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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Chapter One
An Easy Score

Rikke surveyed the scene before her with slight unease. The abandoned manor house had sounded like an easy score at the time but now that she was here her nerves twitched something wasn't right. The looming structure appeared abandoned from its overgrown grounds and faded paint but something seemed off. Trying to recall the details from the previous night was difficult and she cursed the inns local specialty for being extremely potent. What she could remember however was soon sliding together forming a clear picture that she may have been duped by a peasants tall tale.

The tale as she recalled involved the lord knight of the manor and all his kin as well as the servants disappearing over night never to be heard of again. Of course every other peasant farmer and two bits bard had heard the tale and each one had their own version to tell. In one the lord knight went berserk and killed everyone before ending his own life. Yet another tale told of how the knight's wife had resisted the advances of a daemon and in a rage he cursed them all to be living shadows forever haunting their home. Still despite all the differences they all had at lest one part common that a vast fortune lay abandoned in a manor house a little over a day's walk from their village.

Despite her doubts Rikke decided to examine the compound in better detail. The manor house had several buildings including itself that made up the entire compound. One was clearly a stable its stalls empty and roof partially collapsed. The second building was of a more robust construction. It was a single story very squat and flat with several poles sticking out of the ground in front of its entry. The next group of structures seemed to be a group of four single room house with over grown gardens probably built to house the less desirable servants. Having scouted the other buildings only the manor house was left to examine. It was an imposing structure made of stone with its highest point being a rounded tower like structure about 3 or four floors tall. The rest of the manor house with the exception of a small single ruin of room that may have once been a kitchen looked to be about two floors. All the walls had a think growth of ivy which concealed most of the windows that adorned the building.

Having finished her scouting Rikke's trained eye had spotted three possible entrances to the manor itself. The first and most obvious would be the front door. The second was the ruined kitchen where she could squeeze threw the rubble and gain entry through the servants' entrance. The third and passable most risky was a broken window on the second floor. She would have to climb the ivy but the overgrowth looked like it could hold her weight. Of course she could always explore the outer buildings first or leave deciding that the local peasants have over active imaginations.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well… they weren’t kidding about the abandoned part. This place is a mess.’ Rikke thought to herself upon witnessing her goal. Abandoned buildings tend to give off an uneasy vibe, but this one really gave her the creeps.

Still she came all this way it wasn’t like she was going to turn around now. A casual kick to a nearby rock and off she went to explore the surroundings. ‘Handbook for the Aspiring Heroine tip number 26. Scavenge some basic supplies before entering any creepy manors.’ Rikke happily nodded to herself. Sure such a book never existed, nor has she read it, but it was a great way to recall tips she learnt in the past and something fun to do to boot.

The Manor, a stable, the pole house and a “detention” camp…” Rikke silently mouthed to herself contemplating what to do. There was no denying her curious nature on this, and taking a peek just to see couldn’t hurt. So why not check everything! Still first things first, she was set on getting some supplies, especially rope, and the best place to start would be the stable.
A quick check on her weapon condition, cute hair fix, a smile and a deep breath it was time to start the plan.

Time's a waisting get to it girl.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception vs stealth Rikke success! 34 vs 23
Stealth vs Perception Rikke fail! 23 vs 36
Perception for Tresure (rope) Rikke success! 42 vs 23

Rikke fixed her hair and checked her gear making sure her hidden friend was secure as it could be. Happy with the state of things Rikke took a deep breath before heading for the abandoned stable. Crossing the overgrown grounds did not prove difficult and she made good time heading for the stables and it wasn't long before she could make out details.The stable building itself was a fairly large building with a small fenced pasture. She could clearly see the damage to its roof caused by a fairly large tree that had toppled during a windstorm. Unfortunately the large tree had also obliterated the main entrance to the stable proper so Rikke had to settle for hoping a fence to gain entry or climbing the long dead tree to get in from the roof. Pausing only a moment to weigh her options a flash of movement from the manor house caught her attention. As she turned her head to catch a better view her body reacted on instinct and she dashed for cover easily clearing the fence and finding shelter in the stable. Luckily her chosen hiding place also had a usable coil of rope. Taking a moment to catch her breath the pungent smell of long dried manure and sweat filled her nose. Another cursory glace also revealed the bleached skeletal remains of a horse in the stall opposite of her its empty eye sockets staring endlessly at her.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:

If you have any questions about the rolls just let me know Ill try to explain them the best I can.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Lucky!” exclaimed Rikke as she gleefully coiled the newfound rope around her shoulder, while it was obviously well used it should hold for quite abit. ‘Still… I definitely saw something back there’ she sighs lightly to herself ‘Oh~… why can’t abandoned things be just that – abandon… and what is that smell!’. And, oh dear, the smell. Was it the fine mix of aged manure and something obviously dead in here or the smell of stale sweat with light hints of rot, nevertheless for a girl having barely anything to do with the farm life it was quite a “treat”. After an overly dramatic choke, Rikke moved her palm over her face to reduce the amount of contact with the foul air.

Still the main concern was the flash of movement in the manor. Best not to just run out of a hiding spot, if it’s not absolutely safe. Though by now she noticed someone else watching her… the remains of a long dead horse.

How CAN you live in here.” she silently addressed the seemingly only denizen of the stables, not really expecting any reaction from the skeletal onlooker. Finding a crack in the stables wall Rikke carefully peeked outside to the place she thought she saw the movement. Perhaps it was just a bird or a mirage, still better safe than sorry.
Once determining if it was safe she’d make her way to the “detention camp”, as she referred to it, or in other words the 4 rooms. No need to spend more time in this stench than needed.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception 29 vs ? Rikke success!
Stealth 30 vs ? Rikke success!

Rikke's well trained eyes scanned the manor house in detail attempting to pick out the slightest movement. Focusing her search on the tower where she had seen the movement Rikke failed to spot anything. Nothing moved no little birds disturbed the ivy, no ragged curtains fluttered in the breeze just the lazy clouds overhead which occasionally shaded the empty grounds as they passed. Come to think of it Rikke hadn't seen any signs of life not even bugs. The abandoned structures should have provided shelter for all kinds of wildlife but everything was empty, still, and silent. The lack of bugs and animals was not lost on her being as well traveled as she was so during her jaunt to the four houses she did her best to stay out of sight. Approaching the four buildings was easy enough the only obstacle being a large hedge of fruiting bushes blocking direct line of sight from the manor. Walking over the remains of a small wooden gate Rikke was disappointed to see that the four houses had all but collapsed their thatch roofs being no match for neglect. However outside one of the houses a fairly large mound of paper lay just outside one of the doors.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:

I have uploaded a rough layout of the manor for you to look at if you want. You will have to download it unfortunately.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just how old is this place...’ Rikke scanned the ruined houses. ‘I wonder who lived here’ she thought to herself trying to catch a glance of what was inside the ruins.

The silence of the compound slowly started setting in on her. Sending a slight chill down her spine, making her shudder ever so slightly. Shaking it off she continued checking the houses, till a large mound of paper caught her eye. “Well hello there magic pile of paper, care to shed some light on this place” Rikke playfully approached the mound and crouched near it, checking for anything useful.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Each house Rikke passed seemed of similar construction with only slight differences in the size of each house. The mud brick walls dirt floor and what was left of the thatch roof gave the impression that these four houses most likely housed the peasants responsible for tending the grounds and stable. All the furnishings that had survived the collapse of each roof looked to be of simple but solid construction and only reinforced her theory on the former occupants. Only the large mound of paper seemed out of place and as Rikke bent down to examine the badly weathered pile she could make out ink splotches. The outer parts of the pile where unreadable the weather and sun having ruined the writing. Digging deeper however soon yielded a some what legible letter. Looking at the rest of the pile it was clear that it hadn't been attended to in a long while.


Dearest Mother

How I have missed you and pa so much. I think of you all the time. Are the other families doing well? How is my dear friend Sarah? Its been so long sense I received your last letter. I know life at the manor can be very time consuming but please don't forget to write. I have been doing well. I got top marks in advanced mana sculpting. Professor Wesly would be so proud he always said I had a talent for light magic. I still hope he has kept his promise to tutor Sarah. I know her father is distrustful of magic but her mother was a decent mage in her own right. You would think the Lord of the Manor would want his daughter to know as much as she could so another unfortunate incident wouldn't take Sarah as it had with the late Lady Pesli.

Sadly I still struggle with magical theory. I know I know I promise to do my best and make you and pa proud but do know that every letter I receive from you is a fresh breeze strengthening my resolve and encouraging me to succeed.

(The rest of the letter is unreadable)

With love your dearest daughter Emma

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Such a bittersweet letter. Though the recipient and quite possibly the sender passed on, the warm emotions in the letter lingered. Rikke neatly folded the letter and put it in her denarii pouch, as a memento of sorts. ‘So the Lord had a daughter, Sarah… who was magic sensitive no less’ lost in thought she slowly made her way across the courtyard, towards her last destination, the barracks.
…and the Lady of the house had an “unfortunate incident… wonder what happened’ Rikke looked up from her thoughts, as robust structure stood before her.

Upon reading the Rikke returned to her more casual mood, hardly trying to hide herself.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The barracks was an ugly building made of cut stone blocks with no evidence of decoration. Squat and firm it was obviously a fortified structure built for the purpose of housing and train the Lord Knights personal guard. The outside area of the barracks was very flat the ground very firm and bare being nearly complete covered by gravel with only the hardiest and most determined plants taking root. Three posts as tall as the average man stood silent vigil over the training area, their sack cloth bodies and unusable armor piled on the ground at the base of each when the fittings holding them up gave out. Other than the post the only other noticeable feature of the barracks was that the reenforced wooden door had been bashed open ensuring that it would never close again. A strong gust of wind ruffled Rikke hair and caused the battered door to creak slightly revealing a large brown stain that trailed off into the darkness of the building.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Is tha-that… blood?’ a strong chill runs down her body. Obviously it was from quite some time ago, but there was no way she’d go into the eerie dark without sufficient lighting.
Come to think about it…’ the thought of how she’d see in the darkened manor never crossed her mind till now. Sure a few floors might have enough light from the windows, but what will she do come nightfall or if/when she checks the basement.
What I need is a torch… I wonder’ Rikke stopped for a moment and considered what to do.

Rikkes options would be either to find a torch or to make one.

IF she decides to make a torch it would take her a few hours (or atleast an hour) to gather the required materials. [For reference –> Main body – rusted mace from the barracks or a branch; flammable tip – dry cloth from the barracks, tipped in some manure form the stables or tree sap; for the spark she’d use her sword or dagger against a rock/rock surface or each other.] She’d also make 2 torches one very makeshift for the barracks and one as decent as possible for the manor. The instructions would, ofcourse, be from the imaginary "Handbook for the Aspiring Heroine".

IF she finds one, she won’t lose any time on gathering and continues onward.

Once a torch is acquired she’d go check the barracks no matter what time of day it was.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Unfortunately Rikke knew that the barracks probably had a supply chest inside with torches a plenty but finding it in the dark would be difficult at best. Besides there was no telling what unseen hazards may be lurking inside. A quiet Harumph escaped her lips as she placed a hand on her hip. Puzzling out how to make a light source took a few moments but soon a slight smile spread across her lips. Tip number 12 1/2 when lacking the right materials for rule 12 improvise. Wasting as little time as possible Rikke began gathering what materials she had on hand to make a somewhat serviceable torch. Broken tool handles, some discarded twine, dried out paper wads, and some sackcloth. Assembling the junk into two torches took a little time but no where near as long as getting a good enough spark to light the first one. With her first torch lit it was time to enter the barracks.

As she carefully entered the barracks the first sight revealed by the flickering light was the origins of the stain. Two desiccated bodies propped against two inner walls with another doorway between them. The two bodies are both wearing mail armor that had been shredded with razor sharp claws their weapons scattered on the floor. Covering her mouth once again and moving past the long dead soldiers Rikke made it into the barracks proper. The scene revealed by her flickering torch was even more grisly. An additional eight soldiers lay about the room most with similar wounds as the first two. Dried blood splatter and pools clearly evident even with the flickering torchlight. A bright shaft of sunlight in the far corner revealed a set of stairs and what was once a very ornate desk with a heavily armored corpse clutching a book of some type. Rikke's torch light also revealed a group of small chests in the closest corner with one of the soldiers laying atop them as if simple tossed aside.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:

I have a rough map of the barracks if you want to take a look just pm if interested.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the grizzly sight laid before her, fear started to take root in Rikke. ‘Oh no…no.. no no’ she continued to go through the room her legs seemingly bending ever so slightly more, her heartbeat ringing in her ears.
Pull yourself together Rikke! You’ve seen worse! And who knows when this happened, it’s history!’ she continues to reassure herself ‘Besides who’s the best duelist this side of Crolia…’ Rikkes eyes quickly dart to her short sword as she sighs in slight relief. For now she shunned her dread and made her way towards the nearby chests in the corner.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Peception Rikke vs ??? 40 vs 40 success!

Rikke belaying her fears for now navigated her way past another body subconsciously avoiding the large blood stain around it. Her somewhat shaky feet led her to the group of chests. The chests themselves seemed to be in good condition the only damage being nicks and gouges and the blood stains from the soldier resting on them. The soldier's armor with the exception of his shattered shield still strapped to his forearm looked to be in near pristine condition. From her brief inspection Rikke guessed this soldier must have died from massive blunt trauma. As sorry as she was for all these poor men this poor soldiers battered corpse posed a dilemma. Her makeshift torch was starting to sputter giving signs that its life would soon be over and she need a better replacement soon. However the corpse lay draped over all three of the chests. Not wanting to touch the remains left Rikke in slight pinch. Resolved not to be left in the dark in this place of all places Rikke handily brought out her other torch and gently pushed the remains off the chest. Everything was going well when she hit a snag. Well not her but the corpse, it seems the blood soaked cloths had slightly adhered itself to the chest when the blood dried. Giving a slightly stronger push seemed to do the trick as the sound of ripping cloth punctured the silence. "So sorry please don't haunt me" Rikke said to herself as the body began to shift more and more till if finally slid of the chest and hit floor with an audible shunk! The sudden stop of the body's decent snapped what withered flesh still head the poor man's head on as it broke free and rolled away hitting Rikke's foot before rolling in an uneven circle it stopped thankfully its empty eyes facing away from her. That last part almost broke her resolve as gasped in surprise and horror before covering her mouth. The tell tale taste of bile in her mouth. Rallying herself again she began searching the chests.

The first chest was a little disappointing mostly extra blankets and cloths. The second was far more satisfying. In this chest lay torches and other outside gear including oil treated cloaks, bedrolls, boots, and a strange leather pouch with a small letter tied to it. The leather pouch weighed nearly two pounds and seemed to hide numerous small objects. The rest of the chest contain extra arrows and bolts. Leaving the third chest alone for now a quick glimmer of gold caught her eye. In the far corner near the stairs a golden ring rested upon a dessicated hand. Torches in hand and a third chest to open it up to Rikke what to investigate next.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Finding exactly the items she needed, went a long way to relieve her of the tension and anxiety tearing away at her. So much in fact that a small shy smile formed on her face for a few brief moments 'Lucky~'. As the oppresive atmosphere surrounded her she had to make due with a gleeful nibble on her glove, instead of a cheer.

Scanning through the found items Rikke decided to take the pouch with her perhaps she’d check the contents outside and a sturdy pouch always comes in handy. A bedroll on the other hand could come quite useful later on, would beat sleeping on the ground.

However for now her eyes were locked on the glimmering prize infront. Doing her absolute best to ignore the carnage scattered around the room, she made her way to the alluring ring.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The shining gold beckoned her like a lover enticing her with the promise of wealth. Never mind that the rings previous owner still had a death grip on it. Whispering to the ring like one would do to a child or small animal Rikke gently liberated the ring. Her prize in possession Rikkes noticed the rings former owner had a very large book clasped in his hand with a spilled inkwell and quill lying nearby. Not to mention a dull metallic gleam seemed to rest at the top of the stairs the sunlight blinding her from seeing the source clearly.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Placing the ring in her pouch Rikke turned her attention to the clutched book. ‘A small peek won’t hurt…’ driven by curiosity she approached the resting guard of the book. “I’ll give it right back, promise” she addressed the book keeper, firmly placing her hand of the book.

A small tug once - no effect. A stronger tug – nothing. The remains kept their vice-grip on the book with no intention to let up. Frowning at the persistence of the guard Rikke strengthened her grip and pulled. The now familiar sounds of cloth and adhesive like old blood tearing filled the room, when with a sudden ‘Thunk!’ the body hit the table in front, keeping it’s grip, but getting off it’s chair. Well the corpses persistence was quite inspiring… for someone long dead at least A slight growl escapes Rikke “I AM taking that book…” she carefully places the corpse back on the chair “…whether you like it or not”.

Tightening her grip on the “treasure” Rikke places one of her voluptuous legs on the corpses left shoulder keeping it in place. With a slight bend she gets in place and starts pulling using her arm and leg strength to tear the “Holy Grail” out of its keepers grasp. “Give… it… HER---“ – “SHLAAAH~” suddenly Rikke could feel her leg relieved, as the corpses shoulder, supporting her leg, and the accompanying arm flew off at the stairs nearby.

No solid footing and lost balanced Rikke quickly hit the floor, though not alone as the corpse she tugged at so energetically, flew right down to join in. Landing right on her, it’s dead eyes looking her right in the face, the heavy armor pressing her down. A moment of absolute silence….

UAAAAAEEEEEE~~~” a loud screech pierced the barracks as Rikke quickly threw the corpse away and without a moments notice quickly stood up “Ew ew ew ew ew EW~”. Dusting herself off with a occasional shutter break, Rikke restored her composure. Atleast the book was finally free of the captors grip. Perhaps it could shed some light of what happened in this place.

Rikke isn’t as scared or creeped out of the massacre due to simple adaptation and avoiding looking at it.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was surprisingly relieved as much of the emotional tension and unease found release in her scream. Feeling much better Rikke smiled at the last few moments haven been almost comical in hindsight. Prizes in hand she found herself in a bright patch of sunlight streaming from a man-made hole in the roof. The man-made hole looked to be a roof across its simple hatch having rotted or broken away leaving the barest hint of its frame behind. The sunlight seemed directly overhead casting little or no shadows but emphasizing the darkness of the a barracks. Thinking quietly to herself that this was no barracks but a tomb Rikke mad her way up the stairs and onto the roof.

The roof gave a commanding view of the Manor grounds only rivaled by the upper floors of the Manor itself. Unfortunately Rikke didn't have the roof to herself two more dead soldiers lay upon the roof their bodies mostly bleached skeletons not having the benefit of the tomb to keep the weather off them. One had been decapitated his head lying a few feet from his body while the other one seemed to be holding his throat. The metallic gleam she had noticed seemed to come from the decapitated soldier who was nearest to the access. Curiosity getting the better of her Rikke found the soldier lying on a slightly rusted Su-Ku-Ta Bolt Action Rifle that could probably be salvaged if she found a gunsmith. Other than the two bodies and what looked to be the remains of rope ladder off the back of the building there was nothing else to be found up here.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
*Note to save some space in the post I will put the guards book entries in with the maps I have posted.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Grabbing the book from her nearby “friend” Rikke hurried on upstairs. No way was she reading it in the dark and in THAT place.

Fresh air, finally” she sighs with relief and closes her eyes as a smile decorates her face, while the light breeze and sunlight caress her. After spending for what seemed hours in the wretched tomb-like barracks below her, the clear air, warmth and light seemed like a blessing.

Opening her eyes Rikke looked over the roof once more. ‘Humph… Absolutely nothing’ she thought to herself in a grumbling fashion, the only thing of note was the discarded rifle. She never did like rifles, useless in close range, long reload times, loud and cumbersome. The Badarian revolver she kept on her always had her covered whenever she needed the benefits of ranged weaponry. Thus the old weapon would remain in the hands of its previous owner undisturbed.

Still, there was the matter of the book she “so valiantly fought for”. Placing the book on the ground she proceeded to analyze it with great curiosity. Quite some time passed before she finally finished reading it. A mixture of emotions whirling inside her, Rikke eyed the closed books for a wee bit, until the glare from the rifle caught her eye once more. “Private Smith… could that really be you.” she scanned the remains “Still not letting go of your boomstick I see.”. A sad smile formed on her face, nearly bringing her to tears. With a distant look on her face Rikke grabbed the book and stood up. It was time to go.

Catching one last breath of fresh air Rikke descended down the stairs once more, the sights of carnage and the stench of death welcoming her right back. Grabbing the leather pouch, she found earlier Rikke proceeded through the room. Suddenly the corpses, became much friendlier in a weird sort of way. The same sight that so recently only brought fear and disgust, now seemed sad and sympathetic. Reaching the now scavenged chests from earlier Rikke carefully placed the book inside.

Standing up she eyed the “guardian” of the book casually collapsed in the corner of the room from his previous encounter with the heroine. She didn’t have to do anything here, she could’ve just gotten up and left the tomb as it was… though she knew she could hardly sleep or live with herself if she ignored the final request of these brave men. To grant them a proper burial.

Rikke would now proceed to look for a shovel. IF she succeeds to then proceed to the burial scene (Write it as you wish, but I’ll mention the really important character bits in a private message). She would not continue onward to the Manor without some rest.
IF she fails to find one, greatly disheartened she’d continue onwards toward the manor. (Entering through the servants entrance[incase you don’t need my input on anything])
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke filled with resolve to fulfill the last request of the soldiers got to work immediately. Deciding that the small cemetery she had passed on her way here would make a perfect resting place for the brave men. The cemetery was lightly wooded and would provide shade for the hot and sweaty work ahead of her. A small stream flowed through the peaceful place and numerous stone headstones lay in neatly ordered lines through out the cemetery. The largest headstone was fairly wide in a slight curve standing as tall as eye level. The headstone was carved with angels and flowers and four bronze plagues with the names of the Lord and Lady as well as Jamroar and Mellisa.

Finding a shovel proved easy, however hauling the numerous bodies was by far the most difficult task as of yet. Not only did they smell but the accumulated weight of their armor ensured that Rikke would be sore in the morning. The hot, hard, and sweaty work lasted the rest of the day and Rikke wasn't to sure of when she had discarded the top of her leather armor but there she was undershirt damp with sweat clinging to her lovely form looking down at the last grave she had dug. Finding it fitting to bury Lt. Jamroar next to his wife. Rikke gave a sad smile as she gently placed the arm with its owner. "When he asks you why you gave up his book, tell him a cute girl wrestled you for it." Looking over at the accompanying grave she smiled again. “Don't worry Mellisa he was a perfect gentleman” With that Rikke proceeded to finish the burial placing Pvt. Smiths Rife as a headstone for the other soldiers. Looking over her shoulder Rikke gave a quick generic prayer for the departed before gathering her own gear and leaving the tranquil cemetery.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:

*Note Let me know if you want Rikke to do something else here before we move on
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her top half armor in hand, covered in sweat and exhausted Rikke once more approached the beat-down manor. Her final goal now, lingered before her.

Though it would have to wait “Tired... so very tired…” Rikke crashed down on a bigger patch of grass, her arms and legs widely apart. She laid there like that for some time just staring at the now darkening sky. It would be night soon. Sitting back up into a upright position a small sigh escaped her “I’m going to be so sore in the morning… Ohh~... I just know it”. Slightly refreshed from her short break she tapped the ground energetically and quickly stood. Best to find a nice place to spend the night.

Looking over the area Rikke, decided she only had a few options – to sleep outside, in the manor or in one of the four houses from earlier. Quick glance at the manor, as if looking back the manor gave of an eerie aura, some debris falling just to add to the sight “N~ope”, and she heard enough tales to know that just sleeping out in the open can end up badly “Tip number 28…” slowly nodding at the disapproval of that idea, from her imaginary guidebook. One of those houses it is then.

Picking out the room with the least amount of rubble, Rikke remembered the bedrolls and cloaks she found back in the barracks. Scurring off, she quickly grabbed the two objects, that would make her a quite decent bed. Just before exiting the barracks another idea crossed her mind. With a cheerful smile Rikke grabbed a few unused helmets too.

It was already dark by the time she got back, she needed to quickly setup her makeshift hovel. Finding a spot with the least amount of debris on it she threw down the bedroll and cloak, her bed was more or less set.

The lower temperature and exhaustion tempted her to just jump right in and doze off… though that wasn’t the only tempting sight in the room. The very same soaked undershirt quickly took on the surrounding temperature turning cold. Now not only emphasizing her luscious curves, but also making her nipples stone hard. Blushing at the seductive sight Rikke couldn’t do much about it, wearing the wet cloth any longer was bound to get her sick. The armor being uncomfortable to sleep… well she did have a blanket, sort of, and she was alone. Might as well sleep with only panties.

There was only one more thing she wanted to do, using her rope and the old helmets Rikke setup a sort of alarm trap if someone would cross the rope she set at the entrances of the building. “Better safe than sorry” she smiled at her creation. With that Rikke went off to bed, getting cozy in her makeshift bed, the final flickers of her torch wishing her good night.
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