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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke spent the remainder of her break period lurking and sniffing out potential perverts. A task despite her appearance was had to accomplish. None of the grounds keepers seemed to fit. As Rikke recalled that the men in question with the exception of Mr. Steel all were rather clean and well spoken. One she did seem to hit upon was the alchemy professor. Morgan had often mentioned that she got creepy vibes from him. Sadly Alchemy wasn't one of her classes or electives. However later in the day she did found out from Cheryl that the girls did wash some odd robes now and again. Though that didn't really give her too much info sense the laundry was picked up by lot number. In the end as she sat in her room he had four potential people to steal robes from. She just needed to decide on who. Mr. Steel would be easy he was sloppy and careless. The others.... now that was a challenged.
Right... so who exactly she knew of the Male variety! It was time to investigate some listings and approach a few of the more easier to near people, yet even if the beauty felt some eyes upon her at times... What she did managed to investigate hardly yielded anything noteable! The groundskeepers each had an unmistakeable air of sincerity about them, most hardly bearing the status or privilege of the students or most other staff, as each one hardly responded the beauty in a particulary lecherous manner, even if their eyes did subtly wander. Meanwhile the other teachers were far more difficult to find just at random, moreso without good cause... Yet it hardly excluded them from staff or club listings!

Though there was a fair few males here, one among them stood out... One who even Morgan had mentioned to the beauty a while back - The Alchemy professor! Due to its advanced nature, Rikke had never atteneded the offered course, even if the girl had received a strange letter of recommendation to attend it... Though back then she didn't really give it much thought. Though now, even if not biting on Morgans intuition, it was Helens reveal that truly put the man under the true spotlight! That dust... And the mixture at the end of the 'sessions' each one was potentially a product of nothing else but Alchemy!

And would the rogues fortune not shy away... Rikke quickly lead her finger along club activities and private consultation hours... Perhaps she just might be able to meet up with the name sooner than expected! As indeed would the beauty luck out, she'd tap the hours with her finger and exhale lightly, smiling mischieviously 'Well then, Professor Finigus Rumpart Hozou..." the beauty quickly looked down her outfit and pushed her cups together subtly, fixing them subtly to truly make her unbuttoned cleavage shine all the more, the sparkling silver necklace not wasting a beat to slip between the valley subtly 'Time for you to meet an newfound alchemy enthuasiast.' she'd smile as indeed indeed with that the beauty turned away from the staff boards and went onwards to find the Alchemy labs!
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Professor Hozou was easy to find. It seemed the master alchemist was never far from the lab in his free time. Though it seemed today he was alone. Which was strange, she would have thought Morgan would have been here too. Then it dawned on her, and the fall break was next week. An entire week of only the staff and a few students.... perfect timing for the group's nefarious plot to unfold. A whole entire week where no one would ask about missing students. Just then the Professor turned to look at Rikke his classes gleaming with light hiding the focus of his eyes. Still, Rikke felt a pervy chill run down her spine. "Why hello young lady what can I do for you today?"
Rikke continued along the university halls, her eyes keenly following the signs to find the right office--- when she's overhear a most curious passing conversation? 'Ugh... can't wait until the end of the week.' 'Oh got plans for the Fall break?' was all the girl caught, but it proved more than enough for the words 'Fall break' to echo in her mind. 'Fall break...?---' it was next week?! The rogue flatout stopped in her tracks at the realization and what additional threat it carried! A whole week, the same week that just so started right alongside the 'Advanced training' the Jericho Group had planned for Sunday?! T-This training wasn't just going to be a one-off event like the others, it-it... it was planned to be potentially a whole week to truly shape up the girls?!

While it was all just suspicions, it all clicked into place all too dangerously well! One way or another, Rikkes plan could not afford to lose! Not just for a means of justice against the shady group, but to potentially save the wits of her 'training' group! Though no sooner that the beauty had registered all that, she'd note the sign up ahead... this was the room Professor Hozou was to have his additional lessons and consultation hours! Licking her lips subtly RIkke neared the entrance and carefully peeked inside--- only to see the room was empty? Empty besides the professor himself, his unimpressive frame hunched over writing something?

This was the man Morgan spoke of! And the very same man with the biggest target as one of the Jericho group! Rikke exhaled subtly, as she'd look down over her outfit and reach up to undo one of her buttons or flip the white shirt just a little more agape to show off her cups... as the plan was simple! She'd just need to seduce the professor into enough allure to make him use the S-word, coupled with a command! The moment he'd do so, his involvement would be all but absolutely guaranteed!

As with that plan in mind, Rikke turned the corner and adorned a well-bluffed innocent smile "Hello~!" she'd add little bit more spring to her step to make her cups absolutely draw the eye of the pervert--- an act that certainly seemed to work and then some! "Are you Professor Hozou?" the busty beauty asked playfully "I was curious about alchemy... Perhaps you could show and teach me a little bit of it?" Rikke punctuating her request with an 'incidental' push of her cups together by her forearms, making the supreme devious D's brush against one another and accentuate the girls cleavage to a dizzying degree!
The professor looked up at Rikke and smiled. "Why yes... I have some free time to teach a student a thing or two. Go and shut the door, my dear." The professor then stood and for the first time, she saw that he was truly a tall man. He looked down on Rikke from above almost dwarfing the rogue. "So how much experience do you have with the alchemical arts?" Listing to Rikke's reply he moved over to a small table and beckoned for her to come closer. Much to Rikke's notice there were no vials or anything on the table as she approached. From his pocket, he produced a small white pill. "Take this, please. Some of the chemicals may make you nauseous and this will help."
Keeping her luscious appeal to its most, Rikke puckered her lips at the request and gave the man a cheery nod, before closing the door as requested... T-This plan was starting to feel just a tad questionable, yet... it was far too late to back out now! Though when the rogue turned back from the door, suddenly she'd realize that the man was far taller and wider than she expected! Be it shoulder wide or overall! So much that his shadow nothing short of loomed over the girl! "Um... L-Limited." she'd answer with a cold bead of sweat rolling down her face, some anxiety kicking in... Yet it proved only to aid in the girls bluff!

"Pill?" Rikke blinked as she was handed the white small item, her senses hardly needing to tingle to let her know that taking unknown medicine from a man like him was absolutely a terrible idea! "Ofcourse! Do I just swallow or...?" she'd look to him for a glass of water perhaps? Though whatever the case may be, the girl wasn't planning even for a moment to swallow the item as instead with a bit of sleight of hand she'd pretend to do so and swallow just simple air, thepill itself firmly slipping into her pocket via her other hand! "D-Didn't know such precautions were neccesary, Professor." she'd share openly as indeed there was a small chance... that the pill wasn't a threat, but rather an aid!
"Indeed some of the reagents are quite strong. We don't want you to get light-headed or feel ill." He turned away and head for the door, in several long strides he easily crossed the distance. With a dull click, she heard the door lock. A moment later he grabbed a sign and hung it in the window. "Now then let's start with something simple." Heading over to the shelves he grabbed several jars and other things over to the table. "First I want you to grind up several of these dried flowers." From a jar he placed several shriveled looking objects white in color into a small bowl. "Get started on these and I will grab the other things we will need." WIth that Rikke was left to grind the dried flowers in her bowl while the professor worked to get some other items. Already the smell was starting to bug Rikke. The flowers had a very potent odor.
Rikke blinked as the man seemed to stand up--- and went to lock the door, not to mention hang an unknown sign on it?! Both details that otherwise would've served as excessively red flags, considering the rumours... Y-yet this was going sort of according to... plan? R-right? The beauty had to double check with herself at this! Yet just as Houzen began to turn back to her, Rikke quickly pretended to be looking around, as if wonderfully unaware of the odd movements! "Hum? Ofcourse!" it was a simple enough task and besides, this may come useful later to boot... all the while giving her more time to observe Houzen!

Though no sooner that the rogue began grinding the seeds that, the scent absolutely began its assault!! W-was the medicine supposed to block this or....? E-either way it wasn't too bad for now, as the rogue could grin and bear it! "Though... what are we making?" as indeed Rikke had asked about alchemy, yet she hardly expected to be lead right into making something! It was... sort of a pleasant surprise in a way.
"Oh its a simple recipe I learned from a woman in a far off town. It's supposed to increase your energy and vigor. It's also very inexpensive to make." He came back with what looked like a small jar of honey, as well as a strange white powder. "Oh, that is really strong. Good thing you took your medicine or you might be having a very unpleasant experience. Now once you get those into a fine paste we will add the honey and caffeine. Hozou looked at Rikke staring at her a moment. "First add the honey and mix it with the ground seeds. Then add just a pinch of powder. I have one more item to get." Turning back he went to a small shelf with some liquids on them. A moment later he was back with a bottle of wine. Looking over her work he seemed content. "Now we just split the mixture in two and place it in separate cups. Then add the wine to taste. It will add some much-needed flavor as the mixture itself is rather bitter. I suppose you could use juice as well. The sweet might make it better tasting." Stirling the mix into the wine for both cups he took his and downed it. "Go ahead Ms.. ms.. oh dear I forgot to introductions. Please, by all means, I am Professor Hozou and you are?" Rikke looked at her cup as it fizzed ever so slightly before answering the Professor.
T-this... was actually a potentially useful potion?! Albeit some items used were yet unknown, just grinding them up into a stamina potion absolutely could come as a worthwhile skill! Still the moment the topic came to the medicine "U-Unpleasant... how??" she'd ask with a smile, yet one that didn't quite betray the worry beneath! As the stench was absolutely foul... yet beyond that there didn't seem to be much else. The beauty had to almost be thankful for all the variety of 'smells' she encountered during some of her ruin searching voyages! T-This... was bearable... bearly! All the while so distracted by the smell and her fight not to show how much it affected her, the rogue all but missed, had Houzen used the chance... the man gazes from up above down to the luscious cleavage that incidentally reacted all too wonderfully to the rogues motions of grinding down the herbs!

Still with the intructions done, the final piece revealed itself... some... wine? "Oh..." Rikked looked on with genuine interest and curiousity as the cups were placed and quickly filled up 'completing' the mixture! "Rikke! Rikke Peslie." she'd answer the question honestly and with a genuine smile, as suspect or not this was... relatively useful and with wine to boot! As the beauty raised her cup-- while the fizzling was suspicious the man had drank his no problem, so it should be safe for her to do so as well! As indeed with that she'd taste the unique potion as well! Wine-flavored energy potions... strange noone came up with such an idea before, as it was ideal for long guarding nights or-- other.. times... one needed to stay energized?
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Downing the potion Rikke felt the fizz burn down her throat. Suddenly though a euphoric high began to build in her. Everything around her began to come into sharper focus. A look of concern crossed Hozou's face. He raised an eyebrow. "Slut.... did you take your medicine?" Rikke felt the necklace warm as it intensified the already ramped up sensation the potion had given her. Still she had no reason to obey no urge to reply. But.. she was in danger if she didn't obey then the jig was up.
Rikke downed the drink and placed it down with an delighted "Mmm~!" as she'd smile brightly feeling her whole body enervated!-- Yet the moment she met Hozous eyes was the moment the beauty almost dropped the cup as there was absolutely a different expression on his face? Yet it was then the key the rogue waited for echoed out! The necklace instantly warming up, as the girls sleight of hand was put into focus?! S-So this absolutely sealed it... Y-yet at the same moment even if her suspicions were confirmed Rikke suddenly found herself facing down a command!

Yet it was a blessing Helen did what she did! Now then... how was she to answer-- Wait she had an idea! "I-I believe I did..." Rikke answered, quickly trying to imitate the subtle daze the effect used to have on her! All the while her quick thinking "Yet... I'm not sure I felt it when I attempted to swallow." just as she spoke Rikkes other hand slipped the pill out of her pocket and onto her shoe and ground! A perfect bluff! One solely going off the rogues seemingly lax nature and the way she 'threw' the pill into her mouth to swallow "I may have not... Master." she'd barely slip by without a stutter due to the subtle humiliation and embarrassment of calling the man such a title!
"Still resisting slut!." The brought his hand around and slapped her in the face sending her sprawling to the ground. "Slut tell me your nature." The man began to undo his pants revealing a massive swelling member. Almost out of habit Rikke spoke. "I'm a slut." Taking his prick in hand he moved towards her. "And what do sluts do?"
Rikke knew she messed up even before the blow came... Her eyes subtly widening, as she'd manage to brace for the impact just in-time, mostly acting out her fall or going along with the blow ease its impact! 'B-bastard!!' a growl echoed out through the beautys mind, yet she'd not let it show now... Not when her cover was teetering on the edge as is! So the pill was important? But why? The answer would have to come later, as no sooner that Rikke pushed herself up to a kneeling position and turned to the man--- that she saw him undoing his pants and unceremoniously pulling out what was revealed to be an already hard and generously sized to say the least cock?! H-How long had he been this hard?!

Yet it was moment even before this, that Rikke heard a seemingly utter key phrase! 'Slut tell me your nature.' One that seemed to reverb through the necklaces very core and spur, the beautys lips to move on their own? "I'm a slut." a phrase that caught the rogue off-guard, as her eyes widened at saying that! E-even with Helens machinations?! Or was it just a lucky habbit that protected the girls cover? Either way, there were absolutely no second chances now and Rikke knew exactly what she had to do and answer! S-she really didn't think this plan through--- W-was she really going to have to-!! 'N-No stuttering this time!' Rikke firmly reminded herself and answered with a mad blush "Good slut suck his cock!"

H-How did her traps for perverts end up like this?!! Rikke barely had time to deal with the soaring embarassment as her eyes opened to see the cock, all too keenly pulsing before her! A sight Rikke knew she couldn't show the relucatance she felt, as her eyes shivered subtly thankfully hidden by her wild orange hair from Hozous gaze, before she'd lean and licking her lips subtly out of habbit, wrapped them around the cock and slowly starting the command she was given!
"Good Slut!" Rikke felt his hand rest on her head forcing her a bit faster than she would have liked. Still, this man was massive almost unnaturally so. What was worse though is the effect of the potion she had taken finally made itself known. Her body tingled with delight as she felt the cock spread her mouth and slide along her tongue. Even the little bit of pre that coated the head seemed to cause a surge of pleasure. "I was quite fortunate that the whore who developed this potion needed treatment or I would have never got this recipe. It has proved ever so delightful." He looked down at Rikke though she couldn't see him. "You seem to like it slut. Its a shame you resisted my little extra. Then I could have done anything I wanted." He sighed followed by a grunt. "Still, that probably for the best after all the Mistress wants you for herself." He grunted as Rikke worked her skills on his member. "Damn slut your good at this."
Muffled echoes subtly sounded out with each and every slide, as seeming wasting barely a moment Hozou already had his hand on the rogues orange locks rapidly guiding her deeper and deeper?! Each bob sliding deeper and deeper, spurring Rikke tight-clad bust to sway at each apex and pullback! Unlike the last few times this time the girl was entirely clothed in her student uniform, each seemingly accentuating the cleavage shot that Rikke had intentionally opened up... Yet above all else even if Rikke felt a fierce defiance towards the man after the blow and even the sudden turnaround, as each slide brushed against her plump lips and along her tongue the potions effect made itself know!

An effect that seemed to spur heat and excitement through the girls body, one which seemed to incidentally prove all the more empowered due to the rogues own lingering long-unsated lusts! It was exactly this lusty mix, that seemed to make the girls eyes shiver in embarassment, as her eyes slowly sharpened and technique grew more and more lewd and refined! With each bob rapidly even Hozou felt his control slipping from him, as the rogues lips seemed to treat every inch of the bastards unnaturally large cock with deeper and deeper sldies, her tongue expertly embracing the ridges, as she'd even turn her head nearing each apex "Mmh~ mmf! Mmm! Mmh~!" even if part of the rogue hated it, the potion and her body quickly lead her to indulge and suck the cock off with her lust on full display!
Sadly it seemed with a very loud grunt the professor let loose his seed. Rikke felt the tiniest trickle before the man pulled out. "How was that slut" Amazingly he was still hard, but seemed utterly spent. Pushing Rikke back he pulled out a vial from his coat and drank it down. "Now..... now the fun begins!" "Strip slut!" He approached Rikke menacing. Before her eyes, the professor's cock became hard again though it had a weird black color in its prominent veins. Rikke could almost see foam at his mouth. "I've waited and waited, but that futa bitch kept you all to herself. But now... Now its time for me to have fun!"
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Rikke continued her nothing short of showcase of the less heroic... 'abilities and skills' the beauty had! As with the wine mixture seemingly amplifying every single detail, the busty rogue felt every inch of the effective enemys cock as it brushed and grinded past her tightly wrapped lips and along her tongue "Mmmh... mmm~... mmm!" each bob making Rikkes orange hair weave back and forth with the motions, each spurring a subtle sway of her tightly clad in the uniform bust again and again! All the while each passing moment seemingly all but disarmed Hozou, his hand withdrawing as if not quite able or his body flatout refusing to interrupt the sensual luscious beauty at work... Even his voice and gasps seemed to resound the ever increasing thrill and joy! A thrill all too akin to Rikkes own, as the sensation of treating the oversized cock, coupled with the wines melty pleasure all but inflamed the beauty!

Though skills that made even demons squirm, quickly outmatched the mans stamina as just as Rikke got into her lusty treats---Hozou suddenly gripped her head?! "Mmph?" spurring the rogues eyes wide, only to moments later thrust one final time to unload the far too well-earned reward! "Mmmmh!!..~" as the beauty only felt the grip ease off, as the final string shot out... the cock slipping from between her lips with a slick string of the unique mix still clinging from the tip to her lower lip, a string that would snap off and land on her wonderous cleavage shot below!

It would be mere moments later that, the first clearly rhetorical question echoed out, yet with Rikke dealing with a mouthful of her 'reward' there'd be no way to answer! The 'luscious student' blushed all too furious, her eyes still closed from the filling her mouth received--- yet with utter embarassment rushing through her, Rikke braced herself and swallowed the payload in full! A hot "Khaaa~" escaping her, as she'd slowly open her eyes--- much to the sound of a glass bottle ringing out against the floor and rolling away?! A sound that spurred her eyes wide open, only to see the seemingly exhausted cock once again hard and grow rigid even beyond what it was before?! The ridges now bulging, the veins far more prominent and blackened?! As it was exactly to this sight of renewed and even further empowered lust that Rikke heard of the fun and the command?!

'S-s-strip?!' the words echoed out through Rikkes body, her necklace heating up even more intensely than ever before! As indeed Rikke nothing short of gawked at the cock in sheer shock, yet now also knowing exactly where her plans 'unexpected detour' was taking her! Infact it was then during Hozous far more openly lewd ramblings, that she recognised his voice... F-From the second day! The same man that wanted to rush ahead during the unplanned training... rush ahead with her!! J-Just how long had this bastard been thinking of this--- and worse yet, Rikke all but willingly entered the web! "A-Aye!" 'Crap crap crap!'

Rikke slowly stood up her eyes scanning the environment for something she could potentially use to turn the tables! All the while her heart rushed, as she danced her fingers along her uniform to slowly begin to removing it. The numerous buttons proving a fair blessing as she'd slowly undo her black jacket giving view to the strained white shirt beneath, the same one she herself kept the top unbuttoned off! S-Still even if she could try to buy time with her stripping, would Rikke not spot anything to use, she'd soon enough meet Hozous eyes and indeed note the almost foaming mouth and the crazed pulsing even further engorged cock he had! S-She was in trouble... b-big big trouble!
Thankfully the room abounded with various bits of lab equipment, from beakers to vials, and even a few stray mixes left simmering by students. Any number of improvised weapons lay before the rogue. Meanwhile, the professor was handling his own meat. "You would be amazed at what lost research can do." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the cock swell even larger, prominent bumps and ridges all too familiar to the rogue began to take shape. "A little core of corruption and some demon blood... ohhhh yeah!" A shot of black sperm shot out and landed on the rogue's leg, but the mutated cock was still serviceable and growing harder. An evil light seemed to well up in the man's eyes. Little bits of foam escaped his lips as he licked them. "So.... long.... so hot....."
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Bottles, potions, vials and more chemicals than the rogue could imagine existed--- yet none of them having even the smallest of hints of what they were were and what they'd did! How was she to improvise an 'accident' with these?! Rikke indeed quickly seemed to look round, all the while her hands slowly undid one of her buttons struggling to keep her cups at bay, the final tug spurring the shirt to open wider and her devious D's to subtly bounce upon reveal!! Something that nothing short of got a howling appreciation from Hozou quickly drawing the rogues attention to the man--- and the sheer state he was in!!!

His eyes wild and crazed, his stance utterly keen to loom over the beauty and his even his mouth seemed to foam slightly?! All the while his hand seemed to not relent in keeping the cock 'prepared'! A motion that indeed caught Rikkes eye, if only due to the sheer changes the already impressive cock was undergoing?! The veins engorging and growing pronounced, the sheer shape of it utterly strained as the cock grew even more far exceedingly what was 'normal' or even 'generous' for someone of even Hozous size?! The cock even 'spitting' out a wicked trail of black precum, as it now oozed from the tip and down along the floor or the growing firmly aimed at the rogue shaft! "P-P-Professor Hozour?" the beauty uttered unsurely, as she'd step back to every step forward towards him, her strip efforts ceased and heart stilled! As then and there Rikke flatout found herself unable to keep the 'mesmerized' bluff going with the sight she saw!!!