we head out and wait."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Nothing I can think of." Izzy powers down her computer and packs it away for the time being, making certain to save the driving directions for Innisfail so it wouldn't need to be searched again. "Maybe I'll ask Jack about Mary, provided we've got enough time before we have to sit down and shut up."

Given that Ronny brought up the notion of Chimestry, she didn't see a need to add anything to that, at least for the time being. Especially with him bringing up alternatives, too. Ones that seemed more plausible than the illusions Ravnos could conjure up.

If they are breaking, and they do have the time, she'll wander over to the Keeper and make her inquiries about the other two vampires.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Let's see what we find before we commit to mind anyone as the instigator. But until we head off, might as well wring as much enjoyment from this gathering of aristocratic bastards as we can," Claire muttered, moving towards the door.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"I figure you'd get the most enjoyment out of lighting them all on fire," Fletch comments as he moves to the side to let her and the entire coterie out. Personally, he feels like they should just fry Heidrich and be done with it - whether he's guilty or not. This whole conspiracy thing, and the conspiracy that some of them saw within that conspiracy, made his head swim, and he wants to deal with it as quickly as possible. But if his time in Iraq has taught him anything, it's to not rush in.

On the other hand, it taught him to eliminate threats, even potential ones, as quickly as possible. He mulls things over in his head as the others leave the room, only stepping out once everybody left.
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Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Claire smiled at Fletch at his comment, and patted his cheek gently. "Now now, don't be telling them that," she said.