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City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)


Demon Girl Pro
Mar 13, 2010
Reputation score
Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 20 Lewd

In the beginning were the Titans. Some called them gods, some called them demons. Some still saw them as only very powerful beings. Exactly what they were has been lost to myth a thousand years ago, when their terrible reign ended and they themselves vanished.

Vanished, that is, save for the towering mountain that looms over the city of Iresia. The mountain that even the bandits and monsters avoid. The mountain upon which lie ancient, towering ruins; the City of the Titans.

The City has lain dormant for hundreds of years, for fear of awakening what might lay within. Some things are better forgotten, and in modern times, few even know of its significance.

But over the past few weeks, the City has awakened. An unnatural storm hovers over the mountain, and monstrous raiders swarm the forests around the mountain, raiding Iresia and destroying all that they touch. In desperation, the City Elders have sent out a call for any brave enough to enter the City, and make it sleep once more...

None answered. The population of Iresia flooded out, fleeing the area as best they could, and none dared to oppose the might of the Titans, fearing the beginning of the end-times.

None, that is, save one.

As she pushes through the undergrowth of the ancient forest surrounding the mountain, Alura ponders on the surprise of the Elders when she offered to meet the challenge. They had clearly almost lost hope, and although there had been muttering and doubt in their eyes as they looked her over, they were willing to take any chance, however slim.

They'd clearly hoped to be able to send an entire band of hardy soldiers and mages, backed up by their own militia, but with only one volunteer, that plan went out the window. The Chief Counsellor had informed her that Iresia's soldiers were stretched thin, and wouldn't be able to make a difference to her. Stealth and cunning would be her best assets, and a few armoured men wouldn't aid that.

The subtext, of course, was that she wasn't expected to succeed, and they didn't want to waste resources on a fool's errand.

She'd had little option but to agree.

Without warning, the old hunting trail she's been using comes to a halt. No Iresian ever went further than this. That would take them too close to the City.

But she can see other trails - the thin, small tracks of goblins.

Goblins were no real threat. The least of the monsters that had swarmed into the area, little more than cowardly savages, unlikely to attack without far superior numbers. Following their trails might give her a safe path to the mountain - but she could also run into the creatures themselves, and a goblin warband would be stressful to fight.

The air here has a strange, taut quality - the feel of high background magic. It had been getting stronger for some time now, the power of the City tangible to someone of her training. A little scrying might find a goblin-free path to the walls... or it could blow up in her face. Even a small spell in an area like this could backfire spectacularly.

Decisions, decisions...

Option 1: Follow the goblin trails (Explore[Combat])
Option 2: Scry a route (Magic)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Making five arcane gestures she conjures an eye of fire...and she looks at it disapprovingly, not because she failed to cast the spell. More because no matter what she did now a days her spells always were made of fire. But at least this would do the job she needed done. Concentrating a little more she split the eye in two then split it again, giving her four eyes to scout the area with. Hopefully the four would be effective enough at keeping an eye on the path's to get her forward without any unwanted distractions.

(spirit to scry and are for a goblin free path.)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 20 Lewd

Spirit (18) - 7+9 = 16, fail (Lose 2 Spirit. Gain 2 Spirit.)

The eyes buzz and crackle, and she finds herself having to extend more energy than usual - not to maintain the spell, but the opposite, prevent it from going out of control!

After the third time that one of the glowing orbs explodes in a hail of sparks, nearly setting a tree on fire, she extinguishes two of them, trusting to them to guide her safely. And although the magic continues to be capricious, she does find her way through the trees without incident.

Then something makes her extinguish the spell entirely. There's something... different about the trees.

She can see the wall now of the City now, towering blocks of stone rising above the treetops, but below the canopy, it is dark. Obscured. Oppressive. The trees are twisted, seeming to leer malevolently at her, creaking when she isn't looking.

Fighting down sudden unease, she continues to cautiously advance, wondering where she recognises this from.

She has been walking for some minutes when she suddenly spots a glowing light hanging from a tree branch. She spins, ready to attack, and comes face to face with... nothing. Just a gnarled tree. But other lights show up in the corner of her eye.

And then it hits her. She has found a patch of the Dark Wild.

The old stories say that once, the Dark Wild covered vast tracts of the land. Forests of secret, wild things, passionate and destructive, despising restraint and civilisation in all its forms. A place where the trees themselves watched and waited to strike.

Over the centuries, the Dark Wild retreated to just a few, lonely woods on the edges of the known world. To find some here, only a few miles for Iresia...

And that meant that the little lights watching her and playing games were no illusions. They were Dark Sprites.

She begins advancing again, making sure to stay away from the trees - easier said than done, but she manages it. So long as she keep a respectful distance, and avoid touching the cursed wood, she should be fine.

Then, suddenly, the wall is there. She smiles in relief - not only did her spell guide her truely, she is outside one of the gates. Although presumably not the main gate to the place. She is just pondering how to open it, when her stomach lurches.

What she is looking at is not a gate. It is a towering array of vines and interwoven branches from the trees. More of the vines cover the walls as far as the eye can see.

As if this is not bad enough, there are creatures crawling over the mass of vegetation. They're hard to spot, being an identical colour to the branches; small, pointy creatures with glowing green eyes that scuttle at random. Sprites in physical form.

She wracks her brain to think of how to deal with this obstacle. Simply attacking would be pointless. The Sprites would probably summon every monster in the City, and doubtless the gate is magically sealed, so she'd gain nothing. The creatures themselves were immortal as long as their host tree lived - and there was no shortage of suspects on that score. No, she'd have to try and play their game somehow.

Sprites were capricious, she recalls. If you could impress them suitably, try and play by the rules of the Wild, they'd let you pass. The old stories of the Wild were full of passionate, raw, animal lust and the loss of all 'civilised' restraint...

She blushes at the idea that generates, and quickly tries to think of something else. The other thing associated with the Dark Wild was the idea of the unseen hunter, the predator that you never see coming. Perhaps if she tries to climb through stealthily, avoiding the Sprites, they'll leave her alone.

Both are long shots, but they might work...

Option 1: Give the Sprites a show of 'unrestrained passion' (Naughty[Spirit])
Option 2: Sneak past them (Explore[Spirit])
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Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Walking through the woods is creepy enough. Remembering all the stories is only making things worse, she pushed those thoughts aside. She stands at the base of the mess of vines, looking up they seems to stretch up the whole length of the wall. And while the idea of showing off animal lust enters her mind, her lack of experience in such area's of lust means it's not worth trying. better to be the stealthy hunter, luckily her training in combat should help her move quickly. Quietly on the other hand that could be difficult, luckily she has had some training in this, and crawling though dungeons teaches you discretion is the better part of all encounters. Taking a deep breath she begins upwards, trying to remain hidden and swift.

Starting up the vines she realizes they are harder to climb then originally expected, so she makes an executive decision. Being swift is almost as good as being hidden, if your past them before they look then you were invisible. Best to move as quickly as possible, staying hidden will hopefully happen as well but without luck she is up a creek without a paddle anyways. Besides if she gets about two thirds of the way up she can always jump and try to use a burst of fire under her to propel her to the top, should things get desperate, she hopes things do not get desperate enough for her to need to try that.

(explore; climb the vines swiftly and quietly....or at the very least quickly)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 20 Lewd

Explore (20) - 20+8 = 28, pass

The branches creak and shake, and generally do their best to prove awkward, but luck is with Alura. She flits up the wall like a monkey, and although the Sprites snarl and make grabs for her, one senses that they aren't serious. More of the creatures slink out of the wood, blocking her path, but she doesn't hesitate, swinging across to another section of the wall to avoid the newcomers. Then, before she knows it, she is standing on top of the wall.

She looks down, expecting the Sprites to be in pursuit, but there is no sign of any of them. Clearly her gambit worked out.

She's breathing hard, and her arms ache, but the first obstacle has been overcome! She allows herself a small moment of triumph, then looks over the wall.

Then she realises that there is a problem. A big problem.

The ruins are covered with moss and vines and undergrowth, all bearing the distinctive mark of the Dark Wild. And at the centre of the courtyard, the ultimate incarnation of the Dark Wild: a Black Totem.

A roughly hewn pillar of almost black wood, resonating with magic. She can feel it calling to her, filling her mind with images of rampant destruction and chaos. And sprawled in the ruins around it are the race that carves the Totems. Beastmen.

Each one is seven foot of solid muscle, crowned by a ram's head with razored teeth and red eyes. Their brown, coarse hair is their only covering save for trophy belts, but their hide is tough. Crude axes and spears are scattered around, and at least one near the Totem itself has the bulky stag's-head mask and staff of a shaman.

There aren't many visible. Most of the beastmen are probably out hunting and killing; resting here in a city must grate their nerves. It would be hard, but she could theoretically fight her way through. They were powerful, they were tough, but organised? Not even slightly.

Another option springs to mind - destroy the Totem. The backlash of magical energies, to beings so attuned to them, could very effectively disable the tribe. But beastmen were so rare, that she has no idea whether it would work. It could even do the opposite, send them into a berserk fury.

One thing is depressingly clear - she won't be able to sneak through. From her vantage point, she can see the walls of the city beyond, and the gatehouse to get through to the next level is clearly guarded. The same almost certainly goes for any other routes up.

She weighs up her options as she carefully climbs down the wall.

Option 1: Attack the beastmen (Combat[Naughty])
Option 2: Destroy the Totem (Spirit[Combat])
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

'Finally something I can actually fight.' was the first though running through Alura's mind. If only for a second, she realized she did have bigger fish to fry as it were. But she did enjoy a good fight and these beast men looked like they could offer it.

Getting down the wall she found herself a vantage point could see the totem and still not be harassed by the beast men. And while she enjoys fighting she enjoys blowing up massive items seeping with dark magic more, if nothing else destroying this would cause the beast men to lose their position in raiding the towns nearby. Or if she was lucky it would also send them scattering from here not to bother the area again. But then again fighter her way though was probably safer, lord only knows how much magic it would take to get that thing to blow up. She hated herself for this, she always second guessed herself, this was an issue that her master tried to train out of her. 'Pick the action you are most confident in and let fate determine the rest' he always said.

While she was confident in her magic, she was more confident in her combat ability. deciding a blitz would probably be the best way to disorient the few of the beast men that were in her way. She used her vantage point to launch herself forward, releasing a burst of fire from her feet to propel her forward he struck the first beast man hard and fast. Hoping both the force of her first blow and the element of surprise would take it him down before he could even react. From there she would use another burst to get to the next beast man as quickly as possible, moving as quickly as possible. She definitely did not want to get overwhelmed by these things.

(Combat, here is hoping for some luck. And if not at least some fun naughty action)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 27/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 10/20 Lewd

Combat (20, Naughty x2) - 4+9 = 13, Fail. (Lose 7 HP and 14 Lewd.)

Her first few 'bouncing' attacks work, bellows of fury rising up, but the monsters unable to catch the swift girl. Half a dozen are knocked to the ground, stunned, and for a moment it seems like it's going to work... and then her flames abruptly die, extinguished by the force of some external magic.

The shaman barks another arcane word as she struggles to reactivate the spell, and then a spear butt hammers into her chest. She reels, gasping for breath as the creatures close in, then she feels herself being steadily pummelled into submission.

She does her best, kicking and punching away her attackers, but there are simply too many, and her fire spells keep being cancelled out. Finally, she receives a heavy punch to the forehead, and goes down hard, vision blurring.

The beastmen roar in triumph, and then large fingers claw at her clothing, tearing it to shreds in short order. Her mind fogs, a curious musky smell filling her nostrils as she is beasthandled over to the Totem, a rhythmic, gruff chant echoing. Her renewed struggles are ignored as loincloths are discarded, and one hefty individual yanks her legs apart, placing the thick head of his bulging member against her sex. Then her arms are released, and she literally falls face first into the lap of the shaman, who levers her mouth open. She chokes violently as the huge member is forced down her throat, and then she gives a muffled scream as the monster behind her impales her viciously.

Then the beastman holding her legs begins yanking her back and forth, sliding between the two of them. She struggles to breathe, fingers scrabbling to part the shaman's dense, rank fur before her hands are yanked away, and she feels then being wrapped around more solid rods. All she can see is hair, but she doesn't need to see to know what they are. Then her breasts are yanked outwards, wrapped around a bulging lump of flesh each. Then something else presses against her asshole, and something hammers inside.

It hurts. A lot. They probably don't even understand the concept of a 'gentle' lover, and with no kind of foreplay at all, no preparation, she feels blood trickling from both of her holes. But somehow, with the magical calling of the Totem, the thick musk of the beastmen, the intensity, she finds herself playing along inside of fighting. It makes little difference, their control over her body already total, but she begins to respond to the brutal attention.

For what seems like forever, but is probably only half an hour at most, she is lost in a fog of animalistic passion, as she is passed between the monsters and abused in every way imaginable. She is aware of climaxing herself a few times, but mostly the torrents of cum. When the last member pulses and empties inside her, and nothing replaces it, she slowly opens her eyes, her mind clearing.

She is drenched in their seed, the rancid taste filling her mouth, more dribbling from her sex and ass, her body aching all over, both from the beating and the rape. But it seems to be over. Most of the beastmen are back where they were when she climbed the wall, dozing or idly keeping watch. Their entertainment was finished.

Then she is yanked to her feet, and something wooden forced into her mouth. She splutters as something fiery and vile-tasting is forced down her throat, but the drink revitalises her, at least some of her energy returning. Then she's yanked again, realising that a crude collar and leash made from vines and wood has been placed around her neck, and she stumbles to keep up with the shaman as he pulls her mercilessly... towards the gatehouse.

Her heart soars, even as her stomach does a backflip. The gatehouse, the only way to the next level. If she can escape her captors, get through, hopefully find some clothing, she can still complete her task. But the only reason she'd be being taken to the gatehouse would be... if there was something waiting for her there.

Two more beastmen guard the entrance, and they eye her with undisguised lust and hunger. Another story springs to mind about beastmen - they will eat anything, including humans. If she can't get away, she'll become their tribal fucktoy... and then a banquet when they tire of her.

This memory gives her focus, and it is the only thing that allows her to keep her nerve when she is thrown into the gatehouse, and sees the occupant.

It's a minotaur. Ten foot of solid bone and muscle, crowned by horns the size of her arms. It - no, he eyes her, snorting, then rises to his feet. Her eyes are drawn inevitably downwards to the huge erection. If that went inside her... she'd be looking at permanent damage.

She desperately reaches for her flame, and incinerates the vine leash tying her down, as the minotaur chieftain advances. Then she realises that she has another problem. A bark-coloured, toothy problem. The vine-laden walls of the gatehouse are crawling with Sprites, eager to suck on her life-force...

The Minotaur Chieftain (Sub-boss)
Part 1: Defeat the Minotaur (Combat[Naughty])
Part 2: Resist the Sprites (Spirit)

(Gain 4 HP and 4 Lewd.)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

The first and only though that enters her mind as she enters the guard house is 'you have got to be kidding me. NO way in hell can I take that, but then again it's that or get fucked to death.' taking stalk of the room as she prepare to strike at him 'great and there are sprites here. Well this is just great, ah well time to light this room on fire. Hopefully.' Her mind returns to the task at hand and shifts her focus.

Muttering her words of power she pushes mana out of her body and ignites it. Hoping that will be enough to damage the vines and keep the sprites off as she lunges at the minotaur. No sense in beating around the bush, she needs to put him down, and get out of here fast before these things eventually wear her down. As she knows quite well they will before long.

Her only hope is some luck and the hope that this minotaur chieftain has a glass jaw. -combat/naught, then spirit-

(this is a boss encounter right so I need to do both? If not I'm just gonna fight the chieftain if I need to do both the point is moot.)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 25/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 9/20 Lewd

Combat (21, Combat x1, Naughty x1) - 11+9 = 20, Fail. (Lose 2 HP and 1 Lewd.)
Spirit (16) - 12+9 = 21, Pass.

The minotaur bellows, and swings a punch like a sledgehammer. She is able to dodge the worst of it, but it still clips her arm, sending her slamming into the ground. She tries to get up, and finds herself pinned by Sprites, who chitter with glee, their hard, rough little hands pawing at her. She shrieks as a tiny set of claws pinch at her nipples, and unleashes a wave of flame. The Sprites retreat indignantly, screeching and chattering like monkeys.

She leaps to her feet, just in time to dodge another hammer blow from the minotaur, breathing hard. It's slow, but with that much muscle...
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

She stands ready waiting for the next strike. Giving him time to make it she uses her burst of fire to dodge the attack. And as she does shift her weight into the monster launching herself at his head trying to land a good high velocity hit. Hopefully knock him out or at least stun him for a moment. The sprites appear to be more annoying the expected but the waves of heat she is pushing out seems to be keeping them at bay. At least for now.

She continues her fight, hoping to get an opening, to get out of here and further into the city. Although killing the minotaur would be a nice bonus. Either way keeping herself from getting clobbered and sucked dry is her main concern at the moment.

(give it another go, hopefully with better results this time.)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 7/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 0/20 Lewd

Combat (19, Combat x1, Naughty x1) - 1+9 = 10, Fail. (Lose 18 HP and 9 Lewd. OWCH.)
Spirit (14) - 17+9 = 26, Pass.

The idea is fine in theory. After all, she knows she has a mean punch, more than a few beastmen outside have the black eyes and concussions to prove it.

The problem is, minotaurs settle their differences by ramming each other at high speed, resulting in a thick layer of bone on their foreheads. So what should have been a stunning blow jars her arm, bloodies her knuckles, and leaves her in a perfect position to be snatched up by the angry bull-man.

And he does just that, pulling her against his hairy form and bear-hugging her until her ribs creak and she's seeing stars. Then she is hurled at the floor, squirming weakly. A Sprite bites at her breasts before retreating, and she feels a curious sensation in them as the minotaur leans over her.

For a moment, she is sure that it'll ram its titanic member inside her and split her in two, but it seems to change its mind, moving forwards and bellowing in her face as she tries to crawl away. A massive paw grasps each of her tits, and squeezes hard. She mewls in pain, struggling, then feels warm liquid spraying out over them. She refuses to look at first, thinking it must be her blood, but then she realises that it isn't. It's milk.

The Sprite's bite, she realises foggily. Dark Wild magic. More of the warm, rich liquid spurts out with each squeeze, then the minotaur crouches on her, yanking her breasts over its manhood. They barely reach, and as it begins thrusting violently, it is only the milk dripping from her nipples, keeping it lubricated, that prevent them from being rubbed raw and torn apart by the force.

She writhes in pain, sparks of fire erupting from her body repelling the Sprites, but having little effect on the minotaur. For what seems like forever, it thrusts against her... then it pauses, member pulsing, before reaching out and pulling her head up, yanking her mouth open. She barely has time to cry out before it thrusts forward again, and a torrent of cum spurts into her mouth, filling it and choking her, most spilling out, her mouth simply unable to hold that much. Satisfied, the beast stands, stalking away and leaving her lying in the corner, broken and covered in hot, sticky liquid of various sources.

It will no doubt be back for her shortly... but she has a moment to recover...
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

(poor Alura, getting shitty luck here.)

After the last even she is starting to get sick of things fucking her and spraying her with their cum. In fact she is starting to get sick of the male genitalia in general. Either way she has a moment to gather her thoughts. Which she does, hitting it's head does not work, hitting he's chest seems like it would do even less. So there is only one option left open to her. Aim for the family jewels. No male she ever met could stand a strong shot to the groin. Hopefully minotaurs are no different. And even if it does not stun him, it puts her in a good position to blast him in the chest for maximum force, it seems brute force is really the only way to get this guy to lose the fight in him.

Taking a moment to gather he strength and thoughts, she pushes her strength up and surges forward. Knowing that things are not looking good and if they don't start improving quickly this is going to end very badly for her.

(Third verse same as the first, this time without the nat one hopefully.)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 7/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 0/20 Lewd

Combat (17, Combat x1, Naughty x1. Second Wind.) - 8+9 = 17, Pass.
Spirit (12) - 6+9 = 15, Pass.

Finally, a result. As the Chieftain looks up as she approaches, it snarls - and then bellows in pain as her foot lands on target. It staggers back, and she loses no time in following up her attack, kicking and punching at the muscled stomach and chest. It continues to reel, and for a moment, it looks like she's won... then it sets its stance, and blocks her fist, throwing a heavy blow that forces her to retreat or risk losing her head. It's pissed off now. But it's also hurting, and backed into a corner. If she can get a few good hits in, maybe with a little fire magic... it'll go down for good.
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Letting her anger at the thing abusing her, and it's followers doing the same. She lets her anger fuel her magic, as pure mana begins to shroud her body. Letting it ignite into flames she surges forward again this time leaving nothing back. Letting her fire enfused fists pummel the beast, as she remembers the last bit of her life and how close she was to it's end. She releases it all upon the minotaur.

As it slumps forward after her blast of strikes she simple points her finger at the beasts head. Releasing a single beam of fire from her finger into the Minotaurs forehead. Searing a hold into his head, and making damn sure he does not get up anymore.
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 9/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 2/20 Lewd

Combat (15, Combat x1, Naughty x1. Second Wind.) - 20+9 = 29, Pass.
Spirit (10) - 3+9 = 12, Pass.
Stage complete, gain 2 HP and 2 Lewd.


The minotaur's head simply vanishes in an explosion of blood, adding yet another sticky liquid to the variety already covering her aching, naked body. With the death of their herald, the Sprites slink back into the vines, leaving her alone. A moment later, there is a pounding on the door to the gatehouse, as the beastmen outside sense something amiss.

There is no time to waste. She hurries past the fallen body of her foe, and peers at the tall gate on the other side of the gatehouse - a solid chunk of metal, steel perhaps. No way can she batter this down or melt it, not before the beastmen break in.

She looks over it hurriedly, urgently. Perhaps there is some trick, some detail she's missing, like a secret lever or switch. There's certainly no obvious way of opening it from this side. Part of her wants to try the direct approach, though, and feel around in the mechanisms with her magic, to try and trigger it that way...

Option 1: Look for a secret control (Explore)
Option 2: Use magic to trigger the gate to open (Spirit)

(Congrats, first stage complete! No more Beastmen. Now for the proper soldiers...)
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Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Knowing full well that time is of the essence. And also finding someplace where she is not in imminent danger is also required. She has a lot of rather unpleasant liquids to get off of her body.

But that has to wait as this is neither the time nor the place, well onwards and upwards as they say. She needs to get out of this place and while looking for the lever might be less draining, it is also probably slower. The fastest way to get past this is to just open it with magic. Taking two options she hopes the easier one works, she reaches out with her magic eyes again trying to find the lever. IF that does not work, fire can cause some serious damage to structures and might open a way past the door.

But she really, really hoped that would not be necessary. She was already making a pretty big scene in this place and she would really like to avoid making it any worse as there are probably more guards of some kind ahead.

(Spirit the door open, and if that fails blow it open....I really hope it does not fail. Either way spirit is the path of choice.)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 11/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 4/20 Lewd

Spirt (18) - 18+9 = 27, Pass.
Stage complete, gain 2 HP and 2 Lewd.

Alura is in luck, as her spell isolates the carefully concealed lever. She yanks it hurriedly, and the steel gate grinds open. She dives through it, and a moment later, it slams shut, just in time to obstruct the vengeful beastmen. Hurriedly she dives for the shadows, crawling into the recess of... a wood pile?

She takes in her surroundings, and her heart sinks. She'd known that she might have to face this, but she'd anticipated being at full strength, rather than raped and weakened.

This level is a mass of huge tents and crude wooden huts. Emblazoned on each is the stylised emblem of a red spider.

These were no tribal thugs or cowardly goblins. This was the Bloodspider Legion, the most feared unit of ogre mercenaries in the known world. Small patrols of them stalk around, one moving to check the gatehouse.

They are tall and well built, slightly smaller than the minotaur she had just faced, but wearing plate armour and with solid weapons. They lack the overwhelming, magic-fuelled presence and sheer energy of the beastmen, but they are strong, well equipped and disciplined.

On the plus side, they're not particularly bright.

She cowers as the patrol grunts, then moves on. She stealthily slips over to one of the tents, and to her great relief, finds it empty. With a little time to herself, she wipes herself down with some rags she finds. It'll take a proper bath to make herself feel even slightly clean again, but it's better than nothing. She also finds what is meant to be a leather shirt, but on her, is more like a robe. She hacks it down to size a little, and somewhat cleaner and clothed, she turns to her current problem.

The ogres clearly aren't responsible for this mess. They're just dumb brutes, attracted by the carnage much like the beastmen of the lower level. So she needs to continue into the city, further up. Which will probably mean another gatehouse.

So she has to work out how to cross a large camp full of ogre soldiers, without getting caught. An open fight would be suicide - and it really would be; based on the stories, she'd be looking at dying on the spot rather than another gangbang.

Which means that she can't be seen - which is either a case of sneaking through, or trying to cause a magical distraction to draw the ogres off...

Option 1: Sneak around the camp (Explore[Combat])
Option 2: Create a distraction (Spirit[Combat])
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)


She sighs as everything unfolds in front of her. Taking the moment to clean up she happily sits for a moment taking in her situation. After second, she decides it would be best to try to make a distraction. Something big and flashy, she just needed the ogre's to leave to investigate, not necessarily find anything. Thinking on it she has the perfect spell for the job.

She casts it as quietly and covertly as possible, comet fall creating a fireball in the sky as high as she can she crashes it into an area just to the side of the camp. Hoping most of the Ogre's will go investigate giving her time and opportunity to sneak past. Where she was going is still up in the air, as she does not know where the guard house is but she has a few guesses and sitting here thinking is not going to get anything done.
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Alura Firebrand

Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 13/30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 6/20 Lewd

Spirit (19) - 20+9 = 29, Pass.
Stage complete, gain 2 HP and 2 Lewd.

The spell works even better than she could have hoped. The unpredictable magic of the area turns a fireball into raging inferno, and ogres pour out of their tents and away from their posts, hurrying to try and quell the flames. A few glare around ominously, trying to locate the source, but they have far bigger problems.

Thus, Alura is able to more or less walk through the camp freely, not even bothering to hide much. Although she has to avoid occasional groups hauling huge buckets of water, she is completely ignored. There's a little spring in her step when she manages to find the gatehouse. As she pulls open the doors, she realises something is different here.

For one thing, this isn't a gatehouse - it's more like a full-scale tower. The walls to the next level must be incredibly thick, which leads her to the conclusion that perhaps what she has passed through were later additions, not part of the original city. She's getting close to her goal, she can almost taste it.

The other thing that occurs to her is that there is an odd smell, faintly musty...

Then something knocks her to the ground, and before she can react, she feels fangs sink into her neck, and she falls into darkness.


She wakes slowly, drowsily. Her muscles feel weak, loose, unwilling to move. Some venom in her blood, she realises, the same one that knocked her out. Then she pries her eyes open, and almost wishes she was still with the beastmen.

She's tangled in a huge spider's web, her limbs splayed out lewdly, her makeshift leather garment missing. And the owner of the web is perched on the ground below her, eyeing her hungrily. An arachnian; an intelligent spider with a body the size of a wolf.

Alura thrashes desperately, making little progress, and the arachnian chitters in annoyance. "None of that," it hisses. "I'm not going to eat you. Hold still, I just need to harvest some essence..."

A pair of massive legs move onto the web, and it begins to crawl up towards her, as her heart pounds.

She racks her brain, trying to think of what to do. The obvious instinct is to fight, but helpless, trapped on the web, poisoned... the creature itself doesn't look tough, but it holds all the advantages.

On the other hand, the stories say that fighting against an arachnian just angers them. If she submits to it, and it's telling the truth about not wanting to eat her (why would it lie, after all?), it might leave her alone when it has what it wants. Give her a little time to recover before facing the real city...

She feels the hairs brush against her knee. She has to decide fast...

Option 1: Cooperate with the spider (Naughty[Spirit], Encampment, Hidden)
Option 2: Try to escape the web and kill it (Spirit[Combat], Miniboss)
Re: City of the Titans (Fireofthemonkey)

Spending the first five seconds of her time awake kicking herself mentally for letting her guard down so completely. Knowing that will get here all of no where, she comes to a point of decision. Do I like the spider gather essence, not entirely sure how he would do this but it seems like he would be eating her out for it. The thought of which sends shivers down her spine, she did not like that idea. Hell she never liked the idea of having relations with the monsters of the world, she accepted it as a risk that never meant she liked the idea.

Looking at her situation, she had little to no choice, she could burst some fire out of her hands but she was not sure how effective that would be. The idea of being raped again truly not something she liked the idea of she figured if she was going to lose in this place, she would not go down submitting to some spider without a fight. Welling up some mana into her limbs she bursts it out igniting it, hoping to break the bonds on the web freeing her. And directly after that spinning the ignited mana around her body trying to catch the spider in it, or at the very least force him back so she can try to find out more about what it wants to do. She closes her eyes and prepares to execute her plan.

Her plan consists of bursting out of the web, and having a small conversation with mister spider. If she burst out and kills it in the first strike then who cares, if she has to fight it she'll try to find out what exactly it wants. If what it wants is truly easy for her to give she may actually end up letting the spider get this essence it seeks.

(Burst out of the web, Spirit[Combat]; should the check fail she will try to talk with the spider to get it to explain what it wants to do exactly.)