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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

CL perception vs Rikke: 44 vs 23 success
Rikke damage 3 sneak attacks 188 damage thing is dead and dead some more

The beast bound from the top of the enclosure growling violently hit the ground and jumped right at Alice. Meanwhile Rikke ran forward with her blade drawn. Alice much to her credit stood her ground and readied her weapon but she needn't worry as Rikke quickly carved the foul creature to pieces. It was dead but other rustling nearby soon worried the girls.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Three flashes of light and the creature froze up. Soon it's body topled to the right... and it's head to the left, rolling down the small slope. The poor thing didn't even know what hit it.

Rikke turned to Alice and grinned happily showing a piece sign, giving the girl a sly wink. Yes, indeed she was getting very confident in her swordmanship, still her moment would be spoiled as more shimmering came from outside "It might be over yet..." Rikke once more prepared her blade... sharpening her vision and double checking her footing.

One round of full-defense
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the rustling of the grass and bushes turned out to be the other girls drawn to the shouts. It was a happy greeting as all where reunited again.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the grasses sharply ready for whatever beast pounced forward... when suddenly a blue gooey face popped up with a huge grin. Followed closely by a small cute beastie down below "Sylphie! Willow! Girls!" Rikke relax and smiled widely running up to give the two tikes a hug and meet the other girls "Is everyone alright?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Everyone seemed fine well except for Kat no doubt she would be feeling the after effects for some time. Her eyes clearing the bloated woman tried to get to her feet. Right before Rikke and crews eyes her breasts began to bulge outward increasing at lest two cup sizes. "Ughhh we have to get moving before his mates show up." The girl struggled to her feet worried about the others more than her own condition. With out further adieu the group left the enclosure and struggled threw the rest of the over grown menagerie escaping from its confines and finding a bit of shelter the group finnallly got to inspect kat up close. "Looks like Im gonna be a mommy." Kat winced "At lest they will be like me and not their father."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lightly twitched at the sight of Kats sudden change, looked like she was designatd to be the creatures mate. Cue her ample cup change... but it was mere moments. Just how desperate were these things to breed...

Rikke turned to the two stronger girls of the group "Janet! Jess! Help Kat up..." "No I'm fine--" "Not up for discussion Kat. It's just for a very short while, please." she smiled lightly and didn't accept no for an answer, as both of the warrior gisl supported the raped catgirl.

Finally finding shelter the girls relax slightly "Looks like I'm gonna be a momma" Rikke quickly crawled up to the girl "Don't be silly... there's medicine to prevent that. We'll get you some the moment we come back... trust me. It works like a charm." the rogue winked slyly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Kat rubbed her belly its been so long sense the last time." Resting only a moment the girls decided to move on. The rest of the menagari passed in a blur all the other animals with the exception of some birds and smaller critters had either been eaten or fled. "Okay the check point should be up ahead. According to our last intelligence it was lightly guarded do we have any one willing to scout?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked proudly "Wargs assassination and inteligence squadron leader right here." no she wasn't... "You girls keep watch I'll be right back." someone could potentially join her, if things went awry. The heroine wouldn't mind.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way to the check point alone which gave her plenty of time to think. So much had happened in seven days how had she been out that long? What else did she miss out on. These thoughts where troubling but not enough to cause her distraction. Getting near where the checkpoint should be she only found remanets of a small encampment completely wrecked no demons or the like but a few of the giant wasps lay dead around the place. Thinking about how much she hated bugs she almost missed the droning of the wasps as they made their way over her head.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly ducked down and prayed those things wouldn't see her. Still if she heard that buzzing approach her, the girl would go berserk on them...

Nevertheless with her scouting done she could return to the girls, looks like the wasps attacked the checkpoint and cleared the way for the group.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her trip back was fraught with looking up and checking the skies the creepy crawlies that could fly giving her a slight shudder. Upon making her way back to the girls Rikke noticed a fairly large bulge in Kat's stomach and that her nipples where leaking. The rest of the girls where trying to comfort her but the cat girl just breathed and sat relaxed holding onto Erika's hand.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened, why was it going so fast! Ignoring her status report she quickly ran up to Kat to comfort her... the catgirl would actually give birth to the freaky creatures seed. A chilling thought, but the girls had to take care of the situation however they could.

"Kat dearest... Do you need any help?" the girl darted looks to each of the girls, she's never been part of anything like this, but kept her tone low and even.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im good Rikke really just these guys are growing fast its gonna be hard for me to walk." Kat smiled at her "I think it might be a little late for the potion you where talking about." Kat grimaced a bit "Normally I wouldn't be worried about this but they are growing so fast I don't think they will be Su-Ku-Ta." "What should we do Boss?" It was Alice and she was looking right at Rikke when she spoke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We set up camp and see this through" Rikke turned to Alice with a meek smile "There's nothing we can do now. Might aswell see Kats new children through properly." she turned to the rest of the girls "Gather moss and leaves! Let's make Kat a comfortable bed of sorts alright girls?!" she smiled warmly to her group, well even if it was bad, best not make it seem like a disaster and support Kat to the best of their abilities. Afterall this is a delicate moment for her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls got busy making preparations as best they could. After a half hour of work or so their little birthing encampment would be finished and now was the waiting. Each girl took a watch. One with kat and one at each end of the encampment every hour saw Kat's belly grow larger and larger till just from sheer size the girl couldn't move on her own power. The eerie sight was just how active the baby was as it viably moved the skin on Kat's taunt tummy distorting it. As the sun began to set once more however Kat yelped in pain as a sudden flow of water escaped her loins. Breathing heavily Jess rushed to her side coaching the poor woman and holding her hand. After a very labored hour two warped cats made their way into the world. Each had the look of a deadly predator and as fast as the beasts where growing they could soon pose a threat to Rikke and crew.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow was likely the most anxious about the whole affair as he growled and barked at the sight. The girls sighed with relief at the two kittens, but they didn't seem all to friendly, still Rikke would take a risk. "Come on kittens, go to mommy." the heroine would ever so gently and carefully pick up a kitten and place it on Kats belly, hopefully they'll recognise her as their parent. In a tiny predators of doom kind of way, the kittents were fairly adorable.

Nevertheless there would be no killing of these poor creatures "Willow!" Rikke would shush her pup and observe what would happen next.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The kitten she picked up hissed at her but thankfully it was small enough that it could do little of no damage still when placed on Kat's Stomach it found its way to the breasts and began to suckle urgently growing larger and larger each passing second. Its sibling soon followed after getting its share. Soon they where both the size of large dogs and after a hiss in the girls direction ran off into the deserted zoo.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well hopefully they'll have their mothers side of morality..." Rikke sighed as the two creatures disappeared. With that the heroine knelt down to Kat and smiled warmly "Are you okay Kat?"

Rikke would check the sky and see what time it was, perhaps the group should stop and rest for a much longer amount of time. Kat afterall just gave birth...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly the whole day was fairly lost due to the births but at lest it was better than having rampaging warp lions roaming the streets. The sun was starting its decent and it would be dark soon they could stay or head out to the check point it wasn't that far away.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked up and decided to make up camp for the night "Alright girls, time to set up camp. The nearby checkpoint was overun by *shudders* Wasps. So we should be in the clear for demons, just gonna have to watch the sky for those darn insects." Rikke paused a moment and looked to Jessica "Say jess do warped wasps sleep at night? We could have a proper look around the checkpoint without those things buzzing about."

If Jess belives wasps sleep - take a few vollunteers and go investigate the camp
If Jess believes wasps don't sleep - set up watch routines, comfort Kat, relax.