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Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

...Alright, the 8 stat pointbuy thing. Whats's the starting point for this? Our race? Straight zeroes, all stats bought accordingly?

Also, could I get those body-type rolls and stuff. Nipple length and width? Should I roll for anal circumference too.
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Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP


1.) Will members of the same race start at their respective locations (i.e.:Gerudo in Gerudo camp/desert, Kokiri in Kokiri Forest, Royals in upper/greater Hyrule, Twilis in Twilight Realm, etc.)?

2.)I take it some shit will happen that will draw everyone to Hyrule/game's location; or will we need to come up with bios and our own reasons for being away from home when stuff happens?
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

...Alright, the 8 stat pointbuy thing. Whats's the starting point for this? Our race? Straight zeroes, all stats bought accordingly?

Also, could I get those body-type rolls and stuff. Nipple length and width? Should I roll for anal circumference too.[/url]

I believe it's been stated that it starts off as 8 points, but you can get more by adding points to the negative stats. Each positive stat has a different point cost to buy one point in each of them. Bei's said it in a previous post.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Yeah, but I wasn't sure if I start buying with all stats zeroed or if I start at my race's baseline stats. I thought I read something about the listed stats not mattering if we used pointbuy, and there was a little discrepancy between the totals I found (at a glance) on submitted sheets and the points... or something...

Anyway, I just wanted to clarify before I started throwing numbers around.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

I guess this means Remi will have Speed 9 then, since Kokiri don't start with 10 anymore. Even then, my math is still all over the place... I am so confused! How did this happen?

After looking at everything over I think you were slightly confused by the "Default Builds" I had posted earlier... These were essensially scrapped later on when I devised this "Point Buy System"

Mostly because of the fact that everyone was pretty much choosing the same two races back then, and it was looking like a big Cookie Cutter Machine with no way to customise anything...

(Honestly I set the Rules to the Point Buy without even referring to the Default Builds... So there might be a few builds That are out dated... Now lets analyse my old build with the New System:

Eh.. On second thought... You kinda got lost along the way with the system earlier on... So I'll just give you the end result...

15 out of 12 Negative... 18 out of 20 positive...

What this means to me, is that the "Default" Gerudo Base is Okay to use, and a slightly Harder character to play as... But far from impossible)

But overall, the reason I switched over to a Stat Buy system was to add a bit more player input into there character, They could bulk up there strength, make themselves faster, start healthier, Nearly impervious to damage... Whatever they wanted... Cookie cutter system I had earlier on you couldn't spec... Even if you WANTED to... At least now you have the option...

Now for some clarification, If your starting a character (Preferably through the Current Stat Buy Format... Not the Out dated Default Base Character ones) All of your stats are Zero (0) You are given Eight (8) Stat Points (SP)

You may allocate these Given SP as you see fit, through the four raisable stats (Speed, Attack, Defense, and Health)

Different Stats require different amounts of SP to raise them, and some stats have a maximum that you CAN raise them to, and if you wish to spend more points than you currently have... You must raise a Negative stat in order to gain them...

(Lust, Fertility, Purity/Corruption*, Sensitivity)

Each of these "Bad" stats will reward you with another SP after a certain amount, and an additional 12 SP can be gained through this method total...

Equalling out to a Maximum of 20 SP to allocate... 8 from Creation, 12 from Stat Buy...

That make anything any easier?

...Nipple length and width? Should I roll for anal circumference too.

I... I think there was supposed to be a joke in there... If not... Then No...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Welp, here we go. Flat 20/20, should be.

Name: Somil
Origin: Twili
Age: 25
Lust 20
Fertility 3
Purity 0
Sensitivity 25
Speed 7
Attack 5
Defense 1.25
MP 6
Heart 3


Weapon -
Sheild -
Clothing -
Boots -
Armour -
Mobility -
Bow -


Arrows 00
Bombs 00
Empty Bottle
Rupees 00

Spoils Satchel


Sex Drive: : Enhanced (65)
Sexual Allure : Sexy (64)
Nipple Length : 2.3 cm
Nipple Width : 2.5 cm
Hip circumference : 4' 1" (49 in.)
Height : 6' 7" (79 in.)
Virgin : Yep
Breast size: E-cup (58)
Lactaion flow: None
Beauty Level: Average
Current Race: Twili






Looking to punch some bitches with my huge hairfists. Maybe spear some too.

Possibly sleep-and-dream themed, because "Somil" kinda sounds like "-somni". The unsubtle 4 Attack will likely result in putting people to sleep via punching their lights out. Probably some kind of "Sandman" influence... my favorite origin theory for the Twili is that they were Gerudos, too, so that's double the reason.

Was looking to have some solid-color eyes (Zant totally had them!). Wanted to use some for inspiration and make it red... but who goes to sleep at sunset.
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Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Those images aren't working.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP


1.) Will members of the same race start at their respective locations (i.e.:Gerudo in Gerudo camp/desert, Kokiri in Kokiri Forest, Royals in upper/greater Hyrule, Twilis in Twilight Realm, etc.)?

2.)I take it some shit will happen that will draw everyone to Hyrule/game's location; or will we need to come up with bios and our own reasons for being away from home when stuff happens?

Lets just say.. It's alot easier to get back into your root Original Homes than if say... A Goron trying to access the Desert Collosus... Or a Zora entering Termina Swamp...

But yes... There will be a Common event that will lead you to Central Hyrule Feild...

Now... Somli.... HOOBLAH!!! Now thats a hell of a punch! But everything checks out... All the numbers are in order and everythings lookin good...

As a Twili, I don't see how the sunset eyes would be much a problem... They haven't really shown up with very many browns or blues or greens so far...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

After looking at everything over I think you were slightly confused by the "Default Builds" I had posted earlier... These were essensially scrapped later on when I devised this "Point Buy System"

Mostly because of the fact that everyone was pretty much choosing the same two races back then, and it was looking like a big Cookie Cutter Machine with no way to customise anything...

(Honestly I set the Rules to the Point Buy without even referring to the Default Builds... So there might be a few builds That are out dated... Now lets analyse my old build with the New System:

Eh.. On second thought... You kinda got lost along the way with the system earlier on... So I'll just give you the end result...

15 out of 12 Negative... 18 out of 20 positive...

What this means to me, is that the "Default" Gerudo Base is Okay to use, and a slightly Harder character to play as... But far from impossible)

But overall, the reason I switched over to a Stat Buy system was to add a bit more player input into there character, They could bulk up there strength, make themselves faster, start healthier, Nearly impervious to damage... Whatever they wanted... Cookie cutter system I had earlier on you couldn't spec... Even if you WANTED to... At least now you have the option...

Now for some clarification, If your starting a character (Preferably through the Current Stat Buy Format... Not the Out dated Default Base Character ones) All of your stats are Zero (0) You are given Eight (8) Stat Points (SP)

You may allocate these Given SP as you see fit, through the four raisable stats (Speed, Attack, Defense, and Health)

Different Stats require different amounts of SP to raise them, and some stats have a maximum that you CAN raise them to, and if you wish to spend more points than you currently have... You must raise a Negative stat in order to gain them...

(Lust, Fertility, Purity/Corruption*, Sensitivity)

Each of these "Bad" stats will reward you with another SP after a certain amount, and an additional 12 SP can be gained through this method total...

Equalling out to a Maximum of 20 SP to allocate... 8 from Creation, 12 from Stat Buy...

That make anything any easier?

I... I think there was supposed to be a joke in there... If not... Then No...

Will the four base stats elevate differently based on race? For example, Gorons would need like 2 or so SP to go up one speed level? And would it make more sense to start each base stat off at 1 (Because you could dump stats into everything but health and insta-die when you start for the lolz?)?

Also, would there be a chance of an agility/evasiveness stat? Because that could prove useful for slim characters that might have low defenses (I mean, Watarara are a bird race... They'd probably have defense equivalent to a Goron's ability to swim)?
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Nope Gorons speed increases just as easily as any other characters...

Speed isn't just movement speed, it's a whole bunch of things jumbled into what I called a Speed Stat... You COULD refer to it as an Agility stat... Cause I will sometimes make Stat Checks for in or out of combat events... As I said before this is a Semi Free Form

And as for Defense... Think of the Defense stat primarily as a Damage Modifier... And secondarily as any thing else it might assist in...

Defense starts at 2... And this means to me Enemies have 2x effectiveness against you... Then as you go down the line 1.75, 150, 1,25, 1, now there doing there "Normal" damage with "Normal" grapple success rates And still even further... .75, .50M Eventually you have Half Damage Half Grapple rate...

Consider it either from Magical Barrier, thickened Hide or Innate Agility the end result is still the same, there Damage or fail rate more or less... is Due to this stat...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Allura the Gerudo
Name: Allura
Origin: Gerudo
Age: 24
Lust 10
Fertility 5
Purity 0
Sensitivity 25
Speed 7
Attack 4
Defense 1.5
MP 6
Heart 4


Weapon- Scimitar
Sheild -
Clothing - Gerudo desert clothing
Boots -
Armour -
Mobility -
Bow - Crossbow


Arrows 10
Bombs 00
Empty Bottle
Rupees 00

Spoils Satchel


Sex Drive: :
Sexual Allure :
Nipple Length :
Nipple Witdh :
Hip width :
Height :
Virgin : Yes
Breast size:
Lactaion flow:
Beauty Level:
Current Race: Gerudo





Bio to come later
Allura is the current Gerudo Horseback Archery Grandmaster and instructor. She was 14 years old when Ganon, the newest male to be born to their tribe in 100 years was born into the Gerudo camp. She was trained since the ripe tender age of 7 to be a master warrior and thief. She is an extremely proud woman for that reason. Upon Ganon's birth the witches and Gerudo elders charged her with assisting in the young soon to be king's upbringing. She is to teach the young boy the ways of horse riding, archery, thievery, and to rule his people with wisdom, strength and honor ( or as much honor as thieves can have). She has watched over and taught the young boy for ten years until the Great Fairy sent out her call. She now embarks on a quest to fight whatever darkness is lurking to prevent any harm coming to her people.

Allura is a tall, well built, athletic and beautiful woman. Her skin is of the dark pigment of all Gerudos, her fire red hair is long, when not tied up it goes all the way down to her ass. When tied it stops about just above her buttocks. She dresses in the usual desert/harem garb of her people. She wears a purple mask over her mouth, has an ornate jeweled head piece below her hairline, her ears are pierced with dangling hoop earrings. She also has a sparkling ruby embedded in her navel. Her arms are covered with elaborate tribal tattoos, she has gauntlets and athletic tape adorning her forearms and hands, and on her back she a large tattoo of the Gerudo tribe symbol. She also carries a crossbow strapped across her back, and a scimitar hanging from her pants in a scabbard.
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Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Name: Chrysanthemum or Chris for short
Origin: Deku Scrub
Age: 21
Lust: 0
Fertility: 0
Purity: 20
Sensitivity: 0
Speed: 10
Attack: 1
Defense: 2
MP: 6
Hearts: 3


Weapon -
Shield -
Clothing - White dress with a blue band along the hem and neckline
Boots -
Armour -
Mobility -
Bow -


Arrows 00
Bombs 00

Deku 00
Ember 00
Gale 00
Pegasus 00
Mystery 00
Scent 00

Empty Bottle - 1

Rupees 00

Spoils Satchel


Sex Drive:
Sexual Allure:
Nipple Length:
Nipple Width:
Hip Width:
Height: 2' 8"
Virgin: Yes
Breast size: Flat chested
Lactation flow: None
Beauty Level: Average
Current Race: Deku Scrub



Seed Shot


As the head maiden of her tribe Chrysanthemum was in charge of making sure their crops all grew healthily to supply their people with a bountiful harvest. She spent most of her time talking to the plants, encouraging them to do their best as well as direct them to more nutriet rich area's of the forest though on occasion she would have to deal with the more rowdy plants, convincing them to leave her tribe and their plants in peace.

Though whispers soon spread through the plantlife that a terrible evil was corrupting the worlds plants, warping them into perverse beings. Determined to put an end to whatever evil was harming her kind before it enslaved her tribe Chris set out, leaving the younger maidens in charge of the tribes crops.

Two things;
1) The current way defence is handled is awfully confusing. Instead I think it would be better if defence was handled much like other RPG's- everytime you spend points in defence it would reduce the amount of damage you take by a quarter of a heart. Why a quarter? Because defence should always be boosted by your armour first.

2) In theory a fertility score of 0 should mean the character would never get pregnant, and would never be able to raise that score. Not that I have any objections about Chris becoming pregnant, just thought it may be an interesting point for those who have an avertion to the pregnancy fetish and wish to avoid it. I've got 0 in all negative stats aside from Purity because it's how Chris would be. I just hope that my speed stat will make up for the rest of my crappy positive stats.

Also, we talked about this in the PM but it never was concluded; are the seeds being put in the consumeable section? (not just Deku seeds, the Oracles of... seeds as well.) I'll put a seeds part in the consumeables for now, though I'll change it should you say to. And am I right in thinking we don't start off with an actual weapon? Because if so I have no idea where those who have done it got the idea we start off with one.

Hrm... that seems to be more than two things...
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Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Now I'm confused... So how do we do our stats?
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

It's been explained clearly by Bei, but here you go;

1) All stats, both negative and positive start off at 0 (except for Hearts and MP which are 3 and 6)
2) You initially have 8 points to spend in your positive stats (points:stat ratio is around here somewhere on page 3 in one of Bei's posts)
3) For every 5 you put into Purity/Corruption, Sensitivity and Lust you gain an additional point. You can only put a max of 20 in those stats. Fertility is 1 point in the stat for 1 point to spend. You can only gain and extra 12 points this way to make a maximum of 20 to spend in your positive stats.
4) Each positive stat has a different point:stat ratio (again, Bei's posted that somewhere on the third page I believe), you spend your points until you have no more and have stats that you are happy with.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

I think it'd all click if I saw a list of every stat ratio...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Glad to see you find this Oni, and maybe I can clear some of this up for you with this one... Seems that people are still a bit confuzzled still...

Origin: The race your character starts the game as... (May not be the same as what you finish as)
Character Combat Stats

Lust Every 5 points in this during Character Creation rewards 1 Stat Point
Fertility Every 1 points in this during Character Creation rewards 1 Stat Point
Purity Every 5 points in this during Character Creation rewards 1 Stat Point
Sensitivity Every 5 points in this during Character Creation rewards 1 Stat Point

Speed- Starting Stat 0 You may use 1 Stat Point to raise Speed up 1
Attack- Starting Stat 0 You may use 2 Stat point to raise Attack up 1
Defense- Starting Stat 2 You may use 1 Stat point to Lower Defense by .25 (.5 Max)
MP 6
Hearts- Starting Stat 3 You may use 3 Stat Points to Raise your Hearts up 1 (4 Max)

You start off with 8 Stat Points to Distribute, Any more needs to be purchased by taking From the Negative Stat list

No more than 20 Stat Points may be allocated TOTAL (8 Default + 12 From Negatives)


Weapon - > Just as in OoT one of the Earliest tasks in game are to either find or be rewarded with a Sword or sheild

Sheild - > Just as in OoT one of the Earliest tasks in game are to either find or be rewarded with a Sword or sheild

Clothing - You start with a set of Clothing appropriate to your race, (Clothes-Common for Hylian Clothes- Finery for Royal, Desert Garb- Gerudo Kokiri Dress- Kokiri.... Races that do not begin with clothing include Scrub, Goron Zora and Watarara... Though they can purchase clothing later on, Twili and Sheikah have an Unlockable clothing set specific to them...)

Boots - Not what your wearing on your feet at the moment... But the enchanted footgear Items in most Zelda Games... Like those nifty Hover boots? Iron Boots or Pegasus Shoes (Most Boots are Dungeon Items)

Armour - Anyone up for chainmail under there tunic? This is where it goes... Most temporary disguises/armours will be placed here Either Buy a chainmail or find a disguise/Armour

Mobility - Remember the Clawshot? how easy it was getting around with those? This is the slot for Items that make getting around easier... Everyone Gets ONE and there changeable by race, each works differently and some dungeons may require a different tool than the one you currently possess... Place it here once you get it...

Bow - Heroes gotta have a bow right? Your bow goes right here... When you find it...


Arrows 00 For when you get your Bow... Max Count will start at 30
Bombs 00 When you buy your Bomb Bag... Max count Starts at 20
Empty Bottle You DO start with ONE... And you'll end with ONE Pain in the ass huh?
Rupees 00 Find them.... You want them.... Max starter Wallet 99

Spoils Satchel Buy the satchel... A bit of advise... Buy it early...


Sex Drive: : I will roll for this stat...
Sexual Allure : I will roll for this stat...
Nipple Length : I will roll for this stat...
Nipple Witdh : I will roll for this stat...
Hip width : I will roll for this stat...
Height : I will roll for this stat...
Virgin : Yes (Default)
Breast size: I will roll for this stat...
Lactaion flow: None (Default)
Beauty Level: Average (Default)
Current Race: Whatever race you currently are

(Take Majora's Mask for example: Link Who is Hylian Became a Scrub/Goron/Zora

Hylian would be his Origin Whereas Scrub/Goron/Zora would be his Current race with one of the masks on...)



(Say your a Zora... And you've learned the Jump Attack It'll be put right here...)

Jump Attack

(See? This means it's a Technique Learned for your race... And can be used at just about anytime in combat...)


(This is where you place Techniques you have truely mastered! They can be used regardless of race, as Long as you are using the same weapon style that they orignated from IE: Switch to Goron Fist to use Goron Moves Giants Knife for Heavy Sword Attacks)


This is an area for Listing all the Techniques you've learned in ALL the OTHER fighting styles, not just the one your currently using... Just to help keep track of your progress...

How's that Iggy?
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Allura and Chris look good and are approved...

But as for those little things you just brought up Oni...

I don't beleive I said that Armour wasn't counted First... I beleive I said Armour was expendable... Which would mean Armour would pretty much absorb just about all the damage till its broken/dissolved/stripped

And The Defense system already DOES lower damage in quarters... The only difference between a Normal system and Mine is a Normal system counts upwards... From 1 to 6 in this case and Mine counts down as a Decimal starting at 2

Yes, a beginning score of 0 means that there is absolutely NO chance of a pregnancy... But... I have already included ways of this stat raising... And it's been said before... But I'll say it again here... Fertility is Unlowerable... Thats why it's 1:1 ratio value during Character Creation

Annd Seeds Go into the Ammo slot (Extra Seed Varients Are stored in Spoils Satchel)

And you ARE right in thinking that people don't start with there weapons or sheilds or Boots... Just there Basic/racial appropriate Clothing

Majority of the Zelda franchise has you look for a weapon early on in them...

I'm not saying that everyone has to go Modify just yet though... I'll soon finish everything I'm working on and ask Nunu for the Sub-Forum... And there I'll edit what needs to be edited... With notification of course
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP


That is all...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Allura and Chris look good and are approved...

But as for those little things you just brought up Oni...

I don't beleive I said that Armour wasn't counted First... I beleive I said Armour was expendable... Which would mean Armour would pretty much absorb just about all the damage till its broken/dissolved/stripped

And The Defense system already DOES lower damage in quarters... The only difference between a Normal system and Mine is a Normal system counts upwards... From 1 to 6 in this case and Mine counts down as a Decimal starting at 2

Oh, I never meant that you said armour isn't counted first, what I meant was that armour will always be used to defend against most damage. And I suggested changing the defence stat slightly because several people have been confused by it.

Yes, a beginning score of 0 means that there is absolutely NO chance of a pregnancy... But... I have already included ways of this stat raising... And it's been said before... But I'll say it again here... Fertility is Unlowerable... Thats why it's 1:1 ratio value during Character Creation

I assumed you had, though it was simply a suggestion for those who didn't want to get their characters pregnant because of them not liking the fetish. Like I said I have no problems with it, I only set it to that with Chris because it suits her character.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Aeriel Nimbus. Did I do it right?

Name: Aeriel Nimbus
Origin: Watarara
Age: 18 (but appears to look younger)
Lust 0
Fertility 0
Purity 20
Sensitivity 0
Speed 6
Attack 1
Defense 1.75
MP 6
Heart 4


Weapon -
Sheild -
Clothing - Watararan Tribal Clothing
Boots -
Armour -
Mobility - Flight
Bow -


Arrows 00
Bombs 00
Empty Bottle
Rupees 00

Spoils Satchel


Sex Drive: ((Roll))
Sexual Allure : ((Roll))
Nipple Length : ((Roll))
Nipple Witdh : ((Roll))
Hip width : ((Roll))
Height : ((Roll))
Virgin : Yes
Breast size: ((Roll))
Lactaion flow: None
Beauty Level: Average
Current Race: Watarara




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