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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Morgan had not been too upset at the waste of her alchemical items. She had instead found a interesting use for it, but sadly she would be unable to prepare a new batch due to some of the ingredients being rare. Also it was apparently very flammable so it was probably for the best the prank had not gone through. They chatted a bit before another person Rikke wanted to speak to walked in. A long girl timid and frail.

"Oh.. H-hi" The girls seemingly ever shifting eye color still catching Rikke's attention. "Y-yeah sure." Rikke sat next to the frail girl as she began to eat her light lunch. Helen smiled at Rikke her eyes shifting to a soft Amber. It was then Rikke felt a prickle of danger... not so much immediate but when you feel a predators gaze on you. It soon vanished as Helen tried to make small talk about lunch. She had a flush to her face as she stumbled threw her words. "T-they did great on lunch today d-don't you think." She pushed her roasted chicken around with her fork. She had barely ate any of it before Rikke had invited herself in. She looked up from her plate her Hazel eyes shifting to Amber again "Though Im not sure why someone with a personal maid would eat in the cafeteria."
Those shifting eyes... At first Rikke thought it her imagination or play of the light, but now... Something about Helen was absolutely different! Infact, such shifts in eye color reminded her of what her companions used to tell about her own eyes! How they shifted from her current green to purple, whenever the beautys other side wished to take over or grew active! "Because those who see themselves to good to eat with others, likely lack respect for the ones raising them up." the girl looked around "Bet you a few of students never even stepped into this place."... such as Celeste! Rikke added in her mind involunteerily!

"But actually it wasn't the food I wanted to talk to you about." RIkke looked to those dangerous eyes head-on, almost defiant at their oppressive nature "I wanted to ask you, if by chance you ever experienced sort of like... random blackouts? Or perhaps some wierd dreams... Of a walk down a hallway, a portal and then of a room of hooded figures?" the rogue no longer danced around the topic and made her play! "As in regards to both, we probably should talk." the beauty kept her eyes on Helen and held her breath as she awaited the answer.
Helen's eyes seemed to get a bit more intense. "Oh my my my I thought that I was the only one who resisted their crude methods." She smiled a wolf among sheep finally able to shed her disguise at least with Rikke. "So whats your story about it then?" As Rikke watched she saw Helen casually slip her necklace off and set it on the table, before sliding it to Rikke. "I find their efforts rather crude, but its a good way to let off steam. My weaker self couldn't handle it of course." She smiled at Rikke.
Up till the moment Helen spoke next, Rikke thought herself as the hidden dangerous figure between the two... Yet what happened next completely shook the beauty off her stable confident ground! Resisted? Crude methods?! The girls eyes widened as then and there Helen slipped off the necklace Rikke struggled to even remember, much less remove! Before it was slid to her along the table, much to the beautys previously sharp eyes now looking on to the events with shocked wide ones! "H-How did you..." she'd keep her gaze on the necklace, before looking right to Helen... was it even Helen at this point?

"So... you too know what's happening..." Rikke less asked and moreso stated to herself, only to shake off her stunned state "Think we both should reintroduce ourselves. Though... We're already out in the open here." the girl quickly slid the necklace towards Helen "Best not let our puppeteers know we've cut their strings." she'd subtly glance each way "Your room or mine?" as the girls urgency in the voice made it clear that they should head into either spot right now!
"Lets head to your room." She gave Rikke a rather devilish grin, and while her eyes still shown with that fierce yellow inner light the sense of danger had yet to increase. Slipping the necklace on the girl followed Rikke her steps seemingly timid and meek taking a quick glance over her shoulder shown Helen with her hazel eyes and rather meek posture. "U-uh why are we going to y-your room Rikke?" If Rikke chose to answer she would only get a weak nod from the girl. Once in her room its like the veil had split again with Helen walking right up to Rikke's bed and sitting on it. "Introductions are so boring I know you and you know me... mostly. But you are the curious type so Ill simply explain that the girl you met before is Helen and I am Helen as well. We are the same for reasons she would be all to embarrassed and ashamed to admit I came into being to protect her from... her situation. I was content with that but upon arriving here well... lets just say Ive got to spread my figurative wings a bit." She smiled at Rikke. "Now how about you. There is something... about you.... that I find intriguing. I smell a certain... familiarity about you. Though I cannot quite place it."
Rikke acted as natural as she possibly could, even if her just being herself oftentimes drew more ireful or otherwise distinct gazes, though with Helen following her the duo couldn't contrast one another more even if they tried! From the frail and mousey Helen to Rikkes far more confident almost showy walking manners! "Secret girl talk, remember?" the girl answered Helen with a wink taking note of her eyes, before closing the door of her room right behind her! "Phew..." as her eyes quickly turned to Helen "Well~ That's the thing, turns out I barely know you. Either side of you." Rikke crossed her hands with a sly smile "I feel there's more to this story of you just arriving here to be tutored. Not with this devilish second persona?" clearly Helens other side seemed almost immune to the necklaces effect and seemed quite fond of sex to boot... whatever she was, the girl absolutely sounded a lot like a demon type the rogue knew all too well!

"Oh?" Rikke snickered as she'd playfully fix her with a turn of her head... as indeed this unexpected reveal certainly proved akin to a most amusing... mirror of sorts! "Honestly, considering everything... I'd probably struggle to find exactly which familiarity you're onto." the rogue snickered slyly, yet... could she trust Helen? Well then again the girl was clearly a victim, yet... why was SHE picked? Celest was clearly picked for likely her popularity... and maybe just a little for her looks, Rikke herself--- w-well she intentionally tried to make herself the ideal target! Though frail Helen... for what reason Jericho--- Jerichos organization picked her?!

"But fair is fair, I've actually come here not just to study. I've come to root or weed out a certain darkness that keeps corrupting the girls here, the very same dark figures you, me and Celeste seemed to have drawn to us first hand." infact this was the perfect chance to just ask "Yet... Why did they pick you? Helen?" learning a bit more of the girl could only prove more fruitful... before revealing the plan and the date of the next play!
Helen paused a moment her mouth pursed thinking. "Im not too entirely sure why they picked me. It might be due to a certain someone from my past but, I thought I had that taken care off." Helen made a quick cutting motion across her throat wither finger before smiling. "Though much like this conversation my other self has no idea what happened." She leaned back a moment looking up at Rikke's four post bed. "It very well could have been prearranged by that man before I dealt with him. Though it doesn't explain why they still went threw with it. After all I doubt he can collect the final product. Not that I would let that get so far. I may be a manifestation of my dear Helen's darker aspects but I do care for her greatly." She reached up and grabbed a small hidden pouch from the folds of the canopy covering Rikke's bed. "Oh my it seems you have yet to find their little gift." She tossed the empty pouch to RIkke to let her examine it.
Seemed unlike Rikkes old 'companion', Helens hardly objected to get her hands dirty... meaning the creature was all the more dangerous than the beauty initially thought "Well I won't pry on who this someone may have been." she'd cross her hands with a smile "I know better than that... But I take it, Helen was a 'custom' order?" just saying the words sent an unpleasant vibe through the beautys body... Referring to the girls as some sort of items. Even further, to so stealthily change and 'prepare them', these people weren't going to get away with this! Those thoughts quickly spurred the beauty to further a tad more what her goal here was!

"Still seems we're both tangled in this, yet I'm not looking to indulge them any longer." Rikke gave Helen a nod "What of you?" especially as the beauty knew that the 'next training session' was meant to be far more.. in-depth than the others! And moreso as Rikke had finally realised that the curse and effects she was enduring, weren't something she was to shake off effortlessly! Would this training intensify the beauty might just indeed find herself a few steps above occasionally being just a dash horny or pervy!!

Though seemed before all that, Helen had something for her? "Hum?" Rikke caught the strange pouch and blinked as she looked it over, it didn't seem like one of hers... "What's this?"
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As Rikke looked it over Helen rolled onto her side and stretched out on her bed. "That my curious friend is how they have been getting you to their little events". She looked Rikke over a moment and sat back up. "As fun as these events can be Im not looking forward to the end result. So if you have a plan lets here it but first." With a quick movement of her hand Helen snatched Rikke's necklace. "Consume" Rikke felt the cursed item heat up and while uncomfortable it didn't seem to hurt. However she watched as Helen's arm lit up with red magic viens stemming from where she held the necklace. After a moment it ended and thankfully to RIkke's keen eye she seemed to notice that Helen was a bit more.... enhanced than before. "There I removed the most dangerous part of the curse. Though not all of it." She smiled at Rikke. "I left the most fun part... right slut." Rikke felt the sudden desire begin to stir in her but it was no where near as powerful as before and there was no mental pressure to submit. "See the most fun part."
Rikke had always assumed it was some sort of mesmerizing spell or magic, as indeed every time the beauty was awoken it felt akin to a waking slumber... Though it was this things doing? In fact, brushing her finger inside no doubt the beauty moreso felt rather than saw some sort of unknown dust? Was this even more alchemy?! Yet no sooner that Rikke finished her inspection, Helen had pushed off her bed and approached her--- only to yank at the silver collar?! "W-Wha---" though the beautys voice would turn silent as she heard a seeming incantation, quickly followed by what seemed to be... 'A Curse eater?' while Rikke heard some mention of such magic, if not such creatures... she knew all too little about either!

Yet the changes were as if lifting a veil from her eyes, the necklace! She finally could feel it and even vividly recall how it looked! "Wow... Thanks!" Rikke blinked as she looked down, her body seemingly feeling all the lighter as indeed the girl could only voice... what was some pre-emptive genuine thanks to Helen, before the woman showed off that not all of the curse was removed with but a simple word! "Khhh..."

Instantly Rikkes body felt the familiar sensation rush through it--- yet it potency was a far-cry to its earlier crippling effectiveness! "N-Noted..." the beauty uttered still wincing lightly as a blush adorned her face, yet not for too long! At the very least the curse seemed to be excessively weakened now, so she still owed this 'Evil' Helen "Well... considering you've kept your wits about you entirely through each night...Think we can work something out." she'd exhale, mostly having shake off the lustful effects "The next session is planned to occur in two days. I plan this to be the last one they'll ever summon." Rikke explained "I've some allies from the outside and I've fair experience battling varied creeps as is, all that I need is to know exactly where this group will gather... and the moment they gather up for their lustful orgies, will be the moment we'll tighten the noose."
"Oh you mean that tainted woman? She seems more than strong enough as long as she doesn't lose control." She leaned back a moment thinking. "I suppose the next step is finding the hidden location on campus they are taking us too. Probably one of the old ruined buildings of the old campus. Though there are several so It will be hard to pin down. Do you have any thoughts to which it is?" Helen looked at Rikke awaiting her answer only to have her mood suddenly shift to her pensive nature as the door opened.

"Oh Rikke I didn't know you had a quest let me make some tea." Cheryl stepped into the room and quickly went to a side table to grab a tea pot. "Ill be back shortly." She curtsied and quickly left. "Oh... wow she is a pretty one... you are so lucky Rikke. Have you made your move yet? Or is she fair game?" Helen's voice had a rather unpleasent tone to it one that RIkke had heard far to often in her own adventures.
Rikke was just about to answer--- only for Cheryl to accidentally stumble upon the duo! The maid surprise all the more understandable, as this was perhaps the first time the beauty was actually in her room during the day! "Mhm~!" the beauty encouragingly gave her maid a nod, not really revealing how her appearance certainly was quite the interruption.... Yet considering it was Cheryl, the beauty would likely share everything that happened in the room with the maid, one way or another!

Though it was once Cheryl took her leave and Helen made her comment, that Rikke quickly crossed her hands and looked at the woman darkly "Neither, she's off-limits." she'd state with none-too-hidden seriousness about it! Even if time with a succubus can be quite the thrill, Cheryl... seemed far too gentle for such depravities! Yet with her stance on that subject clear, Rikke returned to their earlier conversation "You mean... you don't know?" the girl blinked in some surprise, before tapping her lip in thought "All I know of this location is that they use a portal from the supply closet." it was no doubt something Helen had seen, perhaps with greater clarity than Rikke!

"Though I've yet to find the location. Was hoping you'd know?" the beauty looked for Helends input on the matter, before chipping in if the location was unknown "From what I know, Mr. Steel is among the attendees... I've been through his things, yet beyond the next date there were no hints of where these gatheringsa are going to take place."
"Well going to the supply closet will not turn up much. Other than revealing that their spell as a short range so it has to be nearby." She didn't seem to give to much worry about Rikke's statement simply taking it as a seemingly request. "Though I'm sure this Mr. Steel is just as clueless as us. From what I recall of that room at least what I could see from my position is that there is only one exit at which the Futa Dom comes and goes. The rest seem to have some sort of portal key or hitch a ride." She smiled a bit. "Its hard to see much when you are getting chained raped."
So even Helen didn't know... Where previously Rikke had hoped she had her entire plan all set-up, seemed there'd be one final bump before she could properly pounce on these Jericho people! The rogue placed a finger on her luscious lips in thought as she'd lean back against the nearby wall, clearly thinking something over "So then... if we can't find this place." she'd smile victoriously as a plan B came to mind! "We'll just have them lead us right to the place instead."

She'd push away from her wall "Remember, each member is generally kept in secret and anonymous from one another, right?" Rikke hinted at her idea, before elaborating "In other words, once those robes are on, noone, even the guide, will know who they're leading away!" as she'd allow Helen to catch on what the rogues plan was from here on out! As indeed Plan B seemed to be to have Illie and the others take the place of the would-be pervs lead for the gathering! Using the groups anonymous nature against them!
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"Oh clever just one problem if she is just one person how will she get in?" Rikke of course already knew that Mr. Steel was rather careless about his attire. It would be a simple thing to steal but timing would be the key. Even if she could steal it how would she deal with Mr. Steel before hand. If he suddenly disappeared that might cause some questions. "So the plan is to get caught basically.... humm. I suppose that could work though I doubt Ill be much use in a fight. After all Im a lover night a fighter."
Rikke smiled slyly "Actually, ideally we need to get three cloaks." the beauty continued to share her plan "I've potentially three allies that could join us and the more of us we have there - the better." she'd nod firmly "One cloak is a non-issue, we'll just take out Steel in his shack in the Staff living quarters. There's minimal security there." the beauty elaborated "So that leaves 2 more of the perverts to identify and knock out for their robes." her eyes returned to Helen "While I've been... um... busy with the White Leather, what of you? Perhaps you recognised a few of the voices or noticed something peculiar about them?"

The rogue even sat down in thought as her mind continued to rush, thinking back from what she herself remembered all the cloaked figures were males! So that alone absolutely narrowed down the field of suspects! From there it was a matter of their silhoulettes or voices that may ring familiar! With the suspects cleared in such a manner, then the next step would be to confirm or deny their suspicions! "We don't really need to worry about their disappearance. If we spring this trap successfully, we'd be uprooting a corrupt organization in this very University. There'd be no enemies left to worry about."
"Well they are all male with the exception of your fan." She smiled seductively. "Other than that I could not say most of them are really good at keeping their voices hidden under their masks. Not to mention while I can resist their feeble tricks they still affect me somewhat. Even with that said there cannot be more than a handful of male faculty. There where about what seven of the men? Its hard to remember when they keep shoving cock down your throat." Helen leaned back to ponder. "Sadly I cannot remember any voices. You might just have to do some sneaking around. Though....... the maids are responsible for laundry for the entire staff. One of them might now something."
Rikke tapped her lip in thought as it seemed once again, Helen did not appear to have any more information than she did... Yet she did bring up a few fine details "Do... Do you think any of them would be dumb enough to throw their robes to the wash?" the beauty blinked in genuine awe that someone could do such a thing... though at the same time, the girls luck had proven fortunate enough to allow far more unlikely events to transpire! "Alright, I'll talk this lead over with Cheryl."

The girl glanced aside "Beyond that..." now was a matter of the rogues own intuition, had any of staff ever looked or acted strange with her? Surely if the perverts were attending meetings to get sucked off, much more even saw the beauty do the deed... The strange acts had to grow all the more noticeable AFTER the first time she was taken away, when the men would know she was among those picked out! If none stood out, it was a matter of checking in with each one individually!

"Guess I'll just need to fish out the pervs meanwhile." Rikke smiled as seemed the future plan was all but set! On the night of the event, she'd summon her friends in advance and then each would adorn the robe of a knocked out 'Tester' or 'Member' and with any luck, her and the trio would find themselves right at the center of the meeting, armed and ready to pounce! "If you're going to help, what could you do?" Rikke turned to Helen, as she'd pause another issue crossing her mind "There's also the matter of me needing a way to sneak my friends in during the night of the trap." she'd suggest to Helen.
"Well Im not really the fighting type. We are not exactly built for it." She would put a hand on her chin and lean forward to rest on the night stand. "Though.... if I recall the portal is open already during the night they take us. We could just wait then and there and get your girls in." Just then Cheryl would knock and enter and the meek Helen and her hazel eyes where back. "Oh... my... Ive seem to have lost some time. Where.....where am I?" Cheryl was quick to set the tea down and move over to Helen. "Oh my are you okay?" She placed a hand on her head and felt for a fever. You do seem to have a fever dear." It was then Rikke caught a slight glint of the Amber predator eyes as she "collapsed" on Cheryl sending the girl to the bed in a rather awkward pose. "Oh Miss I do feel terrible can you help me." Cheryl with a crimson blush freed herself. "I-Ill get you a cold rag." Bowing Cheryl left again. Helen turned to Rikke a sly smile on her face. "She is just too cute." Winking the girl rose. "I suppose Ive over stayed my welcome. If you get some clues let me know. Ta Ta!" With that she was out of the door like a whirlwind.
Rikke shook her head "Too risky. What if the portal will open up elsewhere, then we'd be stuck in there without any potential aid..." the rogue seemed to tense up subtly and cast her gaze away, her cheeks adorning a light blush... All details that the succubus no doubt caught effortlessly, and all details hinting that the rogue knew a bit more of this next session, something that Helen knew spiked the girls arousal or fright of it just thinking of! Afterall, from what the rogue had learned... the next session wasn't going to be content with just blowjobs, not even close!

Yet no sooner that Helen could get her chance to comment or tease tease the beauty the door suddenly opened! Leading to Cheryls return?--- And a show from Helen that spurred a bemused look from the rogue! Even if the moment Cheryl turned to her, Rikke shifted it right back to a bright smile... one that lasted not a second longer that the maid saw her, all the way up to the girls departure "Off... limits." the beauty stated once again, her hands crossed and body subtly leaned in!

Still with that it seemed with that Helen was gone... Proving a most superfluos ally, yet an ally nevertheless! Seemed she'd just need to do everything herself! The girl nodded to herself, as indeed until Cheryl returned she'd list up the steps of her plan!

First, find out the identities of the other 'attendants' to these meetings and where they stay.
Second, sneak in Illie and co.
Third, the main course! Dress the girls up as the men in their anonymous robes!

With all this, should the steps go through without issue Rikke would be all set to pounce on the night the Jerichos bunch orgy was to take place! "He~" Rikke beamed herself a bright smile, just as Cheryl returned! "m? Oh Helen had to leave, she said it's perfectly fine." the beauty dismissed the maids likely worry over the earlier guests... as something else had priority "There's something important I need you to do for me, Cher." Rikke closed the door and explained the task for her maid! Cheryl was to find out if any of the other maids noticed peculiar robes that matched Rikkes description being put to wash! If so, who they belonged to!

Hopefully the task seemed clear enough, as indeed with that 'mission' assignment and net thrown out, RIkke had to take her own steps to try and flush out these perverts in hiding... ones that mysteriously never really approached her at all? Not approached her.... meaning if they weren't going to make their move, seemed the rogue had to bait them out to make it! As indeed Rikke approached her mirror and sucked in her lower lip with subtle delight, as with her thigh-high socks pulled higher, her blouse bearing those few deviant undone buttons and wild hair as fiery as ever... it was time to hunt down some pervs! And no better place to start than by checking her own classes, club activities and after-class special meetings... Helen said there weren't too many males,thus now was time to make a target list!